blob: 8132c5b359da8edbd497795f69697956a0c425a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import '../../billing_client_wrappers.dart';
import '../channel.dart';
part 'billing_client_wrapper.g.dart';
/// Method identifier for the OnPurchaseUpdated method channel method.
const String kOnPurchasesUpdated =
'PurchasesUpdatedListener#onPurchasesUpdated(BillingResult, List<Purchase>)';
const String _kOnBillingServiceDisconnected =
/// Callback triggered by Play in response to purchase activity.
/// This callback is triggered in response to all purchase activity while an
/// instance of `BillingClient` is active. This includes purchases initiated by
/// the app ([BillingClient.launchBillingFlow]) as well as purchases made in
/// Play itself while this app is open.
/// This does not provide any hooks for purchases made in the past. See
/// [BillingClient.queryPurchases] and [BillingClient.queryPurchaseHistory].
/// All purchase information should also be verified manually, with your server
/// if at all possible. See ["Verify a
/// purchase"](
/// Wraps a
/// [`PurchasesUpdatedListener`](
typedef PurchasesUpdatedListener = void Function(
PurchasesResultWrapper purchasesResult);
/// This class can be used directly instead of [InAppPurchaseConnection] to call
/// Play-specific billing APIs.
/// Wraps a
/// [``](
/// instance.
/// In general this API conforms to the Java
/// `` API as much as possible, with
/// some minor changes to account for language differences. Callbacks have been
/// converted to futures where appropriate.
/// Connection to [BillingClient] may be lost at any time (see
/// `onBillingServiceDisconnected` param of [startConnection] and
/// [BillingResponse.serviceDisconnected]).
/// Consider using [BillingClientManager] that handles these disconnections
/// transparently.
class BillingClient {
/// Creates a billing client.
BillingClient(PurchasesUpdatedListener onPurchasesUpdated) {
_callbacks[kOnPurchasesUpdated] = <PurchasesUpdatedListener>[
// Occasionally methods in the native layer require a Dart callback to be
// triggered in response to a Java callback. For example,
// [startConnection] registers an [OnBillingServiceDisconnected] callback.
// This list of names to callbacks is used to trigger Dart callbacks in
// response to those Java callbacks. Dart sends the Java layer a handle to the
// matching callback here to remember, and then once its twin is triggered it
// sends the handle back over the platform channel. We then access that handle
// in this array and call it in Dart code. See also [_callHandler].
final Map<String, List<Function>> _callbacks = <String, List<Function>>{};
/// Calls
/// [`BillingClient#isReady()`](
/// to get the ready status of the BillingClient instance.
Future<bool> isReady() async {
final bool? ready =
await channel.invokeMethod<bool>('BillingClient#isReady()');
return ready ?? false;
/// Enable the [BillingClientWrapper] to handle pending purchases.
/// **Deprecation warning:** it is no longer required to call
/// [enablePendingPurchases] when initializing your application.
'The requirement to call `enablePendingPurchases()` has become obsolete '
"since Google Play no longer accepts app submissions that don't support "
'pending purchases.')
void enablePendingPurchases() {
// No-op, until it is time to completely remove this method from the API.
/// Calls
/// [`BillingClient#startConnection(BillingClientStateListener)`](
/// to create and connect a `BillingClient` instance.
/// [onBillingServiceConnected] has been converted from a callback parameter
/// to the Future result returned by this function. This returns the
/// `BillingClient.BillingResultWrapper` describing the connection result.
/// This triggers the creation of a new `BillingClient` instance in Java if
/// one doesn't already exist.
Future<BillingResultWrapper> startConnection(
{required OnBillingServiceDisconnected
onBillingServiceDisconnected}) async {
final List<Function> disconnectCallbacks =
_callbacks[_kOnBillingServiceDisconnected] ??= <Function>[];
return BillingResultWrapper.fromJson((await channel
.invokeMapMethod<String, dynamic>(
<String, dynamic>{
'handle': disconnectCallbacks.length - 1,
})) ??
<String, dynamic>{});
/// Calls
/// [`BillingClient#endConnection(BillingClientStateListener)`](
/// to disconnect a `BillingClient` instance.
/// Will trigger the [OnBillingServiceDisconnected] callback passed to [startConnection].
/// This triggers the destruction of the `BillingClient` instance in Java.
Future<void> endConnection() async {
return channel.invokeMethod<void>('BillingClient#endConnection()');
/// Returns a list of [ProductDetailsResponseWrapper]s that have
/// [ProductDetailsWrapper.productId] and [ProductDetailsWrapper.productType]
/// in `productList`.
/// Calls through to
/// [`BillingClient#queryProductDetailsAsync(QueryProductDetailsParams, ProductDetailsResponseListener)`](,
/// Instead of taking a callback parameter, it returns a Future
/// [ProductDetailsResponseWrapper]. It also takes the values of
/// `ProductDetailsParams` as direct arguments instead of requiring it
/// constructed and passed in as a class.
Future<ProductDetailsResponseWrapper> queryProductDetails({
required List<ProductWrapper> productList,
}) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> arguments = <String, dynamic>{
'productList': product) => product.toJson()).toList()
return ProductDetailsResponseWrapper.fromJson(
(await channel.invokeMapMethod<String, dynamic>(
'BillingClient#queryProductDetailsAsync(QueryProductDetailsParams, ProductDetailsResponseListener)',
)) ??
<String, dynamic>{});
/// Attempt to launch the Play Billing Flow for a given [productDetails].
/// The [productDetails] needs to have already been fetched in a [queryProductDetails]
/// call. The [accountId] is an optional hashed string associated with the user
/// that's unique to your app. It's used by Google to detect unusual behavior.
/// Do not pass in a cleartext [accountId], and do not use this field to store any Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
/// such as emails in cleartext. Attempting to store PII in this field will result in purchases being blocked.
/// Google Play recommends that you use either encryption or a one-way hash to generate an obfuscated identifier to send to Google Play.
/// Specifies an optional [obfuscatedProfileId] that is uniquely associated with the user's profile in your app.
/// Some applications allow users to have multiple profiles within a single account. Use this method to send the user's profile identifier to Google.
/// Setting this field requests the user's obfuscated account id.
/// Calling this attemps to show the Google Play purchase UI. The user is free
/// to complete the transaction there.
/// This method returns a [BillingResultWrapper] representing the initial attempt
/// to show the Google Play billing flow. Actual purchase updates are
/// delivered via the [PurchasesUpdatedListener].
/// This method calls through to
/// [`BillingClient#launchBillingFlow`](
/// It constructs a
/// [`BillingFlowParams`](
/// instance by [setting the given productDetails](,
/// [the given accountId](
/// and the [obfuscatedProfileId] (
/// When this method is called to purchase a subscription through an offer, an
/// [`offerToken` can be passed in](
/// When this method is called to purchase a subscription, an optional
/// `oldProduct` can be passed in. This will tell Google Play that rather than
/// purchasing a new subscription, the user needs to upgrade/downgrade the
/// existing subscription.
/// The [oldProduct]( and [purchaseToken] are the product id and purchase token that the user is upgrading or downgrading from.
/// [purchaseToken] must not be `null` if [oldProduct] is not `null`.
/// The [prorationMode]( is the mode of proration during subscription upgrade/downgrade.
/// This value will only be effective if the `oldProduct` is also set.
Future<BillingResultWrapper> launchBillingFlow(
{required String product,
String? offerToken,
String? accountId,
String? obfuscatedProfileId,
String? oldProduct,
String? purchaseToken,
ProrationMode? prorationMode}) async {
assert((oldProduct == null) == (purchaseToken == null),
'oldProduct and purchaseToken must both be set, or both be null.');
final Map<String, dynamic> arguments = <String, dynamic>{
'product': product,
'offerToken': offerToken,
'accountId': accountId,
'obfuscatedProfileId': obfuscatedProfileId,
'oldProduct': oldProduct,
'purchaseToken': purchaseToken,
'prorationMode': const ProrationModeConverter().toJson(prorationMode ??
return BillingResultWrapper.fromJson(
(await channel.invokeMapMethod<String, dynamic>(
'BillingClient#launchBillingFlow(Activity, BillingFlowParams)',
arguments)) ??
<String, dynamic>{});
/// Fetches recent purchases for the given [ProductType].
/// Unlike [queryPurchaseHistory], This does not make a network request and
/// does not return items that are no longer owned.
/// All purchase information should also be verified manually, with your
/// server if at all possible. See ["Verify a
/// purchase"](
/// This wraps
/// [`BillingClient#queryPurchasesAsync(QueryPurchaseParams, PurchaseResponseListener)`](,
Future<PurchasesResultWrapper> queryPurchases(ProductType productType) async {
return PurchasesResultWrapper.fromJson(
(await channel.invokeMapMethod<String, dynamic>(
'BillingClient#queryPurchasesAsync(QueryPurchaseParams, PurchaseResponseListener)',
<String, dynamic>{
'productType': const ProductTypeConverter().toJson(productType)
)) ??
<String, dynamic>{});
/// Fetches purchase history for the given [ProductType].
/// Unlike [queryPurchases], this makes a network request via Play and returns
/// the most recent purchase for each [ProductDetailsWrapper] of the given
/// [ProductType] even if the item is no longer owned.
/// All purchase information should also be verified manually, with your
/// server if at all possible. See ["Verify a
/// purchase"](
/// This wraps
/// [`BillingClient#queryPurchaseHistoryAsync(QueryPurchaseHistoryParams, PurchaseHistoryResponseListener)`](,
Future<PurchasesHistoryResult> queryPurchaseHistory(
ProductType productType) async {
return PurchasesHistoryResult.fromJson((await channel.invokeMapMethod<
String, dynamic>(
'BillingClient#queryPurchaseHistoryAsync(QueryPurchaseHistoryParams, PurchaseHistoryResponseListener)',
<String, dynamic>{
'productType': const ProductTypeConverter().toJson(productType)
})) ??
<String, dynamic>{});
/// Consumes a given in-app product.
/// Consuming can only be done on an item that's owned, and as a result of consumption, the user will no longer own it.
/// Consumption is done asynchronously. The method returns a Future containing a [BillingResultWrapper].
/// This wraps
/// [`BillingClient#consumeAsync(ConsumeParams, ConsumeResponseListener)`](,
Future<BillingResultWrapper> consumeAsync(String purchaseToken) async {
return BillingResultWrapper.fromJson((await channel.invokeMapMethod<String,
'BillingClient#consumeAsync(ConsumeParams, ConsumeResponseListener)',
<String, dynamic>{
'purchaseToken': purchaseToken,
})) ??
<String, dynamic>{});
/// Acknowledge an in-app purchase.
/// The developer must acknowledge all in-app purchases after they have been granted to the user.
/// If this doesn't happen within three days of the purchase, the purchase will be refunded.
/// Consumables are already implicitly acknowledged by calls to [consumeAsync] and
/// do not need to be explicitly acknowledged by using this method.
/// However this method can be called for them in order to explicitly acknowledge them if desired.
/// Be sure to only acknowledge a purchase after it has been granted to the user.
/// [PurchaseWrapper.purchaseState] should be [PurchaseStateWrapper.purchased] and
/// the purchase should be validated. See [Verify a purchase]( on verifying purchases.
/// Please refer to [acknowledge]( for more
/// details.
/// This wraps
/// [`BillingClient#acknowledgePurchase(AcknowledgePurchaseParams, AcknowledgePurchaseResponseListener)`](,
Future<BillingResultWrapper> acknowledgePurchase(String purchaseToken) async {
return BillingResultWrapper.fromJson((await channel.invokeMapMethod<String,
'BillingClient#acknowledgePurchase(AcknowledgePurchaseParams, AcknowledgePurchaseResponseListener)',
<String, dynamic>{
'purchaseToken': purchaseToken,
})) ??
<String, dynamic>{});
/// Checks if the specified feature or capability is supported by the Play Store.
/// Call this to check if a [BillingClientFeature] is supported by the device.
Future<bool> isFeatureSupported(BillingClientFeature feature) async {
final bool? result = await channel.invokeMethod<bool>(
'BillingClient#isFeatureSupported(String)', <String, dynamic>{
'feature': const BillingClientFeatureConverter().toJson(feature),
return result ?? false;
/// The method call handler for [channel].
Future<void> callHandler(MethodCall call) async {
switch (call.method) {
case kOnPurchasesUpdated:
// The purchases updated listener is a singleton.
assert(_callbacks[kOnPurchasesUpdated]!.length == 1);
final PurchasesUpdatedListener listener =
_callbacks[kOnPurchasesUpdated]!.first as PurchasesUpdatedListener;
(call.arguments as Map<dynamic, dynamic>).cast<String, dynamic>()));
case _kOnBillingServiceDisconnected:
final int handle =
(call.arguments as Map<Object?, Object?>)['handle']! as int;
final List<OnBillingServiceDisconnected> onDisconnected =
/// Callback triggered when the [BillingClientWrapper] is disconnected.
/// Wraps
/// [``](
/// to call back on `BillingClient` disconnect.
typedef OnBillingServiceDisconnected = void Function();
/// Possible `BillingClient` response statuses.
/// Wraps
/// [`BillingClient.BillingResponse`](
/// See the `BillingResponse` docs for more explanation of the different
/// constants.
@JsonEnum(alwaysCreate: true)
enum BillingResponse {
// WARNING: Changes to this class need to be reflected in our generated code.
// Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner watch` to rebuild and watch for
// further changes.
/// The request has reached the maximum timeout before Google Play responds.
/// The requested feature is not supported by Play Store on the current device.
/// The play Store service is not connected now - potentially transient state.
/// Success.
/// The user pressed back or canceled a dialog.
/// The network connection is down.
/// The billing API version is not supported for the type requested.
/// The requested product is not available for purchase.
/// Invalid arguments provided to the API.
/// Fatal error during the API action.
/// Failure to purchase since item is already owned.
/// Failure to consume since item is not owned.
/// Serializer for [BillingResponse].
/// Use these in `@JsonSerializable()` classes by annotating them with
/// `@BillingResponseConverter()`.
class BillingResponseConverter implements JsonConverter<BillingResponse, int?> {
/// Default const constructor.
const BillingResponseConverter();
BillingResponse fromJson(int? json) {
if (json == null) {
return BillingResponse.error;
return $enumDecode(_$BillingResponseEnumMap, json);
int toJson(BillingResponse object) => _$BillingResponseEnumMap[object]!;
/// Enum representing potential [ProductDetailsWrapper.productType]s.
/// Wraps
/// [`BillingClient.ProductType`](
/// See the linked documentation for an explanation of the different constants.
@JsonEnum(alwaysCreate: true)
enum ProductType {
// WARNING: Changes to this class need to be reflected in our generated code.
// Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner watch` to rebuild and watch for
// further changes.
/// A one time product. Acquired in a single transaction.
/// A product requiring a recurring charge over time.
/// Serializer for [ProductType].
/// Use these in `@JsonSerializable()` classes by annotating them with
/// `@ProductTypeConverter()`.
class ProductTypeConverter implements JsonConverter<ProductType, String?> {
/// Default const constructor.
const ProductTypeConverter();
ProductType fromJson(String? json) {
if (json == null) {
return ProductType.inapp;
return $enumDecode(_$ProductTypeEnumMap, json);
String toJson(ProductType object) => _$ProductTypeEnumMap[object]!;
/// Enum representing the proration mode.
/// When upgrading or downgrading a subscription, set this mode to provide details
/// about the proration that will be applied when the subscription changes.
/// Wraps [`BillingFlowParams.ProrationMode`](
/// See the linked documentation for an explanation of the different constants.
@JsonEnum(alwaysCreate: true)
enum ProrationMode {
// WARNING: Changes to this class need to be reflected in our generated code.
// Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner watch` to rebuild and watch for
// further changes.
/// Unknown upgrade or downgrade policy.
/// Replacement takes effect immediately, and the remaining time will be prorated
/// and credited to the user.
/// This is the current default behavior.
/// Replacement takes effect immediately, and the billing cycle remains the same.
/// The price for the remaining period will be charged.
/// This option is only available for subscription upgrade.
/// Replacement takes effect immediately, and the new price will be charged on next
/// recurrence time.
/// The billing cycle stays the same.
/// Replacement takes effect when the old plan expires, and the new price will
/// be charged at the same time.
/// Replacement takes effect immediately, and the user is charged full price
/// of new plan and is given a full billing cycle of subscription, plus
/// remaining prorated time from the old plan.
/// Serializer for [ProrationMode].
/// Use these in `@JsonSerializable()` classes by annotating them with
/// `@ProrationModeConverter()`.
class ProrationModeConverter implements JsonConverter<ProrationMode, int?> {
/// Default const constructor.
const ProrationModeConverter();
ProrationMode fromJson(int? json) {
if (json == null) {
return ProrationMode.unknownSubscriptionUpgradeDowngradePolicy;
return $enumDecode(_$ProrationModeEnumMap, json);
int toJson(ProrationMode object) => _$ProrationModeEnumMap[object]!;
/// Features/capabilities supported by [BillingClient.isFeatureSupported()](
@JsonEnum(alwaysCreate: true)
enum BillingClientFeature {
// WARNING: Changes to this class need to be reflected in our generated code.
// Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner watch` to rebuild and watch for
// further changes.
// JsonValues need to match constant values defined in
/// Purchase/query for in-app items on VR.
/// Launch a price change confirmation flow.
/// Play billing library support for querying and purchasing with ProductDetails.
/// Purchase/query for subscriptions.
/// Purchase/query for subscriptions on VR.
/// Subscriptions update/replace.
/// Serializer for [BillingClientFeature].
/// Use these in `@JsonSerializable()` classes by annotating them with
/// `@BillingClientFeatureConverter()`.
class BillingClientFeatureConverter
implements JsonConverter<BillingClientFeature, String> {
/// Default const constructor.
const BillingClientFeatureConverter();
BillingClientFeature fromJson(String json) {
return $enumDecode<BillingClientFeature, dynamic>(
_$BillingClientFeatureEnumMap.cast<BillingClientFeature, dynamic>(),
String toJson(BillingClientFeature object) =>