blob: 7c02236ea02e02f7e2eaf266e7ccd9941cc9b308 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'match.dart';
import 'path_utils.dart';
import 'router.dart';
import 'state.dart';
/// The page builder for [GoRoute].
typedef GoRouterPageBuilder = Page<dynamic> Function(
BuildContext context,
GoRouterState state,
/// The widget builder for [GoRoute].
typedef GoRouterWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context,
GoRouterState state,
/// The widget builder for [ShellRoute].
typedef ShellRouteBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context,
GoRouterState state,
Widget child,
/// The page builder for [ShellRoute].
typedef ShellRoutePageBuilder = Page<dynamic> Function(
BuildContext context,
GoRouterState state,
Widget child,
/// The widget builder for [StatefulShellRoute].
typedef StatefulShellRouteBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context,
GoRouterState state,
StatefulNavigationShell navigationShell,
/// The page builder for [StatefulShellRoute].
typedef StatefulShellRoutePageBuilder = Page<dynamic> Function(
BuildContext context,
GoRouterState state,
StatefulNavigationShell navigationShell,
/// Signature for functions used to build Navigators
typedef NavigatorBuilder = Widget Function(
List<NavigatorObserver>? observers, String? restorationScopeId);
/// The base class for [GoRoute] and [ShellRoute].
/// Routes are defined in a tree such that parent routes must match the
/// current location for their child route to be considered a match. For
/// example the location "/home/user/12" matches with parent route "/home" and
/// child route "user/:userId".
/// To create sub-routes for a route, provide them as a [GoRoute] list
/// with the sub routes.
/// For example these routes:
/// ```
/// / => HomePage()
/// family/f1 => FamilyPage('f1')
/// person/p2 => PersonPage('f1', 'p2') ← showing this page, Back pops ↑
/// ```
/// Can be represented as:
/// ```
/// final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
/// routes: <GoRoute>[
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/',
/// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) => MaterialPage<void>(
/// key: state.pageKey,
/// child: HomePage(families:,
/// ),
/// routes: <GoRoute>[
/// GoRoute(
/// path: 'family/:fid',
/// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
/// final Family family =['fid']!);
/// return MaterialPage<void>(
/// key: state.pageKey,
/// child: FamilyPage(family: family),
/// );
/// },
/// routes: <GoRoute>[
/// GoRoute(
/// path: 'person/:pid',
/// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
/// final Family family =['fid']!);
/// final Person person = family.person(state.pathParameters['pid']!);
/// return MaterialPage<void>(
/// key: state.pageKey,
/// child: PersonPage(family: family, person: person),
/// );
/// },
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// If there are multiple routes that match the location, the first match is used.
/// To make predefined routes to take precedence over dynamic routes eg. '/:id'
/// consider adding the dynamic route at the end of the routes
/// For example:
/// ```
/// final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
/// routes: <GoRoute>[
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/',
/// redirect: (_) => '/family/${[0].id}',
/// ),
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/family',
/// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) => ...,
/// ),
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/:username',
/// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) => ...,
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// ```
/// In the above example, if /family route is matched, it will be used.
/// else /:username route will be used.
/// ///
/// See [main.dart](
abstract class RouteBase with Diagnosticable {
const RouteBase._({
required this.routes,
required this.parentNavigatorKey,
/// The list of child routes associated with this route.
final List<RouteBase> routes;
/// An optional key specifying which Navigator to display this route's screen
/// onto.
/// Specifying the root Navigator will stack this route onto that
/// Navigator instead of the nearest ShellRoute ancestor.
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? parentNavigatorKey;
/// Builds a lists containing the provided routes along with all their
/// descendant [routes].
static Iterable<RouteBase> routesRecursively(Iterable<RouteBase> routes) {
return routes.expand(
(RouteBase e) => <RouteBase>[e, ...routesRecursively(e.routes)]);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
if (parentNavigatorKey != null) {
'parentNavKey', parentNavigatorKey));
/// A route that is displayed visually above the matching parent route using the
/// [Navigator].
/// The widget returned by [builder] is wrapped in [Page] and provided to the
/// root Navigator, the nearest ShellRoute ancestor's Navigator, or the
/// Navigator with a matching [parentNavigatorKey].
/// The Page depends on the application type: [MaterialPage] for
/// [MaterialApp], [CupertinoPage] for [CupertinoApp], or
/// [NoTransitionPage] for [WidgetsApp].
/// {@category Get started}
/// {@category Configuration}
/// {@category Transition animations}
/// {@category Named routes}
/// {@category Redirection}
class GoRoute extends RouteBase {
/// Constructs a [GoRoute].
/// - [path] and [name] cannot be empty strings.
/// - One of either [builder] or [pageBuilder] must be provided.
required this.path,,
super.routes = const <RouteBase>[],
}) : assert(path.isNotEmpty, 'GoRoute path cannot be empty'),
assert(name == null || name.isNotEmpty, 'GoRoute name cannot be empty'),
assert(pageBuilder != null || builder != null || redirect != null,
'builder, pageBuilder, or redirect must be provided'),
super._() {
// cache the path regexp and parameters
_pathRE = patternToRegExp(path, pathParameters);
/// Whether this [GoRoute] only redirects to another route.
/// If this is true, this route must redirect location other than itself.
bool get redirectOnly => pageBuilder == null && builder == null;
/// Optional name of the route.
/// If used, a unique string name must be provided and it can not be empty.
/// This is used in [GoRouter.namedLocation] and its related API. This
/// property can be used to navigate to this route without knowing exact the
/// URI of it.
/// {@tool snippet}
/// Typical usage is as follows:
/// ```dart
/// GoRoute(
/// name: 'home',
/// path: '/',
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) =>
/// HomeScreen(),
/// routes: <GoRoute>[
/// GoRoute(
/// name: 'family',
/// path: 'family/:fid',
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) =>
/// FamilyScreen(),
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// context.go(
/// context.namedLocation('family'),
/// pathParameters: <String, String>{'fid': 123},
/// queryParameters: <String, String>{'qid': 'quid'},
/// );
/// ```
/// See the [named routes example](
/// for a complete runnable app.
final String? name;
/// The path of this go route.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/',
/// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) => MaterialPage<void>(
/// key: state.pageKey,
/// child: HomePage(families:,
/// ),
/// ),
/// ```
/// The path also support path parameters. For a path: `/family/:fid`, it
/// matches all URIs start with `/family/...`, e.g. `/family/123`,
/// `/family/456` and etc. The parameter values are stored in [GoRouterState]
/// that are passed into [pageBuilder] and [builder].
/// The query parameter are also capture during the route parsing and stored
/// in [GoRouterState].
/// See [Query parameters and path parameters](
/// to learn more about parameters.
final String path;
/// A page builder for this route.
/// Typically a MaterialPage, as in:
/// ```
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/',
/// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) => MaterialPage<void>(
/// key: state.pageKey,
/// child: HomePage(families:,
/// ),
/// ),
/// ```
/// You can also use CupertinoPage, and for a custom page builder to use
/// custom page transitions, you can use [CustomTransitionPage].
final GoRouterPageBuilder? pageBuilder;
/// A custom builder for this route.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/',
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) => FamilyPage(
/// families:
/// state.pathParameters['id'],
/// ),
/// ),
/// ),
/// ```
final GoRouterWidgetBuilder? builder;
/// An optional redirect function for this route.
/// In the case that you like to make a redirection decision for a specific
/// route (or sub-route), consider doing so by passing a redirect function to
/// the GoRoute constructor.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
/// routes: <GoRoute>[
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/',
/// redirect: (_) => '/family/${[0].id}',
/// ),
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/family/:fid',
/// pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) => ...,
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// ```
/// If there are multiple redirects in the matched routes, the parent route's
/// redirect takes priority over sub-route's.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
/// routes: <GoRoute>[
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/',
/// redirect: (_) => '/page1', // this takes priority over the sub-route.
/// routes: <GoRoute>[
/// GoRoute(
/// path: 'child',
/// redirect: (_) => '/page2',
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// ```
/// The `context.go('/child')` will be redirected to `/page1` instead of
/// `/page2`.
/// Redirect can also be used for conditionally preventing users from visiting
/// routes, also known as route guards. One canonical example is user
/// authentication. See [Redirection](
/// for a complete runnable example.
/// If [BuildContext.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType] is used during the
/// redirection (which is how `of` method is usually implemented), a
/// re-evaluation will be triggered if the [InheritedWidget] changes.
final GoRouterRedirect? redirect;
// TODO(chunhtai): move all regex related help methods to path_utils.dart.
/// Match this route against a location.
RegExpMatch? matchPatternAsPrefix(String loc) =>
_pathRE.matchAsPrefix(loc) as RegExpMatch?;
/// Extract the path parameters from a match.
Map<String, String> extractPathParams(RegExpMatch match) =>
extractPathParameters(pathParameters, match);
/// The path parameters in this route.
final List<String> pathParameters = <String>[];
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(StringProperty('name', name));
properties.add(StringProperty('path', path));
FlagProperty('redirect', value: redirectOnly, ifTrue: 'Redirect Only'));
late final RegExp _pathRE;
/// Base class for classes that act as shells for sub-routes, such
/// as [ShellRoute] and [StatefulShellRoute].
abstract class ShellRouteBase extends RouteBase {
/// Constructs a [ShellRouteBase].
const ShellRouteBase._(
{required super.routes, required super.parentNavigatorKey})
: super._();
static void _debugCheckSubRouteParentNavigatorKeys(
List<RouteBase> subRoutes, GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey) {
for (final RouteBase route in subRoutes) {
route.parentNavigatorKey == null ||
route.parentNavigatorKey == navigatorKey,
"sub-route's parent navigator key must either be null or has the same navigator key as parent's key");
if (route is GoRoute && route.redirectOnly) {
// This route does not produce a page, need to check its sub-routes
// instead.
_debugCheckSubRouteParentNavigatorKeys(route.routes, navigatorKey);
/// Attempts to build the Widget representing this shell route.
/// Returns null if this shell route does not build a Widget, but instead uses
/// a Page to represent itself (see [buildPage]).
Widget? buildWidget(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state,
ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext);
/// Attempts to build the Page representing this shell route.
/// Returns null if this shell route does not build a Page, but instead uses
/// a Widget to represent itself (see [buildWidget]).
Page<dynamic>? buildPage(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state,
ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext);
/// Returns the key for the [Navigator] that is to be used for the specified
/// immediate sub-route of this shell route.
GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKeyForSubRoute(RouteBase subRoute);
/// Returns the keys for the [Navigator]s associated with this shell route.
Iterable<GlobalKey<NavigatorState>> get _navigatorKeys =>
/// Returns all the Navigator keys of this shell route as well as those of any
/// descendant shell routes.
Iterable<GlobalKey<NavigatorState>> _navigatorKeysRecursively() {
return RouteBase.routesRecursively(<ShellRouteBase>[this])
.expand((ShellRouteBase e) => e._navigatorKeys);
/// Context object used when building the shell and Navigator for a shell route.
class ShellRouteContext {
/// Constructs a [ShellRouteContext].
required this.route,
required this.routerState,
required this.navigatorKey,
required this.routeMatchList,
required this.navigatorBuilder,
/// The associated shell route.
final ShellRouteBase route;
/// The current route state associated with [route].
final GoRouterState routerState;
/// The [Navigator] key to be used for the nested navigation associated with
/// [route].
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey;
/// The route match list representing the current location within the
/// associated shell route.
final RouteMatchList routeMatchList;
/// Function used to build the [Navigator] for the current route.
final NavigatorBuilder navigatorBuilder;
/// A route that displays a UI shell around the matching child route.
/// When a ShellRoute is added to the list of routes on GoRouter or GoRoute, a
/// new Navigator is used to display any matching sub-routes instead of placing
/// them on the root Navigator.
/// To display a child route on a different Navigator, provide it with a
/// [parentNavigatorKey] that matches the key provided to either the [GoRouter]
/// or [ShellRoute] constructor. In this example, the _rootNavigator key is
/// passed to the /b/details route so that it displays on the root Navigator
/// instead of the ShellRoute's Navigator:
/// ```
/// final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> _rootNavigatorKey =
/// GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
/// final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
/// navigatorKey: _rootNavigatorKey,
/// initialLocation: '/a',
/// routes: [
/// ShellRoute(
/// navigatorKey: _shellNavigatorKey,
/// builder: (context, state, child) {
/// return ScaffoldWithNavBar(child: child);
/// },
/// routes: [
/// // This screen is displayed on the ShellRoute's Navigator.
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/a',
/// builder: (context, state) {
/// return const ScreenA();
/// },
/// routes: <RouteBase>[
/// // This screen is displayed on the ShellRoute's Navigator.
/// GoRoute(
/// path: 'details',
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
/// return const DetailsScreen(label: 'A');
/// },
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// // Displayed ShellRoute's Navigator.
/// GoRoute(
/// path: '/b',
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
/// return const ScreenB();
/// },
/// routes: <RouteBase>[
/// // Displayed on the root Navigator by specifying the
/// // [parentNavigatorKey].
/// GoRoute(
/// path: 'details',
/// parentNavigatorKey: _rootNavigatorKey,
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
/// return const DetailsScreen(label: 'B');
/// },
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ],
/// );
/// ```
/// The widget built by the matching sub-route becomes the child parameter
/// of the [builder].
/// For example:
/// ```
/// ShellRoute(
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state, Widget child) {
/// return Scaffold(
/// appBar: AppBar(
/// title: Text('App Shell')
/// ),
/// body: Center(
/// child: child,
/// ),
/// );
/// },
/// routes: [
/// GoRoute(
/// path: 'a'
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
/// return Text('Child Route "/a"');
/// }
/// ),
/// ],
/// ),
/// ```
/// {@category Configuration}
class ShellRoute extends ShellRouteBase {
/// Constructs a [ShellRoute].
required super.routes,
GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey,
}) : assert(routes.isNotEmpty),
navigatorKey = navigatorKey ?? GlobalKey<NavigatorState>(),
super._() {
assert(() {
routes, this.navigatorKey);
return true;
/// The widget builder for a shell route.
/// Similar to [GoRoute.builder], but with an additional child parameter. This
/// child parameter is the Widget managing the nested navigation for the
/// matching sub-routes. Typically, a shell route builds its shell around this
/// Widget.
final ShellRouteBuilder? builder;
/// The page builder for a shell route.
/// Similar to [GoRoute.pageBuilder], but with an additional child parameter.
/// This child parameter is the Widget managing the nested navigation for the
/// matching sub-routes. Typically, a shell route builds its shell around this
/// Widget.
final ShellRoutePageBuilder? pageBuilder;
Widget? buildWidget(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state,
ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext) {
if (builder != null) {
final Widget navigator =
shellRouteContext.navigatorBuilder(observers, restorationScopeId);
return builder!(context, state, navigator);
return null;
Page<dynamic>? buildPage(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state,
ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext) {
if (pageBuilder != null) {
final Widget navigator =
shellRouteContext.navigatorBuilder(observers, restorationScopeId);
return pageBuilder!(context, state, navigator);
return null;
/// The observers for a shell route.
/// The observers parameter is used by the [Navigator] built for this route.
/// sub-route's observers.
final List<NavigatorObserver>? observers;
/// The [GlobalKey] to be used by the [Navigator] built for this route.
/// All ShellRoutes build a Navigator by default. Child GoRoutes
/// are placed onto this Navigator instead of the root Navigator.
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey;
/// Restoration ID to save and restore the state of the navigator, including
/// its history.
final String? restorationScopeId;
GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKeyForSubRoute(RouteBase subRoute) {
return navigatorKey;
Iterable<GlobalKey<NavigatorState>> get _navigatorKeys =>
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
'navigatorKey', navigatorKey));
/// A route that displays a UI shell with separate [Navigator]s for its
/// sub-routes.
/// Similar to [ShellRoute], this route class places its sub-route on a
/// different Navigator than the root [Navigator]. However, this route class
/// differs in that it creates separate [Navigator]s for each of its nested
/// branches (i.e. parallel navigation trees), making it possible to build an
/// app with stateful nested navigation. This is convenient when for instance
/// implementing a UI with a [BottomNavigationBar], with a persistent navigation
/// state for each tab.
/// A StatefulShellRoute is created by specifying a List of
/// [StatefulShellBranch] items, each representing a separate stateful branch
/// in the route tree. StatefulShellBranch provides the root routes and the
/// Navigator key ([GlobalKey]) for the branch, as well as an optional initial
/// location.
/// Like [ShellRoute], either a [builder] or a [pageBuilder] must be provided
/// when creating a StatefulShellRoute. However, these builders differ slightly
/// in that they accept a [StatefulNavigationShell] parameter instead of a
/// child Widget. The StatefulNavigationShell can be used to access information
/// about the state of the route, as well as to switch the active branch (i.e.
/// restoring the navigation stack of another branch). The latter is
/// accomplished by using the method [StatefulNavigationShell.goBranch], for
/// example:
/// ```
/// void _onItemTapped(int index) {
/// navigationShell.goBranch(index: index);
/// }
/// ```
/// The StatefulNavigationShell is also responsible for managing and maintaining
/// the state of the branch Navigators. Typically, a shell is built around this
/// Widget, for example by using it as the body of [Scaffold] with a
/// [BottomNavigationBar].
/// When creating a StatefulShellRoute, a [navigatorContainerBuilder] function
/// must be provided. This function is responsible for building the actual
/// container for the Widgets representing the branch Navigators. Typically,
/// the Widget returned by this function handles the layout (including
/// [Offstage] handling etc) of the branch Navigators and any animations needed
/// when switching active branch.
/// For a default implementation of [navigatorContainerBuilder] that is
/// appropriate for most use cases, consider using the constructor
/// [StatefulShellRoute.indexedStack].
/// With StatefulShellRoute (and any route below it), animated transitions
/// between routes in the same navigation stack works the same way as with other
/// route classes, and can be customized using pageBuilder. However, since
/// StatefulShellRoute maintains a set of parallel navigation stacks,
/// any transitions when switching between branches is the responsibility of the
/// branch Navigator container (i.e. [navigatorContainerBuilder]). The default
/// [IndexedStack] implementation ([StatefulShellRoute.indexedStack]) does not
/// use animated transitions, but an example is provided on how to accomplish
/// this (see link to custom StatefulShellRoute example below).
/// See also:
/// * [StatefulShellRoute.indexedStack] which provides a default
/// StatefulShellRoute implementation suitable for most use cases.
/// * [Stateful Nested Navigation example](
/// for a complete runnable example using StatefulShellRoute.
/// * [Custom StatefulShellRoute example](
/// which demonstrates how to customize the container for the branch Navigators
/// and how to implement animated transitions when switching branches.
class StatefulShellRoute extends ShellRouteBase {
/// Constructs a [StatefulShellRoute] from a list of [StatefulShellBranch]es,
/// each representing a separate nested navigation tree (branch).
/// A separate [Navigator] will be created for each of the branches, using
/// the navigator key specified in [StatefulShellBranch]. The Widget
/// implementing the container for the branch Navigators is provided by
/// [navigatorContainerBuilder].
required this.branches,
required this.navigatorContainerBuilder,
}) : assert(branches.isNotEmpty),
assert((pageBuilder != null) || (builder != null),
'One of builder or pageBuilder must be provided'),
assert(_debugUniqueNavigatorKeys(branches).length == branches.length,
'Navigator keys must be unique'),
assert(_debugValidateRestorationScopeIds(restorationScopeId, branches)),
super._(routes: _routes(branches));
/// Constructs a StatefulShellRoute that uses an [IndexedStack] for its
/// nested [Navigator]s.
/// This constructor provides an IndexedStack based implementation for the
/// container ([navigatorContainerBuilder]) used to manage the Widgets
/// representing the branch Navigators. Apart from that, this constructor
/// works the same way as the default constructor.
/// See [Stateful Nested Navigation](
/// for a complete runnable example using StatefulShellRoute.indexedStack.
required List<StatefulShellBranch> branches,
StatefulShellRouteBuilder? builder,
GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? parentNavigatorKey,
StatefulShellRoutePageBuilder? pageBuilder,
String? restorationScopeId,
}) : this(
branches: branches,
builder: builder,
pageBuilder: pageBuilder,
parentNavigatorKey: parentNavigatorKey,
restorationScopeId: restorationScopeId,
navigatorContainerBuilder: _indexedStackContainerBuilder,
/// Restoration ID to save and restore the state of the navigator, including
/// its history.
final String? restorationScopeId;
/// The widget builder for a stateful shell route.
/// Similar to [GoRoute.builder], but with an additional
/// [StatefulNavigationShell] parameter. StatefulNavigationShell is a Widget
/// responsible for managing the nested navigation for the
/// matching sub-routes. Typically, a shell route builds its shell around this
/// Widget. StatefulNavigationShell can also be used to access information
/// about which branch is active, and also to navigate to a different branch
/// (using [StatefulNavigationShell.goBranch]).
/// Custom implementations may choose to ignore the child parameter passed to
/// the builder function, and instead use [StatefulNavigationShell] to
/// create a custom container for the branch Navigators.
final StatefulShellRouteBuilder? builder;
/// The page builder for a stateful shell route.
/// Similar to [GoRoute.pageBuilder], but with an additional
/// [StatefulNavigationShell] parameter. StatefulNavigationShell is a Widget
/// responsible for managing the nested navigation for the
/// matching sub-routes. Typically, a shell route builds its shell around this
/// Widget. StatefulNavigationShell can also be used to access information
/// about which branch is active, and also to navigate to a different branch
/// (using [StatefulNavigationShell.goBranch]).
/// Custom implementations may choose to ignore the child parameter passed to
/// the builder function, and instead use [StatefulNavigationShell] to
/// create a custom container for the branch Navigators.
final StatefulShellRoutePageBuilder? pageBuilder;
/// The builder for the branch Navigator container.
/// The function responsible for building the container for the branch
/// Navigators. When this function is invoked, access is provided to a List of
/// Widgets representing the branch Navigators, where the the index
/// corresponds to the index of in [branches].
/// The builder function is expected to return a Widget that ensures that the
/// state of the branch Widgets is maintained, for instance by inducting them
/// in the Widget tree.
final ShellNavigationContainerBuilder navigatorContainerBuilder;
/// Representations of the different stateful route branches that this
/// shell route will manage.
/// Each branch uses a separate [Navigator], identified
/// [StatefulShellBranch.navigatorKey].
final List<StatefulShellBranch> branches;
final GlobalKey<StatefulNavigationShellState> _shellStateKey =
Widget? buildWidget(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state,
ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext) {
if (builder != null) {
return builder!(context, state, _createShell(context, shellRouteContext));
return null;
Page<dynamic>? buildPage(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state,
ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext) {
if (pageBuilder != null) {
return pageBuilder!(
context, state, _createShell(context, shellRouteContext));
return null;
GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKeyForSubRoute(RouteBase subRoute) {
final StatefulShellBranch? branch = branches.firstWhereOrNull(
(StatefulShellBranch e) => e.routes.contains(subRoute));
assert(branch != null);
return branch!.navigatorKey;
Iterable<GlobalKey<NavigatorState>> get _navigatorKeys => b) => b.navigatorKey);
StatefulNavigationShell _createShell(
BuildContext context, ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext) =>
shellRouteContext: shellRouteContext,
router: GoRouter.of(context),
containerBuilder: navigatorContainerBuilder);
static Widget _indexedStackContainerBuilder(BuildContext context,
StatefulNavigationShell navigationShell, List<Widget> children) {
return _IndexedStackedRouteBranchContainer(
currentIndex: navigationShell.currentIndex, children: children);
static List<RouteBase> _routes(List<StatefulShellBranch> branches) =>
branches.expand((StatefulShellBranch e) => e.routes).toList();
static Set<GlobalKey<NavigatorState>> _debugUniqueNavigatorKeys(
List<StatefulShellBranch> branches) =>
Set<GlobalKey<NavigatorState>>.from( e) => e.navigatorKey));
static bool _debugValidateParentNavigatorKeys(
List<StatefulShellBranch> branches) {
for (final StatefulShellBranch branch in branches) {
for (final RouteBase route in branch.routes) {
if (route is GoRoute) {
assert(route.parentNavigatorKey == null ||
route.parentNavigatorKey == branch.navigatorKey);
return true;
static bool _debugValidateRestorationScopeIds(
String? restorationScopeId, List<StatefulShellBranch> branches) {
if (branches
.map((StatefulShellBranch e) => e.restorationScopeId)
.isNotEmpty) {
restorationScopeId != null,
'A restorationScopeId must be set for '
'the StatefulShellRoute when using restorationScopeIds on one or more '
'of the branches');
return true;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
'navigatorKeys', _navigatorKeys));
/// Representation of a separate branch in a stateful navigation tree, used to
/// configure [StatefulShellRoute].
/// The only required argument when creating a StatefulShellBranch is the
/// sub-routes ([routes]), however sometimes it may be convenient to also
/// provide a [initialLocation]. The value of this parameter is used when
/// loading the branch for the first time (for instance when switching branch
/// using the goBranch method in [StatefulNavigationShell]).
/// A separate [Navigator] will be built for each StatefulShellBranch in a
/// [StatefulShellRoute], and the routes of this branch will be placed onto that
/// Navigator instead of the root Navigator. A custom [navigatorKey] can be
/// provided when creating a StatefulShellBranch, which can be useful when the
/// Navigator needs to be accessed elsewhere. If no key is provided, a default
/// one will be created.
class StatefulShellBranch {
/// Constructs a [StatefulShellBranch].
required this.routes,
GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey,
}) : navigatorKey = navigatorKey ?? GlobalKey<NavigatorState>() {
assert(() {
routes, this.navigatorKey);
return true;
/// The [GlobalKey] to be used by the [Navigator] built for this branch.
/// A separate Navigator will be built for each StatefulShellBranch in a
/// [StatefulShellRoute] and this key will be used to identify the Navigator.
/// The routes associated with this branch will be placed o onto that
/// Navigator instead of the root Navigator.
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey;
/// The list of child routes associated with this route branch.
final List<RouteBase> routes;
/// The initial location for this route branch.
/// If none is specified, the location of the first descendant [GoRoute] will
/// be used (i.e. [defaultRoute]). The initial location is used when loading
/// the branch for the first time (for instance when switching branch using
/// the goBranch method).
final String? initialLocation;
/// Restoration ID to save and restore the state of the navigator, including
/// its history.
final String? restorationScopeId;
/// The observers for this branch.
/// The observers parameter is used by the [Navigator] built for this branch.
final List<NavigatorObserver>? observers;
/// The default route of this branch, i.e. the first descendant [GoRoute].
/// This route will be used when loading the branch for the first time, if
/// an [initialLocation] has not been provided.
GoRoute? get defaultRoute =>
/// Builder for a custom container for the branch Navigators of a
/// [StatefulShellRoute].
typedef ShellNavigationContainerBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context,
StatefulNavigationShell navigationShell, List<Widget> children);
/// Widget for managing the state of a [StatefulShellRoute].
/// Normally, this widget is not used directly, but is instead created
/// internally by StatefulShellRoute. However, if a custom container for the
/// branch Navigators is required, StatefulNavigationShell can be used in
/// the builder or pageBuilder methods of StatefulShellRoute to facilitate this.
/// The container is created using the provided [ShellNavigationContainerBuilder],
/// where the List of Widgets represent the Navigators for each branch.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state,
/// StatefulNavigationShell navigationShell) {
/// return StatefulNavigationShell(
/// shellRouteState: state,
/// containerBuilder: (_, __, List<Widget> children) => MyCustomShell(shellState: state, children: children),
/// );
/// }
/// ```
class StatefulNavigationShell extends StatefulWidget {
/// Constructs an [StatefulNavigationShell].
required this.shellRouteContext,
required GoRouter router,
required this.containerBuilder,
}) : assert(shellRouteContext.route is StatefulShellRoute),
_router = router,
currentIndex = _indexOfBranchNavigatorKey(
shellRouteContext.route as StatefulShellRoute,
(shellRouteContext.route as StatefulShellRoute)._shellStateKey);
/// The ShellRouteContext responsible for building the Navigator for the
/// current [StatefulShellBranch].
final ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext;
final GoRouter _router;
/// The builder for a custom container for shell route Navigators.
final ShellNavigationContainerBuilder containerBuilder;
/// The index of the currently active [StatefulShellBranch].
/// Corresponds to the index in the branches field of [StatefulShellRoute].
final int currentIndex;
/// The associated [StatefulShellRoute].
StatefulShellRoute get route => shellRouteContext.route as StatefulShellRoute;
/// Navigate to the last location of the [StatefulShellBranch] at the provided
/// index in the associated [StatefulShellBranch].
/// This method will switch the currently active branch [Navigator] for the
/// [StatefulShellRoute]. If the branch has not been visited before, or if
/// initialLocation is true, this method will navigate to initial location of
/// the branch (see [StatefulShellBranch.initialLocation]).
// TODO(chunhtai): figure out a way to avoid putting navigation API in widget
// class.
void goBranch(int index, {bool initialLocation = false}) {
final StatefulShellRoute route =
shellRouteContext.route as StatefulShellRoute;
final StatefulNavigationShellState? shellState =
if (shellState != null) {
shellState.goBranch(index, initialLocation: initialLocation);
} else {
/// Gets the effective initial location for the branch at the provided index
/// in the associated [StatefulShellRoute].
/// The effective initial location is either the
/// [StackedShellBranch.initialLocation], if specified, or the location of the
/// [StackedShellBranch.defaultRoute].
String _effectiveInitialBranchLocation(int index) {
final StatefulShellRoute route =
shellRouteContext.route as StatefulShellRoute;
final StatefulShellBranch branch = route.branches[index];
final String? initialLocation = branch.initialLocation;
if (initialLocation != null) {
return initialLocation;
} else {
/// Recursively traverses the routes of the provided StackedShellBranch to
/// find the first GoRoute, from which a full path will be derived.
final GoRoute route = branch.defaultRoute!;
return _router.configuration.locationForRoute(route)!;
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => StatefulNavigationShellState();
/// Gets the state for the nearest stateful shell route in the Widget tree.
static StatefulNavigationShellState of(BuildContext context) {
final StatefulNavigationShellState? shellState =
assert(shellState != null);
return shellState!;
/// Gets the state for the nearest stateful shell route in the Widget tree.
/// Returns null if no stateful shell route is found.
static StatefulNavigationShellState? maybeOf(BuildContext context) {
final StatefulNavigationShellState? shellState =
return shellState;
static int _indexOfBranchNavigatorKey(
StatefulShellRoute route, GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey) {
final int index = route.branches.indexWhere(
(StatefulShellBranch branch) => branch.navigatorKey == navigatorKey);
assert(index >= 0);
return index;
/// State for StatefulNavigationShell.
class StatefulNavigationShellState extends State<StatefulNavigationShell>
with RestorationMixin {
final Map<Key, Widget> _branchNavigators = <Key, Widget>{};
/// The associated [StatefulShellRoute].
StatefulShellRoute get route => widget.route;
GoRouter get _router => widget._router;
final Map<StatefulShellBranch, _RestorableRouteMatchList> _branchLocations =
<StatefulShellBranch, _RestorableRouteMatchList>{};
String? get restorationId => route.restorationScopeId;
/// Generates a derived restoration ID for the branch location property,
/// falling back to the identity hash code of the branch to ensure an ID is
/// always returned (needed for _RestorableRouteMatchList/RestorableValue).
String _branchLocationRestorationScopeId(StatefulShellBranch branch) {
return branch.restorationScopeId != null
? '${branch.restorationScopeId}-location'
: identityHashCode(branch).toString();
_RestorableRouteMatchList _branchLocation(StatefulShellBranch branch,
[bool register = true]) {
return _branchLocations.putIfAbsent(branch, () {
final _RestorableRouteMatchList branchLocation =
if (register) {
branchLocation, _branchLocationRestorationScopeId(branch));
return branchLocation;
RouteMatchList? _matchListForBranch(int index) =>
/// Creates a new RouteMatchList that is scoped to the Navigators of the
/// current shell route or it's descendants. This involves removing all the
/// trailing imperative matches from the RouterMatchList that are targeted at
/// any other (often top-level) Navigator.
RouteMatchList _scopedMatchList(RouteMatchList matchList) {
final Iterable<GlobalKey<NavigatorState>> validKeys =
final int index = matchList.matches.indexWhere((RouteMatch e) {
final RouteBase route = e.route;
if (e is ImperativeRouteMatch && route is GoRoute) {
return route.parentNavigatorKey != null &&
return false;
if (index > 0) {
final List<RouteMatch> matches = matchList.matches.sublist(0, index);
return RouteMatchList(
extra: matchList.extra,
matches: matches,
uri: Uri.parse(matches.last.matchedLocation),
pathParameters: matchList.pathParameters,
return matchList;
void _updateCurrentBranchStateFromWidget() {
final StatefulShellBranch branch = route.branches[widget.currentIndex];
final ShellRouteContext shellRouteContext = widget.shellRouteContext;
final RouteMatchList currentBranchLocation =
final _RestorableRouteMatchList branchLocation =
_branchLocation(branch, false);
final RouteMatchList previousBranchLocation = branchLocation.value;
branchLocation.value = currentBranchLocation;
final bool hasExistingNavigator =
_branchNavigators[branch.navigatorKey] != null;
/// Only update the Navigator of the route match list has changed
final bool locationChanged =
previousBranchLocation != currentBranchLocation;
if (locationChanged || !hasExistingNavigator) {
_branchNavigators[branch.navigatorKey] = shellRouteContext
.navigatorBuilder(branch.observers, branch.restorationScopeId);
/// The index of the currently active [StatefulShellBranch].
/// Corresponds to the index in the branches field of [StatefulShellRoute].
int get currentIndex => widget.currentIndex;
/// Navigate to the last location of the [StatefulShellBranch] at the provided
/// index in the associated [StatefulShellBranch].
/// This method will switch the currently active branch [Navigator] for the
/// [StatefulShellRoute]. If the branch has not been visited before, or if
/// initialLocation is true, this method will navigate to initial location of
/// the branch (see [StatefulShellBranch.initialLocation]).
void goBranch(int index, {bool initialLocation = false}) {
assert(index >= 0 && index < route.branches.length);
final RouteMatchList? matchList =
initialLocation ? null : _matchListForBranch(index);
if (matchList != null && matchList.isNotEmpty) {
} else {
void initState() {
void dispose() {
for (final StatefulShellBranch branch in route.branches) {
void restoreState(RestorationBucket? oldBucket, bool initialRestore) {
void didUpdateWidget(covariant StatefulNavigationShell oldWidget) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final List<Widget> children = route.branches
.map((StatefulShellBranch branch) => _BranchNavigatorProxy(
key: ObjectKey(branch),
branch: branch,
navigatorForBranch: (StatefulShellBranch b) =>
return widget.containerBuilder(context, widget, children);
/// [RestorableProperty] for enabling state restoration of [RouteMatchList]s.
class _RestorableRouteMatchList extends RestorableProperty<RouteMatchList> {
_RestorableRouteMatchList(RouteConfiguration configuration)
: _matchListCodec = RouteMatchListCodec(configuration);
final RouteMatchListCodec _matchListCodec;
RouteMatchList get value => _value;
RouteMatchList _value = RouteMatchList.empty;
set value(RouteMatchList newValue) {
if (newValue != _value) {
_value = newValue;
void initWithValue(RouteMatchList value) {
_value = value;
RouteMatchList createDefaultValue() => RouteMatchList.empty;
RouteMatchList fromPrimitives(Object? data) {
return data == null
? RouteMatchList.empty
: _matchListCodec.decode(data as Map<Object?, Object?>);
Object? toPrimitives() {
if (value.isNotEmpty) {
return _matchListCodec.encode(value);
return null;
typedef _NavigatorForBranch = Widget? Function(StatefulShellBranch);
/// Widget that serves as the proxy for a branch Navigator Widget, which
/// possibly hasn't been created yet.
/// This Widget hides the logic handling whether a Navigator Widget has been
/// created yet for a branch or not, and at the same time ensures that the same
/// Widget class is consistently passed to the containerBuilder. The latter is
/// important for container implementations that cache child widgets,
/// such as [TabBarView].
class _BranchNavigatorProxy extends StatefulWidget {
const _BranchNavigatorProxy({
required this.branch,
required this.navigatorForBranch,
final StatefulShellBranch branch;
final _NavigatorForBranch navigatorForBranch;
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _BranchNavigatorProxyState();
/// State for _BranchNavigatorProxy, using AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin to
/// properly handle some scenarios where Slivers are used to manage the branches
/// (such as [TabBarView]).
class _BranchNavigatorProxyState extends State<_BranchNavigatorProxy>
with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {;
return widget.navigatorForBranch(widget.branch) ?? const SizedBox.shrink();
bool get wantKeepAlive => true;
/// Default implementation of a container widget for the [Navigator]s of the
/// route branches. This implementation uses an [IndexedStack] as a container.
class _IndexedStackedRouteBranchContainer extends StatelessWidget {
const _IndexedStackedRouteBranchContainer(
{required this.currentIndex, required this.children});
final int currentIndex;
final List<Widget> children;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final List<Widget> stackItems = children
.mapIndexed((int index, Widget child) =>
_buildRouteBranchContainer(context, currentIndex == index, child))
return IndexedStack(index: currentIndex, children: stackItems);
Widget _buildRouteBranchContainer(
BuildContext context, bool isActive, Widget child) {
return Offstage(
offstage: !isActive,
child: TickerMode(
enabled: isActive,
child: child,