blob: 1b9130fa6eba5a14b04e0780bd7f5a18ea657974 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dartino project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that the resource record cache works correctly. In particular, make
// sure that it removes all entries for a name before insertingrecords
// of that name.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:multicast_dns/src/resource_record.dart';
import 'package:multicast_dns/src/native_protocol_client.dart'
show ResourceRecordCache;
void main() {
void testOverwrite() {
test('Cache can overwrite entries', () {
final InternetAddress ip1 = InternetAddress('');
final InternetAddress ip2 = InternetAddress('');
final int valid = + 86400 * 1000;
final ResourceRecordCache cache = ResourceRecordCache();
// Add two different records.
IPAddressResourceRecord('hest', valid, address: ip1),
IPAddressResourceRecord('fisk', valid, address: ip2)
expect(cache.entryCount, 2);
// Update these records.
IPAddressResourceRecord('hest', valid, address: ip1),
IPAddressResourceRecord('fisk', valid, address: ip2)
expect(cache.entryCount, 2);
// Add two records with the same name (should remove the old one
// with that name only.)
IPAddressResourceRecord('hest', valid, address: ip1),
IPAddressResourceRecord('hest', valid, address: ip2)
expect(cache.entryCount, 3);
// Overwrite the two cached entries with one with the same name.
IPAddressResourceRecord('hest', valid, address: ip1),
expect(cache.entryCount, 2);
void testTimeout() {
test('Cache can evict records after timeout', () {
final InternetAddress ip1 = InternetAddress('');
final int valid = + 86400 * 1000;
final int notValid = - 1;
final ResourceRecordCache cache = ResourceRecordCache();
<ResourceRecord>[IPAddressResourceRecord('hest', valid, address: ip1)]);
expect(cache.entryCount, 1);
IPAddressResourceRecord('fisk', notValid, address: ip1)
List<ResourceRecord> results = <ResourceRecord>[];
cache.lookup('hest', ResourceRecordType.addressIPv4, results);
expect(results.isEmpty, isFalse);
results = <ResourceRecord>[];
cache.lookup('fisk', ResourceRecordType.addressIPv4, results);
expect(results.isEmpty, isTrue);
expect(cache.entryCount, 1);