| // Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'package:pigeon/functional.dart'; |
| |
| import 'ast.dart'; |
| import 'generator_tools.dart'; |
| |
| /// Options that control how Objective-C code will be generated. |
| class ObjcOptions { |
| /// Parametric constructor for ObjcOptions. |
| const ObjcOptions({ |
| this.header, |
| this.prefix, |
| this.copyrightHeader, |
| }); |
| |
| /// The path to the header that will get placed in the source filed (example: |
| /// "foo.h"). |
| final String? header; |
| |
| /// Prefix that will be appended before all generated classes and protocols. |
| final String? prefix; |
| |
| /// A copyright header that will get prepended to generated code. |
| final Iterable<String>? copyrightHeader; |
| |
| /// Creates a [ObjcOptions] from a Map representation where: |
| /// `x = ObjcOptions.fromMap(x.toMap())`. |
| static ObjcOptions fromMap(Map<String, Object> map) { |
| return ObjcOptions( |
| header: map['header'] as String?, |
| prefix: map['prefix'] as String?, |
| copyrightHeader: map['copyrightHeader'] as Iterable<String>?, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /// Converts a [ObjcOptions] to a Map representation where: |
| /// `x = ObjcOptions.fromMap(x.toMap())`. |
| Map<String, Object> toMap() { |
| final Map<String, Object> result = <String, Object>{ |
| if (header != null) 'header': header!, |
| if (prefix != null) 'prefix': prefix!, |
| if (copyrightHeader != null) 'copyrightHeader': copyrightHeader!, |
| }; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /// Overrides any non-null parameters from [options] into this to make a new |
| /// [ObjcOptions]. |
| ObjcOptions merge(ObjcOptions options) { |
| return ObjcOptions.fromMap(mergeMaps(toMap(), options.toMap())); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String _className(String? prefix, String className) { |
| if (prefix != null) { |
| return '$prefix$className'; |
| } else { |
| return className; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String _callbackForType(TypeDeclaration type, String objcType) { |
| return type.isVoid |
| ? 'void(^)(NSError *_Nullable)' |
| : 'void(^)($objcType *, NSError *_Nullable)'; |
| } |
| |
| const Map<String, String> _objcTypeForDartTypeMap = <String, String>{ |
| 'bool': 'NSNumber', |
| 'int': 'NSNumber', |
| 'String': 'NSString', |
| 'double': 'NSNumber', |
| 'Uint8List': 'FlutterStandardTypedData', |
| 'Int32List': 'FlutterStandardTypedData', |
| 'Int64List': 'FlutterStandardTypedData', |
| 'Float64List': 'FlutterStandardTypedData', |
| 'List': 'NSArray', |
| 'Map': 'NSDictionary', |
| }; |
| |
| String _flattenTypeArguments(String? classPrefix, List<TypeDeclaration> args) { |
| final String result = args |
| .map<String>( |
| (TypeDeclaration e) => '${_objcTypeForDartType(classPrefix, e)} *') |
| .join(', '); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| String? _objcTypePtrForPrimitiveDartType(String? classPrefix, NamedType field) { |
| return _objcTypeForDartTypeMap.containsKey(field.type.baseName) |
| ? '${_objcTypeForDartType(classPrefix, field.type)} *' |
| : null; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the objc type for a dart [type], prepending the [classPrefix] for |
| /// generated classes. For example: |
| /// _objcTypeForDartType(null, 'int') => 'NSNumber'. |
| String _objcTypeForDartType(String? classPrefix, TypeDeclaration field) { |
| return _objcTypeForDartTypeMap.containsKey(field.baseName) |
| ? field.typeArguments.isEmpty |
| ? _objcTypeForDartTypeMap[field.baseName]! |
| : '${_objcTypeForDartTypeMap[field.baseName]}<${_flattenTypeArguments(classPrefix, field.typeArguments)}>' |
| : _className(classPrefix, field.baseName); |
| } |
| |
| String _propertyTypeForDartType(NamedType field) { |
| const Map<String, String> propertyTypeForDartTypeMap = <String, String>{ |
| 'String': 'copy', |
| 'bool': 'strong', |
| 'int': 'strong', |
| 'double': 'strong', |
| 'Uint8List': 'strong', |
| 'Int32List': 'strong', |
| 'Int64List': 'strong', |
| 'Float64List': 'strong', |
| 'List': 'strong', |
| 'Map': 'strong', |
| }; |
| |
| final String? result = propertyTypeForDartTypeMap[field.type.baseName]; |
| if (result == null) { |
| return 'strong'; |
| } else { |
| return result; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _writeClassDeclarations( |
| Indent indent, List<Class> classes, List<Enum> enums, String? prefix) { |
| final List<String> enumNames = enums.map((Enum x) => x.name).toList(); |
| for (final Class klass in classes) { |
| indent.writeln('@interface ${_className(prefix, klass.name)} : NSObject'); |
| for (final NamedType field in klass.fields) { |
| final HostDatatype hostDatatype = getHostDatatype(field, classes, enums, |
| (NamedType x) => _objcTypePtrForPrimitiveDartType(prefix, x), |
| customResolver: enumNames.contains(field.type.baseName) |
| ? (String x) => _className(prefix, x) |
| : (String x) => '${_className(prefix, x)} *'); |
| late final String propertyType; |
| if (enumNames.contains(field.type.baseName)) { |
| propertyType = 'assign'; |
| } else { |
| propertyType = _propertyTypeForDartType(field); |
| } |
| final String nullability = |
| hostDatatype.datatype.contains('*') ? ', nullable' : ''; |
| indent.writeln( |
| '@property(nonatomic, $propertyType$nullability) ${hostDatatype.datatype} ${field.name};'); |
| } |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String _getCodecName(String? prefix, String className) => |
| '${_className(prefix, className)}Codec'; |
| |
| String _getCodecGetterName(String? prefix, String className) => |
| '${_className(prefix, className)}GetCodec'; |
| |
| void _writeCodec(Indent indent, String name, ObjcOptions options, Api api) { |
| final String readerWriterName = '${name}ReaderWriter'; |
| final String readerName = '${name}Reader'; |
| final String writerName = '${name}Writer'; |
| indent.writeln('@interface $readerName : FlutterStandardReader'); |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| indent.writeln('@implementation $readerName'); |
| if (getCodecClasses(api).isNotEmpty) { |
| indent.writeln('- (nullable id)readValueOfType:(UInt8)type '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| indent.write('switch (type) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| for (final EnumeratedClass customClass in getCodecClasses(api)) { |
| indent.write('case ${customClass.enumeration}: '); |
| indent.writeScoped('', '', () { |
| indent.writeln( |
| 'return [${_className(options.prefix, customClass.name)} fromMap:[self readValue]];'); |
| }); |
| } |
| indent.write('default:'); |
| indent.writeScoped('', '', () { |
| indent.writeln('return [super readValueOfType:type];'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| indent.addln(''); |
| indent.writeln('@interface $writerName : FlutterStandardWriter'); |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| indent.writeln('@implementation $writerName'); |
| if (getCodecClasses(api).isNotEmpty) { |
| indent.writeln('- (void)writeValue:(id)value '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| for (final EnumeratedClass customClass in getCodecClasses(api)) { |
| indent.write( |
| 'if ([value isKindOfClass:[${_className(options.prefix, customClass.name)} class]]) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '} else ', () { |
| indent.writeln('[self writeByte:${customClass.enumeration}];'); |
| indent.writeln('[self writeValue:[value toMap]];'); |
| }); |
| } |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| indent.writeln('[super writeValue:value];'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| indent.addln(''); |
| indent.format(''' |
| @interface $readerWriterName : FlutterStandardReaderWriter |
| @end |
| @implementation $readerWriterName |
| - (FlutterStandardWriter *)writerWithData:(NSMutableData *)data { |
| \treturn [[$writerName alloc] initWithData:data]; |
| } |
| - (FlutterStandardReader *)readerWithData:(NSData *)data { |
| \treturn [[$readerName alloc] initWithData:data]; |
| } |
| @end |
| |
| NSObject<FlutterMessageCodec> *${_getCodecGetterName(options.prefix, api.name)}() { |
| \tstatic dispatch_once_t s_pred = 0; |
| \tstatic FlutterStandardMessageCodec *s_sharedObject = nil; |
| \tdispatch_once(&s_pred, ^{ |
| \t\t$readerWriterName *readerWriter = [[$readerWriterName alloc] init]; |
| \t\ts_sharedObject = [FlutterStandardMessageCodec codecWithReaderWriter:readerWriter]; |
| \t}); |
| \treturn s_sharedObject; |
| } |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| String _capitalize(String str) => |
| (str.isEmpty) ? '' : str[0].toUpperCase() + str.substring(1); |
| |
| /// Returns the components of the objc selector that will be generated from |
| /// [func], ie the strings between the semicolons. [lastSelectorComponent] is |
| /// the last component of the selector aka the label of the last parameter which |
| /// isn't included in [func]. |
| /// Example: |
| /// f('void add(int x, int y)', 'count') -> ['addX', 'y', 'count'] |
| Iterable<String> _getSelectorComponents( |
| Method func, String lastSelectorComponent) sync* { |
| if (func.objcSelector.isEmpty) { |
| final Iterator<NamedType> it = func.arguments.iterator; |
| final bool hasArguments = it.moveNext(); |
| final String namePostfix = |
| (lastSelectorComponent.isNotEmpty && func.arguments.isEmpty) |
| ? 'With${_capitalize(lastSelectorComponent)}' |
| : ''; |
| yield '${func.name}${hasArguments ? _capitalize(func.arguments[0].name) : namePostfix}'; |
| while (it.moveNext()) { |
| yield it.current.name; |
| } |
| } else { |
| assert(':'.allMatches(func.objcSelector).length == func.arguments.length); |
| final Iterable<String> customComponents = func.objcSelector |
| .split(':') |
| .where((String element) => element.isNotEmpty); |
| yield* customComponents; |
| } |
| if (lastSelectorComponent.isNotEmpty && func.arguments.isNotEmpty) { |
| yield lastSelectorComponent; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Generates the objc source code method signature for [func]. [returnType] is |
| /// the return value of method, this may not match the return value in [func] |
| /// since [func] may be asynchronous. The function requires you specify a |
| /// [lastArgType] and [lastArgName] for arguments that aren't represented in |
| /// [func]. This is typically used for passing in 'error' or 'completion' |
| /// arguments that don't exist in the pigeon file but are required in the objc |
| /// output. [argNameFunc] is the function used to generate the argument name |
| /// [func.arguments]. |
| String _makeObjcSignature({ |
| required Method func, |
| required ObjcOptions options, |
| required String returnType, |
| required String lastArgType, |
| required String lastArgName, |
| String Function(int, NamedType)? argNameFunc, |
| }) { |
| argNameFunc = argNameFunc ?? (int _, NamedType e) => e.name; |
| final Iterable<String> argNames = |
| followedByOne(indexMap(func.arguments, argNameFunc), lastArgName); |
| final Iterable<String> selectorComponents = |
| _getSelectorComponents(func, lastArgName); |
| final Iterable<String> argTypes = followedByOne( |
| func.arguments.map((NamedType arg) { |
| final String nullable = func.isAsynchronous ? 'nullable ' : ''; |
| final String argType = _objcTypeForDartType(options.prefix, arg.type); |
| return '$nullable$argType *'; |
| }), |
| lastArgType, |
| ); |
| |
| final String argSignature = map3( |
| selectorComponents, |
| argTypes, |
| argNames, |
| (String component, String argType, String argName) => |
| '$component:($argType)$argName', |
| ).join(' '); |
| return '- ($returnType)$argSignature'; |
| } |
| |
| void _writeHostApiDeclaration(Indent indent, Api api, ObjcOptions options) { |
| final String apiName = _className(options.prefix, api.name); |
| indent.writeln('@protocol $apiName'); |
| for (final Method func in api.methods) { |
| final String returnTypeName = |
| _objcTypeForDartType(options.prefix, func.returnType); |
| |
| String? lastArgName; |
| String? lastArgType; |
| String? returnType; |
| if (func.isAsynchronous) { |
| returnType = 'void'; |
| if (func.returnType.isVoid) { |
| lastArgType = 'void(^)(FlutterError *_Nullable)'; |
| lastArgName = 'completion'; |
| } else { |
| lastArgType = |
| 'void(^)($returnTypeName *_Nullable, FlutterError *_Nullable)'; |
| lastArgName = 'completion'; |
| } |
| } else { |
| returnType = |
| func.returnType.isVoid ? 'void' : 'nullable $returnTypeName *'; |
| lastArgType = 'FlutterError *_Nullable *_Nonnull'; |
| lastArgName = 'error'; |
| } |
| indent.writeln(_makeObjcSignature( |
| func: func, |
| options: options, |
| returnType: returnType, |
| lastArgName: lastArgName, |
| lastArgType: lastArgType) + |
| ';'); |
| } |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| indent.writeln( |
| 'extern void ${apiName}Setup(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger> binaryMessenger, NSObject<$apiName> *_Nullable api);'); |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| } |
| |
| void _writeFlutterApiDeclaration(Indent indent, Api api, ObjcOptions options) { |
| final String apiName = _className(options.prefix, api.name); |
| indent.writeln('@interface $apiName : NSObject'); |
| indent.writeln( |
| '- (instancetype)initWithBinaryMessenger:(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger>)binaryMessenger;'); |
| for (final Method func in api.methods) { |
| final String returnType = |
| _objcTypeForDartType(options.prefix, func.returnType); |
| final String callbackType = _callbackForType(func.returnType, returnType); |
| indent.writeln(_makeObjcSignature( |
| func: func, |
| options: options, |
| returnType: 'void', |
| lastArgName: 'completion', |
| lastArgType: callbackType, |
| ) + |
| ';'); |
| } |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| } |
| |
| /// Generates the ".h" file for the AST represented by [root] to [sink] with the |
| /// provided [options]. |
| void generateObjcHeader(ObjcOptions options, Root root, StringSink sink) { |
| final Indent indent = Indent(sink); |
| if (options.copyrightHeader != null) { |
| addLines(indent, options.copyrightHeader!, linePrefix: '// '); |
| } |
| indent.writeln('// $generatedCodeWarning'); |
| indent.writeln('// $seeAlsoWarning'); |
| indent.writeln('#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>'); |
| indent.writeln('@protocol FlutterBinaryMessenger;'); |
| indent.writeln('@protocol FlutterMessageCodec;'); |
| indent.writeln('@class FlutterError;'); |
| indent.writeln('@class FlutterStandardTypedData;'); |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| |
| indent.writeln('NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN'); |
| |
| for (final Enum anEnum in root.enums) { |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| final String enumName = _className(options.prefix, anEnum.name); |
| indent.write('typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, $enumName) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '};', () { |
| int index = 0; |
| for (final String member in anEnum.members) { |
| // Capitalized first letter to ensure Swift compatibility |
| indent.writeln( |
| '$enumName${member[0].toUpperCase()}${member.substring(1)} = $index,'); |
| index++; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| |
| for (final Class klass in root.classes) { |
| indent.writeln('@class ${_className(options.prefix, klass.name)};'); |
| } |
| |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| |
| _writeClassDeclarations(indent, root.classes, root.enums, options.prefix); |
| |
| for (final Api api in root.apis) { |
| indent.writeln( |
| '/// The codec used by ${_className(options.prefix, api.name)}.'); |
| indent.writeln( |
| 'NSObject<FlutterMessageCodec> *${_getCodecGetterName(options.prefix, api.name)}(void);'); |
| indent.addln(''); |
| if (api.location == ApiLocation.host) { |
| _writeHostApiDeclaration(indent, api, options); |
| } else if (api.location == ApiLocation.flutter) { |
| _writeFlutterApiDeclaration(indent, api, options); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| indent.writeln('NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END'); |
| } |
| |
| String _dictGetter( |
| List<String> classNames, String dict, NamedType field, String? prefix) { |
| if (classNames.contains(field.type.baseName)) { |
| String className = field.type.baseName; |
| if (prefix != null) { |
| className = '$prefix$className'; |
| } |
| return '[$className fromMap:$dict[@"${field.name}"]]'; |
| } else { |
| return '$dict[@"${field.name}"]'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String _dictValue( |
| List<String> classNames, List<String> enumNames, NamedType field) { |
| if (classNames.contains(field.type.baseName)) { |
| return '(self.${field.name} ? [self.${field.name} toMap] : [NSNull null])'; |
| } else if (enumNames.contains(field.type.baseName)) { |
| return '@(self.${field.name})'; |
| } else { |
| return '(self.${field.name} ? self.${field.name} : [NSNull null])'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String _getSelector(Method func, String lastSelectorComponent) => |
| _getSelectorComponents(func, lastSelectorComponent).join(':') + ':'; |
| |
| /// Returns an argument name that can be used in a context where it is possible to collide. |
| String _getSafeArgName(int count, NamedType arg) => |
| arg.name.isEmpty ? 'arg$count' : 'arg_${arg.name}'; |
| |
| void _writeHostApiSource(Indent indent, ObjcOptions options, Api api) { |
| assert(api.location == ApiLocation.host); |
| final String apiName = _className(options.prefix, api.name); |
| indent.write( |
| 'void ${apiName}Setup(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger> binaryMessenger, NSObject<$apiName> *api) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| for (final Method func in api.methods) { |
| indent.write(''); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| indent.writeln('FlutterBasicMessageChannel *channel ='); |
| indent.inc(); |
| indent.writeln('[FlutterBasicMessageChannel'); |
| indent.inc(); |
| indent |
| .writeln('messageChannelWithName:@"${makeChannelName(api, func)}"'); |
| indent.writeln('binaryMessenger:binaryMessenger'); |
| indent.writeln( |
| 'codec:${_getCodecGetterName(options.prefix, api.name)}()];'); |
| indent.dec(); |
| indent.dec(); |
| |
| indent.write('if (api) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| // TODO(gaaclarke): Incorporate this into _getSelectorComponents. |
| final String lastSelectorComponent = |
| func.isAsynchronous ? 'completion' : 'error'; |
| final String selector = _getSelector(func, lastSelectorComponent); |
| indent.writeln( |
| 'NSCAssert([api respondsToSelector:@selector($selector)], @"$apiName api doesn\'t respond to @selector($selector)");'); |
| indent.write( |
| '[channel setMessageHandler:^(id _Nullable message, FlutterReply callback) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}];', () { |
| final String returnType = |
| _objcTypeForDartType(options.prefix, func.returnType); |
| String syncCall; |
| String? callSignature; |
| final Iterable<String> selectorComponents = |
| _getSelectorComponents(func, lastSelectorComponent); |
| if (func.arguments.isEmpty) { |
| syncCall = '[api ${selectorComponents.first}:&error]'; |
| } else { |
| indent.writeln('NSArray *args = message;'); |
| final Iterable<String> argNames = |
| indexMap(func.arguments, _getSafeArgName); |
| map3(wholeNumbers.take(func.arguments.length), argNames, |
| func.arguments, (int count, String argName, NamedType arg) { |
| final String argType = |
| _objcTypeForDartType(options.prefix, arg.type); |
| return '$argType *$argName = args[$count];'; |
| }).forEach(indent.writeln); |
| callSignature = |
| map2(selectorComponents.take(argNames.length), argNames, |
| (String selectorComponent, String argName) { |
| return '$selectorComponent:$argName'; |
| }).join(' '); |
| syncCall = '[api $callSignature error:&error]'; |
| } |
| if (func.isAsynchronous) { |
| if (func.returnType.isVoid) { |
| const String callback = 'callback(wrapResult(nil, error));'; |
| if (func.arguments.isEmpty) { |
| indent.writeScoped( |
| '[api ${selectorComponents.first}:^(FlutterError *_Nullable error) {', |
| '}];', () { |
| indent.writeln(callback); |
| }); |
| } else { |
| indent.writeScoped( |
| '[api $callSignature ${selectorComponents.last}:^(FlutterError *_Nullable error) {', |
| '}];', () { |
| indent.writeln(callback); |
| }); |
| } |
| } else { |
| const String callback = 'callback(wrapResult(output, error));'; |
| if (func.arguments.isEmpty) { |
| indent.writeScoped( |
| '[api ${selectorComponents.first}:^($returnType *_Nullable output, FlutterError *_Nullable error) {', |
| '}];', () { |
| indent.writeln(callback); |
| }); |
| } else { |
| indent.writeScoped( |
| '[api $callSignature ${selectorComponents.last}:^($returnType *_Nullable output, FlutterError *_Nullable error) {', |
| '}];', () { |
| indent.writeln(callback); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| indent.writeln('FlutterError *error;'); |
| if (func.returnType.isVoid) { |
| indent.writeln('$syncCall;'); |
| indent.writeln('callback(wrapResult(nil, error));'); |
| } else { |
| indent.writeln('$returnType *output = $syncCall;'); |
| indent.writeln('callback(wrapResult(output, error));'); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| }); |
| indent.write('else '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| indent.writeln('[channel setMessageHandler:nil];'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| void _writeFlutterApiSource(Indent indent, ObjcOptions options, Api api) { |
| assert(api.location == ApiLocation.flutter); |
| final String apiName = _className(options.prefix, api.name); |
| indent.writeln('@interface $apiName ()'); |
| indent.writeln( |
| '@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject<FlutterBinaryMessenger> *binaryMessenger;'); |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| indent.addln(''); |
| indent.writeln('@implementation $apiName'); |
| indent.write( |
| '- (instancetype)initWithBinaryMessenger:(NSObject<FlutterBinaryMessenger> *)binaryMessenger '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| indent.writeln('self = [super init];'); |
| indent.write('if (self) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| indent.writeln('_binaryMessenger = binaryMessenger;'); |
| }); |
| indent.writeln('return self;'); |
| }); |
| indent.addln(''); |
| for (final Method func in api.methods) { |
| final String returnType = |
| _objcTypeForDartType(options.prefix, func.returnType); |
| final String callbackType = _callbackForType(func.returnType, returnType); |
| |
| String argNameFunc(int count, NamedType arg) => _getSafeArgName(count, arg); |
| final Iterable<String> argNames = indexMap(func.arguments, argNameFunc); |
| String sendArgument; |
| if (func.arguments.isEmpty) { |
| sendArgument = 'nil'; |
| } else { |
| sendArgument = '@[${argNames.join(', ')}]'; |
| } |
| indent.write(_makeObjcSignature( |
| func: func, |
| options: options, |
| returnType: 'void', |
| lastArgName: 'completion', |
| lastArgType: callbackType, |
| argNameFunc: argNameFunc, |
| )); |
| indent.scoped(' {', '}', () { |
| indent.writeln('FlutterBasicMessageChannel *channel ='); |
| indent.inc(); |
| indent.writeln('[FlutterBasicMessageChannel'); |
| indent.inc(); |
| indent.writeln('messageChannelWithName:@"${makeChannelName(api, func)}"'); |
| indent.writeln('binaryMessenger:self.binaryMessenger'); |
| indent.writeln( |
| 'codec:${_getCodecGetterName(options.prefix, api.name)}()];'); |
| indent.dec(); |
| indent.dec(); |
| indent.write('[channel sendMessage:$sendArgument reply:^(id reply) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}];', () { |
| if (func.returnType.isVoid) { |
| indent.writeln('completion(nil);'); |
| } else { |
| indent.writeln('$returnType *output = reply;'); |
| indent.writeln('completion(output, nil);'); |
| } |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| } |
| |
| /// Generates the ".m" file for the AST represented by [root] to [sink] with the |
| /// provided [options]. |
| void generateObjcSource(ObjcOptions options, Root root, StringSink sink) { |
| final Indent indent = Indent(sink); |
| final List<String> classNames = |
| root.classes.map((Class x) => x.name).toList(); |
| final List<String> enumNames = root.enums.map((Enum x) => x.name).toList(); |
| |
| if (options.copyrightHeader != null) { |
| addLines(indent, options.copyrightHeader!, linePrefix: '// '); |
| } |
| indent.writeln('// $generatedCodeWarning'); |
| indent.writeln('// $seeAlsoWarning'); |
| indent.writeln('#import "${options.header}"'); |
| indent.writeln('#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>'); |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| |
| indent.writeln('#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)'); |
| indent.writeln('#error File requires ARC to be enabled.'); |
| indent.writeln('#endif'); |
| indent.addln(''); |
| |
| indent.format(''' |
| static NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *wrapResult(id result, FlutterError *error) { |
| \tNSDictionary *errorDict = (NSDictionary *)[NSNull null]; |
| \tif (error) { |
| \t\terrorDict = @{ |
| \t\t\t\t@"${Keys.errorCode}": (error.code ? error.code : [NSNull null]), |
| \t\t\t\t@"${Keys.errorMessage}": (error.message ? error.message : [NSNull null]), |
| \t\t\t\t@"${Keys.errorDetails}": (error.details ? error.details : [NSNull null]), |
| \t\t\t\t}; |
| \t} |
| \treturn @{ |
| \t\t\t@"${Keys.result}": (result ? result : [NSNull null]), |
| \t\t\t@"${Keys.error}": errorDict, |
| \t\t\t}; |
| }'''); |
| indent.addln(''); |
| |
| for (final Class klass in root.classes) { |
| final String className = _className(options.prefix, klass.name); |
| indent.writeln('@interface $className ()'); |
| indent.writeln('+ ($className *)fromMap:(NSDictionary *)dict;'); |
| indent.writeln('- (NSDictionary *)toMap;'); |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| } |
| |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| |
| for (final Class klass in root.classes) { |
| final String className = _className(options.prefix, klass.name); |
| indent.writeln('@implementation $className'); |
| indent.write('+ ($className *)fromMap:(NSDictionary *)dict '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| const String resultName = 'result'; |
| indent.writeln('$className *$resultName = [[$className alloc] init];'); |
| for (final NamedType field in klass.fields) { |
| if (enumNames.contains(field.type.baseName)) { |
| indent.writeln( |
| '$resultName.${field.name} = [${_dictGetter(classNames, 'dict', field, options.prefix)} integerValue];'); |
| } else { |
| indent.writeln( |
| '$resultName.${field.name} = ${_dictGetter(classNames, 'dict', field, options.prefix)};'); |
| indent.write( |
| 'if ((NSNull *)$resultName.${field.name} == [NSNull null]) '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| indent.writeln('$resultName.${field.name} = nil;'); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| indent.writeln('return $resultName;'); |
| }); |
| indent.write('- (NSDictionary *)toMap '); |
| indent.scoped('{', '}', () { |
| indent.write('return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:'); |
| for (final NamedType field in klass.fields) { |
| indent.add( |
| _dictValue(classNames, enumNames, field) + ', @"${field.name}", '); |
| } |
| indent.addln('nil];'); |
| }); |
| indent.writeln('@end'); |
| indent.writeln(''); |
| } |
| |
| for (final Api api in root.apis) { |
| final String codecName = _getCodecName(options.prefix, api.name); |
| _writeCodec(indent, codecName, options, api); |
| indent.addln(''); |
| if (api.location == ApiLocation.host) { |
| _writeHostApiSource(indent, options, api); |
| } else if (api.location == ApiLocation.flutter) { |
| _writeFlutterApiSource(indent, options, api); |
| } |
| } |
| } |