blob: f7b0fc0a9f7b0b650f77f15c8862b9e69261f616 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'ast.dart';
/// The current version of pigeon.
/// This must match the version in pubspec.yaml.
const String pigeonVersion = '10.0.1';
/// Read all the content from [stdin] to a String.
String readStdin() {
final List<int> bytes = <int>[];
int byte = stdin.readByteSync();
while (byte >= 0) {
byte = stdin.readByteSync();
return utf8.decode(bytes);
/// True if the generator line number should be printed out at the end of newlines.
bool debugGenerators = false;
/// A helper class for managing indentation, wrapping a [StringSink].
class Indent {
/// Constructor which takes a [StringSink] [Ident] will wrap.
int _count = 0;
final StringSink _sink;
/// String used for newlines (ex "\n").
String get newline {
if (debugGenerators) {
final List<String> frames = StackTrace.current.toString().split('\n');
return ' //${frames.firstWhere((String x) => x.contains('_generator.dart'))}\n';
} else {
return '\n';
/// String used to represent a tab.
final String tab = ' ';
/// Increase the indentation level.
void inc([int level = 1]) {
_count += level;
/// Decrement the indentation level.
void dec([int level = 1]) {
_count -= level;
/// Returns the String representing the current indentation.
String str() {
String result = '';
for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++) {
result += tab;
return result;
/// Replaces the newlines and tabs of input and adds it to the stream.
void format(String input,
{bool leadingSpace = true, bool trailingNewline = true}) {
final List<String> lines = input.split('\n');
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
final String line = lines[i];
if (i == 0 && !leadingSpace) {
add(line.replaceAll('\t', tab));
} else if (line.isNotEmpty) {
write(line.replaceAll('\t', tab));
if (trailingNewline || i < lines.length - 1) {
/// Scoped increase of the indent level.
/// For the execution of [func] the indentation will be incremented.
void addScoped(
String? begin,
String? end,
Function func, {
bool addTrailingNewline = true,
int nestCount = 1,
}) {
assert(begin != '' || end != '',
'Use nest for indentation without any decoration');
if (begin != null) {
_sink.write(begin + newline);
nest(nestCount, func);
if (end != null) {
_sink.write(str() + end);
if (addTrailingNewline) {
/// Like `addScoped` but writes the current indentation level.
void writeScoped(
String? begin,
String end,
Function func, {
bool addTrailingNewline = true,
}) {
assert(begin != '' || end != '',
'Use nest for indentation without any decoration');
addScoped(str() + (begin ?? ''), end, func,
addTrailingNewline: addTrailingNewline);
/// Scoped increase of the indent level.
/// For the execution of [func] the indentation will be incremented by the given amount.
void nest(int count, Function func) {
func(); // ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls
/// Add [text] with indentation and a newline.
void writeln(String text) {
if (text.isEmpty) {
} else {
_sink.write(str() + text + newline);
/// Add [text] with indentation.
void write(String text) {
_sink.write(str() + text);
/// Add [text] with a newline.
void addln(String text) {
_sink.write(text + newline);
/// Just adds [text].
void add(String text) {
/// Adds [lines] number of newlines.
void newln([int lines = 1]) {
for (; lines > 0; lines--) {
/// Create the generated channel name for a [func] on a [api].
String makeChannelName(Api api, Method func) {
return 'dev.flutter.pigeon.${}.${}';
/// Represents the mapping of a Dart datatype to a Host datatype.
class HostDatatype {
/// Parametric constructor for HostDatatype.
required this.datatype,
required this.isBuiltin,
required this.isNullable,
/// The [String] that can be printed into host code to represent the type.
final String datatype;
/// `true` if the host datatype is something builtin.
final bool isBuiltin;
/// `true` if the type corresponds to a nullable Dart datatype.
final bool isNullable;
/// Calculates the [HostDatatype] for the provided [NamedType].
/// It will check the field against [classes], the list of custom classes, to
/// check if it is a builtin type. [builtinResolver] will return the host
/// datatype for the Dart datatype for builtin types.
/// [customResolver] can modify the datatype of custom types.
HostDatatype getFieldHostDatatype(NamedType field, List<Class> classes,
List<Enum> enums, String? Function(TypeDeclaration) builtinResolver,
{String Function(String)? customResolver}) {
return _getHostDatatype(field.type, classes, enums, builtinResolver,
customResolver: customResolver, fieldName:;
/// Calculates the [HostDatatype] for the provided [TypeDeclaration].
/// It will check the field against [classes], the list of custom classes, to
/// check if it is a builtin type. [builtinResolver] will return the host
/// datatype for the Dart datatype for builtin types.
/// [customResolver] can modify the datatype of custom types.
HostDatatype getHostDatatype(TypeDeclaration type, List<Class> classes,
List<Enum> enums, String? Function(TypeDeclaration) builtinResolver,
{String Function(String)? customResolver}) {
return _getHostDatatype(type, classes, enums, builtinResolver,
customResolver: customResolver);
HostDatatype _getHostDatatype(TypeDeclaration type, List<Class> classes,
List<Enum> enums, String? Function(TypeDeclaration) builtinResolver,
{String Function(String)? customResolver, String? fieldName}) {
final String? datatype = builtinResolver(type);
if (datatype == null) {
if ( x) => {
final String customName = customResolver != null
? customResolver(type.baseName)
: type.baseName;
return HostDatatype(
datatype: customName, isBuiltin: false, isNullable: type.isNullable);
} else if ( x) => {
final String customName = customResolver != null
? customResolver(type.baseName)
: type.baseName;
return HostDatatype(
datatype: customName, isBuiltin: false, isNullable: type.isNullable);
} else {
throw Exception(
'unrecognized datatype ${fieldName == null ? '' : 'for field:"$fieldName" '}of type:"${type.baseName}"');
} else {
return HostDatatype(
datatype: datatype, isBuiltin: true, isNullable: type.isNullable);
/// Whether or not to include the version in the generated warning.
/// This is a global rather than an option because it's only intended to be
/// used internally, to avoid churn in Pigeon test files.
bool includeVersionInGeneratedWarning = true;
/// Warning printed at the top of all generated code.
@Deprecated('Use getGeneratedCodeWarning() instead')
const String generatedCodeWarning =
'Autogenerated from Pigeon (v$pigeonVersion), do not edit directly.';
/// Warning printed at the top of all generated code.
String getGeneratedCodeWarning() {
final String versionString =
includeVersionInGeneratedWarning ? ' (v$pigeonVersion)' : '';
return 'Autogenerated from Pigeon$versionString, do not edit directly.';
/// String to be printed after `getGeneratedCodeWarning()'s warning`.
const String seeAlsoWarning = 'See also:';
/// Collection of keys used in dictionaries across generators.
class Keys {
/// The key in the result hash for the 'result' value.
static const String result = 'result';
/// The key in the result hash for the 'error' value.
static const String error = 'error';
/// The key in an error hash for the 'code' value.
static const String errorCode = 'code';
/// The key in an error hash for the 'message' value.
static const String errorMessage = 'message';
/// The key in an error hash for the 'details' value.
static const String errorDetails = 'details';
/// Returns true if `type` represents 'void'.
bool isVoid(TypeMirror type) {
return MirrorSystem.getName(type.simpleName) == 'void';
/// Adds the [lines] to [indent].
void addLines(Indent indent, Iterable<String> lines, {String? linePrefix}) {
final String prefix = linePrefix ?? '';
for (final String line in lines) {
/// Recursively merges [modification] into [base].
/// In other words, whenever there is a conflict over the value of a key path,
/// [modification]'s value for that key path is selected.
Map<String, Object> mergeMaps(
Map<String, Object> base,
Map<String, Object> modification,
) {
final Map<String, Object> result = <String, Object>{};
for (final MapEntry<String, Object> entry in modification.entries) {
if (base.containsKey(entry.key)) {
final Object entryValue = entry.value;
if (entryValue is Map<String, Object>) {
assert(base[entry.key] is Map<String, Object>);
result[entry.key] =
mergeMaps((base[entry.key] as Map<String, Object>?)!, entryValue);
} else {
result[entry.key] = entry.value;
} else {
result[entry.key] = entry.value;
for (final MapEntry<String, Object> entry in base.entries) {
if (!result.containsKey(entry.key)) {
result[entry.key] = entry.value;
return result;
/// A class name that is enumerated.
class EnumeratedClass {
/// Constructor.
EnumeratedClass(, this.enumeration);
/// The name of the class.
final String name;
/// The enumeration of the class.
final int enumeration;
/// Supported basic datatypes.
const List<String> validTypes = <String>[
/// Custom codecs' custom types are enumerated from 255 down to this number to
/// avoid collisions with the StandardMessageCodec.
const int _minimumCodecFieldKey = 128;
Iterable<TypeDeclaration> _getTypeArguments(TypeDeclaration type) sync* {
for (final TypeDeclaration typeArg in type.typeArguments) {
yield* _getTypeArguments(typeArg);
yield type;
bool _isUnseenCustomType(
TypeDeclaration type, Set<String> referencedTypeNames) {
return !referencedTypeNames.contains(type.baseName) &&
class _Bag<Key, Value> {
Map<Key, List<Value>> map = <Key, List<Value>>{};
void add(Key key, Value? value) {
if (!map.containsKey(key)) {
map[key] = value == null ? <Value>[] : <Value>[value];
} else {
if (value != null) {
void addMany(Iterable<Key> keys, Value? value) {
for (final Key key in keys) {
add(key, value);
/// Recurses into a list of [Api]s and produces a list of all referenced types
/// and an associated [List] of the offsets where they are found.
Map<TypeDeclaration, List<int>> getReferencedTypes(
List<Api> apis, List<Class> classes) {
final _Bag<TypeDeclaration, int> references = _Bag<TypeDeclaration, int>();
for (final Api api in apis) {
for (final Method method in api.methods) {
for (final NamedType field in method.arguments) {
references.addMany(_getTypeArguments(field.type), field.offset);
references.addMany(_getTypeArguments(method.returnType), method.offset);
final Set<String> referencedTypeNames = e) => e.baseName).toSet();
final List<String> classesToCheck = List<String>.from(referencedTypeNames);
while (classesToCheck.isNotEmpty) {
final String next = classesToCheck.removeLast();
final Class aClass = classes.firstWhere((Class x) => == next,
orElse: () => Class(name: '', fields: <NamedType>[]));
for (final NamedType field in aClass.fields) {
if (_isUnseenCustomType(field.type, referencedTypeNames)) {
references.add(field.type, field.offset);
for (final TypeDeclaration typeArg in field.type.typeArguments) {
if (_isUnseenCustomType(typeArg, referencedTypeNames)) {
references.add(typeArg, field.offset);
/// Returns true if the concrete type cannot be determined at compile-time.
bool _isConcreteTypeAmbiguous(TypeDeclaration type) {
return (type.baseName == 'List' && type.typeArguments.isEmpty) ||
(type.baseName == 'Map' && type.typeArguments.isEmpty) ||
type.baseName == 'Object';
/// Given an [Api], return the enumerated classes that must exist in the codec
/// where the enumeration should be the key used in the buffer.
Iterable<EnumeratedClass> getCodecClasses(Api api, Root root) sync* {
final Set<String> enumNames = e) =>;
final Map<TypeDeclaration, List<int>> referencedTypes =
getReferencedTypes(<Api>[api], root.classes);
final Iterable<String> allTypeNames =
? aClass) =>
: e) => e.baseName);
final List<String> sortedNames = allTypeNames
.where((String element) =>
element != 'void' &&
!validTypes.contains(element) &&
int enumeration = _minimumCodecFieldKey;
const int maxCustomClassesPerApi = 255 - _minimumCodecFieldKey;
if (sortedNames.length > maxCustomClassesPerApi) {
throw Exception(
"Pigeon doesn't support more than $maxCustomClassesPerApi referenced custom classes per API, try splitting up your APIs.");
for (final String name in sortedNames) {
yield EnumeratedClass(name, enumeration);
enumeration += 1;
/// Returns true if the [TypeDeclaration] represents an enum.
bool isEnum(Root root, TypeDeclaration type) => e) =>;
/// Describes how to format a document comment.
class DocumentCommentSpecification {
/// Constructor for [DocumentationCommentSpecification]
const DocumentCommentSpecification(
this.openCommentToken, {
this.closeCommentToken = '',
this.blockContinuationToken = '',
/// Token that represents the open symbol for a documentation comment.
final String openCommentToken;
/// Token that represents the closing symbol for a documentation comment.
final String closeCommentToken;
/// Token that represents the continuation symbol for a block of documentation comments.
final String blockContinuationToken;
/// Formats documentation comments and adds them to current Indent.
/// The [comments] list is meant for comments written in the input dart file.
/// The [generatorComments] list is meant for comments added by the generators.
/// Include white space for all tokens when called, no assumptions are made.
void addDocumentationComments(
Indent indent,
List<String> comments,
DocumentCommentSpecification commentSpec, {
List<String> generatorComments = const <String>[],
}) {
final List<String> allComments = <String>[
if (comments.isNotEmpty && generatorComments.isNotEmpty) '',
String currentLineOpenToken = commentSpec.openCommentToken;
if (allComments.length > 1) {
if (commentSpec.closeCommentToken != '') {
currentLineOpenToken = commentSpec.blockContinuationToken;
for (String line in allComments) {
if (line.isNotEmpty && line[0] != ' ') {
line = ' $line';
if (commentSpec.closeCommentToken != '') {
} else if (allComments.length == 1) {
/// Returns an ordered list of fields to provide consistent serialisation order.
Iterable<NamedType> getFieldsInSerializationOrder(Class klass) {
// This returns the fields in the order they are declared in the pigeon file.
return klass.fields;
/// Enum to specify which file will be generated for multi-file generators
enum FileType {
/// header file.
/// source file.
/// file type is not applicable.
/// Options for [Generator]s that have multiple output file types.
/// Specifies which file to write as well as wraps all language options.
class OutputFileOptions<T> {
/// Constructor.
OutputFileOptions({required this.fileType, required this.languageOptions});
/// To specify which file type should be created.
FileType fileType;
/// Options for specified language across all file types.
T languageOptions;