blob: 618e583b7dfbbfb2827e4723a1b1f9cc01ea0296 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
import 'match.dart';
import 'misc/errors.dart';
import 'path_utils.dart';
import 'route.dart';
import 'state.dart';
/// The signature of the redirect callback.
typedef GoRouterRedirect = FutureOr<String?> Function(
BuildContext context, GoRouterState state);
/// The route configuration for GoRouter configured by the app.
class RouteConfiguration {
/// Constructs a [RouteConfiguration].
required this.routes,
required this.redirectLimit,
required this.topRedirect,
required this.navigatorKey,
}) : assert(_debugCheckPath(routes, true)),
_debugVerifyNoDuplicatePathParameter(routes, <String, GoRoute>{})),
routes, <GlobalKey<NavigatorState>>[navigatorKey])) {
_cacheNameToPath('', routes);;
static bool _debugCheckPath(List<RouteBase> routes, bool isTopLevel) {
for (final RouteBase route in routes) {
late bool subRouteIsTopLevel;
if (route is GoRoute) {
if (isTopLevel) {
if (!route.path.startsWith('/')) {
throw GoError('top-level path must start with "/": $route');
} else {
if (route.path.startsWith('/') || route.path.endsWith('/')) {
throw GoError(
'sub-route path may not start or end with "/": $route',
subRouteIsTopLevel = false;
} else if (route is ShellRouteBase) {
subRouteIsTopLevel = isTopLevel;
_debugCheckPath(route.routes, subRouteIsTopLevel);
return true;
// Check that each parentNavigatorKey refers to either a ShellRoute's
// navigatorKey or the root navigator key.
static bool _debugCheckParentNavigatorKeys(
List<RouteBase> routes, List<GlobalKey<NavigatorState>> allowedKeys) {
for (final RouteBase route in routes) {
if (route is GoRoute) {
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? parentKey = route.parentNavigatorKey;
if (parentKey != null) {
// Verify that the root navigator or a ShellRoute ancestor has a
// matching navigator key.
if (!allowedKeys.contains(parentKey)) {
throw GoError('parentNavigatorKey $parentKey must refer to'
" an ancestor ShellRoute's navigatorKey or GoRouter's"
' navigatorKey');
// Once a parentNavigatorKey is used, only that navigator key
// or keys above it can be used.
...allowedKeys.sublist(0, allowedKeys.indexOf(parentKey) + 1),
} else {
} else if (route is ShellRoute) {
} else if (route is StatefulShellRoute) {
for (final StatefulShellBranch branch in route.branches) {
if (allowedKeys.contains(branch.navigatorKey)) {
throw GoError(
'StatefulShellBranch must not reuse an ancestor navigatorKey '
return true;
static bool _debugVerifyNoDuplicatePathParameter(
List<RouteBase> routes, Map<String, GoRoute> usedPathParams) {
for (final RouteBase route in routes) {
if (route is! GoRoute) {
for (final String pathParam in route.pathParameters) {
if (usedPathParams.containsKey(pathParam)) {
final bool sameRoute = usedPathParams[pathParam] == route;
throw GoError(
"duplicate path parameter, '$pathParam' found in ${sameRoute ? '$route' : '${usedPathParams[pathParam]}, and $route'}");
usedPathParams[pathParam] = route;
_debugVerifyNoDuplicatePathParameter(route.routes, usedPathParams);
return true;
// Check to see that the configured initialLocation of StatefulShellBranches
// points to a descendant route of the route branch.
bool _debugCheckStatefulShellBranchDefaultLocations(List<RouteBase> routes) {
for (final RouteBase route in routes) {
if (route is StatefulShellRoute) {
for (final StatefulShellBranch branch in route.branches) {
if (branch.initialLocation == null) {
// Recursively search for the first GoRoute descendant. Will
// throw assertion error if not found.
final GoRoute? route = branch.defaultRoute;
final String? initialLocation =
route != null ? locationForRoute(route) : null;
if (initialLocation == null) {
throw GoError(
'The default location of a StatefulShellBranch must be '
'derivable from GoRoute descendant');
if (route!.pathParameters.isNotEmpty) {
throw GoError(
'The default location of a StatefulShellBranch cannot be '
'a parameterized route');
} else {
final RouteMatchList matchList = findMatch(branch.initialLocation!);
if (matchList.isError) {
throw GoError(
'initialLocation (${matchList.uri}) of StatefulShellBranch must '
'be a valid location');
final List<RouteBase> matchRoutes = matchList.routes;
final int shellIndex = matchRoutes.indexOf(route);
bool matchFound = false;
if (shellIndex >= 0 && (shellIndex + 1) < matchRoutes.length) {
final RouteBase branchRoot = matchRoutes[shellIndex + 1];
matchFound = branch.routes.contains(branchRoot);
if (!matchFound) {
throw GoError(
'The initialLocation (${branch.initialLocation}) of '
'StatefulShellBranch must match a descendant route of the '
return true;
/// The match used when there is an error during parsing.
static RouteMatchList _errorRouteMatchList(Uri uri, GoException exception) {
return RouteMatchList(
matches: const <RouteMatch>[],
error: exception,
uri: uri,
pathParameters: const <String, String>{},
/// Builds a [GoRouterState] suitable for top level callback such as
/// `GoRouter.redirect` or `GoRouter.onException`.
GoRouterState buildTopLevelGoRouterState(RouteMatchList matchList) {
return GoRouterState(
uri: matchList.uri,
// No name available at the top level trim the query params off the
// sub-location to match route.redirect
fullPath: matchList.fullPath,
pathParameters: matchList.pathParameters,
matchedLocation: matchList.uri.path,
extra: matchList.extra,
pageKey: const ValueKey<String>('topLevel'),
/// The list of top level routes used by [GoRouterDelegate].
final List<RouteBase> routes;
/// The limit for the number of consecutive redirects.
final int redirectLimit;
/// The global key for top level navigator.
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey;
/// Top level page redirect.
final GoRouterRedirect topRedirect;
final Map<String, String> _nameToPath = <String, String>{};
/// Looks up the url location by a [GoRoute]'s name.
String namedLocation(
String name, {
Map<String, String> pathParameters = const <String, String>{},
Map<String, dynamic> queryParameters = const <String, dynamic>{},
}) {
assert(() {'getting location for name: '
'${pathParameters.isEmpty ? '' : ', pathParameters: $pathParameters'}'
'${queryParameters.isEmpty ? '' : ', queryParameters: $queryParameters'}');
return true;
assert(_nameToPath.containsKey(name), 'unknown route name: $name');
final String path = _nameToPath[name]!;
assert(() {
// Check that all required params are present
final List<String> paramNames = <String>[];
patternToRegExp(path, paramNames);
for (final String paramName in paramNames) {
'missing param "$paramName" for $path');
// Check that there are no extra params
for (final String key in pathParameters.keys) {
assert(paramNames.contains(key), 'unknown param "$key" for $path');
return true;
final Map<String, String> encodedParams = <String, String>{
for (final MapEntry<String, String> param in pathParameters.entries)
param.key: Uri.encodeComponent(param.value)
final String location = patternToPath(path, encodedParams);
return Uri(
path: location,
queryParameters: queryParameters.isEmpty ? null : queryParameters)
/// Finds the routes that matched the given URL.
RouteMatchList findMatch(String location, {Object? extra}) {
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(canonicalUri(location));
final Map<String, String> pathParameters = <String, String>{};
final List<RouteMatch>? matches = _getLocRouteMatches(uri, pathParameters);
if (matches == null) {
return _errorRouteMatchList(
uri, GoException('no routes for location: $uri'));
return RouteMatchList(
matches: matches,
uri: uri,
pathParameters: pathParameters,
extra: extra);
List<RouteMatch>? _getLocRouteMatches(
Uri uri, Map<String, String> pathParameters) {
final List<RouteMatch>? result = _getLocRouteRecursively(
location: uri.path,
remainingLocation: uri.path,
matchedLocation: '',
pathParameters: pathParameters,
routes: routes,
return result;
List<RouteMatch>? _getLocRouteRecursively({
required String location,
required String remainingLocation,
required String matchedLocation,
required Map<String, String> pathParameters,
required List<RouteBase> routes,
}) {
List<RouteMatch>? result;
late Map<String, String> subPathParameters;
// find the set of matches at this level of the tree
for (final RouteBase route in routes) {
subPathParameters = <String, String>{};
final RouteMatch? match = RouteMatch.match(
route: route,
remainingLocation: remainingLocation,
matchedLocation: matchedLocation,
pathParameters: subPathParameters,
if (match == null) {
if (match.route is GoRoute &&
match.matchedLocation.toLowerCase() == location.toLowerCase()) {
// If it is a complete match, then return the matched route
// NOTE: need a lower case match because matchedLocation is canonicalized to match
// the path case whereas the location can be of any case and still match
result = <RouteMatch>[match];
} else if (route.routes.isEmpty) {
// If it is partial match but no sub-routes, bail.
} else {
// Otherwise, recurse
final String childRestLoc;
final String newParentSubLoc;
if (match.route is ShellRouteBase) {
childRestLoc = remainingLocation;
newParentSubLoc = matchedLocation;
} else {
childRestLoc = location.substring(match.matchedLocation.length +
(match.matchedLocation == '/' ? 0 : 1));
newParentSubLoc = match.matchedLocation;
final List<RouteMatch>? subRouteMatch = _getLocRouteRecursively(
location: location,
remainingLocation: childRestLoc,
matchedLocation: newParentSubLoc,
pathParameters: subPathParameters,
routes: route.routes,
// If there's no sub-route matches, there is no match for this location
if (subRouteMatch == null) {
result = <RouteMatch>[match, ...subRouteMatch];
// Should only reach here if there is a match.
if (result != null) {
return result;
/// Processes redirects by returning a new [RouteMatchList] representing the new
/// location.
FutureOr<RouteMatchList> redirect(
BuildContext context, FutureOr<RouteMatchList> prevMatchListFuture,
{required List<RouteMatchList> redirectHistory}) {
FutureOr<RouteMatchList> processRedirect(RouteMatchList prevMatchList) {
final String prevLocation = prevMatchList.uri.toString();
FutureOr<RouteMatchList> processTopLevelRedirect(
String? topRedirectLocation) {
if (topRedirectLocation != null &&
topRedirectLocation != prevLocation) {
final RouteMatchList newMatch = _getNewMatches(
if (newMatch.isError) {
return newMatch;
return redirect(
redirectHistory: redirectHistory,
FutureOr<RouteMatchList> processRouteLevelRedirect(
String? routeRedirectLocation) {
if (routeRedirectLocation != null &&
routeRedirectLocation != prevLocation) {
final RouteMatchList newMatch = _getNewMatches(
if (newMatch.isError) {
return newMatch;
return redirect(
redirectHistory: redirectHistory,
return prevMatchList;
final FutureOr<String?> routeLevelRedirectResult =
_getRouteLevelRedirect(context, prevMatchList, 0);
if (routeLevelRedirectResult is String?) {
return processRouteLevelRedirect(routeLevelRedirectResult);
return routeLevelRedirectResult
// Check for top-level redirect
final FutureOr<String?> topRedirectResult = topRedirect(
if (topRedirectResult is String?) {
return processTopLevelRedirect(topRedirectResult);
return topRedirectResult.then<RouteMatchList>(processTopLevelRedirect);
if (prevMatchListFuture is RouteMatchList) {
return processRedirect(prevMatchListFuture);
return prevMatchListFuture.then<RouteMatchList>(processRedirect);
FutureOr<String?> _getRouteLevelRedirect(
BuildContext context,
RouteMatchList matchList,
int currentCheckIndex,
) {
if (currentCheckIndex >= matchList.matches.length) {
return null;
final RouteMatch match = matchList.matches[currentCheckIndex];
FutureOr<String?> processRouteRedirect(String? newLocation) =>
newLocation ??
_getRouteLevelRedirect(context, matchList, currentCheckIndex + 1);
final RouteBase route = match.route;
FutureOr<String?> routeRedirectResult;
if (route is GoRoute && route.redirect != null) {
routeRedirectResult = route.redirect!(
uri: matchList.uri,
matchedLocation: match.matchedLocation,
path: route.path,
fullPath: matchList.fullPath,
extra: matchList.extra,
pathParameters: matchList.pathParameters,
pageKey: match.pageKey,
if (routeRedirectResult is String?) {
return processRouteRedirect(routeRedirectResult);
return routeRedirectResult.then<String?>(processRouteRedirect);
RouteMatchList _getNewMatches(
String newLocation,
Uri previousLocation,
List<RouteMatchList> redirectHistory,
) {
try {
final RouteMatchList newMatch = findMatch(newLocation);
_addRedirect(redirectHistory, newMatch, previousLocation);
return newMatch;
} on GoException catch (e) {'Redirection exception: ${e.message}');
return _errorRouteMatchList(previousLocation, e);
/// Adds the redirect to [redirects] if it is valid.
/// Throws if a loop is detected or the redirection limit is reached.
void _addRedirect(
List<RouteMatchList> redirects,
RouteMatchList newMatch,
Uri prevLocation,
) {
if (redirects.contains(newMatch)) {
throw GoException(
'redirect loop detected ${_formatRedirectionHistory(<RouteMatchList>[
if (redirects.length > redirectLimit) {
throw GoException(
'too many redirects ${_formatRedirectionHistory(<RouteMatchList>[
redirects.add(newMatch);'redirecting to $newMatch');
String _formatRedirectionHistory(List<RouteMatchList> redirections) {
return redirections
(RouteMatchList routeMatches) => routeMatches.uri.toString())
.join(' => ');
/// Get the location for the provided route.
/// Builds the absolute path for the route, by concatenating the paths of the
/// route and all its ancestors.
String? locationForRoute(RouteBase route) =>
fullPathForRoute(route, '', routes);
String toString() {
return 'RouterConfiguration: $routes';
/// Returns the full path of [routes].
/// Each path is indented based depth of the hierarchy, and its `name`
/// is also appended if not null
String debugKnownRoutes() {
final StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
sb.writeln('Full paths for routes:');
_debugFullPathsFor(routes, '', 0, sb);
if (_nameToPath.isNotEmpty) {
sb.writeln('known full paths for route names:');
for (final MapEntry<String, String> e in _nameToPath.entries) {
sb.writeln(' ${e.key} => ${e.value}');
return sb.toString();
void _debugFullPathsFor(List<RouteBase> routes, String parentFullpath,
int depth, StringBuffer sb) {
for (final RouteBase route in routes) {
if (route is GoRoute) {
final String fullPath = concatenatePaths(parentFullpath, route.path);
sb.writeln(' => ${''.padLeft(depth * 2)}$fullPath');
_debugFullPathsFor(route.routes, fullPath, depth + 1, sb);
} else if (route is ShellRouteBase) {
_debugFullPathsFor(route.routes, parentFullpath, depth, sb);
void _cacheNameToPath(String parentFullPath, List<RouteBase> childRoutes) {
for (final RouteBase route in childRoutes) {
if (route is GoRoute) {
final String fullPath = concatenatePaths(parentFullPath, route.path);
if ( != null) {
final String name =!;
'duplication fullpaths for name '
'"$name":${_nameToPath[name]}, $fullPath');
_nameToPath[name] = fullPath;
if (route.routes.isNotEmpty) {
_cacheNameToPath(fullPath, route.routes);
} else if (route is ShellRouteBase) {
if (route.routes.isNotEmpty) {
_cacheNameToPath(parentFullPath, route.routes);