blob: 958cdddc5ea01c0766afce3460cb996e185b4093 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.7/Dart 2.19.
## 2.4.0
* Adds options for gesture handling and tilt controls on web.
## 2.3.1
* Fixes a regression from 2.2.8 that could cause incorrect handling of a
rapid series of map object updates.
* Fixes stale ignore: prefer_const_constructors.
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.10/Dart 3.0.
## 2.3.0
* Endorses [`google_maps_flutter_web`](
as the web implementation of this plugin.
## 2.2.8
* Fixes unawaited_futures violations.
## 2.2.7
* Removes obsolete null checks on non-nullable values.
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.3/Dart 2.18.
## 2.2.6
* Aligns Dart and Flutter SDK constraints.
* Updates to specify not to use GoogleMaps widget within an unbounded widget.
## 2.2.5
* Updates iOS minimum version in README.
## 2.2.4
* Updates links for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packages.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0.
## 2.2.3
* Fixes a minor syntax error in ``.
## 2.2.2
* Modified `` to fix minor syntax issues and added Code Excerpt to ``.
* Updates code for new analysis options.
* Updates code for `no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers` lint.
## 2.2.1
* Updates imports for `prefer_relative_imports`.
## 2.2.0
* Deprecates `AndroidGoogleMapsFlutter.useAndroidViewSurface` in favor of
[setting the flag directly in the Android implementation](
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10.
## 2.1.12
* Fixes violations of new analysis option use_named_constants.
## 2.1.11
* Fixes avoid_redundant_argument_values lint warnings and minor typos.
* Moves Android and iOS implementations to federated packages.
## 2.1.10
* Avoids map shift when scrolling on iOS.
## 2.1.9
* Updates integration tests to use the new inspector interface.
* Removes obsolete test-only method for accessing a map controller's method channel.
* Ignores unnecessary import warnings in preparation for [upcoming Flutter changes](
## 2.1.8
* Switches to new platform interface versions of `buildView` and
* Ignores unnecessary import warnings in preparation for [upcoming Flutter changes](
## 2.1.7
* Objective-C code cleanup.
## 2.1.6
* Fixes issue in Flutter v3.0.0 where some updates to the map don't take effect on Android.
* Fixes iOS native unit tests on M1 devices.
* Minor fixes for new analysis options.
## 2.1.5
* Removes unnecessary imports.
* Fixes library_private_types_in_public_api, sort_child_properties_last and use_key_in_widget_constructors
lint warnings.
## 2.1.4
* Updates Android Google maps sdk version to `18.0.2`.
* Adds OS version support information to README.
## 2.1.3
* Fixes iOS crash on `EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE` if the map frame changes long after creation.
## 2.1.2
* Removes dependencies from `pubspec.yaml` that are only needed in `example/pubspec.yaml`
* Updates Android compileSdkVersion to 31.
* Internal code cleanup for stricter analysis options.
## 2.1.1
* Suppresses unchecked cast warning.
## 2.1.0
* Add iOS unit and UI integration test targets.
* Provide access to Hybrid Composition on Android through the `GoogleMap` widget.
## 2.0.11
* Add additional marker drag events.
## 2.0.10
* Update minimum Flutter SDK to 2.5 and iOS deployment target to 9.0.
## 2.0.9
* Fix Android `NullPointerException` caused by the `GoogleMapController` being disposed before `GoogleMap` was ready.
## 2.0.8
* Mark iOS arm64 simulators as unsupported.
## 2.0.7
* Add iOS unit and UI integration test targets.
* Exclude arm64 simulators in example app.
* Remove references to the Android V1 embedding.
## 2.0.6
* Migrate maven repo from jcenter to mavenCentral.
## 2.0.5
* Google Maps requires at least Android SDK 20.
## 2.0.4
* Unpin iOS GoogleMaps pod dependency version.
## 2.0.3
* Fix incorrect typecast in TileOverlay example.
* Fix english wording in instructions.
## 2.0.2
* Update flutter\_plugin\_android\_lifecycle dependency to 2.0.1 to fix an R8 issue
on some versions.
## 2.0.1
* Update platform\_plugin\_interface version requirement.
## 2.0.0
* Migrate to null-safety
* BREAKING CHANGE: Passing an unknown map object ID (e.g., MarkerId) to a
method, it will throw an `UnknownMapObjectIDError`. Previously it would
either silently do nothing, or throw an error trying to call a function on
`null`, depneding on the method.
## 1.2.0
* Support custom tiles.
## 1.1.1
* Fix in example app to properly place polyline at initial camera position.
## 1.1.0
* Add support for holes in Polygons.
## 1.0.10
* Update the example app: remove the deprecated `RaisedButton` and `FlatButton` widgets.
## 1.0.9
* Fix outdated links across a number of markdown files ([#3276](
## 1.0.8
* Update Flutter SDK constraint.
## 1.0.7
* Android: Handle deprecation & unchecked warning as error.
## 1.0.6
* Update Dart SDK constraint in example.
* Remove unused `test` dependency in the example app.
## 1.0.5
Overhaul lifecycle management in GoogleMapsPlugin.
GoogleMapController is now uniformly driven by implementing `DefaultLifecycleObserver`. That observer is registered to a lifecycle from one of three sources:
1. For v2 plugin registration, `GoogleMapsPlugin` obtains the lifecycle via `ActivityAware` methods.
2. For v1 plugin registration, if the activity implements `LifecycleOwner`, it's lifecycle is used directly.
3. For v1 plugin registration, if the activity does not implement `LifecycleOwner`, a proxy lifecycle is created and driven via `ActivityLifecycleCallbacks`.
## 1.0.4
* Cleanup of Android code:
* A few minor formatting changes and additions of `@Nullable` annotations.
* Removed pass-through of `activityHashCode` to `GoogleMapController`.
* Replaced custom lifecycle state ints with `androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle.State` enum.
* Fixed a bug where the Lifecycle object was being leaked `onDetachFromActivity`, by nulling out the field.
* Moved GoogleMapListener to its own file. Declaring multiple top level classes in the same file is discouraged.
## 1.0.3
* Update android compileSdkVersion to 29.
## 1.0.2
* Remove `io.flutter.embedded_views_preview` requirement from readme.
## 1.0.1
* Fix headline in the readme.
## 1.0.0 - Out of developer preview 🎉.
* Bump the minimal Flutter SDK to 1.22 where platform views are out of developer preview and performing better on iOS. Flutter 1.22 no longer requires adding the `io.flutter.embedded_views_preview` to `Info.plist` in iOS.
## 0.5.33
* Keep handling deprecated Android v1 classes for backward compatibility.
## 0.5.32
* Fix typo in google_maps_flutter/example/map_ui.dart.
## 0.5.31
* Geodesic Polyline support for iOS
## 0.5.30
* Add a `dispose` method to the controller to let the native side know that we're done with said controller.
* Call `controller.dispose()` from the `dispose` method of the `GoogleMap` widget.
## 0.5.29+1
* (ios) Pin dependency on GoogleMaps pod to `< 3.10`, to address
## 0.5.29
* Pass a constant `_web_only_mapCreationId` to `platform.buildView`, so web can return a cached widget DOM when flutter attempts to repaint there.
* Modify some examples slightly so they're more web-friendly.
## 0.5.28+2
* Move test introduced in #2449 to its right location.
## 0.5.28+1
* Android: Make sure map view only calls onDestroy once.
* Android: Fix a memory leak regression caused in `0.5.26+4`.
## 0.5.28
* Android: Add liteModeEnabled option.
## 0.5.27+3
* iOS: Update the gesture recognizer blocking policy to "WaitUntilTouchesEnded", which fixes the camera idle callback not triggered issue.
* Update the min flutter version to 1.16.3.
* Skip `testTakeSnapshot` test on Android.
## 0.5.27+2
* Update lower bound of dart dependency to 2.1.0.
## 0.5.27+1
* Remove endorsement of `web` platform, it's not ready yet.
## 0.5.27
* Migrate the core plugin to use `google_maps_flutter_platform_interface` APIs.
## 0.5.26+4
* Android: Fix map view crash when "exit app" while using `FragmentActivity`.
* Android: Remove listeners from `GoogleMap` when disposing.
## 0.5.26+3
* iOS: observe the bounds update for the `GMSMapView` to reset the camera setting.
* Update UI related e2e tests to wait for camera update on the platform thread.
## 0.5.26+2
* Fix UIKit availability warnings and CocoaPods podspec lint warnings.
## 0.5.26+1
* Removes an erroneously added method from the GoogleMapController.h header file.
## 0.5.26
* Adds support for toggling zoom controls (Android only)
## 0.5.25+3
* Rename 'Page' in the example app to avoid type conflict with the Flutter Framework.
## 0.5.25+2
* Avoid unnecessary map elements updates by ignoring not platform related attributes (eg. onTap)
## 0.5.25+1
* Add takeSnapshot that takes a snapshot of the map.
## 0.5.25
* Add an optional param `mipmaps` for `BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage`.
## 0.5.24+1
* Make the pedantic dev_dependency explicit.
## 0.5.24
* Exposed `getZoomLevel` in `GoogleMapController`.
## 0.5.23+1
* Move core plugin to its own subdirectory, to prepare for federation.
## 0.5.23
* Add methods to programmatically control markers info windows.
## 0.5.22+3
* Fix polygon and circle stroke width according to device density
## 0.5.22+2
* Update README: Add steps to enable Google Map SDK in the Google Developer Console.
## 0.5.22+1
* Fix for toggling traffic layer on Android not working
## 0.5.22
* Support Android v2 embedding.
* Bump the min flutter version to `1.12.13+hotfix.5`.
* Fixes some e2e tests on Android.
## 0.5.21+17
* Fix Swift example in
## 0.5.21+16
* Fixed typo in LatLng's documentation.
## 0.5.21+15
* Remove the deprecated `author:` field from pubspec.yaml
* Migrate the plugin to the pubspec platforms manifest.
* Require Flutter SDK 1.10.0 or greater.
## 0.5.21+14
* Adds support for toggling 3D buildings.
## 0.5.21+13
* Add documentation.
## 0.5.21+12
* Update driver tests in the example app to e2e tests.
## 0.5.21+11
* Define clang module for iOS, fix analyzer warnings.
## 0.5.21+10
* Cast error.code to unsigned long to avoid using NSInteger as %ld format warnings.
## 0.5.21+9
* Remove AndroidX warnings.
## 0.5.21+8
* Add NS*ASSUME_NONNULL*\* macro to reduce iOS compiler warnings.
## 0.5.21+7
* Create a clone of cached elements in GoogleMap (Polyline, Polygon, etc.) to detect modifications
if these objects are mutated instead of modified by copy.
## 0.5.21+6
* Override a default method to work around flutter/flutter#40126.
## 0.5.21+5
* Update and migrate iOS example project.
## 0.5.21+4
* Support projection methods to translate between screen and latlng coordinates.
## 0.5.21+3
* Fix `myLocationButton` bug in `google_maps_flutter` iOS.
## 0.5.21+2
* Fix more `prefer_const_constructors` analyzer warnings in example app.
## 0.5.21+1
* Fix `prefer_const_constructors` analyzer warnings in example app.
## 0.5.21
* Don't recreate map elements if they didn't change since last widget build.
## 0.5.20+6
* Adds support for toggling the traffic layer
## 0.5.20+5
* Allow (de-)serialization of CameraPosition
## 0.5.20+4
* Marker drag event
## 0.5.20+3
* Update Android play-services-maps to 17.0.0
## 0.5.20+2
* Android: Fix polyline width in building phase.
## 0.5.20+1
* Android: Unregister ActivityLifecycleCallbacks on activity destroy (fixes a memory leak).
## 0.5.20
* Add map toolbar support
## 0.5.19+2
* Fix polygons for iOS
## 0.5.19+1
* Fix polyline width according to device density
## 0.5.19
* Adds support for toggling Indoor View on or off.
* Allow BitmapDescriptor scaling override
## 0.5.18
* Fixed build issue on iOS.
## 0.5.17
* Add support for Padding.
## 0.5.16+1
* Update Dart code to conform to current Dart formatter.
## 0.5.16
* Add support for custom map styling.
## 0.5.15+1
* Add missing template type parameter to `invokeMethod` calls.
* Bump minimum Flutter version to 1.5.0.
* Replace invokeMethod with invokeMapMethod wherever necessary.
## 0.5.15
* Add support for Polygons.
## 0.5.14+1
* Example app update(comment out usage of the ImageStreamListener API which has a breaking change
that's not yet on master). See:
## 0.5.14
* Adds onLongPress callback for GoogleMap.
## 0.5.13
* Add support for Circle overlays.
## 0.5.12
* Prevent calling null callbacks and callbacks on removed objects.
## 0.5.11+1
* Android: Fix an issue where myLocationButtonEnabled setting was not propagated when set to false onMapLoad.
## 0.5.11
* Add myLocationButtonEnabled option.
## 0.5.10
* Support Color's alpha channel when converting to UIColor on iOS.
## 0.5.9
* BitmapDescriptor#fromBytes accounts for screen scale on ios.
## 0.5.8
* Remove some unused variables and rename method
## 0.5.7
* Add a BitmapDescriptor that is aware of scale.
## 0.5.6
* Add support for Polylines on GoogleMap.
## 0.5.5
* Enable iOS accessibility.
## 0.5.4
* Add method getVisibleRegion for get the latlng bounds of the visible map area.
## 0.5.3
* Added support setting marker icons from bytes.
## 0.5.2
* Added onTap for callback for GoogleMap.
## 0.5.1
* Update Android gradle version.
* Added infrastructure to write integration tests.
## 0.5.0
* Add a key parameter to the GoogleMap widget.
## 0.4.0
* Change events are call backs on GoogleMap widget.
* GoogleMapController no longer handles change events.
* trackCameraPosition is inferred from GoogleMap.onCameraMove being set.
## 0.3.0+3
* Update Android play-services-maps to 16.1.0
## 0.3.0+2
* Address an issue on iOS where icons were not loading.
* Add apache http library required false for Android.
## 0.3.0+1
* Add NSNull Checks for markers controller in iOS.
* Also address an issue where initial markers are set before initialization.
## 0.3.0
* **Breaking change**. Changed the Marker API to be
widget based, it was controller based. Also changed the
example app to account for the same.
## 0.2.0+6
* Updated the sample app in
## 0.2.0+5
* Skip the Gradle Android permissions lint for MyLocation (
* Suppress unchecked cast warning for the PlatformViewFactory creation parameters.
## 0.2.0+4
* Fixed a crash when the plugin is registered by a background FlutterView.
## 0.2.0+3
* Fixed a memory leak on Android - the map was not properly disposed.
## 0.2.0+2
* Log a more detailed warning at build time about the previous AndroidX
## 0.2.0+1
* Fixed a bug which the camera is not positioned correctly at map initialization(temporary workaround)(
## 0.2.0
* **Breaking change**. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support
Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it
requires any Android apps using this plugin to [also
migrate]( if they're
using the original support library.
## 0.1.0
* Move the map options from the GoogleMapOptions class to GoogleMap widget parameters.
## 0.0.3+3
* Relax Flutter version requirement to 0.11.9.
## 0.0.3+2
* Update README to recommend using the package from pub.
## 0.0.3+1
* Bug fix: custom marker images were not working on iOS as we were not keeping
a reference to the plugin registrar so couldn't fetch assets.
## 0.0.3
* Don't export `dart:async`.
* Update the minimal required Flutter SDK version to one that supports embedding platform views.
## 0.0.2
* Initial developers preview release.