Bump legacy all_packages project AGP version to 7.0.0, Gradle version to 7.0.2 (#6591)

Upgrades legacy all_packages project AGP version to 7.0.0 and Gradle version to 7.0.2 as Flutter will begin enforcing supported versions for these Android dependencies.

This was prompted by dependabot AGP version upgrades like https://github.com/flutter/packages/pull/6522 that are failing due to a what a clear warning* describes as a potential issue:

Warning: Flutter support for your project's Gradle version (6.7.1) will soon be dropped. Please upgrade your Gradle version to a version of at least 7.0.2 soon.
Alternatively, use the flag "--android-skip-build-dependency-validation" to bypass this check.

Potential fix: Your project's gradle version is typically defined in the gradle wrapper file. By default, this can be found at /b/s/w/ir/x/w/packages/legacy/all_packages/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties. 
For more information, see https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html.

Warning: Flutter support for your project's Android Gradle Plugin version (4.1.0) will soon be dropped. Please upgrade your Android Gradle Plugin version to a version of at least 7.0.0 soon.
Alternatively, use the flag "--android-skip-build-dependency-validation" to bypass this check.

Potential fix: Your project's AGP version is typically defined the plugins block of the `settings.gradle` file (/b/s/w/ir/x/w/packages/legacy/all_packages/android/settings.gradle), by a plugin with the id of com.android.application. 
If you don't see a plugins block, your project was likely created with an older template version. In this case it is most likely defined in the top-level build.gradle file (/b/s/w/ir/x/w/packages/legacy/all_packages/android/build.gradle) by the following line in the dependencies block of the buildscript: "classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:<version>'".

Other dependabot upgrades that I believe are blocked by this change:

*Added in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/143341
3 files changed
tree: 9767dad26ef37199a986d08b4ce00acc581eb721
  1. .ci/
  2. .github/
  3. packages/
  4. script/
  5. third_party/
  6. .ci.yaml
  7. .clang-format
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. .metadata
  11. analysis_options.yaml
  15. customer_testing.bat
  16. customer_testing.sh
  18. README.md

Flutter Packages

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This repo is a companion repo to the main flutter repo. It contains the source code for Flutter's first-party packages (i.e., packages developed by the core Flutter team). Check the packages directory to see all packages.

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PackagePubPointsPopularityIssuesPull requests
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camerapub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
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cupertino_iconspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
espressopub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
extension_google_sign_in_as_googleapis_authpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
file_selectorpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_adaptive_scaffoldpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
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flutter_plugin_android_lifecyclepub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
flutter_template_imagespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
go_routerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
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google_sign_inpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
image_pickerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
interactive_media_adspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
in_app_purchasepub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
ios_platform_imagespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
local_authpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
metrics_centerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
multicast_dnspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
palette_generatorpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
path_providerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
pigeonpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
platformpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
pointer_interceptorpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
plugin_platform_interfacepub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
processpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
quick_actionspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
google_identity_services_webpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
rfwpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
shared_preferencespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
standard_message_codecpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
two_dimensional_scrollablespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
url_launcherpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
video_playerpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
web_benchmarkspub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
webview_flutterpub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label
xdg_directoriespub packagepub pointspopularityGitHub issues by-labelGitHub pull requests by-label