blob: 28a83a56147dbc84648fe862d5a1a8571a0cb359 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:file_selector_platform_interface/file_selector_platform_interface.dart';
export 'package:file_selector_platform_interface/file_selector_platform_interface.dart'
show FileSaveLocation, XFile, XTypeGroup;
/// Opens a file selection dialog and returns the path chosen by the user.
/// [acceptedTypeGroups] is a list of file type groups that can be selected in
/// the dialog. How this is displayed depends on the pltaform, for example:
/// - On Windows and Linux, each group will be an entry in a list of filter
/// options.
/// - On macOS, the union of all types allowed by all of the groups will be
/// allowed.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if any type groups do not include filters
/// supported by the current platform.
/// [initialDirectory] is the full path to the directory that will be displayed
/// when the dialog is opened. When not provided, the platform will pick an
/// initial location. This is ignored on the Web platform.
/// [confirmButtonText] is the text in the confirmation button of the dialog.
/// When not provided, the default OS label is used (for example, "Open").
/// This is ignored on the Web platform.
/// Returns `null` if the user cancels the operation.
Future<XFile?> openFile({
List<XTypeGroup> acceptedTypeGroups = const <XTypeGroup>[],
String? initialDirectory,
String? confirmButtonText,
}) {
return FileSelectorPlatform.instance.openFile(
acceptedTypeGroups: acceptedTypeGroups,
initialDirectory: initialDirectory,
confirmButtonText: confirmButtonText);
/// Opens a file selection dialog and returns the list of paths chosen by the
/// user.
/// [acceptedTypeGroups] is a list of file type groups that can be selected in
/// the dialog. How this is displayed depends on the pltaform, for example:
/// - On Windows and Linux, each group will be an entry in a list of filter
/// options.
/// - On macOS, the union of all types allowed by all of the groups will be
/// allowed.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if any type groups do not include filters
/// supported by the current platform.
/// [initialDirectory] is the full path to the directory that will be displayed
/// when the dialog is opened. When not provided, the platform will pick an
/// initial location.
/// [confirmButtonText] is the text in the confirmation button of the dialog.
/// When not provided, the default OS label is used (for example, "Open").
/// Returns an empty list if the user cancels the operation.
Future<List<XFile>> openFiles({
List<XTypeGroup> acceptedTypeGroups = const <XTypeGroup>[],
String? initialDirectory,
String? confirmButtonText,
}) {
return FileSelectorPlatform.instance.openFiles(
acceptedTypeGroups: acceptedTypeGroups,
initialDirectory: initialDirectory,
confirmButtonText: confirmButtonText);
/// Opens a save dialog and returns the target path chosen by the user.
/// [acceptedTypeGroups] is a list of file type groups that can be selected in
/// the dialog. How this is displayed depends on the pltaform, for example:
/// - On Windows and Linux, each group will be an entry in a list of filter
/// options.
/// - On macOS, the union of all types allowed by all of the groups will be
/// allowed.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if any type groups do not include filters
/// supported by the current platform.
/// [initialDirectory] is the full path to the directory that will be displayed
/// when the dialog is opened. When not provided, the platform will pick an
/// initial location.
/// [suggestedName] is initial value of file name.
/// [confirmButtonText] is the text in the confirmation button of the dialog.
/// When not provided, the default OS label is used (for example, "Save").
/// Returns `null` if the user cancels the operation.
Future<FileSaveLocation?> getSaveLocation({
List<XTypeGroup> acceptedTypeGroups = const <XTypeGroup>[],
String? initialDirectory,
String? suggestedName,
String? confirmButtonText,
}) async {
return FileSelectorPlatform.instance.getSaveLocation(
acceptedTypeGroups: acceptedTypeGroups,
options: SaveDialogOptions(
initialDirectory: initialDirectory,
suggestedName: suggestedName,
confirmButtonText: confirmButtonText));
/// Opens a directory selection dialog and returns the path chosen by the user.
/// This always returns `null` on the web.
/// [initialDirectory] is the full path to the directory that will be displayed
/// when the dialog is opened. When not provided, the platform will pick an
/// initial location.
/// [confirmButtonText] is the text in the confirmation button of the dialog.
/// When not provided, the default OS label is used (for example, "Open").
/// Returns `null` if the user cancels the operation.
Future<String?> getDirectoryPath({
String? initialDirectory,
String? confirmButtonText,
}) async {
return FileSelectorPlatform.instance.getDirectoryPath(
initialDirectory: initialDirectory, confirmButtonText: confirmButtonText);
/// Opens a directory selection dialog and returns a list of the paths chosen
/// by the user.
/// This always returns an empty array on the web.
/// [initialDirectory] is the full path to the directory that will be displayed
/// when the dialog is opened. When not provided, the platform will pick an
/// initial location.
/// [confirmButtonText] is the text in the confirmation button of the dialog.
/// When not provided, the default OS label is used (for example, "Open").
/// Returns an empty array if the user cancels the operation.
Future<List<String?>> getDirectoryPaths({
String? initialDirectory,
String? confirmButtonText,
}) async {
return FileSelectorPlatform.instance.getDirectoryPaths(
initialDirectory: initialDirectory, confirmButtonText: confirmButtonText);