blob: a407df5f5a0422106a12e93f6439dde89bc2cbfd [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## 2.3.1
* Removes obsolete null checks on non-nullable values.
## 2.3.0
* Adds support to receive permission requests. See
## 2.2.0
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.3.
* Fixes common typos in tests and documentation.
* Adds support for listening to HTTP errors. See
## 2.1.0
* Adds support to track url changes. See `PlatformNavigationDelegate.setOnUrlChange`.
* Aligns Dart and Flutter SDK constraints.
## 2.0.2
* Updates links for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packages.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0.
## 2.0.1
* Improves error message when a platform interface class is used before `WebViewPlatform.instance` has been set.
## 2.0.0
* **Breaking Change**: Releases new interface. See [documentation]( and [design doc](
for more details.
* **Breaking Change**: Removes MethodChannel implementation of interface. All platform
implementations will now need to create their own by implementing `WebViewPlatform`.
## 1.9.5
* Updates code for `no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers` lint.
## 1.9.4
* Updates imports for `prefer_relative_imports`.
## 1.9.3
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10.
* Removes `BuildParams` from v4 interface and adds `layoutDirection` to the creation params.
## 1.9.2
* Fixes avoid_redundant_argument_values lint warnings and minor typos.
* Ignores unnecessary import warnings in preparation for [upcoming Flutter changes](
* Adds missing build params for v4 WebViewWidget interface.
## 1.9.1
* Ignores unnecessary import warnings in preparation for [upcoming Flutter changes](
## 1.9.0
* Adds the first iteration of the v4 webview_flutter interface implementation.
* Removes unnecessary imports.
## 1.8.2
* Migrates from `ui.hash*` to `Object.hash*`.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.5.0.
## 1.8.1
* Update to use the `verify` method introduced in platform_plugin_interface 2.1.0.
## 1.8.0
* Adds the `loadFlutterAsset` method to the platform interface.
## 1.7.0
* Add an option to set the background color of the webview.
## 1.6.1
* Revert deprecation of `clearCookies` in WebViewPlatform for later deprecation.
## 1.6.0
* Adds platform interface for cookie manager.
* Deprecates `clearCookies` in WebViewPlatform in favour of `CookieManager#clearCookies`.
* Expanded `CreationParams` to include cookies to be set at webview creation.
## 1.5.2
* Mirgrates from analysis_options_legacy.yaml to the more strict analysis_options.yaml.
## 1.5.1
* Reverts the addition of `onUrlChanged`, which was unintentionally a breaking
## 1.5.0
* Added `onUrlChanged` callback to platform callback handler.
## 1.4.0
* Added `loadFile` and `loadHtml` interface methods.
## 1.3.0
* Added `loadRequest` method to platform interface.
## 1.2.0
* Added `runJavascript` and `runJavascriptReturningResult` interface methods to supersede `evaluateJavascript`.
## 1.1.0
* Add `zoomEnabled` functionality to `WebSettings`.
## 1.0.0
* Extracted platform interface from `webview_flutter`.