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# Camera Windows Plugin
The Windows implementation of [`camera`][camera].
*Note*: This plugin is under development.
See [missing implementations and limitations](#missing-features-on-the-windows-platform).
## Usage
### Depend on the package
This package is not an [endorsed][endorsed-federated-plugin]
implementation of the [`camera`][camera] plugin, so in addition to depending
on [`camera`][camera] you'll need to
[add `camera_windows` to your pubspec.yaml explicitly][install].
Once you do, you can use the [`camera`][camera] APIs as you normally would.
## Missing features on the Windows platform
### Device orientation
Device orientation detection
is not yet implemented: [issue #97540][device-orientation-issue].
### Pause and Resume video recording
Pausing and resuming the video recording
is not supported due to Windows API limitations.
### Exposure mode, point and offset
Support for explosure mode and offset
is not yet implemented: [issue #97537][camera-control-issue].
Exposure points are not supported due to
limitations of the Windows API.
### Focus mode and point
Support for explosure mode and offset
is not yet implemented: [issue #97537][camera-control-issue].
### Flash mode
Support for flash mode is not yet implemented: [issue #97537][camera-control-issue].
Focus points are not supported due to
current limitations of the Windows API.
### Streaming of frames
Support for image streaming is not yet implemented: [issue #97542][image-streams-issue].
## Error handling
Camera errors can be listened using the platform's `onCameraError` method.
Listening to errors is important, and in certain situations,
disposing of the camera is the only way to reset the situation.
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