blob: 42b5f030a4fb81e27e7f5723ce657766c5e3ab0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'route.dart';
final RegExp _parameterRegExp = RegExp(r':(\w+)(\((?:\\.|[^\\()])+\))?');
/// Converts a [pattern] such as `/user/:id` into [RegExp].
/// The path parameters can be specified by prefixing them with `:`. The
/// `parameters` are used for storing path parameter names.
/// For example:
/// `pattern` = `/user/:id/book/:bookId`
/// The `parameters` would contain `['id', 'bookId']` as a result of calling
/// this method.
/// To extract the path parameter values from a [RegExpMatch], pass the
/// [RegExpMatch] into [extractPathParameters] with the `parameters` that are
/// used for generating the [RegExp].
RegExp patternToRegExp(String pattern, List<String> parameters) {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer('^');
int start = 0;
for (final RegExpMatch match in _parameterRegExp.allMatches(pattern)) {
if (match.start > start) {
buffer.write(RegExp.escape(pattern.substring(start, match.start)));
final String name = match[1]!;
final String? optionalPattern = match[2];
final String regex = optionalPattern != null
? _escapeGroup(optionalPattern, name)
: '(?<$name>[^/]+)';
start = match.end;
if (start < pattern.length) {
if (!pattern.endsWith('/')) {
return RegExp(buffer.toString(), caseSensitive: false);
String _escapeGroup(String group, [String? name]) {
final String escapedGroup = group.replaceFirstMapped(
RegExp(r'[:=!]'), (Match match) => '\\${match[0]}');
if (name != null) {
return '(?<$name>$escapedGroup)';
return escapedGroup;
/// Reconstructs the full path from a [pattern] and path parameters.
/// This is useful for restoring the original path from a [RegExpMatch].
/// For example, A path matched a [RegExp] returned from [patternToRegExp] and
/// produced a [RegExpMatch]. To reconstruct the path from the match, one
/// can follow these steps:
/// 1. Get the `pathParameters` by calling [extractPathParameters] with the
/// [RegExpMatch] and the parameters used for generating the [RegExp].
/// 2. Call [patternToPath] with the `pathParameters` from the first step and
/// the original `pattern` used for generating the [RegExp].
String patternToPath(String pattern, Map<String, String> pathParameters) {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
int start = 0;
for (final RegExpMatch match in _parameterRegExp.allMatches(pattern)) {
if (match.start > start) {
buffer.write(pattern.substring(start, match.start));
final String name = match[1]!;
start = match.end;
if (start < pattern.length) {
return buffer.toString();
/// Extracts arguments from the `match` and maps them by parameter name.
/// The [parameters] should originate from the call to [patternToRegExp] that
/// creates the [RegExp].
Map<String, String> extractPathParameters(
List<String> parameters, RegExpMatch match) {
return <String, String>{
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i)
parameters[i]: match.namedGroup(parameters[i])!
/// Concatenates two paths.
/// e.g: pathA = /a, pathB = c/d, concatenatePaths(pathA, pathB) = /a/c/d.
String concatenatePaths(String parentPath, String childPath) {
// at the root, just return the path
if (parentPath.isEmpty) {
assert(childPath == '/' || !childPath.endsWith('/'));
return childPath;
// not at the root, so append the parent path
return '${parentPath == '/' ? '' : parentPath}/$childPath';
/// Normalizes the location string.
String canonicalUri(String loc) {
String canon = Uri.parse(loc).toString();
canon = canon.endsWith('?') ? canon.substring(0, canon.length - 1) : canon;
// remove trailing slash except for when you shouldn't, e.g.
// /profile/ => /profile
// / => /
// /login?from=/ => login?from=/
canon = canon.endsWith('/') && canon != '/' && !canon.contains('?')
? canon.substring(0, canon.length - 1)
: canon;
// /login/?from=/ => /login?from=/
// /?from=/ => /?from=/
canon = canon.replaceFirst('/?', '?', 1);
return canon;
/// Builds an absolute path for the provided route.
String? fullPathForRoute(
RouteBase targetRoute, String parentFullpath, List<RouteBase> routes) {
for (final RouteBase route in routes) {
final String fullPath = (route is GoRoute)
? concatenatePaths(parentFullpath, route.path)
: parentFullpath;
if (route == targetRoute) {
return fullPath;
} else {
final String? subRoutePath =
fullPathForRoute(targetRoute, fullPath, route.routes);
if (subRoutePath != null) {
return subRoutePath;
return null;