blob: bdde3c261867e35ad13a0ebc31525bab6dbc29c4 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## 9.0.0
- Removes GoRouter.location and GoRouter.canPop. Use GoRouterState.of().location and
Navigator.of().canPop instead.
- GoRouter does not `extends` ChangeNotifier.
- [Migration guide](
- Reduces excessive rebuilds due to inherited look up.
## 8.2.0
- Adds onException to GoRouter constructor.
## 8.1.0
- Adds parent navigator key to ShellRoute and StatefulShellRoute.
## 8.0.5
- Fixes a bug that GoRouterState in top level redirect doesn't contain complete data.
## 8.0.4
- Updates documentations around `GoRouter.of`, `GoRouter.maybeOf`, and `BuildContext` extension.
## 8.0.3
- Makes namedLocation and route name related APIs case sensitive.
## 8.0.2
- Fixes a bug in `debugLogDiagnostics` to support StatefulShellRoute.
## 8.0.1
- Fixes a link for an example in `path` documentation.
## 8.0.0
- Imperatively pushed GoRoute no longer change URL.
- Browser backward and forward button respects imperative route operations.
- Refactors the route parsing pipeline.
## 7.1.1
- Removes obsolete null checks on non-nullable values.
## 7.1.0
- Introduces `StatefulShellRoute` to support using separate navigators for child routes as well as preserving state in each navigation tree (flutter/flutter#99124).
- Updates documentation for `pageBuilder` and `builder` fields of `ShellRoute`, to more correctly
describe the meaning of the child argument in the builder functions.
- Adds support for restorationId to ShellRoute (and StatefulShellRoute).
## 7.0.2
- Fixes `BuildContext` extension method `replaceNamed` to correctly pass `pathParameters` and `queryParameters`.
## 7.0.1
- Adds a workaround for the `dart fix --apply` issue,
## 7.0.0
- For the below changes, run `dart fix --apply` to automatically migrate your code.
- `GoRouteState.subloc` has been renamed to `GoRouteState.matchedLocation`.
- `GoRouteState.params` has been renamed to `GoRouteState.pathParameters`.
- `GoRouteState.fullpath` has been renamed to `GoRouteState.fullPath`.
- `GoRouteState.queryParams` has been renamed to `GoRouteState.queryParameters`.
- `params` and `queryParams` in `GoRouteState.namedLocation` have been renamed to `pathParameters` and `queryParameters`.
- `params` and `queryParams` in `GoRouter`'s `namedLocation`, `pushNamed`, `pushReplacementNamed`
`replaceNamed` have been renamed to `pathParameters` and `queryParameters`.
- For the below changes, please follow the [migration guide](
- `params` and `queryParams` in `BuildContext`'s `namedLocation`, `pushNamed`, `pushReplacementNamed`
`replaceNamed` have been renamed to `pathParameters` and `queryParameters`.
- Cleans up API and makes RouteMatchList immutable.
## 6.5.9
- Removes navigator keys from `GoRouteData` and `ShellRouteData`.
## 6.5.8
- Adds name parameter to `TypedGoRoute`
## 6.5.7
- Fixes a bug that go_router would crash if `GoRoute.pageBuilder` depends on `InheritedWidget`s.
## 6.5.6
- Fixes an issue where ShellRoute routes were not logged when debugLogDiagnostic was enabled.
## 6.5.5
- Fixes an issue when popping pageless route would accidentally complete imperative page.
## 6.5.4
- Removes navigator keys from `TypedGoRoute` and `TypedShellRoute`.
## 6.5.3
- Fixes redirect being called with an empty location for unknown routes.
## 6.5.2
- NoTransitionPage now has an instant reverse transition.
## 6.5.1
- Fixes an issue where the params are removed after popping.
## 6.5.0
- Supports returning values on pop.
## 6.4.1
- Adds `initialExtra` to **GoRouter** to pass extra data alongside `initialRoute`.
## 6.4.0
- Adds `replace` method to that replaces the current route with a new one and keeps the same page key. This is useful for when you want to update the query params without changing the page key ([#115902](
## 6.3.0
- Aligns Dart and Flutter SDK constraints.
- Updates compileSdkVersion to 33.
- Updates example app to iOS 11.
- Adds `navigatorKey` to `TypedShellRoute`
- Adds `parentNavigatorKey` to `TypedGoRoute`
- Updates documentation in matching methods.
## 6.2.0
- Exports supertypes in route_data.dart library.
## 6.1.0
- Adds `GoRouter.maybeOf` to get the closest `GoRouter` from the context, if there is any.
## 6.0.10
- Adds helpers for go_router_builder for ShellRoute support
## 6.0.9
- Fixes deprecation message for `GoRouterState.namedLocation`
## 6.0.8
- Adds support for Iterables, Lists and Sets in query params for TypedGoRoute. [#108437](
## 6.0.7
- Add observers parameter to the ShellRoute that will be passed to the nested Navigator.
- Use `HeroControllerScope` for nested Navigator that fixes Hero Widgets not animating in Nested Navigator.
## 6.0.6
- Adds `reverseTransitionDuration` to `CustomTransitionPage`
## 6.0.5
- Fixes [unnecessary_null_comparison]( lint warnings.
## 6.0.4
- Fixes redirection info log.
## 6.0.3
- Makes `CustomTransitionPage.barrierDismissible` work
## 6.0.2
- Fixes missing result on pop in go_router extension.
## 6.0.1
- Fixes crashes when popping navigators manually.
- Fixes trailing slashes after pops.
## 6.0.0
- `GoRouteData`'s `redirect` now takes 2 parameters `BuildContext context, GoRouterState state`.
- `GoRouteData`'s `build` now takes 2 parameters `BuildContext context, GoRouterState state`.
- `GoRouteData`'s `buildPageWithState` has been removed and replaced by `buildPage` with now takes 2 parameters `BuildContext context, GoRouterState state`.
- `replace` from `GoRouter`, `GoRouterDelegate` and `GoRouterHelper` has been renamed into `pushReplacement`.
- `replaceNamed` from `GoRouter`, `GoRouterDelegate` and `GoRouterHelper` has been renamed into `pushReplacementNamed`.
- [go_router v6 migration guide](
## 5.2.4
- Fixes crashes when using async redirect.
## 5.2.3
- Fixes link for router configuration and sub-routes
## 5.2.2
- Fixes `pop` and `push` to update urls correctly.
## 5.2.1
- Refactors `GoRouter.pop` to be able to pop individual pageless route with result.
## 5.2.0
- Fixes `GoRouterState.location` and `GoRouterState.param` to return correct value.
- Cleans up `RouteMatch` and `RouteMatchList` API.
## 5.1.10
- Fixes link of ShellRoute in README.
## 5.1.9
- Fixes broken links in documentation.
## 5.1.8
- Fixes a bug with `replace` where it was not generated a new `pageKey`.
## 5.1.7
- Adds documentation using dartdoc topics.
## 5.1.6
- Fixes crashes when multiple `GoRoute`s use the same `parentNavigatorKey` in a route subtree.
## 5.1.5
- Adds migration guide for 5.1.2 to readme.
## 5.1.4
- Fixes the documentation by removing the `ShellRoute`'s non-existing `path` parameter from it.
## 5.1.3
- Allows redirection to return same location.
## 5.1.2
- Adds GoRouterState to context.
- Fixes GoRouter notification.
- Updates README.
- Removes dynamic calls in examples.
- Remove NavigatorObserver mixin from GoRouter
## 5.1.1
- Removes DebugGoRouteInformation.
## 5.1.0
- Removes urlPathStrategy completely, which should have been done in v5.0.0 but some code remained mistakenly.
## 5.0.5
- Fixes issue where asserts in popRoute were preventing the app from
exiting on Android.
## 5.0.4
- Fixes a bug in ShellRoute example where NavigationBar might lose current index in a nested routes.
## 5.0.3
- Changes examples to use the routerConfig API
## 5.0.2
- Fixes missing code example in ShellRoute documentation.
## 5.0.1
- Allows ShellRoute to have child ShellRoutes (flutter/flutter#111981)
## 5.0.0
- Fixes a bug where intermediate route redirect methods are not called.
- GoRouter implements the RouterConfig interface, allowing you to call
MaterialApp.router(routerConfig: _myGoRouter) instead of passing
the RouterDelegate, RouteInformationParser, and RouteInformationProvider
- Redesigns redirection API, adds asynchronous feature, and adds build context to redirect.
- Removes GoRouterRefreshStream
- Removes navigatorBuilder
- Removes urlPathStrategy
- [go_router v5 migration guide](
## 4.5.1
- Fixes an issue where GoRoutes with only a redirect were disallowed
## 4.5.0
- Adds ShellRoute for nested navigation support (flutter/flutter#99126)
- Adds `parentNavigatorKey` to GoRoute, which specifies the Navigator to place that
route's Page onto.
## 4.4.1
- Fix an issue where disabling logging clears the root logger's listeners
## 4.4.0
- Adds `buildPageWithState` to `GoRouteData`.
- `GoRouteData.buildPage` is now deprecated in favor of `GoRouteData.buildPageWithState`.
## 4.3.0
- Allows `Map<String, dynamic>` maps as `queryParams` of `goNamed`, `replacedName`, `pushNamed` and `namedLocation`.
## 4.2.9
- Updates text theme parameters to avoid deprecation issues.
- Fixes lint warnings.
## 4.2.8
- Fixes namedLocation to return URIs without trailing question marks if there are no query parameters.
- Cleans up examples.
## 4.2.7
- Updates README.
## 4.2.6
- Fixes rendering issues in the README.
## 4.2.5
- Fixes a bug where calling extra parameter is always null in route level redirect callback
## 4.2.4
- Rewrites Readme and examples.
## 4.2.3
- Fixes a bug where the ValueKey to be the same when a page was pushed multiple times.
## 4.2.2
- Fixes a bug where go_router_builder wasn't detecting annotations.
## 4.2.1
- Refactors internal classes and methods
## 4.2.0
- Adds `void replace()` and `replaceNamed` to `GoRouterDelegate`, `GoRouter` and `GoRouterHelper`.
## 4.1.1
- Fixes a bug where calling namedLocation does not support case-insensitive way.
## 4.1.0
- Adds `bool canPop()` to `GoRouterDelegate`, `GoRouter` and `GoRouterHelper`.
## 4.0.3
- Adds missed popping log.
## 4.0.2
- Fixes a bug where initialLocation took precedence over deep-links
## 4.0.1
- Fixes a bug where calling setLogging(false) does not clear listeners.
## 4.0.0
- Refactors go_router and introduces `GoRouteInformationProvider`. [Migration Doc](
- Fixes a bug where top-level routes are skipped if another contains child routes.
## 3.1.1
- Uses first match if there are more than one route to match. [ [#99833](
## 3.1.0
- Adds `GoRouteData` and `TypedGoRoute` to support `package:go_router_builder`.
## 3.0.7
- Refactors runtime checks to assertions.
## 3.0.6
- Exports inherited_go_router.dart file.
## 3.0.5
- Add `dispatchNotification` method to `DummyBuildContext` in tests. (This
should be revisited when Flutter `2.11.0` becomes stable.)
- Improves code coverage.
- `GoRoute` now warns about requiring either `pageBuilder`, `builder` or `redirect` at instantiation.
## 3.0.4
- Updates code for stricter analysis options.
## 3.0.3
- Fixes a bug where params disappear when pushing a nested route.
## 3.0.2
- Moves source to flutter/packages.
- Removes all_lint_rules_community and path_to_regexp dependencies.
## 3.0.1
- pass along the error to the `navigatorBuilder` to allow for different
implementations based on the presence of an error
## 3.0.0
- breaking change: added `GoRouterState` to `navigatorBuilder` function
- breaking change: removed `BuildContext` from `GoRouter.pop()` to remove the
need to use `context` parameter when calling the `GoRouter` API; this changes
the behavior of `GoRouter.pop()` to only pop what's on the `GoRouter` page
stack and no longer calls `Navigator.pop()`
- new [Migrating to 3.0 section]( in the
docs to describe the details of the breaking changes and how to update your
- added a new [shared
sample to show how to use the `navigatorBuilder` function to build a custom
shared scaffold outside of the animations provided by go_router
## 2.5.7
- [PR 262]( add support for
`Router.neglect`; thanks to [nullrocket](!
- [PR 265]( add Japanese
translation of the docs; thanks to
[toshi-kuji](! Unfortunately I don't yet know
how to properly display them via, but [I'm working on
- updated the examples using the `from` query parameter to be completely
self-contained in the `redirect` function, simplifying usage
- updated the async data example to be simpler
- added a new example to show how to implement a loading page
- renamed the navigator_integration example to user_input and added an example
of `WillPopScope` for go_router apps
## 2.5.6
- [PR 259]( remove a hack for
notifying the router of a route change that was no longer needed; thanks to
- improved async example to handle the case that the data has been returned but
the page is no longer there by checking the `mounted` property of the screen
## 2.5.5
- updated implementation to use logging package for debug diagnostics; thanks
to [johnpryan](
## 2.5.4
- fixed up the `GoRouterRefreshStream` implementation with an export, an example
and some docs
## 2.5.3
- added `GoRouterRefreshStream` from
[jopmiddelkamp]( to easily map from a
`Stream` to a `Listenable` for use with `refreshListenable`; very useful when
combined with stream-based state management like
- dartdocs fixups from [mehade369](
- example link fixes from [ben-milanko](
## 2.5.2
- pass additional information to the `NavigatorObserver` via default args to
`MaterialPage`, etc.
## 2.5.1
- [fix 205]( hack around a
failed assertion in Flutter when using `` in the
## 2.5.0
- provide default implementation of `GoRoute.pageBuilder` to provide a simpler
way to build pages via the `` method
- provide default implementation of `GoRouter.errorPageBuilder` to provide a
simpler way to build error pages via the `GoRouter.errorBuilder` method
- provide default implementation of `GoRouter.errorBuilder` to provide an error
page without the need to implement a custom error page builder
- new [Migrating to 2.5 section]( in
the docs to show how to take advantage of the new `builder` and default error
page builder
- removed `launch.json` as VSCode-centric and unnecessary for discovery or easy
- added a [new custom error screen
- added a [new WidgetsApp
- added a new `NoTransitionPage` class
- updated docs to explain why the browser's Back button doesn't work
with the `extra` param
- updated README to point to new docs site: [](
## 2.3.1
- [fix 191]( handle several
kinds of trailing / in the location, e.g. `/foo/` should be the same as `/foo`
## 2.3.0
- fix a misleading error message when using redirect functions with sub-routes
## 2.2.9
- [fix 182]( fixes a regression
in the nested navigation caused by the fix for
[#163](; thanks to
[lulupointu]( for the fix!
## 2.2.8
- reformatted CHANGELOG file; lets see if is still ok with it...
- staged an in-progress doc site at
- tightened up a test that was silently failing
- fixed a bug that dropped parent params in sub-route redirects
## 2.2.7
- [fix 163]( avoids unnecessary
page rebuilds
- [fix 139]( avoids unnecessary
page flashes on deep linking
- [fix 158]( shows exception
info in the debug output even during a top-level redirect coded w/ an
anonymous function, i.e. what the samples all use
- [fix 151]( exposes
`Navigator.pop()` via `GoRouter.pop()` to make it easy to find
## 2.2.6
- [fix 127]( updated the docs
to add a video overview of the project for people that prefer that media style
over long-form text when approaching a new topic
- [fix 108]( updated the
description of the `state` parameter to clarfy that not all properties will be
set at every usage
## 2.2.5
- [fix 120 again]( found the bug
in my tests that was masking the real bug; changed two characters to implement
the actual fix (sigh)
## 2.2.4
- [fix 116]( work-around for
auto-import of the `context.go` family of extension methods
## 2.2.3
- [fix 132]( route names are
stored as case insensitive and are now matched in a case insensitive manner
## 2.2.2
- [fix 120]( encoding and
decoding of params and query params
## 2.2.1
- [fix 114]( give a better error
message when the `GoRouter` isn't found in the widget tree via
`GoRouter.of(context)`; thanks [aoatmon]( for the
[excellent bug report](!
## 2.2.0
- added a new [`navigatorBuilder`]( argument to the
`GoRouter` constructor; thanks to [andyduke](!
- also from [andyduke]( is an update to
improve state restoration
- refactor from [kevmoo]( for easier maintenance
- added a new [Navigator Integration section of the
## 2.1.2
- [fix 61 again]( enable images
and file links to work on
- [fix 62]( re-tested; fixed w/
earlier Android system Back button fix (using navigation key)
- [fix 91]( fix a regression w/
the `errorPageBuilder`
- [fix 92]( fix an edge case w/
named sub-routes
- [fix 89]( enable queryParams
and extra object param w/ `push`
- refactored tests for greater coverage and fewer methods `@visibleForTesting`
## 2.1.1
- [fix 86]( add `name` to
`GoRouterState` to complete support for URI-free navigation knowledge in your
- [fix 83]( fix for `null`
`extra` object
## 2.1.0
- [fix 80]( adding a redirect
limit to catch too many redirects error
- [fix 81]( allow an `extra`
object to pass through for navigation
## 2.0.1
- add badges to the README and codecov to the GitHub commit action; thanks to
[rydmike]( for both
## 2.0.0
- BREAKING CHANGE and [fix #50](
split `params` into `params` and `queryParams`; see the [Migrating to 2.0
section of the docs](
for instructions on how to migrate your code from 1.x to 2.0
- [fix 69]( exposed named
location lookup for redirection
- [fix 57]( enable the Android
system Back button to behave exactly like the `AppBar` Back button; thanks to
[SunlightBro]( for the one-line fix that I had
no idea about until he pointed it out
- [fix 59]( add query params to
top-level redirect
- [fix 44]( show how to use the
`AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin` with nested navigation to keep widget state
between navigations; thanks to [rydmike]( for this
## 1.1.3
- enable case-insensitive path matching while still preserving path and query
parameter cases
- change a lifetime of habit to sort constructors first as per
Thanks for the PR, [Abhishek01039](!
- set the initial transition example route to `/none` to make pushing the 'fade
transition' button on the first run through more fun
- fixed an error in the async data example
## 1.1.2
- Thanks, Mikes!
- updated dartdocs from [rydmike](
- also shoutout to [](
for the CI action on GitHub
- this is turning into a real community effort...
## 1.1.1
- now showing routing exceptions in the debug log
- updated the docs to make it clear that it will be called until it returns
## 1.1.0
- added support `NavigatorObserver` objects to receive change notifications
## 1.0.1
- docs updates based on user feedback for clarity
- fix for setting URL path strategy in `main()`
- fix for `push()` disables `AppBar` Back button
## 1.0.0
- updated version for initial release
- some renaming for clarify and consistency with transitions
- `GoRoute.builder` => `GoRoute.pageBuilder`
- `GoRoute.error` => `GoRoute.errorPageBuilder`
- added diagnostic logging for `push` and `pushNamed`
## 0.9.6
- added support for `push` as well as `go`
- added 'none' to transitions example app
- updated animation example to use no transition and added an animated gif to
the docs
## 0.9.5
- added support for custom transitions between routes
## 0.9.4
- updated API docs
- updated docs for `GoRouterState`
## 0.9.3
- updated API docs
## 0.9.2
- updated named route lookup to O(1)
- updated diagnostics output to show known named routes
## 0.9.1
- updated diagnostics output to show named route lookup
- docs updates
## 0.9.0
- added support for named routes
## 0.8.8
- fix to make `GoRouter` notify on pop
## 0.8.7
- made `GoRouter` a `ChangeNotifier` so you can listen for `location` changes
## 0.8.6
- books sample bug fix
## 0.8.5
- added Cupertino sample
- added example of async data lookup
## 0.8.4
- added state restoration sample
## 0.8.3
- changed `debugOutputFullPaths` to `debugLogDiagnostics` and added add'l
debugging logging
- parameterized redirect
## 0.8.2
- updated docs for `Link` widget support
## 0.8.1
- added Books sample; fixed some issues it revealed
## 0.8.0
- breaking build to refactor the API for simplicity and capability
- move to fixed routing from conditional routing; simplies API, allows for
redirection at the route level and there scenario was sketchy anyway
- add redirection at the route level
- replace guard objects w/ redirect functions
- add `refresh` method and `refreshListener`
- removed `.builder` ctor from `GoRouter` (not reasonable to implement)
- add Dynamic linking section to the docs
- replaced Books sample with Nested Navigation sample
- add ability to dump the known full paths to your routes to debug output
## 0.7.1
- update to pageKey to take sub-routes into account
## 0.7.0
- BREAK: rename `pattern` to `path` for consistency w/ other routers in the
- added the `GoRouterLoginGuard` for the common redirect-to-login-page pattern
## 0.6.2
- fixed issue showing home page for a second before redirecting (if needed)
## 0.6.1
- added `GoRouterState.pageKey`
- removed `cupertino_icons` from main `pubspec.yaml`
## 0.6.0
- refactor to support sub-routes to build a stack of pages instead of matching
multiple routes
- added unit tests for building the stack of pages
- some renaming of the types, e.g. `Four04Page` and `FamiliesPage` to
`ErrorPage` and `HomePage` respectively
- fix a redirection error shown in the debug output
## 0.5.2
- add `urlPathStrategy` argument to `GoRouter` ctor
## 0.5.1
- docs and description updates
## 0.5.0
- moved redirect to top-level instead of per route for simplicity
## 0.4.1
- fixed CHANGELOG formatting
## 0.4.0
- bundled various useful route handling variables into the `GoRouterState` for
use when building pages and error pages
- updated URL Strategy section of docs to reference `flutter run`
## 0.3.2
- formatting update to appease the gods...
## 0.3.1
- updated the CHANGELOG
## 0.3.0
- moved redirection into a `GoRoute` ctor arg
- forgot to update the CHANGELOG
## 0.2.3
- move outstanding issues to [issue
- added explanation of Deep Linking to docs
- reformatting to meet scoring guidelines
## 0.2.2
- docs updates
## 0.2.1
- messing with the CHANGELOG formatting
## 0.2.0
- initial useful release
- added support for declarative routes via `GoRoute` instances
- added support for imperative routing via `GoRoute.builder`
- added support for setting the URL path strategy
- added support for conditional routing
- added support for redirection
- added support for optional query parameters as well as positional parameters
in route names
## 0.1.0
- squatting on the package name (I'm not too proud to admit it)