Roll Flutter from e6300da2c39f to 55e8cd178621 (17 revisions) (#2780)

* 0943693e8 Revert "[tools]validation basic Xcode settings for build ipa (#113412)" (flutter/flutter#114615)

* a440c4689 Do not assume that pub is the first command run by "flutter create" (flutter/flutter#114621)

* 33b81ed95 fixes for incoming linter (flutter/flutter#113794)

* 0186b1496 Fix the path where footer is written. (flutter/flutter#114469)

* 44ecbbcc5 Roll Flutter Engine from 840a7b346216 to 66b244d9fa0a (25 revisions) (flutter/flutter#114640)

* 2ce62b3a0 Roll Flutter Engine from 66b244d9fa0a to e3c51631a9b5 (2 revisions) (flutter/flutter#114643)

* 8a9ddade9 [tools]validation basic Xcode settings for build ipa (#113412) (flutter/flutter#114634)

* 009fa69f3 Revert "Scribble mixin (#104128)" (flutter/flutter#114647)

* 125b9a769 Roll Flutter Engine from e3c51631a9b5 to ed31c3d76df5 (2 revisions) (flutter/flutter#114648)

* 9f6090c9a Revert "Fix text field label animation duration and curve" (flutter/flutter#114646)

* 44b6cd2ec Roll Flutter Engine from ed31c3d76df5 to fb7cde697062 (2 revisions) (flutter/flutter#114651)

* fca260a15 Roll Flutter Engine from fb7cde697062 to 69a275300a28 (7 revisions) (flutter/flutter#114667)

* 7bee6e8af 4b970fca0 Roll Dart SDK from c6e0307f3849 to 35b0cc8ac48b (2 revisions) (flutter/engine#37308) (flutter/flutter#114668)

* 43606d136 0a2d451b3 Roll Skia from b8209dce9a48 to 7eac7e7547e7 (1 revision) (flutter/engine#37309) (flutter/flutter#114670)

* 55fac571b 2f90bda40 Merge AccessibilityBridge and AccessibilityBridgeDelegate (flutter/engine#36597) (flutter/flutter#114674)

* 4b7106c5b c5cc559db Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -0Xq1c-TncmWBWzqg... to 7e3H7isxOF6vqMDTT... (flutter/engine#37311) (flutter/flutter#114678)

* 55e8cd178 449fcc8b8 Roll Skia from 7eac7e7547e7 to c901cb6ae66f (1 revision) (flutter/engine#37313) (flutter/flutter#114683)
1 file changed
tree: ac1093ac5f8f1b0bd1581fd35db169535304c717
  1. .ci/
  2. .github/
  3. packages/
  4. script/
  5. third_party/
  6. .ci.yaml
  7. .cirrus.yml
  8. .clang-format
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitmodules
  12. .metadata
  13. analysis_options.yaml
  17. customer_testing.bat

Flutter Packages

Build Status Release Status OpenSSF Scorecard

This repo is a companion repo to the main flutter repo. It contains the source code for Flutter's first-party packages (i.e., packages developed by the core Flutter team). Check the packages directory to see all packages.

These packages are also available on pub.


Please file any issues, bugs, or feature requests in the main flutter repo.


If you wish to contribute a new package to the Flutter ecosystem, please see the documentation for developing packages. You can store your package source code in any GitHub repository (the present repo is only intended for packages developed by the core Flutter team). Once your package is ready you can publish to the pub repository.

If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing packages in this repo, please review our contribution guide, and send a pull request.


These are the available packages in this repository.

PluginPubIssuesPull requests
animationspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
cross_filepub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
css_colorspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
cupertino_iconspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
extension_google_sign_in_as_googleapis_authpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_adaptive_scaffoldpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_imagepub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_lintspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_markdownpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_template_imagespub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
go_routerpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
go_router_builderpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
imitation_gamepub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
metrics_centerpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
multicast_dnspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
palette_generatorpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
pigeonpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
pointer_interceptorpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
rfwpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
standard_message_codecpub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
web_benchmarkspub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
xdg_directoriespub packageGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label