| ## 0.2.5+4 |
| |
| * Fixes compatibility with AGP versions older than 4.2. |
| |
| ## 0.2.5+3 |
| |
| * Updates com.android.billingclient:billing from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0. |
| |
| ## 0.2.5+2 |
| |
| * Updates androidx.annotation:annotation from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0. |
| |
| ## 0.2.5+1 |
| |
| * Adds a namespace for compatibility with AGP 8.0. |
| |
| ## 0.2.5 |
| |
| * Fixes the management of `BillingClient` connection by handling `BillingResponse.serviceDisconnected`. |
| * Introduces `BillingClientManager`. |
| * Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.3. |
| |
| ## 0.2.4+3 |
| |
| * Clarifies explanation of endorsement in README. |
| * Aligns Dart and Flutter SDK constraints. |
| * Updates compileSdkVersion to 33. |
| |
| ## 0.2.4+2 |
| |
| * Updates links for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packages. |
| |
| ## 0.2.4+1 |
| |
| * Updates Google Play Billing Library to 5.1.0. |
| * Updates androidx.annotation to 1.5.0. |
| |
| ## 0.2.4 |
| |
| * Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0. |
| * Ignores a lint in the example app for backwards compatibility. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+9 |
| |
| * Updates `androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core` to 3.5.1. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+8 |
| |
| * Updates code for stricter lint checks. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+7 |
| |
| * Updates code for new analysis options. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+6 |
| |
| * Updates android gradle plugin to 7.3.1. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+5 |
| |
| * Updates imports for `prefer_relative_imports`. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+4 |
| |
| * Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10. |
| * Adds IMMEDIATE_AND_CHARGE_FULL_PRICE to the `ProrationMode`. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+3 |
| |
| * Fixes avoid_redundant_argument_values lint warnings and minor typos. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+2 |
| |
| * Fixes incorrect json key in `queryPurchasesAsync` that fixes restore purchases functionality. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3+1 |
| |
| * Updates `json_serializable` to fix warnings in generated code. |
| |
| ## 0.2.3 |
| |
| * Upgrades Google Play Billing Library to 5.0 |
| * Migrates APIs to support breaking changes in new Google Play Billing API |
| * `PurchaseWrapper` and `PurchaseHistoryRecordWrapper` now handles `skus` a list of sku strings. `sku` is deprecated. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2+8 |
| |
| * Ignores deprecation warnings for upcoming styleFrom button API changes. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2+7 |
| |
| * Updates references to the obsolete master branch. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2+6 |
| |
| * Enables mocking models by changing overridden operator == parameter type from `dynamic` to `Object`. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2+5 |
| |
| * Minor fixes for new analysis options. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2+4 |
| |
| * Removes unnecessary imports. |
| * Fixes library_private_types_in_public_api, sort_child_properties_last and use_key_in_widget_constructors |
| lint warnings. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2+3 |
| |
| * Migrates from `ui.hash*` to `Object.hash*`. |
| * Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.5.0. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2+2 |
| |
| * Internal code cleanup for stricter analysis options. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2+1 |
| |
| * Removes the dependency on `meta`. |
| |
| ## 0.2.2 |
| |
| * Fixes the `purchaseStream` incorrectly reporting `PurchaseStatus.error` when user upgrades subscription by deferred proration mode. |
| |
| ## 0.2.1 |
| |
| * Deprecated the `InAppPurchaseAndroidPlatformAddition.enablePendingPurchases()` method and `InAppPurchaseAndroidPlatformAddition.enablePendingPurchase` property. Since Google Play no longer accepts App submissions that don't support pending purchases it is no longer necessary to acknowledge this through code. |
| * Updates example app Android compileSdkVersion to 31. |
| |
| ## 0.2.0 |
| |
| * BREAKING CHANGE : Refactor to handle new `PurchaseStatus` named `canceled`. This means developers |
| can distinguish between an error and user cancellation. |
| |
| ## 0.1.6 |
| |
| * Require Dart SDK >= 2.14. |
| * Update `json_annotation` dependency to `^4.3.0`. |
| |
| ## 0.1.5+1 |
| |
| * Fix a broken link in the README. |
| |
| ## 0.1.5 |
| |
| * Introduced the `SkuDetailsWrapper.introductoryPriceAmountMicros` field of the correct type (`int`) and deprecated the `SkuDetailsWrapper.introductoryPriceMicros` field. |
| * Update dev_dependency `build_runner` to ^2.0.0 and `json_serializable` to ^5.0.2. |
| |
| ## 0.1.4+7 |
| |
| * Ensure that the `SkuDetailsWrapper.introductoryPriceMicros` is populated correctly. |
| |
| ## 0.1.4+6 |
| |
| * Ensure that purchases correctly indicate whether they are acknowledged or not. The `PurchaseDetails.pendingCompletePurchase` field now correctly indicates if the purchase still needs to be completed. |
| |
| ## 0.1.4+5 |
| |
| * Add `implements` to pubspec. |
| * Updated Android lint settings. |
| |
| ## 0.1.4+4 |
| |
| * Removed dependency on the `test` package. |
| |
| ## 0.1.4+3 |
| |
| * Updated installation instructions in README. |
| |
| ## 0.1.4+2 |
| |
| * Added price currency symbol to SkuDetailsWrapper. |
| |
| ## 0.1.4+1 |
| |
| * Fixed typos. |
| |
| ## 0.1.4 |
| |
| * Added support for launchPriceChangeConfirmationFlow in the BillingClientWrapper and in InAppPurchaseAndroidPlatformAddition. |
| |
| ## 0.1.3+1 |
| |
| * Add payment proxy. |
| |
| ## 0.1.3 |
| |
| * Added support for isFeatureSupported in the BillingClientWrapper and in InAppPurchaseAndroidPlatformAddition. |
| |
| ## 0.1.2 |
| |
| * Added support for the obfuscatedAccountId and obfuscatedProfileId in the PurchaseWrapper. |
| |
| ## 0.1.1 |
| |
| * Added support to request a list of active subscriptions and non-consumed one-time purchases on Android, through the `InAppPurchaseAndroidPlatformAddition.queryPastPurchases` method. |
| |
| ## 0.1.0+1 |
| |
| * Migrate maven repository from jcenter to mavenCentral. |
| |
| ## 0.1.0 |
| |
| * Initial open-source release. |