blob: f5fa16ac4bafe81a9274dbd74ca8701843203f7c [file] [log] [blame] [view]
There are many ways to navigate between destinations in your app.
## Go directly to a destination
Navigating to a destination in GoRouter will replace the current stack of screens with the screens configured to be displayed
for the destination route. To change to a new screen, call `context.go()` with a URL:
build(BuildContext context) {
return TextButton(
onPressed: () => context.go('/users/123'),
This is shorthand for calling `GoRouter.of(context).go('/users/123)`.
To build a URI with query parameters, you can use the `Uri` class from the Dart standard library:
context.go(Uri(path: '/users/123', queryParameters: {'filter': 'abc'}).toString());
## Imperative navigation
GoRouter can push a screen onto the Navigator's history
stack using `context.push()`, and can pop the current screen via
`context.pop()`. However, imperative navigation is known to cause issues with
the browser history.
To learn more, see [issue
## Using the Link widget
You can use a Link widget from the url_launcher package to create a link to destinations in
your app. This is equivalent to calling `context.go()`, but renders a real link
on the web.
To add a Link to your app, follow the [Link API
from the url_launcher package.
## Using named routes
You can also use [Named routes] to navigate instead of using URLs.
## Prevent navigation
GoRouter and other Router-based APIs are not compatible with the
See [issue #102408](
for details on what such an API might look like in go_router.
## Imperative navigation with Navigator
You can continue using the Navigator to push and pop pages. Pages displayed in
this way are not deep-linkable and will be replaced if any parent page that is
associated with a GoRoute is removed, for example when a new call to `go()`
To push a screen using the imperative Navigator API, call
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return const DetailsScreen();
## Returning values
Waiting for a value to be returned:
onTap: () {
final bool? result = await context.push<bool>('/page2');
if(result ?? false)...
Returning a value:
onTap: () => context.pop(true)
[Named routes]: