| ## 6.1.12 |
| |
| * Removes the use of `canLaunchUrl` in `Link`, to avoid issues on platforms where `canLaunchUrl` is unreliable or requires permissions. |
| * Updates minimum supported macOS version to 10.14. |
| * Fixes stale ignore: prefer_const_constructors. |
| * Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.10/Dart 3.0. |
| |
| ## 6.1.11 |
| |
| * Fixes some url_launcher docs that were missing the null operator (?). |
| * Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.3. |
| * Aligns Dart and Flutter SDK constraints. |
| |
| ## 6.1.10 |
| |
| * Updates links for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packages. |
| |
| ## 6.1.9 |
| |
| * Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0. |
| * Updates iOS minimum version in README. |
| |
| ## 6.1.8 |
| |
| * Updates code for stricter lint checks. |
| |
| ## 6.1.7 |
| |
| * Updates code for new analysis options. |
| |
| ## 6.1.6 |
| |
| * Updates imports for `prefer_relative_imports`. |
| * Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10. |
| * Fixes avoid_redundant_argument_values lint warnings and minor typos. |
| |
| ## 6.1.5 |
| |
| * Migrates `README.md` examples to the [`code-excerpt` system](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Contributing-to-Plugins-and-Packages#readme-code). |
| |
| ## 6.1.4 |
| |
| * Adopts new platform interface method for launching URLs. |
| * Ignores unnecessary import warnings in preparation for [upcoming Flutter changes](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/105648). |
| |
| ## 6.1.3 |
| |
| * Updates README section about query permissions to better reflect changes to |
| `canLaunchUrl` recommendations. |
| |
| ## 6.1.2 |
| |
| * Minor fixes for new analysis options. |
| |
| ## 6.1.1 |
| |
| * Removes unnecessary imports. |
| * Fixes library_private_types_in_public_api, sort_child_properties_last and use_key_in_widget_constructors |
| lint warnings. |
| |
| ## 6.1.0 |
| |
| * Introduces new `launchUrl` and `canLaunchUrl` APIs; `launch` and `canLaunch` |
| are now deprecated. These new APIs: |
| * replace the `String` URL argument with a `Uri`, to prevent common issues |
| with providing invalid URL strings. |
| * replace `forceSafariVC` and `forceWebView` with `LaunchMode`, which makes |
| the API platform-neutral, and standardizes the default behavior between |
| Android and iOS. |
| * move web view configuration options into a new `WebViewConfiguration` |
| object. The default behavior for JavaScript and DOM storage is now enabled |
| rather than disabled. |
| * Also deprecates `closeWebView` in favor of `closeInAppWebView` to clarify |
| that it is specific to the in-app web view launch option. |
| * Adds OS version support information to README. |
| * Reorganizes and clarifies README. |
| |
| ## 6.0.20 |
| |
| * Fixes a typo in `default_package` registration for Windows, macOS, and Linux. |
| |
| ## 6.0.19 |
| |
| * Updates README: |
| * Adds description for `file` scheme usage. |
| * Updates `Uri` class link to SDK documentation. |
| |
| ## 6.0.18 |
| |
| * Removes dependency on `meta`. |
| |
| ## 6.0.17 |
| |
| * Updates code for new analysis options. |
| |
| ## 6.0.16 |
| |
| * Moves Android and iOS implementations to federated packages. |
| |
| ## 6.0.15 |
| |
| * Updates README: |
| * Improves organization. |
| * Clarifies how `canLaunch` should be used. |
| * Updates example application to demonstrate intended use of `canLaunch`. |
| |
| ## 6.0.14 |
| |
| * Updates readme to indicate that sending SMS messages on Android 11 requires to add a query to AndroidManifest.xml. |
| * Fixes integration tests. |
| * Updates example app Android compileSdkVersion to 31. |
| |
| ## 6.0.13 |
| |
| * Fixed extracting browser headers when they are null error. |
| |
| ## 6.0.12 |
| |
| * Fixed an error where 'launch' method of url_launcher would cause an error if the provided URL was not valid by RFC 3986. |
| |
| ## 6.0.11 |
| |
| * Update minimum Flutter SDK to 2.5 and iOS deployment target to 9.0. |
| * Updated Android lint settings. |
| |
| ## 6.0.10 |
| |
| * Remove references to the Android v1 embedding. |
| |
| ## 6.0.9 |
| |
| * Silenced warnings that may occur during build when using a very |
| recent version of Flutter relating to null safety. |
| |
| ## 6.0.8 |
| |
| * Adding API level 30 required package visibility configuration to the example's AndroidManifest.xml and README |
| * Fix test button check for iOS 15. |
| |
| ## 6.0.7 |
| |
| * Update the README to describe a workaround to the `Uri` query |
| encoding bug. |
| |
| ## 6.0.6 |
| |
| * Require `url_launcher_platform_interface` 2.0.3. This fixes an issue |
| where 6.0.5 could fail to compile in some projects due to internal |
| changes in that version that were not compatible with earlier versions |
| of `url_launcher_platform_interface`. |
| |
| ## 6.0.5 |
| |
| * Add iOS unit and UI integration test targets. |
| * Add a `Link` widget to the example app. |
| |
| ## 6.0.4 |
| |
| * Migrate maven repository from jcenter to mavenCentral. |
| |
| ## 6.0.3 |
| |
| * Update README notes about URL schemes on iOS |
| |
| ## 6.0.2 |
| |
| * Update platform_plugin_interface version requirement. |
| |
| ## 6.0.1 |
| |
| * Update result to `True` on iOS when the url was loaded successfully. |
| * Added a README note about required applications. |
| |
| ## 6.0.0 |
| |
| * Migrate to null safety. |
| * Fix outdated links across a number of markdown files ([#3276](https://github.com/flutter/plugins/pull/3276)) |
| * Update the example app: remove the deprecated `RaisedButton` and `FlatButton` widgets. |
| * Correct statement in description about which platforms url_launcher supports. |
| |
| ## 5.7.13 |
| |
| * Update Flutter SDK constraint. |
| |
| ## 5.7.12 |
| |
| * Updated code sample in `README.md` |
| |
| ## 5.7.11 |
| |
| * Update integration test examples to use `testWidgets` instead of `test`. |
| |
| ## 5.7.10 |
| |
| * Update Dart SDK constraint in example. |
| |
| ## 5.7.9 |
| |
| * Check in windows/ directory for example/ |
| |
| ## 5.7.8 |
| |
| * Fixed a situation where an app would crash if the url_launcher’s `launch` method can’t find an app to open the provided url. It will now throw a clear Dart PlatformException. |
| |
| ## 5.7.7 |
| |
| * Introduce the Link widget with an implementation for native platforms. |
| |
| ## 5.7.6 |
| |
| * Suppress deprecation warning on the `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` method on Android of the `FlutterWebChromeClient` class. |
| |
| ## 5.7.5 |
| |
| * Improved documentation of the `headers` parameter. |
| |
| ## 5.7.4 |
| |
| * Update android compileSdkVersion to 29. |
| |
| ## 5.7.3 |
| |
| * Check in linux/ directory for example/ |
| |
| ## 5.7.2 |
| |
| * Add API documentation explaining the [canLaunch] method returns `false` if package visibility (Android API 30) is not managed correctly. |
| |
| ## 5.7.1 |
| |
| * Keep handling deprecated Android v1 classes for backward compatibility. |
| |
| ## 5.7.0 |
| |
| * Handle WebView multi-window support. |
| |
| ## 5.6.0 |
| |
| * Support Windows by default. |
| |
| ## 5.5.3 |
| |
| * Suppress deprecation warning on the `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` method on Android. |
| |
| ## 5.5.2 |
| |
| * Depend explicitly on the `platform_interface` package that adds the `webOnlyWindowName` parameter. |
| |
| ## 5.5.1 |
| |
| * Added webOnlyWindowName parameter to launch() |
| |
| ## 5.5.0 |
| |
| * Support Linux by default. |
| |
| ## 5.4.11 |
| |
| * Add documentation in README suggesting how to properly encode urls with special characters. |
| |
| ## 5.4.10 |
| |
| * Post-v2 Android embedding cleanups. |
| |
| ## 5.4.9 |
| |
| * Update README. |
| |
| ## 5.4.8 |
| |
| * Initialize `previousAutomaticSystemUiAdjustment` in launch method. |
| |
| ## 5.4.7 |
| |
| * Update lower bound of dart dependency to 2.1.0. |
| |
| ## 5.4.6 |
| |
| * Add `web` to the example app. |
| |
| ## 5.4.5 |
| |
| * Remove Android dependencies fallback. |
| * Require Flutter SDK 1.12.13+hotfix.5 or greater. |
| * Fix CocoaPods podspec lint warnings. |
| |
| ## 5.4.4 |
| |
| * Replace deprecated `getFlutterEngine` call on Android. |
| |
| ## 5.4.3 |
| |
| * Fixed the launchUniversalLinkIos method. |
| |
| ## 5.4.2 |
| |
| * Make the pedantic dev_dependency explicit. |
| |
| ## 5.4.1 |
| |
| * Update unit tests to work with the PlatformInterface from package `plugin_platform_interface`. |
| |
| ## 5.4.0 |
| |
| * Support macOS by default. |
| |
| ## 5.3.0 |
| |
| * Support web by default. |
| * Use the new plugins pubspec schema. |
| |
| ## 5.2.7 |
| |
| * Minor unit test changes and added a lint for public DartDocs. |
| |
| ## 5.2.6 |
| |
| * Remove AndroidX warnings. |
| |
| ## 5.2.5 |
| |
| * Include lifecycle dependency as a compileOnly one on Android to resolve |
| potential version conflicts with other transitive libraries. |
| |
| ## 5.2.4 |
| |
| * Use `package:url_launcher_platform_interface` to get the platform-specific implementation. |
| |
| ## 5.2.3 |
| |
| * Android: Use android.arch.lifecycle instead of androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle in `build.gradle` to support apps that has not been migrated to AndroidX. |
| |
| ## 5.2.2 |
| |
| * Re-land embedder v2 support with correct Flutter SDK constraints. |
| |
| ## 5.2.1 |
| |
| * Revert the migration since the Flutter dependency was too low. |
| |
| ## 5.2.0 |
| |
| * Migrate the plugin to use the V2 Android engine embedding. This shouldn't |
| affect existing functionality. Plugin authors who use the V2 embedding can now |
| instantiate the plugin and expect that it correctly responds to app lifecycle |
| changes. |
| |
| ## 5.1.7 |
| |
| * Define clang module for iOS. |
| |
| ## 5.1.6 |
| |
| * Fixes bug where androidx app won't build with this plugin by enabling androidx and jetifier in the android `gradle.properties`. |
| |
| ## 5.1.5 |
| |
| * Update homepage url after moving to federated directory. |
| |
| ## 5.1.4 |
| |
| * Update and migrate iOS example project. |
| |
| ## 5.1.3 |
| |
| * Always launch url from the top most UIViewController in iOS. |
| |
| ## 5.1.2 |
| |
| * Update AGP and gradle. |
| * Split plugin and WebViewActivity class files. |
| |
| ## 5.1.1 |
| |
| * Suppress a handled deprecation warning on iOS |
| |
| ## 5.1.0 |
| |
| * Add `headers` field to enable headers in the Android implementation. |
| |
| ## 5.0.5 |
| |
| * Add `enableDomStorage` field to `launch` to enable DOM storage in Android WebView. |
| |
| ## 5.0.4 |
| |
| * Update Dart code to conform to current Dart formatter. |
| |
| ## 5.0.3 |
| |
| * Add missing template type parameter to `invokeMethod` calls. |
| * Bump minimum Flutter version to 1.5.0. |
| * Replace invokeMethod with invokeMapMethod wherever necessary. |
| |
| ## 5.0.2 |
| |
| * Fixes `closeWebView` failure on iOS. |
| |
| ## 5.0.1 |
| |
| * Log a more detailed warning at build time about the previous AndroidX |
| migration. |
| |
| ## 5.0.0 |
| |
| * **Breaking change**. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support |
| Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it |
| requires any Android apps using this plugin to [also |
| migrate](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/migrate) if they're |
| using the original support library. |
| |
| This was originally incorrectly pushed in the `4.2.0` update. |
| |
| ## 4.2.0+3 |
| |
| * **Revert the breaking 4.2.0 update**. 4.2.0 was known to be breaking and |
| should have incremented the major version number instead of the minor. This |
| revert is in and of itself breaking for anyone that has already migrated |
| however. Anyone who has already migrated their app to AndroidX should |
| immediately update to `5.0.0` instead. That's the correctly versioned new push |
| of `4.2.0`. |
| |
| ## 4.2.0+2 |
| |
| * Updated `launch` to use async and await, fixed the incorrect return value by `launch` method. |
| |
| ## 4.2.0+1 |
| |
| * Refactored the Java and Objective-C code. Replaced instance variables with properties in Objective-C. |
| |
| ## 4.2.0 |
| |
| * **BAD**. This was a breaking change that was incorrectly published on a minor |
| version upgrade, should never have happened. Reverted by 4.2.0+3. |
| |
| * **Breaking change**. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support |
| Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it |
| requires any Android apps using this plugin to [also |
| migrate](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/migrate) if they're |
| using the original support library. |
| |
| ## 4.1.0+1 |
| |
| * This is just a version bump to republish as 4.1.0 was published with some dirty local state. |
| |
| ## 4.1.0 |
| |
| * Added `universalLinksOnly` setting. |
| * Updated `launch` to return `Future<bool>`. |
| |
| ## 4.0.3 |
| |
| * Fixed launch url fail for Android: `launch` now assert activity not null and using activity to startActivity. |
| * Fixed `WebViewActivity has leaked IntentReceiver` for Android. |
| |
| ## 4.0.2 |
| |
| * Added `closeWebView` function to programmatically close the current WebView. |
| |
| ## 4.0.1 |
| |
| * Added enableJavaScript field to `launch` to enable javascript in Android WebView. |
| |
| ## 4.0.0 |
| |
| * **Breaking change** Now requires a minimum Flutter version of 0.5.6. |
| * Update to statusBarBrightness field so that the logic runs on the Flutter side. |
| * **Breaking change** statusBarBrightness no longer has a default value. |
| |
| ## 3.0.3 |
| |
| * Added statusBarBrightness field to `launch` to set iOS status bar brightness. |
| |
| ## 3.0.2 |
| |
| * Updated Gradle tooling to match Android Studio 3.1.2. |
| |
| ## 3.0.1 |
| |
| * Fix a crash during Safari view controller dismiss. |
| |
| ## 3.0.0 |
| |
| * **Breaking change**. Set SDK constraints to match the Flutter beta release. |
| |
| ## 2.0.2 |
| |
| * Fixed Dart 2 issue: `launch` now returns `Future<void>` instead of |
| `Future<Null>`. |
| |
| ## 2.0.1 |
| |
| * Simplified and upgraded Android project template to Android SDK 27. |
| * Updated package description. |
| |
| ## 2.0.0 |
| |
| * **Breaking change**. Upgraded to Gradle 4.1 and Android Studio Gradle plugin |
| 3.0.1. Older Flutter projects need to upgrade their Gradle setup as well in |
| order to use this version of the plugin. Instructions can be found |
| [here](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Updating-Flutter-projects-to-Gradle-4.1-and-Android-Studio-Gradle-plugin-3.0.1). |
| |
| ## 1.0.3 |
| |
| * Add FLT prefix to iOS types. |
| |
| ## 1.0.2 |
| |
| * Fix handling of URLs in Android WebView. |
| |
| ## 1.0.1 |
| |
| * Support option to launch default browser in iOS. |
| * Parse incoming url and decide on what to open based on scheme. |
| * Support WebView on Android. |
| |
| ## 1.0.0 |
| |
| * iOS plugin presents a Safari view controller instead of switching to the Safari app. |
| |
| ## 0.4.2+5 |
| |
| * Aligned author name with rest of repo. |
| |
| ## 0.4.2+2, 0.4.2+3, 0.4.2+4 |
| |
| * Updated README. |
| |
| ## 0.4.2+1 |
| |
| * Updated README. |
| |
| ## 0.4.2 |
| |
| * Change to README.md. |
| |
| ## 0.4.1 |
| |
| * Upgrade Android SDK Build Tools to 25.0.3. |
| |
| ## 0.4.0 |
| |
| * Upgrade to new plugin registration. |
| |
| ## 0.3.6 |
| |
| * Fix workaround for failing dynamic check in Xcode 7/sdk version 9. |
| |
| ## 0.3.5 |
| |
| * Workaround for failing dynamic check in Xcode 7/sdk version 9. |
| |
| ## 0.3.4 |
| |
| * Add test. |
| |
| ## 0.3.3 |
| |
| * Change to buildToolsVersion. |
| |
| ## 0.3.2 |
| |
| * Change to README.md. |
| |
| ## 0.3.1 |
| |
| * Change to README.md. |
| |
| ## 0.3.0 |
| |
| * Add `canLaunch` method. |
| |
| ## 0.2.0 |
| |
| * Change `launch` to a top-level method instead of a static method in a class. |
| |
| ## 0.1.1 |
| |
| * Change to README.md. |
| |
| ## 0.1.0 |
| |
| * Initial Open Source release. |