blob: aa5688eb60f3b985266d16f99c1670f531b67514 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'billing_client_wrapper.dart';
import 'product_details_wrapper.dart';
// WARNING: Changes to `@JsonSerializable` classes need to be reflected in the
// below generated file. Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner watch` to
// rebuild and watch for further changes.
part 'subscription_offer_details_wrapper.g.dart';
/// Dart wrapper around [``](
/// Represents the available purchase plans to buy a subscription product.
class SubscriptionOfferDetailsWrapper {
/// Creates a [SubscriptionOfferDetailsWrapper].
const SubscriptionOfferDetailsWrapper({
required this.basePlanId,
required this.offerTags,
required this.offerIdToken,
required this.pricingPhases,
/// Factory for creating a [SubscriptionOfferDetailsWrapper] from a [Map]
/// with the offer details.
factory SubscriptionOfferDetailsWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
/// The base plan id associated with the subscription product.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String basePlanId;
/// The offer id associated with the subscription product.
/// This field is only set for a discounted offer. Returns null for a regular
/// base plan.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: null)
final String? offerId;
/// The offer tags associated with this Subscription Offer.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: <String>[])
final List<String> offerTags;
/// The offer token required to pass in [BillingClient.launchBillingFlow] to
/// purchase the subscription product with these [pricingPhases].
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String offerIdToken;
/// The pricing phases for the subscription product.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: <PricingPhaseWrapper>[])
final List<PricingPhaseWrapper> pricingPhases;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is SubscriptionOfferDetailsWrapper &&
other.basePlanId == basePlanId &&
other.offerId == offerId &&
listEquals(other.offerTags, offerTags) &&
other.offerIdToken == offerIdToken &&
listEquals(other.pricingPhases, pricingPhases);
int get hashCode {
return Object.hash(
/// Represents a pricing phase, describing how a user pays at a point in time.
class PricingPhaseWrapper {
/// Creates a new [PricingPhaseWrapper] from the supplied info.
const PricingPhaseWrapper({
required this.billingCycleCount,
required this.billingPeriod,
required this.formattedPrice,
required this.priceAmountMicros,
required this.priceCurrencyCode,
required this.recurrenceMode,
/// Factory for creating a [PricingPhaseWrapper] from a [Map] with the phase details.
factory PricingPhaseWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
/// Represents a pricing phase, describing how a user pays at a point in time.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int billingCycleCount;
/// Billing period for which the given price applies, specified in ISO 8601
/// format.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String billingPeriod;
/// Returns formatted price for the payment cycle, including its currency
/// sign.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String formattedPrice;
/// Returns the price for the payment cycle in micro-units, where 1,000,000
/// micro-units equal one unit of the currency.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int priceAmountMicros;
/// Returns ISO 4217 currency code for price.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String priceCurrencyCode;
/// Returns [RecurrenceMode] for the pricing phase.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: RecurrenceMode.nonRecurring)
final RecurrenceMode recurrenceMode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is PricingPhaseWrapper &&
other.billingCycleCount == billingCycleCount &&
other.billingPeriod == billingPeriod &&
other.formattedPrice == formattedPrice &&
other.priceAmountMicros == priceAmountMicros &&
other.priceCurrencyCode == priceCurrencyCode &&
other.recurrenceMode == recurrenceMode;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(