blob: a7c69241a736817f946981e22a368a147b82acc2 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## 0.2.2+2
* Adds pub topics to package metadata.
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.7/Dart 2.19.
* Removes obsolete null checks on non-nullable values.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.3.
* Aligns Dart and Flutter SDK constraints.
## 0.2.2+1
* Updates links for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packages.
## 0.2.2
* Updates `WebWebViewController.loadRequest` to only set the src of the iFrame
when `LoadRequestParams.headers` and `LoadRequestParams.body` are empty and is
using the HTTP GET request method. [#118573](
* Parses the `content-type` header of XHR responses to extract the correct
MIME-type and charset. [#118090](
* Sets `width` and `height` of widget the way the Engine wants, to remove distracting
warnings from the development console.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0.
## 0.2.1
* Adds auto registration of the `WebViewPlatform` implementation.
## 0.2.0
* **BREAKING CHANGE** Updates platform implementation to `2.0.0` release of
`webview_flutter_platform_interface`. See README for updated usage.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10.
## 0.1.0+4
* Fixes incorrect escaping of some characters when setting the HTML to the iframe element.
## 0.1.0+3
* Minor fixes for new analysis options.
## 0.1.0+2
* Removes unnecessary imports.
* Fixes unit tests to run on latest `master` version of Flutter.
* Fixes library_private_types_in_public_api, sort_child_properties_last and use_key_in_widget_constructors
lint warnings.
## 0.1.0+1
* Adds an explanation of registering the implementation in the README.
## 0.1.0
* First web implementation for webview_flutter