Pigeon Examples

HostApi Example

This example gives an overview of how to use Pigeon to call into the host-platform from Flutter.

For instructions to set up your own Pigeon usage see these steps.


This is the Pigeon file that describes the interface that will be used to call from Flutter to the host-platform.

import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';

class Book {
  String? title;
  String? author;

abstract class BookApi {
  List<Book?> search(String keyword);


This is the call to Pigeon that will ingest message.dart and generate the code for iOS and Android.

flutter pub run pigeon \
  --input pigeons/message.dart \
  --dart_out lib/pigeon.dart \
  --objc_header_out ios/Runner/pigeon.h \
  --objc_source_out ios/Runner/pigeon.m \
  --experimental_swift_out ios/Runner/Pigeon.swift \
  --experimental_kotlin_out ./android/app/src/main/kotlin/dev/flutter/pigeon/Pigeon.kt \
  --experimental_kotlin_package "dev.flutter.pigeon" \
  --java_out ./android/app/src/main/java/dev/flutter/pigeon/Pigeon.java \
  --java_package "dev.flutter.pigeon"


This is the code that will use the generated Objective-C code to receive calls from Flutter.

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
#import "pigeon.h"

@interface MyApi : NSObject <BookApi>

@implementation MyApi
-(NSArray<Book *> *)searchKeyword:(NSString *)keyword error:(FlutterError **)error {
  Book *result = [[Book alloc] init];
  result.title =
      [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@'s Life", request.query];
  result.author = keyword;
  return @[ result ];

@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey, id> *)launchOptions {
  MyApi *api = [[MyApi alloc] init];
  BookApiSetup(getFlutterEngine().binaryMessenger, api);
  return YES;


This is the code that will use the generated Swift code to receive calls from Flutter.

import Flutter

class MyApi: NSObject, BookApi {
  func search(keyword: String) -> [Book] {
    let result = Book(title: "\(keyword)'s Life", author: keyword)
    return [result]

class AppDelegate {
  override func application(
    _ application: UIApplication,
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
  ) -> Bool {
    let api = MyApi()
    BookApiSetup.setUp(getFlutterEngine().binaryMessenger, api)
    return true


This is the code that will use the generated Java code to receive calls from Flutter.

import dev.flutter.pigeon.Pigeon.*;
import java.util.Collections;

public class StartActivity extends Activity {
  private class MyApi implements BookApi {
    List<Book> search(String keyword) {
      Book result = new Book();
      result.author = keyword;
      result.title = String.format("%s's Life", keyword);
      return Collections.singletonList(result)

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    BookApi.setup(getBinaryMessenger(), new MyApi());


This is the Dart code that will call into the host-platform using the generated Dart code.

import 'pigeon.dart';

void main() {
  testWidgets("test pigeon", (WidgetTester tester) async {
    Api api = Api();
    List<Book?> reply = await api.search("Aaron");
    expect(reply[0].title, equals("Aaron's Life"));

Swift / Kotlin Plugin Example

A downloadable example of using Pigeon to create a Flutter Plugin with Swift and Kotlin can be found at gaaclarke/flutter_plugin_example.

Swift / Kotlin Add-to-app Example

A full example of using Pigeon for add-to-app with Swift on iOS can be found at samples/add_to_app/books.

Video player plugin

A full real-world example can also be found in the video_player plugin.