blob: b016cf080dadfdf19bc4308223ced4a2c8d5aa65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:camera_android_camerax/camera_android_camerax.dart';
import 'package:camera_android_camerax_example/camera_controller.dart';
import 'package:camera_android_camerax_example/camera_image.dart';
import 'package:camera_platform_interface/camera_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:integration_test/integration_test.dart';
void main() {
setUpAll(() async {
CameraPlatform.instance = AndroidCameraCameraX();
final Map<ResolutionPreset, Size> presetExpectedSizes =
<ResolutionPreset, Size>{
ResolutionPreset.low: const Size(240, 320),
ResolutionPreset.medium: const Size(480, 720),
ResolutionPreset.high: const Size(720, 1280),
ResolutionPreset.veryHigh: const Size(1080, 1920),
ResolutionPreset.ultraHigh: const Size(2160, 3840),
// Don't bother checking for max here since it could be anything.
/// Verify that [actual] has dimensions that are at most as large as
/// [expectedSize]. Allows for a mismatch in portrait vs landscape. Returns
/// whether the dimensions exactly match.
bool assertExpectedDimensions(Size expectedSize, Size actual) {
expect(actual.shortestSide, lessThanOrEqualTo(expectedSize.shortestSide));
expect(actual.longestSide, lessThanOrEqualTo(expectedSize.longestSide));
return actual.shortestSide == expectedSize.shortestSide &&
actual.longestSide == expectedSize.longestSide;
// This tests that the capture is no bigger than the preset, since we have
// automatic code to fall back to smaller sizes when we need to. Returns
// whether the image is exactly the desired resolution.
Future<bool> testCaptureImageResolution(
CameraController controller, ResolutionPreset preset) async {
final Size expectedSize = presetExpectedSizes[preset]!;
// Take Picture
final XFile file = await controller.takePicture();
// Load picture
final File fileImage = File(file.path);
final Image image = await decodeImageFromList(fileImage.readAsBytesSync());
// Verify image dimensions are as expected
expect(image, isNotNull);
return assertExpectedDimensions(
expectedSize, Size(image.height.toDouble(), image.width.toDouble()));
testWidgets('availableCameras only supports valid back or front cameras',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
final List<CameraDescription> availableCameras =
await CameraPlatform.instance.availableCameras();
for (final CameraDescription cameraDescription in availableCameras) {
cameraDescription.lensDirection, isNot(CameraLensDirection.external));
expect(cameraDescription.sensorOrientation, anyOf(0, 90, 180, 270));
testWidgets('Capture specific image resolutions',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
final List<CameraDescription> cameras =
await CameraPlatform.instance.availableCameras();
if (cameras.isEmpty) {
for (final CameraDescription cameraDescription in cameras) {
bool previousPresetExactlySupported = true;
for (final MapEntry<ResolutionPreset, Size> preset
in presetExpectedSizes.entries) {
final CameraController controller =
CameraController(cameraDescription, preset.key);
await controller.initialize();
final bool presetExactlySupported =
await testCaptureImageResolution(controller, preset.key);
// Ensures that if a lower resolution was used for previous (lower)
// resolution preset, then the current (higher) preset also is adjusted,
// as it demands a hgher resolution.
previousPresetExactlySupported || !presetExactlySupported, isTrue,
'The camera took higher resolution pictures at a lower resolution.');
previousPresetExactlySupported = presetExactlySupported;
await controller.dispose();
testWidgets('Preview takes expected resolution from preset',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
final List<CameraDescription> cameras =
await CameraPlatform.instance.availableCameras();
if (cameras.isEmpty) {
for (final CameraDescription cameraDescription in cameras) {
bool previousPresetExactlySupported = true;
for (final MapEntry<ResolutionPreset, Size> preset
in presetExpectedSizes.entries) {
final CameraController controller =
CameraController(cameraDescription, preset.key);
await controller.initialize();
while (controller.value.previewSize == null) {
// Wait for preview size to update.
final bool presetExactlySupported = assertExpectedDimensions(
preset.value, controller.value.previewSize!);
// Ensures that if a lower resolution was used for previous (lower)
// resolution preset, then the current (higher) preset also is adjusted,
// as it demands a hgher resolution.
previousPresetExactlySupported || !presetExactlySupported, isTrue,
reason: 'The preview has a lower resolution than that specified.');
previousPresetExactlySupported = presetExactlySupported;
await controller.dispose();
testWidgets('Images from streaming have expected resolution from preset',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
final List<CameraDescription> cameras =
await CameraPlatform.instance.availableCameras();
if (cameras.isEmpty) {
for (final CameraDescription cameraDescription in cameras) {
bool previousPresetExactlySupported = true;
for (final MapEntry<ResolutionPreset, Size> preset
in presetExpectedSizes.entries) {
final CameraController controller =
CameraController(cameraDescription, preset.key);
final Completer<CameraImage> imageCompleter = Completer<CameraImage>();
await controller.initialize();
await controller.startImageStream((CameraImage image) {
final CameraImage image = await imageCompleter.future;
final bool presetExactlySupported = assertExpectedDimensions(
Size(image.height.toDouble(), image.width.toDouble()));
// Ensures that if a lower resolution was used for previous (lower)
// resolution preset, then the current (higher) preset also is adjusted,
// as it demands a hgher resolution.
previousPresetExactlySupported || !presetExactlySupported, isTrue,
reason: 'The preview has a lower resolution than that specified.');
previousPresetExactlySupported = presetExactlySupported;
await controller.dispose();