blob: a333c624efdb2ba8dd375f8f9145c787205e2d9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
abstract class PrimitiveHostApi {
int anInt(int value);
bool aBool(bool value);
String aString(String value);
double aDouble(double value);
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
Map aMap(Map value);
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
List aList(List value);
Int32List anInt32List(Int32List value);
List<bool?> aBoolList(List<bool?> value);
Map<String?, int?> aStringIntMap(Map<String?, int?> value);
abstract class PrimitiveFlutterApi {
int anInt(int value);
bool aBool(bool value);
String aString(String value);
double aDouble(double value);
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
Map aMap(Map value);
// ignore: always_specify_types, strict_raw_type
List aList(List value);
Int32List anInt32List(Int32List value);
List<bool?> aBoolList(List<bool?> value);
Map<String?, int?> aStringIntMap(Map<String?, int?> value);