blob: 67536140ecebed0dbde74110312241d297f5c6a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
dartOut: 'lib/src/messages.g.dart',
objcHeaderOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.h',
objcSourceOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.m',
objcOptions: ObjcOptions(
prefix: 'FLA',
copyrightHeader: 'pigeons/copyright.txt',
/// Pigeon version of IOSAuthMessages, plus the authorization reason.
/// See auth_messages_ios.dart for details.
class AuthStrings {
/// Constructs a new instance.
const AuthStrings({
required this.reason,
required this.lockOut,
required this.goToSettingsButton,
required this.goToSettingsDescription,
required this.cancelButton,
required this.localizedFallbackTitle,
final String reason;
final String lockOut;
final String goToSettingsButton;
final String goToSettingsDescription;
final String cancelButton;
final String? localizedFallbackTitle;
/// Possible outcomes of an authentication attempt.
enum AuthResult {
/// The user authenticated successfully.
/// The user failed to successfully authenticate.
/// The authentication system was not available.
/// No biometrics are enrolled.
/// No passcode is set.
class AuthOptions {
{required this.biometricOnly,
required this.sticky,
required this.useErrorDialogs});
final bool biometricOnly;
final bool sticky;
final bool useErrorDialogs;
class AuthResultDetails {
{required this.result, this.errorMessage, this.errorDetails});
/// The result of authenticating.
final AuthResult result;
/// A system-provided error message, if any.
final String? errorMessage;
/// System-provided error details, if any.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this when standardizing errors plugin-wide in
// a breaking change. This is here only to preserve the existing error format
// exactly for compatibility, in case clients were checking PlatformException
// details.
final String? errorDetails;
/// Pigeon equivalent of the subset of BiometricType used by iOS.
enum AuthBiometric { face, fingerprint }
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Enums need be wrapped in a data class because thay can't
// be used as collection arguments. See
class AuthBiometricWrapper {
AuthBiometricWrapper({required this.value});
final AuthBiometric value;
abstract class LocalAuthApi {
/// Returns true if this device supports authentication.
bool isDeviceSupported();
/// Returns true if this device can support biometric authentication, whether
/// any biometrics are enrolled or not.
bool deviceCanSupportBiometrics();
/// Returns the biometric types that are enrolled, and can thus be used
/// without additional setup.
List<AuthBiometricWrapper> getEnrolledBiometrics();
/// Attempts to authenticate the user with the provided [options], and using
/// [strings] for any UI.
AuthResultDetails authenticate(AuthOptions options, AuthStrings strings);