blob: 4ac27d9bc2fdb841a3418dc09b3c585ea9c0fd07 [file] [log] [blame] [view] [edit]
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.10/Dart 3.0.
## 6.2.0
* Adds support for `inAppBrowserView` as a separate launch mode option from
`inAppWebView` mode. `inAppBrowserView` is the preferred in-app mode for most uses,
but does not support `closeInAppWebView`.
* Implements `supportsMode` and `supportsCloseForMode`.
## 6.1.1
* Updates annotations lib to 1.7.0.
## 6.1.0
* Adds support for Android Custom Tabs.
## 6.0.39
* Adds pub topics to package metadata.
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.7/Dart 2.19.
## 6.0.38
* Updates android implementation to support api 34 broadcast receiver requirements.
## 6.0.37
* Sets android.defaults.buildfeatures.buildconfig to true for compatibility with AGP 8.0+.
## 6.0.36
* Bumps androidx.annotation:annotation from 1.2.0 to 1.6.0.
* Adds a dependency on kotlin-bom to align versions of Kotlin transitive dependencies.
## 6.0.35
* Converts method channels to Pigeon.
## 6.0.34
* Reverts ContextCompat usage that caused flutter/flutter#127014
## 6.0.33
* Explicitly sets if reciever for close should be exported.
## 6.0.32
* Updates gradle, AGP and fixes some lint errors.
## 6.0.31
* Fixes compatibility with AGP versions older than 4.2.
## 6.0.30
* Adds `targetCompatibilty` matching `sourceCompatibility` for older toolchains.
## 6.0.29
* Adds a namespace for compatibility with AGP 8.0.
## 6.0.28
* Sets an explicit Java compatibility version.
## 6.0.27
* Fixes Java warnings.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.3.
## 6.0.26
* Bump RoboElectric dependency to 4.4.1 to support AndroidX.
## 6.0.25
* Clarifies explanation of endorsement in README.
* Aligns Dart and Flutter SDK constraints.
## 6.0.24
* Updates links for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packages.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0.
## 6.0.23
* Updates code for stricter lint checks.
## 6.0.22
* Updates code for new analysis options.
## 6.0.21
* Updates androidx.annotation to 1.2.0.
## 6.0.20
* Updates android gradle plugin to 4.2.0.
## 6.0.19
* Revert gradle back to 3.4.2.
## 6.0.18
* Updates gradle to 7.2.2.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10.
## 6.0.17
* Fixes library_private_types_in_public_api, sort_child_properties_last and use_key_in_widget_constructors
lint warnings.
## 6.0.16
* Adds fallback querying for `canLaunch` with web URLs, to avoid false negatives
when there is a custom scheme handler.
## 6.0.15
* Switches to an in-package method channel implementation.
## 6.0.14
* Updates code for new analysis options.
* Removes dependency on `meta`.
## 6.0.13
* Splits from `shared_preferences` as a federated implementation.