blob: b9d4a4afd6bd89792ccff766ab6a9909fd5553ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "FlashMode.h"
FLTFlashMode FLTGetFLTFlashModeForString(NSString *mode) {
if ([mode isEqualToString:@"off"]) {
return FLTFlashModeOff;
} else if ([mode isEqualToString:@"auto"]) {
return FLTFlashModeAuto;
} else if ([mode isEqualToString:@"always"]) {
return FLTFlashModeAlways;
} else if ([mode isEqualToString:@"torch"]) {
return FLTFlashModeTorch;
} else {
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"Unknown flash mode %@", mode]
@throw error;
AVCaptureFlashMode FLTGetAVCaptureFlashModeForFLTFlashMode(FLTFlashMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case FLTFlashModeOff:
return AVCaptureFlashModeOff;
case FLTFlashModeAuto:
return AVCaptureFlashModeAuto;
case FLTFlashModeAlways:
return AVCaptureFlashModeOn;
case FLTFlashModeTorch:
return -1;