blob: 5e96c6214b2478bef671e3837ff8dcac91b336c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
/// The signature for a print handler for commands that allow overriding the
/// print destination.
typedef Print = void Function(Object? object);
/// Key for APK (Android) platform.
const String platformAndroid = 'android';
/// Alias for APK (Android) platform.
const String platformAndroidAlias = 'apk';
/// Key for IPA (iOS) platform.
const String platformIOS = 'ios';
/// Key for linux platform.
const String platformLinux = 'linux';
/// Key for macos platform.
const String platformMacOS = 'macos';
/// Key for Web platform.
const String platformWeb = 'web';
/// Key for windows platform.
const String platformWindows = 'windows';
/// Key for enable experiment.
const String kEnableExperiment = 'enable-experiment';
/// Target platforms supported by Flutter.
// ignore: public_member_api_docs
enum FlutterPlatform { android, ios, linux, macos, web, windows }
const Map<String, FlutterPlatform> _platformByName = <String, FlutterPlatform>{
platformIOS: FlutterPlatform.ios,
platformLinux: FlutterPlatform.linux,
platformMacOS: FlutterPlatform.macos,
platformWeb: FlutterPlatform.web,
/// Maps from a platform name (e.g., flag or platform directory) to the
/// corresponding platform enum.
FlutterPlatform getPlatformByName(String name) {
final FlutterPlatform? platform = _platformByName[name];
if (platform == null) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid platform: $name');
return platform;
// Flutter->Dart SDK version mapping. Any time a command fails to look up a
// corresponding version, this map should be updated.
final Map<Version, Version> _dartSdkForFlutterSdk = <Version, Version>{
Version(3, 0, 0): Version(2, 17, 0),
Version(3, 0, 5): Version(2, 17, 6),
Version(3, 3, 0): Version(2, 18, 0),
Version(3, 3, 10): Version(2, 18, 6),
Version(3, 7, 0): Version(2, 19, 0),
Version(3, 7, 12): Version(2, 19, 6),
Version(3, 10, 0): Version(3, 0, 0),
Version(3, 10, 6): Version(3, 0, 6),
Version(3, 13, 0): Version(3, 1, 0),
/// Returns the version of the Dart SDK that shipped with the given Flutter
/// SDK.
Version? getDartSdkForFlutterSdk(Version flutterVersion) =>
/// Returns whether the given directory is a Dart package.
bool isPackage(FileSystemEntity entity) {
if (entity is! Directory) {
return false;
// According to
// a package must also have a `lib/` directory, but in practice that's not
// always true. Some special cases (espresso, flutter_template_images, etc.)
// don't have any source, so this deliberately doesn't check that there's a
// lib directory.
return entity.childFile('pubspec.yaml').existsSync();
/// Error thrown when a command needs to exit with a non-zero exit code.
/// While there is no specific definition of the meaning of different non-zero
/// exit codes for this tool, commands should follow the general convention:
/// 1: The command ran correctly, but found errors.
/// 2: The command failed to run because the arguments were invalid.
/// >2: The command failed to run correctly for some other reason. Ideally,
/// each such failure should have a unique exit code within the context of
/// that command.
class ToolExit extends Error {
/// Creates a tool exit with the given [exitCode].
/// The code that the process should exit with.
final int exitCode;
/// A exit code for [ToolExit] for a successful run that found errors.
const int exitCommandFoundErrors = 1;
/// A exit code for [ToolExit] for a failure to run due to invalid arguments.
const int exitInvalidArguments = 2;