| // Mocks generated by Mockito 5.4.0 from annotations |
| // in webview_flutter_web/test/web_webview_controller_test.dart. |
| // Do not manually edit this file. |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes |
| import 'dart:async' as _i3; |
| import 'dart:html' as _i2; |
| |
| import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1; |
| import 'package:webview_flutter_web/src/http_request_factory.dart' as _i4; |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: type=lint |
| // ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values |
| // ignore_for_file: avoid_setters_without_getters |
| // ignore_for_file: comment_references |
| // ignore_for_file: implementation_imports |
| // ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis |
| // ignore_for_file: camel_case_types |
| // ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class |
| |
| class _FakeHttpRequestUpload_0 extends _i1.SmartFake |
| implements _i2.HttpRequestUpload { |
| _FakeHttpRequestUpload_0( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeEvents_1 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.Events { |
| _FakeEvents_1( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| class _FakeHttpRequest_2 extends _i1.SmartFake implements _i2.HttpRequest { |
| _FakeHttpRequest_2( |
| Object parent, |
| Invocation parentInvocation, |
| ) : super( |
| parent, |
| parentInvocation, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [HttpRequest]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockHttpRequest extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.HttpRequest { |
| @override |
| Map<String, String> get responseHeaders => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#responseHeaders), |
| returnValue: <String, String>{}, |
| returnValueForMissingStub: <String, String>{}, |
| ) as Map<String, String>); |
| @override |
| int get readyState => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#readyState), |
| returnValue: 0, |
| returnValueForMissingStub: 0, |
| ) as int); |
| @override |
| String get responseType => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#responseType), |
| returnValue: '', |
| returnValueForMissingStub: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| set responseType(String? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #responseType, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| set timeout(int? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #timeout, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| _i2.HttpRequestUpload get upload => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#upload), |
| returnValue: _FakeHttpRequestUpload_0( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#upload), |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _FakeHttpRequestUpload_0( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#upload), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.HttpRequestUpload); |
| @override |
| set withCredentials(bool? value) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.setter( |
| #withCredentials, |
| value, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.Event> get onReadyStateChange => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onReadyStateChange), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.Event>); |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent> get onAbort => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onAbort), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>); |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent> get onError => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onError), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>); |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent> get onLoad => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onLoad), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>); |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent> get onLoadEnd => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onLoadEnd), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>); |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent> get onLoadStart => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onLoadStart), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>); |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent> get onProgress => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onProgress), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>); |
| @override |
| _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent> get onTimeout => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#onTimeout), |
| returnValue: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>.empty(), |
| ) as _i3.Stream<_i2.ProgressEvent>); |
| @override |
| _i2.Events get on => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.getter(#on), |
| returnValue: _FakeEvents_1( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#on), |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: _FakeEvents_1( |
| this, |
| Invocation.getter(#on), |
| ), |
| ) as _i2.Events); |
| @override |
| void open( |
| String? method, |
| String? url, { |
| bool? async, |
| String? user, |
| String? password, |
| }) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #open, |
| [ |
| method, |
| url, |
| ], |
| { |
| #async: async, |
| #user: user, |
| #password: password, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| void abort() => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #abort, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| String getAllResponseHeaders() => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getAllResponseHeaders, |
| [], |
| ), |
| returnValue: '', |
| returnValueForMissingStub: '', |
| ) as String); |
| @override |
| String? getResponseHeader(String? name) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #getResponseHeader, |
| [name], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ) as String?); |
| @override |
| void overrideMimeType(String? mime) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #overrideMimeType, |
| [mime], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| void send([dynamic body_OR_data]) => super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #send, |
| [body_OR_data], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| void setRequestHeader( |
| String? name, |
| String? value, |
| ) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #setRequestHeader, |
| [ |
| name, |
| value, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| void addEventListener( |
| String? type, |
| _i2.EventListener? listener, [ |
| bool? useCapture, |
| ]) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #addEventListener, |
| [ |
| type, |
| listener, |
| useCapture, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| void removeEventListener( |
| String? type, |
| _i2.EventListener? listener, [ |
| bool? useCapture, |
| ]) => |
| super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #removeEventListener, |
| [ |
| type, |
| listener, |
| useCapture, |
| ], |
| ), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: null, |
| ); |
| @override |
| bool dispatchEvent(_i2.Event? event) => (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #dispatchEvent, |
| [event], |
| ), |
| returnValue: false, |
| returnValueForMissingStub: false, |
| ) as bool); |
| } |
| |
| /// A class which mocks [HttpRequestFactory]. |
| /// |
| /// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information. |
| class MockHttpRequestFactory extends _i1.Mock |
| implements _i4.HttpRequestFactory { |
| @override |
| _i3.Future<_i2.HttpRequest> request( |
| String? url, { |
| String? method, |
| bool? withCredentials, |
| String? responseType, |
| String? mimeType, |
| Map<String, String>? requestHeaders, |
| dynamic sendData, |
| void Function(_i2.ProgressEvent)? onProgress, |
| }) => |
| (super.noSuchMethod( |
| Invocation.method( |
| #request, |
| [url], |
| { |
| #method: method, |
| #withCredentials: withCredentials, |
| #responseType: responseType, |
| #mimeType: mimeType, |
| #requestHeaders: requestHeaders, |
| #sendData: sendData, |
| #onProgress: onProgress, |
| }, |
| ), |
| returnValue: _i3.Future<_i2.HttpRequest>.value(_FakeHttpRequest_2( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #request, |
| [url], |
| { |
| #method: method, |
| #withCredentials: withCredentials, |
| #responseType: responseType, |
| #mimeType: mimeType, |
| #requestHeaders: requestHeaders, |
| #sendData: sendData, |
| #onProgress: onProgress, |
| }, |
| ), |
| )), |
| returnValueForMissingStub: |
| _i3.Future<_i2.HttpRequest>.value(_FakeHttpRequest_2( |
| this, |
| Invocation.method( |
| #request, |
| [url], |
| { |
| #method: method, |
| #withCredentials: withCredentials, |
| #responseType: responseType, |
| #mimeType: mimeType, |
| #requestHeaders: requestHeaders, |
| #sendData: sendData, |
| #onProgress: onProgress, |
| }, |
| ), |
| )), |
| ) as _i3.Future<_i2.HttpRequest>); |
| } |