blob: 6a4c918f95a52aa359a688335dcbf3a11968afda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter_platform_interface/webview_flutter_platform_interface.dart';
import 'android_proxy.dart';
import 'android_webview.dart' as android_webview;
import 'instance_manager.dart';
import 'platform_views_service_proxy.dart';
import 'weak_reference_utils.dart';
/// Object specifying creation parameters for creating a [AndroidWebViewController].
/// When adding additional fields make sure they can be null or have a default
/// value to avoid breaking changes. See [PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams] for
/// more information.
class AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams
extends PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams {
/// Creates a new [AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams] instance.
@visibleForTesting this.androidWebViewProxy = const AndroidWebViewProxy(),
@visibleForTesting android_webview.WebStorage? androidWebStorage,
}) : androidWebStorage =
androidWebStorage ?? android_webview.WebStorage.instance,
/// Creates a [AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams] instance based on [PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams].
factory AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams.fromPlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams(
// Recommended placeholder to prevent being broken by platform interface.
// ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams params, {
AndroidWebViewProxy androidWebViewProxy = const AndroidWebViewProxy(),
@visibleForTesting android_webview.WebStorage? androidWebStorage,
}) {
return AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams(
androidWebViewProxy: androidWebViewProxy,
androidWebStorage ?? android_webview.WebStorage.instance,
/// Handles constructing objects and calling static methods for the Android WebView
/// native library.
final AndroidWebViewProxy androidWebViewProxy;
/// Manages the JavaScript storage APIs provided by the [android_webview.WebView].
final android_webview.WebStorage androidWebStorage;
/// Android-specific resources that can require permissions.
class AndroidWebViewPermissionResourceType
extends WebViewPermissionResourceType {
const AndroidWebViewPermissionResourceType._(;
/// A resource that will allow sysex messages to be sent to or received from
/// MIDI devices.
static const AndroidWebViewPermissionResourceType midiSysex =
/// A resource that belongs to a protected media identifier.
static const AndroidWebViewPermissionResourceType protectedMediaId =
/// Implementation of the [PlatformWebViewController] with the Android WebView API.
class AndroidWebViewController extends PlatformWebViewController {
/// Creates a new [AndroidWebViewCookieManager].
AndroidWebViewController(PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams params)
: super.implementation(params is AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams
? params
: AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams
.fromPlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams(params)) {
AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams get _androidWebViewParams =>
params as AndroidWebViewControllerCreationParams;
/// The native [android_webview.WebView] being controlled.
late final android_webview.WebView _webView =
late final android_webview.WebChromeClient _webChromeClient =
onProgressChanged: withWeakReferenceTo(this,
(WeakReference<AndroidWebViewController> weakReference) {
return (android_webview.WebView webView, int progress) {
if ( !=
null) {
onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt: withWeakReferenceTo(this,
(WeakReference<AndroidWebViewController> weakReference) {
return (String origin,
android_webview.GeolocationPermissionsCallback callback) async {
final OnGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt? onShowPrompt =;
if (onShowPrompt != null) {
final GeolocationPermissionsResponse response = await onShowPrompt(
GeolocationPermissionsRequestParams(origin: origin),
return callback.invoke(origin, response.allow, response.retain);
} else {
// default don't allow
return callback.invoke(origin, false, false);
onGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt: withWeakReferenceTo(this,
(WeakReference<AndroidWebViewController> weakReference) {
return (android_webview.WebChromeClient instance) {
final OnGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt? onHidePrompt =;
if (onHidePrompt != null) {
onShowFileChooser: withWeakReferenceTo(
(WeakReference<AndroidWebViewController> weakReference) {
return (android_webview.WebView webView,
android_webview.FileChooserParams params) async {
if ( != null) {
return <String>[];
onPermissionRequest: withWeakReferenceTo(
(WeakReference<AndroidWebViewController> weakReference) {
return (_, android_webview.PermissionRequest request) async {
final void Function(PlatformWebViewPermissionRequest)? callback =;
if (callback == null) {
return request.deny();
} else {
final Set<WebViewPermissionResourceType> types = request.resources
.map<WebViewPermissionResourceType?>((String type) {
switch (type) {
case android_webview.PermissionRequest.videoCapture:
case android_webview.PermissionRequest.audioCapture:
return WebViewPermissionResourceType.microphone;
case android_webview.PermissionRequest.midiSysex:
return AndroidWebViewPermissionResourceType.midiSysex;
case android_webview.PermissionRequest.protectedMediaId:
return AndroidWebViewPermissionResourceType
// Type not supported.
return null;
// If the request didn't contain any permissions recognized by the
// implementation, deny by default.
if (types.isEmpty) {
return request.deny();
types: types,
request: request,
/// The native [android_webview.FlutterAssetManager] allows managing assets.
late final android_webview.FlutterAssetManager _flutterAssetManager =
final Map<String, AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams> _javaScriptChannelParams =
<String, AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams>{};
AndroidNavigationDelegate? _currentNavigationDelegate;
Future<List<String>> Function(FileSelectorParams)?
OnGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt? _onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt;
OnGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt? _onGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt;
void Function(PlatformWebViewPermissionRequest)? _onPermissionRequestCallback;
/// Whether to enable the platform's webview content debugging tools.
/// Defaults to false.
static Future<void> enableDebugging(
bool enabled, {
AndroidWebViewProxy webViewProxy = const AndroidWebViewProxy(),
}) {
return webViewProxy.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(enabled);
/// Identifier used to retrieve the underlying native `WKWebView`.
/// This is typically used by other plugins to retrieve the native `WebView`
/// from an `InstanceManager`.
/// See Java method `WebViewFlutterPlugin.getWebView`.
int get webViewIdentifier =>
// ignore: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member
Future<void> loadFile(
String absoluteFilePath,
) {
final String url = absoluteFilePath.startsWith('file://')
? absoluteFilePath
: Uri.file(absoluteFilePath).toString();
return _webView.loadUrl(url, <String, String>{});
Future<void> loadFlutterAsset(
String key,
) async {
final String assetFilePath =
await _flutterAssetManager.getAssetFilePathByName(key);
final List<String> pathElements = assetFilePath.split('/');
final String fileName = pathElements.removeLast();
final List<String?> paths =
await _flutterAssetManager.list(pathElements.join('/'));
if (!paths.contains(fileName)) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Asset for key "$key" not found.',
return _webView.loadUrl(
<String, String>{},
Future<void> loadHtmlString(
String html, {
String? baseUrl,
}) {
return _webView.loadDataWithBaseUrl(
baseUrl: baseUrl,
data: html,
mimeType: 'text/html',
Future<void> loadRequest(
LoadRequestParams params,
) {
if (!params.uri.hasScheme) {
throw ArgumentError('WebViewRequest#uri is required to have a scheme.');
switch (params.method) {
case LoadRequestMethod.get:
return _webView.loadUrl(params.uri.toString(), params.headers);
return _webView.postUrl(
params.uri.toString(), params.body ?? Uint8List(0));
// The enum comes from a different package, which could get a new value at
// any time, so a fallback case is necessary. Since there is no reasonable
// default behavior, throw to alert the client that they need an updated
// version. This is deliberately outside the switch rather than a `default`
// so that the linter will flag the switch as needing an update.
// ignore: dead_code
throw UnimplementedError(
'This version of `AndroidWebViewController` currently has no '
'implementation for HTTP method ${params.method.serialize()} in '
Future<String?> currentUrl() => _webView.getUrl();
Future<bool> canGoBack() => _webView.canGoBack();
Future<bool> canGoForward() => _webView.canGoForward();
Future<void> goBack() => _webView.goBack();
Future<void> goForward() => _webView.goForward();
Future<void> reload() => _webView.reload();
Future<void> clearCache() => _webView.clearCache(true);
Future<void> clearLocalStorage() =>
Future<void> setPlatformNavigationDelegate(
covariant AndroidNavigationDelegate handler) async {
_currentNavigationDelegate = handler;
await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[
Future<void> runJavaScript(String javaScript) {
return _webView.evaluateJavascript(javaScript);
Future<Object> runJavaScriptReturningResult(String javaScript) async {
final String? result = await _webView.evaluateJavascript(javaScript);
if (result == null) {
return '';
} else if (result == 'true') {
return true;
} else if (result == 'false') {
return false;
return num.tryParse(result) ?? result;
Future<void> addJavaScriptChannel(
JavaScriptChannelParams javaScriptChannelParams,
) {
final AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams androidJavaScriptParams =
javaScriptChannelParams is AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams
? javaScriptChannelParams
: AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams.fromJavaScriptChannelParams(
// When JavaScript channel with the same name exists make sure to remove it
// before registering the new channel.
if (_javaScriptChannelParams.containsKey( {
_javaScriptChannelParams[] =
return _webView
Future<void> removeJavaScriptChannel(String javaScriptChannelName) async {
final AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams? javaScriptChannelParams =
if (javaScriptChannelParams == null) {
return _webView
Future<String?> getTitle() => _webView.getTitle();
Future<void> scrollTo(int x, int y) => _webView.scrollTo(x, y);
Future<void> scrollBy(int x, int y) => _webView.scrollBy(x, y);
Future<Offset> getScrollPosition() {
return _webView.getScrollPosition();
Future<void> enableZoom(bool enabled) =>
Future<void> setBackgroundColor(Color color) =>
Future<void> setJavaScriptMode(JavaScriptMode javaScriptMode) =>
.setJavaScriptEnabled(javaScriptMode == JavaScriptMode.unrestricted);
Future<void> setUserAgent(String? userAgent) =>
/// Sets the restrictions that apply on automatic media playback.
Future<void> setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(bool require) {
return _webView.settings.setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(require);
/// Sets the text zoom of the page in percent.
/// The default is 100.
Future<void> setTextZoom(int textZoom) =>
/// Sets the callback that is invoked when the client should show a file
/// selector.
Future<void> setOnShowFileSelector(
Future<List<String>> Function(FileSelectorParams params)?
) {
_onShowFileSelectorCallback = onShowFileSelector;
return _webChromeClient.setSynchronousReturnValueForOnShowFileChooser(
onShowFileSelector != null,
/// Sets a callback that notifies the host application that web content is
/// requesting permission to access the specified resources.
/// Only invoked on Android versions 21+.
Future<void> setOnPlatformPermissionRequest(
void Function(
PlatformWebViewPermissionRequest request,
) onPermissionRequest,
) async {
_onPermissionRequestCallback = onPermissionRequest;
/// Sets the callback that is invoked when the client request handle geolocation permissions.
/// Param [onShowPrompt] notifies the host application that web content from the specified origin is attempting to use the Geolocation API,
/// but no permission state is currently set for that origin.
/// The host application should invoke the specified callback with the desired permission state.
/// See GeolocationPermissions for details.
/// Note that for applications targeting Android N and later SDKs (API level > Build.VERSION_CODES.M)
/// this method is only called for requests originating from secure origins such as https.
/// On non-secure origins geolocation requests are automatically denied.
/// Param [onHidePrompt] notifies the host application that a request for Geolocation permissions,
/// made with a previous call to onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt() has been canceled.
/// Any related UI should therefore be hidden.
/// See,%20android.webkit.GeolocationPermissions.Callback)
/// See
Future<void> setGeolocationPermissionsPromptCallbacks({
OnGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt? onShowPrompt,
OnGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt? onHidePrompt,
}) async {
_onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt = onShowPrompt;
_onGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt = onHidePrompt;
/// Android implementation of [PlatformWebViewPermissionRequest].
class AndroidWebViewPermissionRequest extends PlatformWebViewPermissionRequest {
const AndroidWebViewPermissionRequest._({
required super.types,
required android_webview.PermissionRequest request,
}) : _request = request;
final android_webview.PermissionRequest _request;
Future<void> grant() {
return _request
.grant(<String>((WebViewPermissionResourceType type) {
switch (type) {
return android_webview.PermissionRequest.videoCapture;
case WebViewPermissionResourceType.microphone:
return android_webview.PermissionRequest.audioCapture;
case AndroidWebViewPermissionResourceType.midiSysex:
return android_webview.PermissionRequest.midiSysex;
case AndroidWebViewPermissionResourceType.protectedMediaId:
return android_webview.PermissionRequest.protectedMediaId;
throw UnsupportedError(
'Resource of type `${}` is not supported.',
Future<void> deny() {
return _request.deny();
/// Signature for the `setGeolocationPermissionsPromptCallbacks` callback responsible for request the Geolocation API.
typedef OnGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt
= Future<GeolocationPermissionsResponse> Function(
GeolocationPermissionsRequestParams request);
/// Signature for the `setGeolocationPermissionsPromptCallbacks` callback responsible for request the Geolocation API is cancel.
typedef OnGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt = void Function();
/// A request params used by the host application to set the Geolocation permission state for an origin.
class GeolocationPermissionsRequestParams {
/// [origin]: The origin for which permissions are set.
const GeolocationPermissionsRequestParams({
required this.origin,
/// [origin]: The origin for which permissions are set.
final String origin;
/// A response used by the host application to set the Geolocation permission state for an origin.
class GeolocationPermissionsResponse {
/// [allow]: Whether or not the origin should be allowed to use the Geolocation API.
/// [retain]: Whether the permission should be retained beyond the lifetime of
/// a page currently being displayed by a WebView.
const GeolocationPermissionsResponse({
required this.allow,
required this.retain,
/// Whether or not the origin should be allowed to use the Geolocation API.
final bool allow;
/// Whether the permission should be retained beyond the lifetime of
/// a page currently being displayed by a WebView.
final bool retain;
/// Mode of how to select files for a file chooser.
enum FileSelectorMode {
/// Open single file and requires that the file exists before allowing the
/// user to pick it.
/// Similar to [open] but allows multiple files to be selected.
/// Allows picking a nonexistent file and saving it.
/// Parameters received when the `WebView` should show a file selector.
class FileSelectorParams {
/// Constructs a [FileSelectorParams].
const FileSelectorParams({
required this.isCaptureEnabled,
required this.acceptTypes,
required this.mode,
factory FileSelectorParams._fromFileChooserParams(
android_webview.FileChooserParams params,
) {
final FileSelectorMode mode;
switch (params.mode) {
mode =;
case android_webview.FileChooserMode.openMultiple:
mode = FileSelectorMode.openMultiple;
mode =;
return FileSelectorParams(
isCaptureEnabled: params.isCaptureEnabled,
acceptTypes: params.acceptTypes,
mode: mode,
filenameHint: params.filenameHint,
/// Preference for a live media captured value (e.g. Camera, Microphone).
final bool isCaptureEnabled;
/// A list of acceptable MIME types.
final List<String> acceptTypes;
/// The file name of a default selection if specified, or null.
final String? filenameHint;
/// Mode of how to select files for a file selector.
final FileSelectorMode mode;
/// An implementation of [JavaScriptChannelParams] with the Android WebView API.
/// See [AndroidWebViewController.addJavaScriptChannel].
class AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams extends JavaScriptChannelParams {
/// Constructs a [AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams].
required super.onMessageReceived,
AndroidWebViewProxy webViewProxy = const AndroidWebViewProxy(),
}) : assert(name.isNotEmpty),
_javaScriptChannel = webViewProxy.createJavaScriptChannel(
postMessage: withWeakReferenceTo(
(WeakReference<void Function(JavaScriptMessage)> weakReference) {
return (
String message,
) {
if ( != null) {!(
JavaScriptMessage(message: message),
/// Constructs a [AndroidJavaScriptChannelParams] using a
/// [JavaScriptChannelParams].
JavaScriptChannelParams params, {
AndroidWebViewProxy webViewProxy = const AndroidWebViewProxy(),
}) : this(
onMessageReceived: params.onMessageReceived,
webViewProxy: webViewProxy,
final android_webview.JavaScriptChannel _javaScriptChannel;
/// Object specifying creation parameters for creating a [AndroidWebViewWidget].
/// When adding additional fields make sure they can be null or have a default
/// value to avoid breaking changes. See [PlatformWebViewWidgetCreationParams] for
/// more information.
class AndroidWebViewWidgetCreationParams
extends PlatformWebViewWidgetCreationParams {
/// Creates [AndroidWebWidgetCreationParams].
required super.controller,
this.displayWithHybridComposition = false,
@visibleForTesting InstanceManager? instanceManager,
this.platformViewsServiceProxy = const PlatformViewsServiceProxy(),
}) : instanceManager =
instanceManager ?? android_webview.JavaObject.globalInstanceManager;
/// Constructs a [WebKitWebViewWidgetCreationParams] using a
/// [PlatformWebViewWidgetCreationParams].
PlatformWebViewWidgetCreationParams params, {
bool displayWithHybridComposition = false,
@visibleForTesting InstanceManager? instanceManager,
@visibleForTesting PlatformViewsServiceProxy platformViewsServiceProxy =
const PlatformViewsServiceProxy(),
}) : this(
key: params.key,
controller: params.controller,
layoutDirection: params.layoutDirection,
gestureRecognizers: params.gestureRecognizers,
displayWithHybridComposition: displayWithHybridComposition,
instanceManager: instanceManager,
platformViewsServiceProxy: platformViewsServiceProxy,
/// Maintains instances used to communicate with the native objects they
/// represent.
/// This field is exposed for testing purposes only and should not be used
/// outside of tests.
final InstanceManager instanceManager;
/// Proxy that provides access to the platform views service.
/// This service allows creating and controlling platform-specific views.
final PlatformViewsServiceProxy platformViewsServiceProxy;
/// Whether the [WebView] will be displayed using the Hybrid Composition
/// PlatformView implementation.
/// For most use cases, this flag should be set to false. Hybrid Composition
/// can have performance costs but doesn't have the limitation of rendering to
/// an Android SurfaceTexture. See
/// *
/// *
/// *
/// Defaults to false.
final bool displayWithHybridComposition;
/// An implementation of [PlatformWebViewWidget] with the Android WebView API.
class AndroidWebViewWidget extends PlatformWebViewWidget {
/// Constructs a [WebKitWebViewWidget].
AndroidWebViewWidget(PlatformWebViewWidgetCreationParams params)
: super.implementation(
params is AndroidWebViewWidgetCreationParams
? params
: AndroidWebViewWidgetCreationParams
AndroidWebViewWidgetCreationParams get _androidParams =>
params as AndroidWebViewWidgetCreationParams;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PlatformViewLink(
key: _androidParams.key,
viewType: '',
surfaceFactory: (
BuildContext context,
PlatformViewController controller,
) {
return AndroidViewSurface(
controller: controller as AndroidViewController,
gestureRecognizers: _androidParams.gestureRecognizers,
hitTestBehavior: PlatformViewHitTestBehavior.opaque,
onCreatePlatformView: (PlatformViewCreationParams params) {
return _initAndroidView(
AndroidViewController _initAndroidView(
PlatformViewCreationParams params, {
required bool displayWithHybridComposition,
}) {
if (displayWithHybridComposition) {
return _androidParams.platformViewsServiceProxy.initExpensiveAndroidView(
viewType: '',
layoutDirection: _androidParams.layoutDirection,
creationParams: _androidParams.instanceManager.getIdentifier(
(_androidParams.controller as AndroidWebViewController)._webView),
creationParamsCodec: const StandardMessageCodec(),
} else {
return _androidParams.platformViewsServiceProxy.initSurfaceAndroidView(
viewType: '',
layoutDirection: _androidParams.layoutDirection,
creationParams: _androidParams.instanceManager.getIdentifier(
(_androidParams.controller as AndroidWebViewController)._webView),
creationParamsCodec: const StandardMessageCodec(),
/// Signature for the `loadRequest` callback responsible for loading the [url]
/// after a navigation request has been approved.
typedef LoadRequestCallback = Future<void> Function(LoadRequestParams params);
/// Error returned in `WebView.onWebResourceError` when a web resource loading error has occurred.
class AndroidWebResourceError extends WebResourceError {
/// Creates a new [AndroidWebResourceError].
required super.errorCode,
required super.description,
}) : super(
errorType: _errorCodeToErrorType(errorCode),
/// Gets the URL for which the failing resource request was made.
final String? failingUrl;
static WebResourceErrorType? _errorCodeToErrorType(int errorCode) {
switch (errorCode) {
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorAuthentication:
return WebResourceErrorType.authentication;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorBadUrl:
return WebResourceErrorType.badUrl;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorConnect:
return WebResourceErrorType.connect;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorFailedSslHandshake:
return WebResourceErrorType.failedSslHandshake;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorFile:
return WebResourceErrorType.file;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorFileNotFound:
return WebResourceErrorType.fileNotFound;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorHostLookup:
return WebResourceErrorType.hostLookup;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorIO:
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorProxyAuthentication:
return WebResourceErrorType.proxyAuthentication;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorRedirectLoop:
return WebResourceErrorType.redirectLoop;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorTimeout:
return WebResourceErrorType.timeout;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorTooManyRequests:
return WebResourceErrorType.tooManyRequests;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorUnknown:
return WebResourceErrorType.unknown;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorUnsafeResource:
return WebResourceErrorType.unsafeResource;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorUnsupportedAuthScheme:
return WebResourceErrorType.unsupportedAuthScheme;
case android_webview.WebViewClient.errorUnsupportedScheme:
return WebResourceErrorType.unsupportedScheme;
throw ArgumentError(
'Could not find a WebResourceErrorType for errorCode: $errorCode',
/// Object specifying creation parameters for creating a [AndroidNavigationDelegate].
/// When adding additional fields make sure they can be null or have a default
/// value to avoid breaking changes. See [PlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams] for
/// more information.
class AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams
extends PlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams {
/// Creates a new [AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams] instance.
const AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams._({
@visibleForTesting this.androidWebViewProxy = const AndroidWebViewProxy(),
}) : super();
/// Creates a [AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams] instance based on [PlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams].
factory AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams.fromPlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams(
// Recommended placeholder to prevent being broken by platform interface.
// ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
PlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams params, {
AndroidWebViewProxy androidWebViewProxy = const AndroidWebViewProxy(),
}) {
return AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams._(
androidWebViewProxy: androidWebViewProxy,
/// Handles constructing objects and calling static methods for the Android WebView
/// native library.
final AndroidWebViewProxy androidWebViewProxy;
/// Android details of the change to a web view's url.
class AndroidUrlChange extends UrlChange {
/// Constructs an [AndroidUrlChange].
const AndroidUrlChange({required super.url, required this.isReload});
/// Whether the url is being reloaded.
final bool isReload;
/// A place to register callback methods responsible to handle navigation events
/// triggered by the [android_webview.WebView].
class AndroidNavigationDelegate extends PlatformNavigationDelegate {
/// Creates a new [AndroidNavigationDelegate].
AndroidNavigationDelegate(PlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams params)
: super.implementation(params is AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams
? params
: AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams
.fromPlatformNavigationDelegateCreationParams(params)) {
final WeakReference<AndroidNavigationDelegate> weakThis =
_webViewClient = (this.params as AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams)
onPageFinished: (android_webview.WebView webView, String url) {
final PageEventCallback? callback =;
if (callback != null) {
onPageStarted: (android_webview.WebView webView, String url) {
final PageEventCallback? callback =;
if (callback != null) {
onReceivedRequestError: (
android_webview.WebView webView,
android_webview.WebResourceRequest request,
android_webview.WebResourceError error,
) {
final WebResourceErrorCallback? callback =;
if (callback != null) {
errorCode: error.errorCode,
description: error.description,
failingUrl: request.url,
isForMainFrame: request.isForMainFrame,
onReceivedError: (
android_webview.WebView webView,
int errorCode,
String description,
String failingUrl,
) {
final WebResourceErrorCallback? callback =;
if (callback != null) {
errorCode: errorCode,
description: description,
failingUrl: failingUrl,
isForMainFrame: true,
requestLoading: (
android_webview.WebView webView,
android_webview.WebResourceRequest request,
) {
headers: request.requestHeaders,
isForMainFrame: request.isForMainFrame,
urlLoading: (android_webview.WebView webView, String url) {, isForMainFrame: true);
doUpdateVisitedHistory: (
android_webview.WebView webView,
String url,
bool isReload,
) {
final UrlChangeCallback? callback =;
if (callback != null) {
callback(AndroidUrlChange(url: url, isReload: isReload));
_downloadListener = (this.params as AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams)
onDownloadStart: (
String url,
String userAgent,
String contentDisposition,
String mimetype,
int contentLength,
) {
if ( != null) {, isForMainFrame: true);
AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams get _androidParams =>
params as AndroidNavigationDelegateCreationParams;
late final android_webview.WebChromeClient _webChromeClient =
/// Gets the native [android_webview.WebChromeClient] that is bridged by this [AndroidNavigationDelegate].
/// Used by the [AndroidWebViewController] to set the `android_webview.WebView.setWebChromeClient`.
'This value is not used by `AndroidWebViewController` and has no effect on the `WebView`.',
android_webview.WebChromeClient get androidWebChromeClient =>
late final android_webview.WebViewClient _webViewClient;
/// Gets the native [android_webview.WebViewClient] that is bridged by this [AndroidNavigationDelegate].
/// Used by the [AndroidWebViewController] to set the `android_webview.WebView.setWebViewClient`.
android_webview.WebViewClient get androidWebViewClient => _webViewClient;
late final android_webview.DownloadListener _downloadListener;
/// Gets the native [android_webview.DownloadListener] that is bridged by this [AndroidNavigationDelegate].
/// Used by the [AndroidWebViewController] to set the `android_webview.WebView.setDownloadListener`.
android_webview.DownloadListener get androidDownloadListener =>
PageEventCallback? _onPageFinished;
PageEventCallback? _onPageStarted;
ProgressCallback? _onProgress;
WebResourceErrorCallback? _onWebResourceError;
NavigationRequestCallback? _onNavigationRequest;
LoadRequestCallback? _onLoadRequest;
UrlChangeCallback? _onUrlChange;
void _handleNavigation(
String url, {
required bool isForMainFrame,
Map<String, String> headers = const <String, String>{},
}) {
final LoadRequestCallback? onLoadRequest = _onLoadRequest;
final NavigationRequestCallback? onNavigationRequest = _onNavigationRequest;
if (onNavigationRequest == null || onLoadRequest == null) {
final FutureOr<NavigationDecision> returnValue = onNavigationRequest(
url: url,
isMainFrame: isForMainFrame,
if (returnValue is NavigationDecision &&
returnValue == NavigationDecision.navigate) {
uri: Uri.parse(url),
headers: headers,
} else if (returnValue is Future<NavigationDecision>) {
returnValue.then((NavigationDecision shouldLoadUrl) {
if (shouldLoadUrl == NavigationDecision.navigate) {
uri: Uri.parse(url),
headers: headers,
/// Invoked when loading the url after a navigation request is approved.
Future<void> setOnLoadRequest(
LoadRequestCallback onLoadRequest,
) async {
_onLoadRequest = onLoadRequest;
Future<void> setOnNavigationRequest(
NavigationRequestCallback onNavigationRequest,
) async {
_onNavigationRequest = onNavigationRequest;
return _webViewClient
Future<void> setOnPageStarted(
PageEventCallback onPageStarted,
) async {
_onPageStarted = onPageStarted;
Future<void> setOnPageFinished(
PageEventCallback onPageFinished,
) async {
_onPageFinished = onPageFinished;
Future<void> setOnProgress(
ProgressCallback onProgress,
) async {
_onProgress = onProgress;
Future<void> setOnWebResourceError(
WebResourceErrorCallback onWebResourceError,
) async {
_onWebResourceError = onWebResourceError;
Future<void> setOnUrlChange(UrlChangeCallback onUrlChange) async {
_onUrlChange = onUrlChange;