| # quick\_actions\_android |
| |
| The Android implementation of [`quick_actions`][1]. |
| |
| ## Usage |
| |
| This package is [endorsed][2], which means you can simply use `quick_actions` |
| normally. This package will be automatically included in your app when you do, |
| so you do not need to add it to your `pubspec.yaml`. |
| |
| However, if you `import` this package to use any of its APIs directly, you |
| should add it to your `pubspec.yaml` as usual. |
| |
| ## Contributing |
| |
| If you would like to contribute to the plugin, check out our [contribution guide][3]. |
| |
| [1]: https://pub.dev/packages/quick_actions |
| [2]: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/packages-and-plugins/developing-packages#endorsed-federated-plugin |
| [3]: https://github.com/flutter/packages/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md |