blob: ed2b24d16c744818501f2d07a225f3707299a23e [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## 1.0.32
* Fixes stale ignore: prefer_const_constructors.
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.10/Dart 3.0.
* Updates androidx.fragment version to 1.6.0.
## 1.0.31
* Updates androidx.fragment version to 1.5.7.
* Updates androidx.core version to 1.10.1.
## 1.0.30
* Updates androidx.fragment version to 1.5.6
## 1.0.29
* Fixes a regression in 1.0.23 that caused canceled auths to return success.
* Updates minimum supported SDK version to Flutter 3.3/Dart 2.18.
## 1.0.28
* Removes unused resources as indicated by Android lint warnings.
## 1.0.27
* Fixes compatibility with AGP versions older than 4.2.
## 1.0.26
* Adds `targetCompatibilty` matching `sourceCompatibility` for older toolchains.
## 1.0.25
* Adds a namespace for compatibility with AGP 8.0.
## 1.0.24
* Fixes `getEnrolledBiometrics` return value handling.
## 1.0.23
* Switches internals to Pigeon and fixes Java warnings.
## 1.0.22
* Sets an explicit Java compatibility version.
## 1.0.21
* Clarifies explanation of endorsement in README.
* Aligns Dart and Flutter SDK constraints.
## 1.0.20
* Fixes compilation warnings.
* Updates compileSdkVersion to 33.
## 1.0.19
* Updates links for the merge of flutter/plugins into flutter/packages.
## 1.0.18
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0.
* Updates androidx.core version to 1.9.0.
* Upgrades compile SDK version to 33.
## 1.0.17
* Adds compatibility with `intl` 0.18.0.
## 1.0.16
* Updates androidx.fragment version to 1.5.5.
## 1.0.15
* Updates androidx.fragment version to 1.5.4.
## 1.0.14
* Fixes device credential authentication for API versions before R.
## 1.0.13
* Updates imports for `prefer_relative_imports`.
## 1.0.12
* Updates androidx.fragment version to 1.5.2.
* Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10.
## 1.0.11
* Fixes avoid_redundant_argument_values lint warnings and minor typos.
## 1.0.10
* Updates `local_auth_platform_interface` constraint to the correct minimum
## 1.0.9
* Updates androidx.fragment version to 1.5.1.
## 1.0.8
* Removes usages of `FingerprintManager` and other `BiometricManager` deprecated method usages.
## 1.0.7
* Updates gradle version to 7.2.1.
## 1.0.6
* Updates androidx.core version to 1.8.0.
## 1.0.5
* Updates references to the obsolete master branch.
## 1.0.4
* Minor fixes for new analysis options.
## 1.0.3
* Removes unnecessary imports.
* Fixes library_private_types_in_public_api, sort_child_properties_last and use_key_in_widget_constructors
lint warnings.
## 1.0.2
* Fixes `getEnrolledBiometrics` to match documented behaviour:
Present biometrics that are not enrolled are no longer returned.
* `getEnrolledBiometrics` now only returns `weak` and `strong` biometric types.
* `deviceSupportsBiometrics` now returns the correct value regardless of enrollment state.
## 1.0.1
* Adopts `Object.hash`.
## 1.0.0
* Initial release from migration to federated architecture.