blob: c1215d143f0a9766450f371ba5f1b31b94b994c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:camera_platform_interface/camera_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove all of these classes in a breaking change, and
// vend the platform interface versions directly. See
/// A single color plane of image data.
/// The number and meaning of the planes in an image are determined by the
/// format of the Image.
class Plane {
Plane._fromPlatformInterface(CameraImagePlane plane)
: bytes = plane.bytes,
bytesPerPixel = plane.bytesPerPixel,
bytesPerRow = plane.bytesPerRow,
height = plane.height,
width = plane.width;
// Only used by the deprecated codepath that's kept to avoid breaking changes.
// Never called by the plugin itself.
Plane._fromPlatformData(Map<dynamic, dynamic> data)
: bytes = data['bytes'] as Uint8List,
bytesPerPixel = data['bytesPerPixel'] as int?,
bytesPerRow = data['bytesPerRow'] as int,
height = data['height'] as int?,
width = data['width'] as int?;
/// Bytes representing this plane.
final Uint8List bytes;
/// The distance between adjacent pixel samples on Android, in bytes.
/// Will be `null` on iOS.
final int? bytesPerPixel;
/// The row stride for this color plane, in bytes.
final int bytesPerRow;
/// Height of the pixel buffer on iOS.
/// Will be `null` on Android
final int? height;
/// Width of the pixel buffer on iOS.
/// Will be `null` on Android.
final int? width;
/// Describes how pixels are represented in an image.
class ImageFormat {
ImageFormat._fromPlatformInterface(CameraImageFormat format)
: group =,
raw = format.raw;
// Only used by the deprecated codepath that's kept to avoid breaking changes.
// Never called by the plugin itself.
ImageFormat._fromPlatformData(this.raw) : group = _asImageFormatGroup(raw);
/// Describes the format group the raw image format falls into.
final ImageFormatGroup group;
/// Raw version of the format from the Android or iOS platform.
/// On Android, this is an `int` from class ``. See
/// On iOS, this is a `FourCharCode` constant from Pixel Format Identifiers.
/// See
final dynamic raw;
// Only used by the deprecated codepath that's kept to avoid breaking changes.
// Never called by the plugin itself.
ImageFormatGroup _asImageFormatGroup(dynamic rawFormat) {
if (defaultTargetPlatform == {
switch (rawFormat) {
case 35:
return ImageFormatGroup.yuv420;
case 256:
return ImageFormatGroup.jpeg;
if (defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS) {
switch (rawFormat) {
// kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange
case 875704438:
return ImageFormatGroup.yuv420;
// kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA
case 1111970369:
return ImageFormatGroup.bgra8888;
return ImageFormatGroup.unknown;
/// A single complete image buffer from the platform camera.
/// This class allows for direct application access to the pixel data of an
/// Image through one or more [Uint8List]. Each buffer is encapsulated in a
/// [Plane] that describes the layout of the pixel data in that plane. The
/// [CameraImage] is not directly usable as a UI resource.
/// Although not all image formats are planar on iOS, we treat 1-dimensional
/// images as single planar images.
class CameraImage {
/// Creates a [CameraImage] from the platform interface version.
CameraImage.fromPlatformInterface(CameraImageData data)
: format = ImageFormat._fromPlatformInterface(data.format),
height = data.height,
width = data.width,
planes = List<Plane>.unmodifiable(<Plane>(
(CameraImagePlane plane) => Plane._fromPlatformInterface(plane))),
lensAperture = data.lensAperture,
sensorExposureTime = data.sensorExposureTime,
sensorSensitivity = data.sensorSensitivity;
/// Creates a [CameraImage] from method channel data.
@Deprecated('Use fromPlatformInterface instead')
CameraImage.fromPlatformData(Map<dynamic, dynamic> data)
: format = ImageFormat._fromPlatformData(data['format']),
height = data['height'] as int,
width = data['width'] as int,
lensAperture = data['lensAperture'] as double?,
sensorExposureTime = data['sensorExposureTime'] as int?,
sensorSensitivity = data['sensorSensitivity'] as double?,
planes = List<Plane>.unmodifiable((data['planes'] as List<dynamic>)
.map<Plane>((dynamic planeData) =>
Plane._fromPlatformData(planeData as Map<dynamic, dynamic>)));
/// Format of the image provided.
/// Determines the number of planes needed to represent the image, and
/// the general layout of the pixel data in each [Uint8List].
final ImageFormat format;
/// Height of the image in pixels.
/// For formats where some color channels are subsampled, this is the height
/// of the largest-resolution plane.
final int height;
/// Width of the image in pixels.
/// For formats where some color channels are subsampled, this is the width
/// of the largest-resolution plane.
final int width;
/// The pixels planes for this image.
/// The number of planes is determined by the format of the image.
final List<Plane> planes;
/// The aperture settings for this image.
/// Represented as an f-stop value.
final double? lensAperture;
/// The sensor exposure time for this image in nanoseconds.
final int? sensorExposureTime;
/// The sensor sensitivity in standard ISO arithmetic units.
final double? sensorSensitivity;