blob: 39584c923b03826b5a7072ee979d40bd2b52e991 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:cross_file/cross_file.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show immutable;
import 'camera_device.dart';
/// Options for [ImagePickerCameraDelegate] methods.
/// New options may be added in the future.
class ImagePickerCameraDelegateOptions {
/// Creates a new set of options for taking an image or video.
const ImagePickerCameraDelegateOptions({
this.preferredCameraDevice = CameraDevice.rear,
/// The camera device to default to, if available.
/// Defaults to [CameraDevice.rear].
final CameraDevice preferredCameraDevice;
/// The maximum duration to allow when recording a video.
/// Defaults to null, meaning no maximum duration.
final Duration? maxVideoDuration;
/// A delegate for `ImagePickerPlatform` implementations that do not provide
/// a camera implementation, or that have a default but allow substituting an
/// alternate implementation.
abstract class ImagePickerCameraDelegate {
/// Takes a photo with the given [options] and returns an [XFile] to the
/// resulting image file.
/// Returns null if the photo could not be taken, or the user cancelled.
Future<XFile?> takePhoto({
ImagePickerCameraDelegateOptions options =
const ImagePickerCameraDelegateOptions(),
/// Records a video with the given [options] and returns an [XFile] to the
/// resulting video file.
/// Returns null if the video could not be recorded, or the user cancelled.
Future<XFile?> takeVideo({
ImagePickerCameraDelegateOptions options =
const ImagePickerCameraDelegateOptions(),