This example gives an overview of how to use Pigeon to call into the host-platform from Flutter.
This is the Pigeon file that describes the interface that will be used to call from Flutter to the host-platform.
import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart'; class Book { String? title; String? author; } @HostApi() abstract class BookApi { List<Book?> search(String keyword); }
This is the call to Pigeon that will ingest message.dart
and generate the code for iOS and Android.
flutter pub run pigeon \ --input pigeons/message.dart \ --dart_out lib/pigeon.dart \ --objc_header_out ios/Runner/pigeon.h \ --objc_source_out ios/Runner/pigeon.m \ --java_out ./android/app/src/main/java/dev/flutter/pigeon/ \ --java_package "dev.flutter.pigeon"
This is the code that will use the generated Objective-C code to receive calls from Flutter.
#import "AppDelegate.h" #import <Flutter/Flutter.h> #import "pigeon.h" @interface MyApi : NSObject <BookApi> @end @implementation MyApi -(NSArray<Book *> *)searchKeyword:(NSString *)keyword error:(FlutterError **)error { Book *result = [[Book alloc] init]; result.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@'s Life", request.query]; = keyword; return @[ result ]; } @end @implementation AppDelegate - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey, id> *)launchOptions { MyApi *api = [[MyApi alloc] init]; BookApiSetup(getFlutterEngine().binaryMessenger, api); return YES; } @end
This is the code that will use the generated Java code to receive calls from Flutter.
import dev.flutter.pigeon.Pigeon.*; import java.util.Collections; public class StartActivity extends Activity { private class MyApi implements BookApi { List<Book> search(String keyword) { Book result = new Book(); = keyword; result.title = String.format("%s's Life", keyword); return Collections.singletonList(result) } } protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); BookApi.setup(getBinaryMessenger(), new MyApi()); } }
This is the Dart code that will call into the host-platform using the generated Dart code.
import 'pigeon.dart'; void main() { testWidgets("test pigeon", (WidgetTester tester) async { Api api = Api(); List<Book?> reply = await"Aaron"); expect(reply[0].title, equals("Aaron's Life")); }); }
A downloadable example of using Pigeon to create a Flutter Plugin with Swift and Kotlin can be found at gaaclarke/flutter_plugin_example.
A full example of using Pigeon for add-to-app with Swift on iOS can be found at samples/add_to_app/books.
A full real-world example can also be found in the video_player plugin.