blob: 4ece505495b4af7f90d5d9195e959dde91e4ef3e [file] [log] [blame] [view]
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.3/Dart 2.18.
## 0.2.1
* Relaxes the `renderButton` API so any JS-Interop Object can be its `target`.
* Exposes the `Button*` configuration enums, so the rendered button can be configured.
## 0.2.0
* Adds `renderButton` API to `id.dart`.
* **Breaking Change:** Makes JS-interop API more `dart2wasm`-friendly.
* Removes external getters for function types
* Introduces an external getter for the whole libraries instead.
* Updates `` with the new way of `import`ing the desired libraries.
## 0.1.1
* Add optional `scope` to `OverridableTokenClientConfig` object.
* Mark some callbacks as optional properly.
## 0.1.0
* Initial release.