blob: df75159c152b4909a2bbc8ebfdb913d86ac9e02b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'product_details.dart';
/// The parameter object for generating a purchase.
class PurchaseParam {
/// Creates a new purchase parameter object with the given data.
required this.productDetails,
/// The product to create payment for.
/// It has to match one of the valid [ProductDetails] objects that you get from [ProductDetailsResponse] after calling [InAppPurchasePlatform.queryProductDetails].
final ProductDetails productDetails;
/// An opaque id for the user's account that's unique to your app. (Optional)
/// Used to help the store detect irregular activity.
/// Do not pass in a clear text, your developer ID, the user’s Apple ID, or the
/// user's Google ID for this field.
/// For example, you can use a one-way hash of the user’s account name on your server.
final String? applicationUserName;