blob: 78d880bd6975c57c5741be667d343f13ff6c9113 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
/// An internal representation of a child widget subtree that, now or in the past,
/// was set on the [PageTransitionSwitcher.child] field and is now in the process of
/// transitioning.
/// The internal representation includes fields that we don't want to expose to
/// the public API (like the controllers).
class _ChildEntry {
/// Creates a [_ChildEntry].
/// The [primaryController], [secondaryController], [transition] and
/// [widgetChild] parameters must not be null.
required this.primaryController,
required this.secondaryController,
required this.transition,
required this.widgetChild,
/// The animation controller for the child's transition.
final AnimationController primaryController;
/// The (curved) animation being used to drive the transition.
final AnimationController secondaryController;
/// The currently built transition for this child.
Widget transition;
/// The widget's child at the time this entry was created or updated.
/// Used to rebuild the transition if necessary.
Widget widgetChild;
/// Release the resources used by this object.
/// The object is no longer usable after this method is called.
void dispose() {
String toString() {
return 'PageTransitionSwitcherEntry#${shortHash(this)}($widgetChild)';
/// Signature for builders used to generate custom layouts for
/// [PageTransitionSwitcher].
/// The builder should return a widget which contains the given children, laid
/// out as desired. It must not return null. The builder should be able to
/// handle an empty list of `entries`.
typedef PageTransitionSwitcherLayoutBuilder = Widget Function(
List<Widget> entries,
/// Signature for builders used to generate custom transitions for
/// [PageTransitionSwitcher].
/// The function should return a widget which wraps the given `child`.
/// When a [PageTransitionSwitcher]'s `child` is replaced, the new child's
/// `primaryAnimation` runs forward and the value of its `secondaryAnimation` is
/// usually fixed at 0.0. At the same time, the old child's `secondaryAnimation`
/// runs forward, and the value of its primaryAnimation is usually fixed at 1.0.
/// The widget returned by the [PageTransitionSwitcherTransitionBuilder] can
/// incorporate both animations. It will use the primary animation to define how
/// its child appears, and the secondary animation to define how its child
/// disappears.
typedef PageTransitionSwitcherTransitionBuilder = Widget Function(
Widget child,
Animation<double> primaryAnimation,
Animation<double> secondaryAnimation,
/// A widget that transitions from an old child to a new child whenever [child]
/// changes using an animation specified by [transitionBuilder].
/// This is a variation of an [AnimatedSwitcher], but instead of using the
/// same transition for enter and exit, two separate transitions can be
/// specified, similar to how the enter and exit transitions of a [PageRoute]
/// are defined.
/// When a new [child] is specified, the [transitionBuilder] is effectively
/// applied twice, once to the old child and once to the new one. When
/// [reverse] is false, the old child's `secondaryAnimation` runs forward, and
/// the value of its `primaryAnimation` is usually fixed at 1.0. The new child's
/// `primaryAnimation` runs forward and the value of its `secondaryAnimation` is
/// usually fixed at 0.0. The widget returned by the [transitionBuilder] can
/// incorporate both animations. It will use the primary animation to define how
/// its child appears, and the secondary animation to define how its child
/// disappears. This is similar to the transition associated with pushing a new
/// [PageRoute] on top of another.
/// When [reverse] is true, the old child's `primaryAnimation` runs in reverse
/// and the value of its `secondaryAnimation` is usually fixed at 0.0. The new
/// child's `secondaryAnimation` runs in reverse and the value of its
/// `primaryAnimation` is usually fixed at 1.0. This is similar to popping a
/// [PageRoute] to reveal another [PageRoute] underneath it.
/// This process is the same as the one used by [PageRoute.buildTransitions].
/// The following example shows a [transitionBuilder] that slides out the
/// old child to the right (driven by the `secondaryAnimation`) while the new
/// child fades in (driven by the `primaryAnimation`):
/// ```dart
/// transitionBuilder: (
/// Widget child,
/// Animation<double> primaryAnimation,
/// Animation<double> secondaryAnimation,
/// ) {
/// return SlideTransition(
/// position: Tween<Offset>(
/// begin:,
/// end: const Offset(1.5, 0.0),
/// ).animate(secondaryAnimation),
/// child: FadeTransition(
/// opacity: Tween<double>(
/// begin: 0.0,
/// end: 1.0,
/// ).animate(primaryAnimation),
/// child: child,
/// ),
/// );
/// },
/// ```
/// If the children are swapped fast enough (i.e. before [duration] elapses),
/// more than one old child can exist and be transitioning out while the
/// newest one is transitioning in.
/// If the *new* child is the same widget type and key as the *old* child,
/// but with different parameters, then [PageTransitionSwitcher] will *not* do a
/// transition between them, since as far as the framework is concerned, they
/// are the same widget and the existing widget can be updated with the new
/// parameters. To force the transition to occur, set a [Key] on each child
/// widget that you wish to be considered unique (typically a [ValueKey] on the
/// widget data that distinguishes this child from the others). For example,
/// changing the child from `SizedBox(width: 10)` to `SizedBox(width: 100)`
/// would not trigger a transition but changing the child from
/// `SizedBox(width: 10)` to `SizedBox(key: Key('foo'), width: 100)` would.
/// Similarly, changing the child to `Container(width: 10)` would trigger a
/// transition.
/// The same key can be used for a new child as was used for an already-outgoing
/// child; the two will not be considered related. For example, if a progress
/// indicator with key A is first shown, then an image with key B, then another
/// progress indicator with key A again, all in rapid succession, then the old
/// progress indicator and the image will be fading out while a new progress
/// indicator is fading in.
/// PageTransitionSwitcher uses the [layoutBuilder] property to lay out the
/// old and new child widgets. By default, [defaultLayoutBuilder] is used.
/// See the documentation for [layoutBuilder] for suggestions on how to
/// configure the layout of the incoming and outgoing child widgets if
/// [defaultLayoutBuilder] is not your desired layout.
class PageTransitionSwitcher extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a [PageTransitionSwitcher].
/// The [duration], [reverse], and [transitionBuilder] parameters
/// must not be null.
const PageTransitionSwitcher({
this.duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
this.reverse = false,
required this.transitionBuilder,
this.layoutBuilder = defaultLayoutBuilder,
/// The current child widget to display.
/// If there was an old child, it will be transitioned out using the
/// secondary animation of the [transitionBuilder], while the new child
/// transitions in using the primary animation of the [transitionBuilder].
/// If there was no old child, then this child will transition in using
/// the primary animation of the [transitionBuilder].
/// The child is considered to be "new" if it has a different type or [Key]
/// (see [Widget.canUpdate]).
final Widget? child;
/// The duration of the transition from the old [child] value to the new one.
/// This duration is applied to the given [child] when that property is set to
/// a new child. Changing [duration] will not affect the durations of
/// transitions already in progress.
final Duration duration;
/// Indicates whether the new [child] will visually appear on top of or
/// underneath the old child.
/// When this is false, the new child will transition in on top of the
/// old child while its primary animation and the secondary
/// animation of the old child are running forward. This is similar to
/// the transition associated with pushing a new [PageRoute] on top of
/// another.
/// When this is true, the new child will transition in below the
/// old child while its secondary animation and the primary
/// animation of the old child are running in reverse. This is similar to
/// the transition associated with popping a [PageRoute] to reveal a new
/// [PageRoute] below it.
final bool reverse;
/// A function that wraps a new [child] with a primary and secondary animation
/// set define how the child appears and disappears.
/// This is only called when a new [child] is set (not for each build), or
/// when a new [transitionBuilder] is set. If a new [transitionBuilder] is
/// set, then the transition is rebuilt for the current child and all old
/// children using the new [transitionBuilder]. The function must not return
/// null.
/// The child provided to the transitionBuilder may be null.
final PageTransitionSwitcherTransitionBuilder transitionBuilder;
/// A function that wraps all of the children that are transitioning out, and
/// the [child] that's transitioning in, with a widget that lays all of them
/// out. This is called every time this widget is built. The function must not
/// return null.
/// The default [PageTransitionSwitcherLayoutBuilder] used is
/// [defaultLayoutBuilder].
/// The following example shows a [layoutBuilder] that places all entries in a
/// [Stack] that sizes itself to match the largest of the active entries.
/// All children are aligned on the top left corner of the [Stack].
/// ```dart
/// PageTransitionSwitcher(
/// duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
/// child: Container(color:,
/// layoutBuilder: (
/// List<Widget> entries,
/// ) {
/// return Stack(
/// children: entries,
/// alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
/// );
/// },
/// ),
/// ```
/// See [PageTransitionSwitcherLayoutBuilder] for more information about
/// how a layout builder should function.
final PageTransitionSwitcherLayoutBuilder layoutBuilder;
/// The default layout builder for [PageTransitionSwitcher].
/// This function is the default way for how the new and old child widgets are placed
/// during the transition between the two widgets. All children are placed in a
/// [Stack] that sizes itself to match the largest of the child or a previous child.
/// The children are centered on each other.
/// See [PageTransitionSwitcherTransitionBuilder] for more information on the function
/// signature.
static Widget defaultLayoutBuilder(List<Widget> entries) {
return Stack(
children: entries,
State<PageTransitionSwitcher> createState() => _PageTransitionSwitcherState();
class _PageTransitionSwitcherState extends State<PageTransitionSwitcher>
with TickerProviderStateMixin {
final List<_ChildEntry> _activeEntries = <_ChildEntry>[];
_ChildEntry? _currentEntry;
int _childNumber = 0;
void initState() {
_addEntryForNewChild(shouldAnimate: false);
void didUpdateWidget(PageTransitionSwitcher oldWidget) {
// If the transition builder changed, then update all of the old
// transitions.
if (widget.transitionBuilder != oldWidget.transitionBuilder) {
final bool hasNewChild = widget.child != null;
final bool hasOldChild = _currentEntry != null;
if (hasNewChild != hasOldChild ||
hasNewChild &&
!Widget.canUpdate(widget.child!, _currentEntry!.widgetChild)) {
// Child has changed, fade current entry out and add new entry.
_childNumber += 1;
_addEntryForNewChild(shouldAnimate: true);
} else if (_currentEntry != null) {
assert(hasOldChild && hasNewChild);
assert(Widget.canUpdate(widget.child!, _currentEntry!.widgetChild));
// Child has been updated. Make sure we update the child widget and
// transition in _currentEntry even though we're not going to start a new
// animation, but keep the key from the old transition so that we
// update the transition instead of replacing it.
_currentEntry!.widgetChild = widget.child!;
_updateTransitionForEntry(_currentEntry!); // uses entry.widgetChild
void _addEntryForNewChild({required bool shouldAnimate}) {
assert(shouldAnimate || _currentEntry == null);
if (_currentEntry != null) {
if (widget.reverse) {
} else {
_currentEntry = null;
if (widget.child == null) {
final AnimationController primaryController = AnimationController(
duration: widget.duration,
vsync: this,
final AnimationController secondaryController = AnimationController(
duration: widget.duration,
vsync: this,
if (shouldAnimate) {
if (widget.reverse) {
primaryController.value = 1.0;
secondaryController.value = 1.0;
} else {
} else {
primaryController.value = 1.0;
_currentEntry = _newEntry(
child: widget.child!,
primaryController: primaryController,
secondaryController: secondaryController,
builder: widget.transitionBuilder,
if (widget.reverse && _activeEntries.isNotEmpty) {
// Add below old child.
_activeEntries.insert(_activeEntries.length - 1, _currentEntry!);
} else {
// Add on top of old child.
_ChildEntry _newEntry({
required Widget child,
required PageTransitionSwitcherTransitionBuilder builder,
required AnimationController primaryController,
required AnimationController secondaryController,
}) {
final Widget transition = builder(
final _ChildEntry entry = _ChildEntry(
widgetChild: child,
transition: KeyedSubtree.wrap(
primaryController: primaryController,
secondaryController: secondaryController,
secondaryController.addStatusListener((AnimationStatus status) {
if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
setState(() {
primaryController.addStatusListener((AnimationStatus status) {
if (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) {
setState(() {
return entry;
void _updateTransitionForEntry(_ChildEntry entry) {
final Widget transition = widget.transitionBuilder(
entry.transition = KeyedSubtree(
key: entry.transition.key,
child: transition,
void dispose() {
for (final _ChildEntry entry in _activeEntries) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.layoutBuilder(_activeEntries
.map<Widget>((_ChildEntry entry) => entry.transition)