blob: d59f66fce2c9dc7c03be74e463e79934c6ae2f10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import '../channel.dart';
import 'sk_product_wrapper.dart';
/// A request maker that handles all the requests made by SKRequest subclasses.
/// There are multiple [SKRequest]( subclasses handling different requests in the `StoreKit` with multiple delegate methods,
/// we consolidated all the `SKRequest` subclasses into this class to make requests in a more straightforward way.
/// The request maker will create a SKRequest object, immediately starting it, and completing the future successfully or throw an exception depending on what happened to the request.
class SKRequestMaker {
/// Fetches product information for a list of given product identifiers.
/// The `productIdentifiers` should contain legitimate product identifiers that you declared for the products in the iTunes Connect. Invalid identifiers
/// will be stored and returned in [SkProductResponseWrapper.invalidProductIdentifiers]. Duplicate values in `productIdentifiers` will be omitted.
/// If `productIdentifiers` is null, an `storekit_invalid_argument` error will be returned. If `productIdentifiers` is empty, a [SkProductResponseWrapper]
/// will still be returned with [SkProductResponseWrapper.products] being null.
/// [SkProductResponseWrapper] is returned if there is no error during the request.
/// A [PlatformException] is thrown if the platform code making the request fails.
Future<SkProductResponseWrapper> startProductRequest(
List<String> productIdentifiers) async {
final Map<String, dynamic>? productResponseMap =
await channel.invokeMapMethod<String, dynamic>(
'-[InAppPurchasePlugin startProductRequest:result:]',
if (productResponseMap == null) {
throw PlatformException(
code: 'storekit_no_response',
message: 'StoreKit: Failed to get response from platform.',
return SkProductResponseWrapper.fromJson(productResponseMap);
/// Uses [SKReceiptRefreshRequest]( to request a new receipt.
/// If the receipt is invalid or missing, you can use this API to request a new receipt.
/// The [receiptProperties] is optional and it exists only for [sandbox testing]( In the production app, call this API without pass in the [receiptProperties] parameter.
/// To test in the sandbox, you can request a receipt with any combination of properties to test the state transitions related to [`Volume Purchase Plan`]( receipts.
/// The valid keys in the receiptProperties are below (All of them are of type bool):
/// * isExpired: whether the receipt is expired.
/// * isRevoked: whether the receipt has been revoked.
/// * isVolumePurchase: whether the receipt is a Volume Purchase Plan receipt.
Future<void> startRefreshReceiptRequest(
{Map<String, dynamic>? receiptProperties}) {
return channel.invokeMethod<void>(
'-[InAppPurchasePlugin refreshReceipt:result:]',