blob: 7ed15363d20cac9b1698a5e255c71ef3ea17d189 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'breakpoints.dart';
import 'slot_layout.dart';
enum _SlotIds {
/// Layout an app that adapts to different screens using predefined slots.
/// This widget separates the app window into predefined sections called
/// "slots". It lays out the app using the following kinds of slots (in order):
/// * [topNavigation], full width at the top. Must have defined size.
/// * [bottomNavigation], full width at the bottom. Must have defined size.
/// * [primaryNavigation], displayed on the beginning side of the app window
/// from the bottom of [topNavigation] to the top of [bottomNavigation]. Must
/// have defined size.
/// * [secondaryNavigation], displayed on the end side of the app window from
/// the bottom of [topNavigation] to the top of [bottomNavigation]. Must have
/// defined size.
/// * [body], first panel; fills the remaining space from the beginning side.
/// The main view should have flexible size (like a container).
/// * [secondaryBody], second panel; fills the remaining space from the end
/// side. The use of this property is common in apps that have a main view
/// and a detail view. The main view should have flexible size (like a
/// Container). This provides some automatic functionality with foldable
/// screens.
/// Slots can display differently under different screen conditions (such as
/// different widths), and each slot is defined with a [SlotLayout], which maps
/// [Breakpoint]s to [SlotLayoutConfig], where [SlotLayoutConfig] defines the
/// content and transition.
/// [AdaptiveLayout] handles the placement of the slots on the app window and
/// animations regarding their macromovements.
/// ```dart
/// AdaptiveLayout(
/// primaryNavigation: SlotLayout(
/// config: {
/// Breakpoints.small: SlotLayout.from(
/// key: const Key('Primary Navigation Small'),
/// builder: (_) => const SizedBox.shrink(),
/// ),
/// Breakpoints.medium: SlotLayout.from(
/// inAnimation: leftOutIn,
/// key: const Key('Primary Navigation Medium'),
/// builder: (_) => AdaptiveScaffold.toNavigationRail(destinations: destinations),
/// ),
/// Breakpoints.large: SlotLayout.from(
/// key: const Key('Primary Navigation Large'),
/// inAnimation: leftOutIn,
/// builder: (_) => AdaptiveScaffold.toNavigationRail(extended: true, destinations: destinations),
/// ),
/// },
/// ),
/// body: SlotLayout(
/// config: {
/// Breakpoints.small: SlotLayout.from(
/// key: const Key('Body Small'),
/// builder: (_) => ListView.builder(
/// itemCount: children.length,
/// itemBuilder: (_, idx) => children[idx]
/// ),
/// ),
/// Breakpoints.medium: SlotLayout.from(
/// key: const Key('Body Medium'),
/// builder: (_) => GridView.count(
/// crossAxisCount: 2,
/// children: children
/// ),
/// ),
/// },
/// ),
/// bottomNavigation: SlotLayout(
/// config: {
/// Breakpoints.small: SlotLayout.from(
/// key: const Key('Bottom Navigation Small'),
/// inAnimation: bottomToTop,
/// builder: (_) => AdaptiveScaffold.toBottomNavigationBar(destinations: destinations),
/// ),
/// },
/// ),
/// )
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [SlotLayout], which handles the actual switching and animations between
/// elements based on [Breakpoint]s.
/// * [SlotLayout.from], which holds information regarding the actual Widgets
/// and the desired way to animate between switches. Often used within
/// [SlotLayout].
/// * [AdaptiveScaffold], which provides a more friendly API with less
/// customizability. and holds a preset of animations and helper builders.
/// * [Design Doc](
/// * [Material Design 3 Specifications](
class AdaptiveLayout extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a const [AdaptiveLayout] widget.
const AdaptiveLayout({
this.internalAnimations = true,
this.bodyOrientation = Axis.horizontal,
/// The slot placed on the beginning side of the app window.
/// The beginning side means the right when the ambient [Directionality] is
/// [TextDirection.rtl] and on the left when it is [TextDirection.ltr].
/// If the content is a flexibly sized Widget like [Container], wrap the
/// content in a [SizedBox] or limit its size (width and height) by another
/// method. See the builder in [AdaptiveScaffold.standardNavigationRail] for
/// an example.
final SlotLayout? primaryNavigation;
/// The slot placed on the end side of the app window.
/// The end side means the right when the ambient [Directionality] is
/// [TextDirection.ltr] and on the left when it is [TextDirection.rtl].
/// If the content is a flexibly sized Widget like [Container], wrap the
/// content in a [SizedBox] or limit its size (width and height) by another
/// method. See the builder in [AdaptiveScaffold.standardNavigationRail] for
/// an example.
final SlotLayout? secondaryNavigation;
/// The slot placed on the top part of the app window.
/// If the content is a flexibly sized Widget like [Container], wrap the
/// content in a [SizedBox] or limit its size (width and height) by another
/// method. See the builder in [AdaptiveScaffold.standardNavigationRail] for
/// an example.
final SlotLayout? topNavigation;
/// The slot placed on the bottom part of the app window.
/// If the content is a flexibly sized Widget like [Container], wrap the
/// content in a [SizedBox] or limit its size (width and height) by another
/// method. See the builder in [AdaptiveScaffold.standardNavigationRail] for
/// an example.
final SlotLayout? bottomNavigation;
/// The slot that fills the rest of the space in the center.
final SlotLayout? body;
/// A supporting slot for [body].
/// The [secondaryBody] as a sliding entrance animation by default.
/// The default ratio for the split between [body] and [secondaryBody] is so
/// that the split axis is in the center of the app window when there is no
/// hinge and surrounding the hinge when there is one.
final SlotLayout? secondaryBody;
/// Defines the fractional ratio of [body] to the [secondaryBody].
/// For example 0.3 would mean [body] takes up 30% of the available space
/// and[secondaryBody] takes up the rest.
/// If this value is null, the ratio is defined so that the split axis is in
/// the center of the app window when there is no hinge and surrounding the
/// hinge when there is one.
final double? bodyRatio;
/// Whether or not the developer wants the smooth entering slide transition on
/// [secondaryBody].
/// Defaults to true.
final bool internalAnimations;
/// The orientation of the body and secondaryBody. Either horizontal (side by
/// side) or vertical (top to bottom).
/// Defaults to Axis.horizontal.
final Axis bodyOrientation;
State<AdaptiveLayout> createState() => _AdaptiveLayoutState();
class _AdaptiveLayoutState extends State<AdaptiveLayout>
with TickerProviderStateMixin {
late AnimationController _controller;
late Map<String, SlotLayoutConfig?> chosenWidgets =
<String, SlotLayoutConfig?>{};
Map<String, Size?> slotSizes = <String, Size?>{};
Map<String, ValueNotifier<Key?>> notifiers = <String, ValueNotifier<Key?>>{};
Set<String> isAnimating = <String>{};
void initState() {
if (widget.internalAnimations) {
_controller = AnimationController(
duration: const Duration(seconds: 1),
vsync: this,
} else {
_controller = AnimationController(
vsync: this,
for (final _SlotIds item in _SlotIds.values) {
notifiers[] = ValueNotifier<Key?>(null)
..addListener(() {
_controller.addStatusListener((AnimationStatus status) {
if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final Map<String, SlotLayout?> slots = <String, SlotLayout?>{ widget.primaryNavigation, widget.secondaryNavigation, widget.topNavigation, widget.bottomNavigation, widget.body, widget.secondaryBody,
chosenWidgets = <String, SlotLayoutConfig?>{};
slots.forEach((String key, SlotLayout? value) {
(SlotLayout? val) => val,
ifAbsent: () => value,
(SlotLayoutConfig? val) => val,
ifAbsent: () => SlotLayout.pickWidget(
context, value?.config ?? <Breakpoint, SlotLayoutConfig?>{}),
final List<Widget> entries = slots.entries
.map((MapEntry<String, SlotLayout?> entry) {
if (entry.value != null) {
return LayoutId(
id: entry.key, child: entry.value ?? const SizedBox());
notifiers.forEach((String key, ValueNotifier<Key?> notifier) {
notifier.value = chosenWidgets[key]?.key;
Rect? hinge;
for (final DisplayFeature e in MediaQuery.of(context).displayFeatures) {
if (e.type == DisplayFeatureType.hinge ||
e.type == DisplayFeatureType.fold) {
if (e.bounds.left != 0) {
hinge = e.bounds;
return CustomMultiChildLayout(
delegate: _AdaptiveLayoutDelegate(
slots: slots,
chosenWidgets: chosenWidgets,
slotSizes: slotSizes,
controller: _controller,
bodyRatio: widget.bodyRatio,
isAnimating: isAnimating,
internalAnimations: widget.internalAnimations,
bodyOrientation: widget.bodyOrientation,
textDirection: Directionality.of(context) == TextDirection.ltr,
hinge: hinge,
children: entries,
/// The delegate responsible for laying out the slots in their correct
/// positions.
class _AdaptiveLayoutDelegate extends MultiChildLayoutDelegate {
required this.slots,
required this.chosenWidgets,
required this.slotSizes,
required this.controller,
required this.bodyRatio,
required this.isAnimating,
required this.internalAnimations,
required this.bodyOrientation,
required this.textDirection,
}) : super(relayout: controller);
final Map<String, SlotLayout?> slots;
final Map<String, SlotLayoutConfig?> chosenWidgets;
final Map<String, Size?> slotSizes;
final Set<String> isAnimating;
final AnimationController controller;
final double? bodyRatio;
final bool internalAnimations;
final Axis bodyOrientation;
final bool textDirection;
final Rect? hinge;
void performLayout(Size size) {
double leftMargin = 0;
double topMargin = 0;
double rightMargin = 0;
double bottomMargin = 0;
// An animation that is used as either a width or height value on the Size
// for the body/secondaryBody.
double animatedSize(double begin, double end) {
if (isAnimating.contains( {
return internalAnimations
? Tween<double>(begin: begin, end: end)
parent: controller, curve: Curves.easeInOutCubic))
: end;
return end;
if (hasChild( {
final Size childSize = layoutChild(,
// Trigger the animation if the new size is different from the old size.
updateSize(, childSize);
// Tween not the actual size, but the size that is used in the margins so
// the offsets can be animated.
final Size currentSize = Tween<Size>(
begin: slotSizes[] ??,
end: childSize,
topMargin += currentSize.height;
if (hasChild( {
final Size childSize = layoutChild(,
updateSize(, childSize);
final Size currentSize = Tween<Size>(
begin: slotSizes[] ??,
end: childSize,
Offset(0, size.height - currentSize.height),
bottomMargin += currentSize.height;
if (hasChild( {
final Size childSize = layoutChild(,
updateSize(, childSize);
final Size currentSize = Tween<Size>(
begin: slotSizes[] ??,
end: childSize,
if (textDirection) {
Offset(leftMargin, topMargin),
leftMargin += currentSize.width;
} else {
Offset(size.width - currentSize.width, topMargin),
rightMargin += currentSize.width;
if (hasChild( {
final Size childSize = layoutChild(,
updateSize(, childSize);
final Size currentSize = Tween<Size>(
begin: slotSizes[] ??,
end: childSize,
if (textDirection) {
Offset(size.width - currentSize.width, topMargin),
rightMargin += currentSize.width;
} else {
positionChild(, Offset(0, topMargin));
leftMargin += currentSize.width;
final double remainingWidth = size.width - rightMargin - leftMargin;
final double remainingHeight = size.height - bottomMargin - topMargin;
final double halfWidth = size.width / 2;
final double halfHeight = size.height / 2;
final double hingeWidth = hinge != null ? hinge!.right - hinge!.left : 0;
if (hasChild( && hasChild( {
Size currentBodySize =;
Size currentSBodySize =;
if (chosenWidgets[] == null ||
chosenWidgets[]!.builder == null) {
if (!textDirection) {
currentBodySize = layoutChild(,
Size(remainingWidth, remainingHeight),
} else if (bodyOrientation == Axis.horizontal) {
double beginWidth;
if (bodyRatio == null) {
beginWidth = halfWidth - leftMargin;
} else {
beginWidth = remainingWidth * bodyRatio!;
currentBodySize = layoutChild(,
Size(animatedSize(beginWidth, remainingWidth), remainingHeight),
} else {
double beginHeight;
if (bodyRatio == null) {
beginHeight = halfHeight - topMargin;
} else {
beginHeight = remainingHeight * bodyRatio!;
currentBodySize = layoutChild(,
Size(remainingWidth, animatedSize(beginHeight, remainingHeight)),
layoutChild(, BoxConstraints.loose(size));
} else {
if (bodyOrientation == Axis.horizontal) {
// Take this path if the body and secondaryBody are laid out horizontally.
if (textDirection) {
// Take this path if the textDirection is LTR.
double finalBodySize;
double finalSBodySize;
if (hinge != null) {
finalBodySize = hinge!.left - leftMargin;
finalSBodySize =
size.width - (hinge!.left + hingeWidth) - rightMargin;
} else if (bodyRatio != null) {
finalBodySize = remainingWidth * bodyRatio!;
finalSBodySize = remainingWidth * (1 - bodyRatio!);
} else {
finalBodySize = halfWidth - leftMargin;
finalSBodySize = halfWidth - rightMargin;
currentBodySize = layoutChild(,
Size(animatedSize(remainingWidth, finalBodySize),
Size(finalSBodySize, remainingHeight),
} else {
// Take this path if the textDirection is RTL.
double finalBodySize;
double finalSBodySize;
if (hinge != null) {
finalBodySize =
size.width - (hinge!.left + hingeWidth) - rightMargin;
finalSBodySize = hinge!.left - leftMargin;
} else if (bodyRatio != null) {
finalBodySize = remainingWidth * bodyRatio!;
finalSBodySize = remainingWidth * (1 - bodyRatio!);
} else {
finalBodySize = halfWidth - rightMargin;
finalSBodySize = halfWidth - leftMargin;
currentSBodySize = layoutChild(,
Size(animatedSize(0, finalSBodySize), remainingHeight),
Size(finalBodySize, remainingHeight),
} else {
// Take this path if the body and secondaryBody are laid out vertically.
currentBodySize = layoutChild(,
bodyRatio == null
? halfHeight - topMargin
: remainingHeight * bodyRatio!,
bodyRatio == null
? halfHeight - bottomMargin
: remainingHeight * (1 - bodyRatio!),
// Handle positioning for the body and secondaryBody.
if (bodyOrientation == Axis.horizontal &&
!textDirection &&
chosenWidgets[] != null) {
if (hinge != null) {
Offset(currentSBodySize.width + leftMargin + hingeWidth, topMargin),
positionChild(, Offset(leftMargin, topMargin));
} else {
Offset(currentSBodySize.width + leftMargin, topMargin),
positionChild(, Offset(leftMargin, topMargin));
} else {
positionChild(, Offset(leftMargin, topMargin));
if (bodyOrientation == Axis.horizontal) {
if (hinge != null) {
currentBodySize.width + leftMargin + hingeWidth, topMargin),
} else {
Offset(currentBodySize.width + leftMargin, topMargin),
} else {
Offset(leftMargin, topMargin + currentBodySize.height),
} else if (hasChild( {
Size(remainingWidth, remainingHeight),
positionChild(, Offset(leftMargin, topMargin));
} else if (hasChild( {
Size(remainingWidth, remainingHeight),
void updateSize(String id, Size childSize) {
if (slotSizes[id] == null || slotSizes[id] != childSize) {
void listener(AnimationStatus status) {
if ((status == AnimationStatus.completed ||
status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) &&
(slotSizes[id] == null || slotSizes[id] != childSize)) {
slotSizes[id] = childSize;
bool shouldRelayout(_AdaptiveLayoutDelegate oldDelegate) {
return oldDelegate.slots != slots;