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<?code-excerpt path-base="excerpts/packages/video_player_example"?>
# Video Player plugin for Flutter
[![pub package](](
A Flutter plugin for iOS, Android and Web for playing back video on a Widget surface.
| | Android | iOS | Web |
| **Support** | SDK 16+ | 9.0+ | Any\* |
![The example app running in iOS](
## Installation
First, add `video_player` as a [dependency in your pubspec.yaml file](
### iOS
If you need to access videos using `http` (rather than `https`) URLs, you will need to add
the appropriate `NSAppTransportSecurity` permissions to your app's _Info.plist_ file, located
in `<project root>/ios/Runner/Info.plist`. See
[Apple's documentation](
to determine the right combination of entries for your use case and supported iOS versions.
### Android
If you are using network-based videos, ensure that the following permission is present in your
Android Manifest file, located in `<project root>/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml`:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
### Web
> The Web platform does **not** suppport `dart:io`, so avoid using the `VideoPlayerController.file` constructor for the plugin. Using the constructor attempts to create a `VideoPlayerController.file` that will throw an `UnimplementedError`.
\* Different web browsers may have different video-playback capabilities (supported formats, autoplay...). Check [package:video_player_web]( for more web-specific information.
The `VideoPlayerOptions.mixWithOthers` option can't be implemented in web, at least at the moment. If you use this option in web it will be silently ignored.
## Supported Formats
- On iOS, the backing player is [AVPlayer](
The supported formats vary depending on the version of iOS, [AVURLAsset]( class
has [audiovisualTypes]( that you can query for supported av formats.
- On Android, the backing player is [ExoPlayer](,
please refer [here]( for list of supported formats.
- On Web, available formats depend on your users' browsers (vendor and version). Check [package:video_player_web]( for more specific information.
## Example
<?code-excerpt "basic.dart (basic-example)"?>
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:video_player/video_player.dart';
void main() => runApp(const VideoApp());
/// Stateful widget to fetch and then display video content.
class VideoApp extends StatefulWidget {
const VideoApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_VideoAppState createState() => _VideoAppState();
class _VideoAppState extends State<VideoApp> {
late VideoPlayerController _controller;
void initState() {
_controller =
..initialize().then((_) {
// Ensure the first frame is shown after the video is initialized, even before the play button has been pressed.
setState(() {});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Video Demo',
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: _controller.value.isInitialized
? AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: _controller.value.aspectRatio,
child: VideoPlayer(_controller),
: Container(),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
? _controller.pause()
child: Icon(
_controller.value.isPlaying ? Icons.pause : Icons.play_arrow,
void dispose() {
## Usage
The following section contains usage information that goes beyond what is included in the
documentation in order to give a more elaborate overview of the API.
This is not complete as of now. You can contribute to this section by [opening a pull request](
### Playback speed
You can set the playback speed on your `_controller` (instance of `VideoPlayerController`) by
calling `_controller.setPlaybackSpeed`. `setPlaybackSpeed` takes a `double` speed value indicating
the rate of playback for your video.
For example, when given a value of `2.0`, your video will play at 2x the regular playback speed
and so on.
To learn about playback speed limitations, see the [`setPlaybackSpeed` method documentation](
Furthermore, see the example app for an example playback speed implementation.