blob: b64f99501fcd282a654b82d599007ee306a9e34b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of google_maps_flutter_web;
/// The web implementation of [GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform].
/// This class implements the `package:google_maps_flutter` functionality for the web.
class GoogleMapsPlugin extends GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform {
/// Registers this class as the default instance of [GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform].
static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) {
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance = GoogleMapsPlugin();
// A cache of map controllers by map Id.
Map<int, GoogleMapController> _mapById = <int, GoogleMapController>{};
/// Allows tests to inject controllers without going through the buildView flow.
// ignore: use_setters_to_change_properties
void debugSetMapById(Map<int, GoogleMapController> mapById) {
_mapById = mapById;
// Convenience getter for a stream of events filtered by their mapId.
Stream<MapEvent<Object?>> _events(int mapId) => _map(mapId).events;
// Convenience getter for a map controller by its mapId.
GoogleMapController _map(int mapId) {
final GoogleMapController? controller = _mapById[mapId];
assert(controller != null,
'Maps cannot be retrieved before calling buildView!');
return controller!;
Future<void> init(int mapId) async {
// The internal instance of our controller is initialized eagerly in `buildView`,
// so we don't have to do anything in this method, which is left intentionally
// blank.
assert(_mapById[mapId] != null, 'Must call buildWidget before init!');
/// Updates the options of a given `mapId`.
/// This attempts to merge the new `optionsUpdate` passed in, with the previous
/// options passed to the map (in other updates, or when creating it).
Future<void> updateMapConfiguration(
MapConfiguration update, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
/// Applies the passed in `markerUpdates` to the `mapId`.
Future<void> updateMarkers(
MarkerUpdates markerUpdates, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
/// Applies the passed in `polygonUpdates` to the `mapId`.
Future<void> updatePolygons(
PolygonUpdates polygonUpdates, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
/// Applies the passed in `polylineUpdates` to the `mapId`.
Future<void> updatePolylines(
PolylineUpdates polylineUpdates, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
/// Applies the passed in `circleUpdates` to the `mapId`.
Future<void> updateCircles(
CircleUpdates circleUpdates, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
Future<void> updateTileOverlays({
required Set<TileOverlay> newTileOverlays,
required int mapId,
}) async {
return; // Noop for now!
Future<void> clearTileCache(
TileOverlayId tileOverlayId, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
return; // Noop for now!
/// Applies the given `cameraUpdate` to the current viewport (with animation).
Future<void> animateCamera(
CameraUpdate cameraUpdate, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
return moveCamera(cameraUpdate, mapId: mapId);
/// Applies the given `cameraUpdate` to the current viewport.
Future<void> moveCamera(
CameraUpdate cameraUpdate, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
return _map(mapId).moveCamera(cameraUpdate);
/// Sets the passed-in `mapStyle` to the map.
/// This function just adds a 'styles' option to the current map options.
/// Subsequent calls to this method override previous calls, you need to
/// pass full styles.
Future<void> setMapStyle(
String? mapStyle, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
/// Returns the bounds of the current viewport.
Future<LatLngBounds> getVisibleRegion({
required int mapId,
}) {
return _map(mapId).getVisibleRegion();
/// Returns the screen coordinate (in pixels) of a given `latLng`.
Future<ScreenCoordinate> getScreenCoordinate(
LatLng latLng, {
required int mapId,
}) {
return _map(mapId).getScreenCoordinate(latLng);
/// Returns the [LatLng] of a [ScreenCoordinate] of the viewport.
Future<LatLng> getLatLng(
ScreenCoordinate screenCoordinate, {
required int mapId,
}) {
return _map(mapId).getLatLng(screenCoordinate);
/// Shows the [InfoWindow] (if any) of the [Marker] identified by `markerId`.
/// See also:
/// * [hideMarkerInfoWindow] to hide the info window.
/// * [isMarkerInfoWindowShown] to check if the info window is visible/hidden.
Future<void> showMarkerInfoWindow(
MarkerId markerId, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
/// Hides the [InfoWindow] (if any) of the [Marker] identified by `markerId`.
/// See also:
/// * [showMarkerInfoWindow] to show the info window.
/// * [isMarkerInfoWindowShown] to check if the info window is shown.
Future<void> hideMarkerInfoWindow(
MarkerId markerId, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
/// Returns true if the [InfoWindow] of the [Marker] identified by `markerId` is shown.
/// See also:
/// * [showMarkerInfoWindow] to show the info window.
/// * [hideMarkerInfoWindow] to hide the info window.
Future<bool> isMarkerInfoWindowShown(
MarkerId markerId, {
required int mapId,
}) async {
return _map(mapId).isInfoWindowShown(markerId);
/// Returns the zoom level of the `mapId`.
Future<double> getZoomLevel({
required int mapId,
}) {
return _map(mapId).getZoomLevel();
// The following are the 11 possible streams of data from the native side
// into the plugin
Stream<CameraMoveStartedEvent> onCameraMoveStarted({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<CameraMoveStartedEvent>();
Stream<CameraMoveEvent> onCameraMove({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<CameraMoveEvent>();
Stream<CameraIdleEvent> onCameraIdle({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<CameraIdleEvent>();
Stream<MarkerTapEvent> onMarkerTap({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<MarkerTapEvent>();
Stream<InfoWindowTapEvent> onInfoWindowTap({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<InfoWindowTapEvent>();
Stream<MarkerDragStartEvent> onMarkerDragStart({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<MarkerDragStartEvent>();
Stream<MarkerDragEvent> onMarkerDrag({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<MarkerDragEvent>();
Stream<MarkerDragEndEvent> onMarkerDragEnd({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<MarkerDragEndEvent>();
Stream<PolylineTapEvent> onPolylineTap({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<PolylineTapEvent>();
Stream<PolygonTapEvent> onPolygonTap({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<PolygonTapEvent>();
Stream<CircleTapEvent> onCircleTap({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<CircleTapEvent>();
Stream<MapTapEvent> onTap({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<MapTapEvent>();
Stream<MapLongPressEvent> onLongPress({required int mapId}) {
return _events(mapId).whereType<MapLongPressEvent>();
/// Disposes of the current map. It can't be used afterwards!
void dispose({required int mapId}) {
Widget buildViewWithConfiguration(
int creationId,
PlatformViewCreatedCallback onPlatformViewCreated, {
required MapWidgetConfiguration widgetConfiguration,
MapObjects mapObjects = const MapObjects(),
MapConfiguration mapConfiguration = const MapConfiguration(),
}) {
// Bail fast if we've already rendered this map ID...
if (_mapById[creationId]?.widget != null) {
return _mapById[creationId]!.widget!;
final StreamController<MapEvent<Object?>> controller =
final GoogleMapController mapController = GoogleMapController(
mapId: creationId,
streamController: controller,
widgetConfiguration: widgetConfiguration,
mapObjects: mapObjects,
mapConfiguration: mapConfiguration,
)..init(); // Initialize the controller
_mapById[creationId] = mapController;
.then((WebMapReadyEvent event) {
assert(creationId == event.mapId,
'Received WebMapReadyEvent for the wrong map');
// Notify the plugin now that there's a fully initialized controller.;
assert(mapController.widget != null,
'The widget of a GoogleMapController cannot be null before calling dispose on it.');
return mapController.widget!;