| // Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| |
| import 'package:async/async.dart'; |
| import 'package:camera_platform_interface/camera_platform_interface.dart'; |
| import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; |
| import 'package:stream_transform/stream_transform.dart'; |
| |
| import 'analyzer.dart'; |
| import 'camera.dart'; |
| import 'camera_info.dart'; |
| import 'camera_selector.dart'; |
| import 'camera_state.dart'; |
| import 'camerax_library.g.dart'; |
| import 'exposure_state.dart'; |
| import 'fallback_strategy.dart'; |
| import 'image_analysis.dart'; |
| import 'image_capture.dart'; |
| import 'image_proxy.dart'; |
| import 'live_data.dart'; |
| import 'observer.dart'; |
| import 'pending_recording.dart'; |
| import 'plane_proxy.dart'; |
| import 'preview.dart'; |
| import 'process_camera_provider.dart'; |
| import 'quality_selector.dart'; |
| import 'recorder.dart'; |
| import 'recording.dart'; |
| import 'resolution_selector.dart'; |
| import 'resolution_strategy.dart'; |
| import 'surface.dart'; |
| import 'system_services.dart'; |
| import 'use_case.dart'; |
| import 'video_capture.dart'; |
| import 'zoom_state.dart'; |
| |
| /// The Android implementation of [CameraPlatform] that uses the CameraX library. |
| class AndroidCameraCameraX extends CameraPlatform { |
| /// Constructs an [AndroidCameraCameraX]. |
| AndroidCameraCameraX() : _shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting = false; |
| |
| /// Constructs an [AndroidCameraCameraX] that is able to set |
| /// [_shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting] to create detached objects |
| /// for testing purposes only. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| AndroidCameraCameraX.forTesting( |
| {bool shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting = false}) |
| : _shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting = |
| shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting; |
| |
| /// Registers this class as the default instance of [CameraPlatform]. |
| static void registerWith() { |
| CameraPlatform.instance = AndroidCameraCameraX(); |
| } |
| |
| /// The [ProcessCameraProvider] instance used to access camera functionality. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| ProcessCameraProvider? processCameraProvider; |
| |
| /// The [Camera] instance returned by the [processCameraProvider] when a [UseCase] is |
| /// bound to the lifecycle of the camera it manages. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| Camera? camera; |
| |
| /// The [CameraInfo] instance that corresponds to the [camera] instance. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| CameraInfo? cameraInfo; |
| |
| /// The [LiveData] of the [CameraState] that represents the state of the |
| /// [camera] instance. |
| LiveData<CameraState>? liveCameraState; |
| |
| /// The [Preview] instance that can be configured to present a live camera preview. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| Preview? preview; |
| |
| /// The [VideoCapture] instance that can be instantiated and configured to |
| /// handle video recording |
| @visibleForTesting |
| VideoCapture? videoCapture; |
| |
| /// The [Recorder] instance handling the current creating a new [PendingRecording]. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| Recorder? recorder; |
| |
| /// The [PendingRecording] instance used to create an active [Recording]. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| PendingRecording? pendingRecording; |
| |
| /// The [Recording] instance representing the current recording. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| Recording? recording; |
| |
| /// The path at which the video file will be saved for the current [Recording]. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| String? videoOutputPath; |
| |
| bool _previewIsPaused = false; |
| |
| /// The prefix used to create the filename for video recording files. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| final String videoPrefix = 'MOV'; |
| |
| /// The [ImageCapture] instance that can be configured to capture a still image. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| ImageCapture? imageCapture; |
| |
| /// The flash mode currently configured for [imageCapture]. |
| int? _currentFlashMode; |
| |
| /// The [ImageAnalysis] instance that can be configured to analyze individual |
| /// frames. |
| ImageAnalysis? imageAnalysis; |
| |
| /// The [CameraSelector] used to configure the [processCameraProvider] to use |
| /// the desired camera. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| CameraSelector? cameraSelector; |
| |
| /// The controller we need to broadcast the different camera events. |
| /// |
| /// It is a `broadcast` because multiple controllers will connect to |
| /// different stream views of this Controller. |
| /// This is only exposed for test purposes. It shouldn't be used by clients of |
| /// the plugin as it may break or change at any time. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| final StreamController<CameraEvent> cameraEventStreamController = |
| StreamController<CameraEvent>.broadcast(); |
| |
| /// The stream of camera events. |
| Stream<CameraEvent> _cameraEvents(int cameraId) => |
| cameraEventStreamController.stream |
| .where((CameraEvent event) => event.cameraId == cameraId); |
| |
| /// Conditional used to create detached objects for testing their |
| /// callback methods. |
| final bool _shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting; |
| |
| /// The controller we need to stream image data. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| StreamController<CameraImageData>? cameraImageDataStreamController; |
| |
| /// Constant representing the multi-plane Android YUV 420 image format. |
| /// |
| /// See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/ImageFormat#YUV_420_888. |
| static const int imageFormatYuv420_888 = 35; |
| |
| /// Constant representing the compressed JPEG image format. |
| /// |
| /// See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/ImageFormat#JPEG. |
| static const int imageFormatJpeg = 256; |
| |
| /// Error code indicating a [ZoomState] was requested, but one has not been |
| /// set for the camera in use. |
| static const String zoomStateNotSetErrorCode = 'zoomStateNotSet'; |
| |
| /// Returns list of all available cameras and their descriptions. |
| @override |
| Future<List<CameraDescription>> availableCameras() async { |
| final List<CameraDescription> cameraDescriptions = <CameraDescription>[]; |
| |
| processCameraProvider ??= await ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(); |
| final List<CameraInfo> cameraInfos = |
| await processCameraProvider!.getAvailableCameraInfos(); |
| |
| CameraLensDirection? cameraLensDirection; |
| int cameraCount = 0; |
| int? cameraSensorOrientation; |
| String? cameraName; |
| |
| for (final CameraInfo cameraInfo in cameraInfos) { |
| // Determine the lens direction by filtering the CameraInfo |
| // TODO(gmackall): replace this with call to CameraInfo.getLensFacing when changes containing that method are available |
| if ((await createCameraSelector(CameraSelector.lensFacingBack) |
| .filter(<CameraInfo>[cameraInfo])) |
| .isNotEmpty) { |
| cameraLensDirection = CameraLensDirection.back; |
| } else if ((await createCameraSelector(CameraSelector.lensFacingFront) |
| .filter(<CameraInfo>[cameraInfo])) |
| .isNotEmpty) { |
| cameraLensDirection = CameraLensDirection.front; |
| } else { |
| //Skip this CameraInfo as its lens direction is unknown |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| cameraSensorOrientation = await cameraInfo.getSensorRotationDegrees(); |
| cameraName = 'Camera $cameraCount'; |
| cameraCount++; |
| |
| cameraDescriptions.add(CameraDescription( |
| name: cameraName, |
| lensDirection: cameraLensDirection, |
| sensorOrientation: cameraSensorOrientation)); |
| } |
| |
| return cameraDescriptions; |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates an uninitialized camera instance and returns the camera ID. |
| /// |
| /// In the CameraX library, cameras are accessed by combining [UseCase]s |
| /// to an instance of a [ProcessCameraProvider]. Thus, to create an |
| /// uninitialized camera instance, this method retrieves a |
| /// [ProcessCameraProvider] instance. |
| /// |
| /// To return the camera ID, which is equivalent to the ID of the surface texture |
| /// that a camera preview can be drawn to, a [Preview] instance is configured |
| /// and bound to the [ProcessCameraProvider] instance. |
| @override |
| Future<int> createCamera( |
| CameraDescription cameraDescription, |
| ResolutionPreset? resolutionPreset, { |
| bool enableAudio = false, |
| }) async { |
| // Must obtain proper permissions before attempting to access a camera. |
| await requestCameraPermissions(enableAudio); |
| |
| // Save CameraSelector that matches cameraDescription. |
| final int cameraSelectorLensDirection = |
| _getCameraSelectorLensDirection(cameraDescription.lensDirection); |
| final bool cameraIsFrontFacing = |
| cameraSelectorLensDirection == CameraSelector.lensFacingFront; |
| cameraSelector = createCameraSelector(cameraSelectorLensDirection); |
| // Start listening for device orientation changes preceding camera creation. |
| startListeningForDeviceOrientationChange( |
| cameraIsFrontFacing, cameraDescription.sensorOrientation); |
| // Determine ResolutionSelector and QualitySelector based on |
| // resolutionPreset for camera UseCases. |
| final ResolutionSelector? presetResolutionSelector = |
| _getResolutionSelectorFromPreset(resolutionPreset); |
| final QualitySelector? presetQualitySelector = |
| _getQualitySelectorFromPreset(resolutionPreset); |
| |
| // Retrieve a fresh ProcessCameraProvider instance. |
| processCameraProvider ??= await ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(); |
| processCameraProvider!.unbindAll(); |
| |
| // Configure Preview instance. |
| final int targetRotation = |
| _getTargetRotation(cameraDescription.sensorOrientation); |
| preview = createPreview( |
| targetRotation: targetRotation, |
| resolutionSelector: presetResolutionSelector); |
| final int flutterSurfaceTextureId = await preview!.setSurfaceProvider(); |
| |
| // Configure ImageCapture instance. |
| imageCapture = createImageCapture(presetResolutionSelector); |
| |
| // Configure ImageAnalysis instance. |
| // Defaults to YUV_420_888 image format. |
| imageAnalysis = createImageAnalysis(presetResolutionSelector); |
| |
| // Configure VideoCapture and Recorder instances. |
| recorder = createRecorder(presetQualitySelector); |
| videoCapture = await createVideoCapture(recorder!); |
| |
| // Bind configured UseCases to ProcessCameraProvider instance & mark Preview |
| // instance as bound but not paused. Video capture is bound at first use |
| // instead of here. |
| camera = await processCameraProvider!.bindToLifecycle( |
| cameraSelector!, <UseCase>[preview!, imageCapture!, imageAnalysis!]); |
| await _updateCameraInfoAndLiveCameraState(flutterSurfaceTextureId); |
| _previewIsPaused = false; |
| |
| return flutterSurfaceTextureId; |
| } |
| |
| /// Initializes the camera on the device. |
| /// |
| /// Since initialization of a camera does not directly map as an operation to |
| /// the CameraX library, this method just retrieves information about the |
| /// camera and sends a [CameraInitializedEvent]. |
| /// |
| /// [imageFormatGroup] is used to specify the image format used for image |
| /// streaming, but CameraX currently only supports YUV_420_888 (supported by |
| /// Flutter) and RGBA (not supported by Flutter). CameraX uses YUV_420_888 |
| /// by default, so [imageFormatGroup] is not used. |
| @override |
| Future<void> initializeCamera( |
| int cameraId, { |
| ImageFormatGroup imageFormatGroup = ImageFormatGroup.unknown, |
| }) async { |
| // Configure CameraInitializedEvent to send as representation of a |
| // configured camera: |
| // Retrieve preview resolution. |
| if (preview == null) { |
| // No camera has been created; createCamera must be called before initializeCamera. |
| throw CameraException( |
| 'cameraNotFound', |
| "Camera not found. Please call the 'create' method before calling 'initialize'", |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| final ResolutionInfo previewResolutionInfo = |
| await preview!.getResolutionInfo(); |
| |
| // Retrieve exposure and focus mode configurations: |
| // TODO(camsim99): Implement support for retrieving exposure mode configuration. |
| // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/120468 |
| const ExposureMode exposureMode = ExposureMode.auto; |
| const bool exposurePointSupported = false; |
| |
| // TODO(camsim99): Implement support for retrieving focus mode configuration. |
| // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/120467 |
| const FocusMode focusMode = FocusMode.auto; |
| const bool focusPointSupported = false; |
| |
| cameraEventStreamController.add(CameraInitializedEvent( |
| cameraId, |
| previewResolutionInfo.width.toDouble(), |
| previewResolutionInfo.height.toDouble(), |
| exposureMode, |
| exposurePointSupported, |
| focusMode, |
| focusPointSupported)); |
| } |
| |
| /// Releases the resources of the accessed camera. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] not used. |
| @override |
| Future<void> dispose(int cameraId) async { |
| preview?.releaseFlutterSurfaceTexture(); |
| unawaited(liveCameraState?.removeObservers()); |
| processCameraProvider?.unbindAll(); |
| unawaited(imageAnalysis?.clearAnalyzer()); |
| } |
| |
| /// The camera has been initialized. |
| @override |
| Stream<CameraInitializedEvent> onCameraInitialized(int cameraId) { |
| return _cameraEvents(cameraId).whereType<CameraInitializedEvent>(); |
| } |
| |
| /// The camera's resolution has changed. |
| /// |
| /// This stream currently has no events being added to it from this plugin. |
| @override |
| Stream<CameraResolutionChangedEvent> onCameraResolutionChanged(int cameraId) { |
| return _cameraEvents(cameraId).whereType<CameraResolutionChangedEvent>(); |
| } |
| |
| /// The camera started to close. |
| @override |
| Stream<CameraClosingEvent> onCameraClosing(int cameraId) { |
| return _cameraEvents(cameraId).whereType<CameraClosingEvent>(); |
| } |
| |
| /// The camera experienced an error. |
| @override |
| Stream<CameraErrorEvent> onCameraError(int cameraId) { |
| return StreamGroup.mergeBroadcast< |
| CameraErrorEvent>(<Stream<CameraErrorEvent>>[ |
| SystemServices.cameraErrorStreamController.stream |
| .map<CameraErrorEvent>((String errorDescription) { |
| return CameraErrorEvent(cameraId, errorDescription); |
| }), |
| _cameraEvents(cameraId).whereType<CameraErrorEvent>() |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| /// The camera finished recording a video. |
| @override |
| Stream<VideoRecordedEvent> onVideoRecordedEvent(int cameraId) { |
| return _cameraEvents(cameraId).whereType<VideoRecordedEvent>(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Gets the minimum supported exposure offset for the selected camera in EV units. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] not used. |
| @override |
| Future<double> getMinExposureOffset(int cameraId) async { |
| final ExposureState exposureState = await cameraInfo!.getExposureState(); |
| return exposureState.exposureCompensationRange.minCompensation * |
| exposureState.exposureCompensationStep; |
| } |
| |
| /// Gets the maximum supported exposure offset for the selected camera in EV units. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] not used. |
| @override |
| Future<double> getMaxExposureOffset(int cameraId) async { |
| final ExposureState exposureState = await cameraInfo!.getExposureState(); |
| return exposureState.exposureCompensationRange.maxCompensation * |
| exposureState.exposureCompensationStep; |
| } |
| |
| /// Gets the supported step size for exposure offset for the selected camera in EV units. |
| /// |
| /// Returns 0 when exposure compensation is not supported. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] not used. |
| @override |
| Future<double> getExposureOffsetStepSize(int cameraId) async { |
| final ExposureState exposureState = await cameraInfo!.getExposureState(); |
| return exposureState.exposureCompensationStep; |
| } |
| |
| /// Gets the maximum supported zoom level for the selected camera. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] not used. |
| @override |
| Future<double> getMaxZoomLevel(int cameraId) async { |
| final LiveData<ZoomState> liveZoomState = await cameraInfo!.getZoomState(); |
| final ZoomState? zoomState = await liveZoomState.getValue(); |
| |
| if (zoomState == null) { |
| throw CameraException( |
| zoomStateNotSetErrorCode, |
| 'No explicit ZoomState has been set on the LiveData instance for the camera in use.', |
| ); |
| } |
| return zoomState.maxZoomRatio; |
| } |
| |
| /// Gets the minimum supported zoom level for the selected camera. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] not used. |
| @override |
| Future<double> getMinZoomLevel(int cameraId) async { |
| final LiveData<ZoomState> liveZoomState = await cameraInfo!.getZoomState(); |
| final ZoomState? zoomState = await liveZoomState.getValue(); |
| |
| if (zoomState == null) { |
| throw CameraException( |
| zoomStateNotSetErrorCode, |
| 'No explicit ZoomState has been set on the LiveData instance for the camera in use.', |
| ); |
| } |
| return zoomState.minZoomRatio; |
| } |
| |
| /// The ui orientation changed. |
| @override |
| Stream<DeviceOrientationChangedEvent> onDeviceOrientationChanged() { |
| return SystemServices.deviceOrientationChangedStreamController.stream; |
| } |
| |
| /// Pause the active preview on the current frame for the selected camera. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] not used. |
| @override |
| Future<void> pausePreview(int cameraId) async { |
| _previewIsPaused = true; |
| await _unbindUseCaseFromLifecycle(preview!); |
| } |
| |
| /// Resume the paused preview for the selected camera. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] not used. |
| @override |
| Future<void> resumePreview(int cameraId) async { |
| _previewIsPaused = false; |
| await _bindPreviewToLifecycle(cameraId); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a widget showing a live camera preview. |
| @override |
| Widget buildPreview(int cameraId) { |
| return FutureBuilder<void>( |
| future: _bindPreviewToLifecycle(cameraId), |
| builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<void> snapshot) { |
| switch (snapshot.connectionState) { |
| case ConnectionState.none: |
| case ConnectionState.waiting: |
| case ConnectionState.active: |
| // Do nothing while waiting for preview to be bound to lifecyle. |
| return const SizedBox.shrink(); |
| case ConnectionState.done: |
| return Texture(textureId: cameraId); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Captures an image and returns the file where it was saved. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] is not used. |
| @override |
| Future<XFile> takePicture(int cameraId) async { |
| if (_currentFlashMode != null) { |
| await imageCapture!.setFlashMode(_currentFlashMode!); |
| } |
| final String picturePath = await imageCapture!.takePicture(); |
| return XFile(picturePath); |
| } |
| |
| /// Sets the flash mode for the selected camera. |
| @override |
| Future<void> setFlashMode(int cameraId, FlashMode mode) async { |
| switch (mode) { |
| case FlashMode.off: |
| _currentFlashMode = ImageCapture.flashModeOff; |
| break; |
| case FlashMode.auto: |
| _currentFlashMode = ImageCapture.flashModeAuto; |
| break; |
| case FlashMode.always: |
| _currentFlashMode = ImageCapture.flashModeOn; |
| break; |
| case FlashMode.torch: |
| // TODO(camsim99): Implement torch mode when CameraControl is wrapped. |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Configures and starts a video recording. Returns silently without doing |
| /// anything if there is currently an active recording. |
| /// |
| /// Note that the preset resolution is used to configure the recording, but |
| /// 240p ([ResolutionPreset.low]) is unsupported and will fallback to |
| /// configure the recording as the next highest available quality. |
| /// |
| /// This method is deprecated in favour of [startVideoCapturing]. |
| @override |
| Future<void> startVideoRecording(int cameraId, |
| {Duration? maxVideoDuration}) async { |
| return startVideoCapturing( |
| VideoCaptureOptions(cameraId, maxDuration: maxVideoDuration)); |
| } |
| |
| /// Starts a video recording and/or streaming session. |
| /// |
| /// Please see [VideoCaptureOptions] for documentation on the |
| /// configuration options. Currently, maxVideoDuration and streamOptions |
| /// are unsupported due to the limitations of CameraX and the platform |
| /// interface, respectively. |
| @override |
| Future<void> startVideoCapturing(VideoCaptureOptions options) async { |
| if (recording != null) { |
| // There is currently an active recording, so do not start a new one. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!(await processCameraProvider!.isBound(videoCapture!))) { |
| camera = await processCameraProvider! |
| .bindToLifecycle(cameraSelector!, <UseCase>[videoCapture!]); |
| } |
| |
| videoOutputPath = |
| await SystemServices.getTempFilePath(videoPrefix, '.temp'); |
| pendingRecording = await recorder!.prepareRecording(videoOutputPath!); |
| recording = await pendingRecording!.start(); |
| |
| if (options.streamCallback != null) { |
| onStreamedFrameAvailable(options.cameraId).listen(options.streamCallback); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Stops the video recording and returns the file where it was saved. |
| /// Throws a CameraException if the recording is currently null, or if the |
| /// videoOutputPath is null. |
| /// |
| /// If the videoOutputPath is null the recording objects are cleaned up |
| /// so starting a new recording is possible. |
| @override |
| Future<XFile> stopVideoRecording(int cameraId) async { |
| if (recording == null) { |
| throw CameraException( |
| 'videoRecordingFailed', |
| 'Attempting to stop a ' |
| 'video recording while no recording is in progress.'); |
| } |
| if (videoOutputPath == null) { |
| // Stop the current active recording as we will be unable to complete it |
| // in this error case. |
| unawaited(recording!.close()); |
| recording = null; |
| pendingRecording = null; |
| throw CameraException( |
| 'The platform did not return a path ' |
| 'while reporting success. The platform should always ' |
| 'return a valid path or report an error.'); |
| } |
| unawaited(recording!.close()); |
| recording = null; |
| pendingRecording = null; |
| return XFile(videoOutputPath!); |
| } |
| |
| /// Pause the current video recording if it is not null. |
| @override |
| Future<void> pauseVideoRecording(int cameraId) async { |
| if (recording != null) { |
| await recording!.pause(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Resume the current video recording if it is not null. |
| @override |
| Future<void> resumeVideoRecording(int cameraId) async { |
| if (recording != null) { |
| await recording!.resume(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// A new streamed frame is available. |
| /// |
| /// Listening to this stream will start streaming, and canceling will stop. |
| /// To temporarily stop receiving frames, cancel, then listen again later. |
| /// Pausing/resuming is not supported, as pausing the stream would cause |
| /// very high memory usage, and will throw an exception due to the |
| /// implementation using a broadcast [StreamController], which does not |
| /// support those operations. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] and [options] are not used. |
| @override |
| Stream<CameraImageData> onStreamedFrameAvailable(int cameraId, |
| {CameraImageStreamOptions? options}) { |
| cameraImageDataStreamController = StreamController<CameraImageData>( |
| onListen: () => _onFrameStreamListen(cameraId), |
| onCancel: _onFrameStreamCancel, |
| ); |
| return cameraImageDataStreamController!.stream; |
| } |
| |
| // Methods for binding UseCases to the lifecycle of the camera controlled |
| // by a ProcessCameraProvider instance: |
| |
| /// Binds [preview] instance to the camera lifecycle controlled by the |
| /// [processCameraProvider]. |
| /// |
| /// [cameraId] used to build [CameraEvent]s should you wish to filter |
| /// these based on a reference to a cameraId received from calling |
| /// `createCamera(...)`. |
| Future<void> _bindPreviewToLifecycle(int cameraId) async { |
| final bool previewIsBound = await processCameraProvider!.isBound(preview!); |
| if (previewIsBound || _previewIsPaused) { |
| // Only bind if preview is not already bound or intentionally paused. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| camera = await processCameraProvider! |
| .bindToLifecycle(cameraSelector!, <UseCase>[preview!]); |
| await _updateCameraInfoAndLiveCameraState(cameraId); |
| } |
| |
| /// Configures the [imageAnalysis] instance for image streaming and binds it |
| /// to camera lifecycle controlled by the [processCameraProvider]. |
| Future<void> _configureAndBindImageAnalysisToLifecycle(int cameraId) async { |
| // Create Analyzer that can read image data for image streaming. |
| final WeakReference<AndroidCameraCameraX> weakThis = |
| WeakReference<AndroidCameraCameraX>(this); |
| Future<void> analyze(ImageProxy imageProxy) async { |
| final List<PlaneProxy> planes = await imageProxy.getPlanes(); |
| final List<CameraImagePlane> cameraImagePlanes = <CameraImagePlane>[]; |
| for (final PlaneProxy plane in planes) { |
| cameraImagePlanes.add(CameraImagePlane( |
| bytes: plane.buffer, |
| bytesPerRow: plane.rowStride, |
| bytesPerPixel: plane.pixelStride)); |
| } |
| |
| final int format = imageProxy.format; |
| final CameraImageFormat cameraImageFormat = CameraImageFormat( |
| _imageFormatGroupFromPlatformData(format), |
| raw: format); |
| |
| final CameraImageData cameraImageData = CameraImageData( |
| format: cameraImageFormat, |
| planes: cameraImagePlanes, |
| height: imageProxy.height, |
| width: imageProxy.width); |
| |
| weakThis.target!.cameraImageDataStreamController!.add(cameraImageData); |
| unawaited(imageProxy.close()); |
| } |
| |
| // shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting is used to create an Analyzer |
| // detached from the native sideonly to test the logic of the Analyzer |
| // instance that will be used for image streaming. |
| final Analyzer analyzer = _shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting |
| ? Analyzer.detached(analyze: analyze) |
| : Analyzer(analyze: analyze); |
| |
| await imageAnalysis!.setAnalyzer(analyzer); |
| } |
| |
| /// Unbinds [useCase] from camera lifecycle controlled by the |
| /// [processCameraProvider]. |
| Future<void> _unbindUseCaseFromLifecycle(UseCase useCase) async { |
| final bool useCaseIsBound = await processCameraProvider!.isBound(useCase); |
| if (!useCaseIsBound) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| processCameraProvider!.unbind(<UseCase>[useCase]); |
| } |
| |
| // Methods for configuring image streaming: |
| |
| /// The [onListen] callback for the stream controller used for image |
| /// streaming. |
| Future<void> _onFrameStreamListen(int cameraId) async { |
| await _configureAndBindImageAnalysisToLifecycle(cameraId); |
| } |
| |
| /// The [onCancel] callback for the stream controller used for image |
| /// streaming. |
| /// |
| /// Removes the previously set analyzer on the [imageAnalysis] instance, since |
| /// image information should no longer be streamed. |
| FutureOr<void> _onFrameStreamCancel() async { |
| unawaited(imageAnalysis!.clearAnalyzer()); |
| } |
| |
| /// Converts between Android ImageFormat constants and [ImageFormatGroup]s. |
| /// |
| /// See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/ImageFormat. |
| ImageFormatGroup _imageFormatGroupFromPlatformData(dynamic data) { |
| switch (data) { |
| case imageFormatYuv420_888: // android.graphics.ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 |
| return ImageFormatGroup.yuv420; |
| case imageFormatJpeg: // android.graphics.ImageFormat.JPEG |
| return ImageFormatGroup.jpeg; |
| } |
| |
| return ImageFormatGroup.unknown; |
| } |
| |
| // Methods concerning camera state: |
| |
| /// Updates [cameraInfo] to the information corresponding to [camera] and |
| /// adds observers to the [LiveData] of the [CameraState] of the current |
| /// [camera], saved as [liveCameraState]. |
| /// |
| /// If a previous [liveCameraState] was stored, existing observers are |
| /// removed, as well. |
| Future<void> _updateCameraInfoAndLiveCameraState(int cameraId) async { |
| cameraInfo = await camera!.getCameraInfo(); |
| await liveCameraState?.removeObservers(); |
| liveCameraState = await cameraInfo!.getCameraState(); |
| await liveCameraState!.observe(_createCameraClosingObserver(cameraId)); |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates [Observer] of the [CameraState] that will: |
| /// |
| /// * Send a [CameraClosingEvent] if the [CameraState] indicates that the |
| /// camera has begun to close. |
| /// * Send a [CameraErrorEvent] if the [CameraState] indicates that the |
| /// camera is in error state. |
| Observer<CameraState> _createCameraClosingObserver(int cameraId) { |
| final WeakReference<AndroidCameraCameraX> weakThis = |
| WeakReference<AndroidCameraCameraX>(this); |
| |
| // Callback method used to implement the behavior described above: |
| void onChanged(Object stateAsObject) { |
| // This cast is safe because the Observer implementation ensures |
| // the type of stateAsObject is the same as the observer this callback |
| // is attached to. |
| final CameraState state = stateAsObject as CameraState; |
| if (state.type == CameraStateType.closing) { |
| weakThis.target!.cameraEventStreamController |
| .add(CameraClosingEvent(cameraId)); |
| } |
| if (state.error != null) { |
| weakThis.target!.cameraEventStreamController |
| .add(CameraErrorEvent(cameraId, state.error!.getDescription())); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting is used to create an Observer |
| // detached from the native side only to test the logic of the Analyzer |
| // instance that will be used for image streaming. |
| return _shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting |
| ? Observer<CameraState>.detached(onChanged: onChanged) |
| : Observer<CameraState>(onChanged: onChanged); |
| } |
| |
| // Methods for mapping Flutter camera constants to CameraX constants: |
| |
| /// Returns [CameraSelector] lens direction that maps to specified |
| /// [CameraLensDirection]. |
| int _getCameraSelectorLensDirection(CameraLensDirection lensDirection) { |
| switch (lensDirection) { |
| case CameraLensDirection.front: |
| return CameraSelector.lensFacingFront; |
| case CameraLensDirection.back: |
| return CameraSelector.lensFacingBack; |
| case CameraLensDirection.external: |
| return CameraSelector.lensFacingExternal; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns [Surface] target rotation constant that maps to specified sensor |
| /// orientation. |
| int _getTargetRotation(int sensorOrientation) { |
| switch (sensorOrientation) { |
| case 90: |
| return Surface.ROTATION_90; |
| case 180: |
| return Surface.ROTATION_180; |
| case 270: |
| return Surface.ROTATION_270; |
| case 0: |
| return Surface.ROTATION_0; |
| default: |
| throw ArgumentError( |
| '"$sensorOrientation" is not a valid sensor orientation value'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the [ResolutionSelector] that maps to the specified resolution |
| /// preset for camera [UseCase]s. |
| /// |
| /// If the specified [preset] is unavailable, the camera will fall back to the |
| /// closest lower resolution available. |
| ResolutionSelector? _getResolutionSelectorFromPreset( |
| ResolutionPreset? preset) { |
| const int fallbackRule = ResolutionStrategy.fallbackRuleClosestLower; |
| |
| Size? boundSize; |
| ResolutionStrategy? resolutionStrategy; |
| switch (preset) { |
| case ResolutionPreset.low: |
| boundSize = const Size(320, 240); |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.medium: |
| boundSize = const Size(720, 480); |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.high: |
| boundSize = const Size(1280, 720); |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.veryHigh: |
| boundSize = const Size(1920, 1080); |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.ultraHigh: |
| boundSize = const Size(3840, 2160); |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.max: |
| // Automatically set strategy to choose highest available. |
| resolutionStrategy = _shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting |
| ? ResolutionStrategy.detachedHighestAvailableStrategy() |
| : ResolutionStrategy.highestAvailableStrategy(); |
| break; |
| case null: |
| // If no preset is specified, default to CameraX's default behavior |
| // for each UseCase. |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| if (_shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting) { |
| resolutionStrategy ??= ResolutionStrategy.detached( |
| boundSize: boundSize, fallbackRule: fallbackRule); |
| return ResolutionSelector.detached( |
| resolutionStrategy: resolutionStrategy); |
| } |
| |
| resolutionStrategy ??= |
| ResolutionStrategy(boundSize: boundSize!, fallbackRule: fallbackRule); |
| return ResolutionSelector( |
| resolutionStrategy: ResolutionStrategy( |
| boundSize: boundSize!, fallbackRule: fallbackRule)); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the [QualitySelector] that maps to the specified resolution |
| /// preset for the camera used only for video capture. |
| /// |
| /// If the specified [preset] is unavailable, the camera will fall back to the |
| /// closest lower resolution available. |
| QualitySelector? _getQualitySelectorFromPreset(ResolutionPreset? preset) { |
| VideoQuality? videoQuality; |
| switch (preset) { |
| case ResolutionPreset.low: |
| // 240p is not supported by CameraX. |
| case ResolutionPreset.medium: |
| videoQuality = VideoQuality.SD; |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.high: |
| videoQuality = VideoQuality.HD; |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.veryHigh: |
| videoQuality = VideoQuality.FHD; |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.ultraHigh: |
| videoQuality = VideoQuality.UHD; |
| break; |
| case ResolutionPreset.max: |
| videoQuality = VideoQuality.highest; |
| break; |
| case null: |
| // If no preset is specified, default to CameraX's default behavior |
| // for each UseCase. |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| // We will choose the next highest video quality if the one desired |
| // is unavailable. |
| const VideoResolutionFallbackRule fallbackRule = |
| VideoResolutionFallbackRule.lowerQualityThan; |
| final FallbackStrategy fallbackStrategy = |
| _shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting |
| ? FallbackStrategy.detached( |
| quality: videoQuality, fallbackRule: fallbackRule) |
| : FallbackStrategy( |
| quality: videoQuality, fallbackRule: fallbackRule); |
| |
| return _shouldCreateDetachedObjectForTesting |
| ? QualitySelector.detached(qualityList: <VideoQualityData>[ |
| VideoQualityData(quality: videoQuality) |
| ], fallbackStrategy: fallbackStrategy) |
| : QualitySelector.from( |
| quality: VideoQualityData(quality: videoQuality), |
| fallbackStrategy: fallbackStrategy); |
| } |
| |
| // Methods for calls that need to be tested: |
| |
| /// Requests camera permissions. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| Future<void> requestCameraPermissions(bool enableAudio) async { |
| await SystemServices.requestCameraPermissions(enableAudio); |
| } |
| |
| /// Subscribes the plugin as a listener to changes in device orientation. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| void startListeningForDeviceOrientationChange( |
| bool cameraIsFrontFacing, int sensorOrientation) { |
| SystemServices.startListeningForDeviceOrientationChange( |
| cameraIsFrontFacing, sensorOrientation); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a [CameraSelector] based on the specified camera lens direction. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| CameraSelector createCameraSelector(int cameraSelectorLensDirection) { |
| switch (cameraSelectorLensDirection) { |
| case CameraSelector.lensFacingFront: |
| return CameraSelector.getDefaultFrontCamera(); |
| case CameraSelector.lensFacingBack: |
| return CameraSelector.getDefaultBackCamera(); |
| default: |
| return CameraSelector(lensFacing: cameraSelectorLensDirection); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a [Preview] configured with the specified target rotation and |
| /// specified [ResolutionSelector]. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| Preview createPreview( |
| {required int targetRotation, ResolutionSelector? resolutionSelector}) { |
| return Preview( |
| targetRotation: targetRotation, resolutionSelector: resolutionSelector); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns an [ImageCapture] configured with specified flash mode and |
| /// the specified [ResolutionSelector]. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| ImageCapture createImageCapture(ResolutionSelector? resolutionSelector) { |
| return ImageCapture(resolutionSelector: resolutionSelector); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a [Recorder] for use in video capture configured with the |
| /// specified [QualitySelector]. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| Recorder createRecorder(QualitySelector? qualitySelector) { |
| return Recorder(qualitySelector: qualitySelector); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a [VideoCapture] associated with the provided [Recorder]. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| Future<VideoCapture> createVideoCapture(Recorder recorder) async { |
| return VideoCapture.withOutput(recorder); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns an [ImageAnalysis] configured with the specified |
| /// [ResolutionSelector]. |
| @visibleForTesting |
| ImageAnalysis createImageAnalysis(ResolutionSelector? resolutionSelector) { |
| return ImageAnalysis(resolutionSelector: resolutionSelector); |
| } |
| } |