[flutter_plugin_tools] Replace xctest and java-test with native-test (#4176)

Creates a new `native-test` command that will be used to run native unit and UI/integration tests for all platforms over time. This replaces both `xctest` and `java-test`.

For CI we can continue to run each platform separately for clarity, but the combined command makes it easier to use (and remember how to use) for local development, as well as avoiding the need to introduce several new commands for desktop testing as support for that is added to the tool.

Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/84392
Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/86489
diff --git a/.cirrus.yml b/.cirrus.yml
index 96902cf..edefc19 100644
--- a/.cirrus.yml
+++ b/.cirrus.yml
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
     memory: 12G
     ### Android tasks ###
-    - name: build-apks+java-test+firebase-test-lab
+    - name: build-apks+android-unit+firebase-test-lab
           PLUGIN_SHARDING: "--shardIndex 0 --shardCount 4"
@@ -160,13 +160,15 @@
         - export CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE=""
         - export CIRRUS_COMMIT_MESSAGE=""
         - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --apk
-      java_test_script:
+      native_unit_test_script:
         # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash.
         # TODO(stuartmorgan): See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/24935
         - export CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE=""
         - export CIRRUS_COMMIT_MESSAGE=""
-        - ./script/tool_runner.sh java-test  # must come after apk build
+        # Native integration tests are handled by firebase-test-lab below, so
+        # only run unit tests.
+        - ./script/tool_runner.sh native-test --android --no-integration  # must come after apk build
         # might include non-ASCII characters which makes Gradle crash.
@@ -239,12 +241,12 @@
         - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --ios
         - ./script/tool_runner.sh xcode-analyze --ios
-      xctest_script:
-        - ./script/tool_runner.sh xctest --ios --ios-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=latest"
+      native_test_script:
+        - ./script/tool_runner.sh native-test --ios --ios-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=latest"
         # `drive-examples` contains integration tests, which changes the UI of the application.
         # This UI change sometimes affects `xctest`.
-        # So we run `drive-examples` after `xctest`, changing the order will result ci failure.
+        # So we run `drive-examples` after `native-test`; changing the order will result ci failure.
         - ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --ios --exclude $PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS
     ### macOS desktop tasks ###
     - name: build_all_plugins_macos
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@
         - ./script/tool_runner.sh build-examples --macos
         - ./script/tool_runner.sh xcode-analyze --macos
-      xctest_script:
-        - ./script/tool_runner.sh xctest --macos --exclude $PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_MACOS_XCTESTS
+      native_test_script:
+        - ./script/tool_runner.sh native-test --macos --exclude $PLUGINS_TO_EXCLUDE_MACOS_XCTESTS
         - ./script/tool_runner.sh drive-examples --macos
diff --git a/script/tool/CHANGELOG.md b/script/tool/CHANGELOG.md
index d701278..dc30c05 100644
--- a/script/tool/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/script/tool/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,13 +2,21 @@
 - Added an `xctest` flag to select specific test targets, to allow running only
   unit tests or integration tests.
-- Split Xcode analysis out of `xctest` and into a new `xcode-analyze` command.
+- **Breaking change**: Split Xcode analysis out of `xctest` and into a new
+  `xcode-analyze` command.
 - Fixed a bug that caused `firebase-test-lab` to hang if it tried to run more
   than one plugin's tests in a single run.
 - **Breaking change**: If `firebase-test-lab` is run on a package that supports
   Android, but for which no tests are run, it now fails instead of skipping.
   This matches `drive-examples`, as this command is what is used for driving
   Android Flutter integration tests on CI.
+- **Breaking change**: Replaced `xctest` with a new `native-test` command that
+  will eventually be able to run native unit and integration tests for all
+  platforms.
+  - Adds the ability to disable test types via `--no-unit` or
+    `--no-integration`.
+- **Breaking change**: Replaced `java-test` with Android unit test support for
+  the new `native-test` command.
 ## 0.4.1
diff --git a/script/tool/README.md b/script/tool/README.md
index 5629dc5..1a87f09 100644
--- a/script/tool/README.md
+++ b/script/tool/README.md
@@ -75,14 +75,28 @@
 dart run ./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart test --packages plugin_name
-### Run XCTests
+### Run Dart Integration Tests
 cd <repository root>
-# For iOS:
-dart run ./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart xctest --ios --packages plugin_name
-# For macOS:
-dart run ./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart xctest --macos --packages plugin_name
+dart run ./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart build-examples --packages plugin_name
+dart run ./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart drive-examples --packages plugin_name
+### Run Native Tests
+`native-test` takes one or more platform flags to run tests for. By default it
+runs both unit tests and (on platforms that support it) integration tests, but
+`--no-unit` or `--no-integration` can be used to run just one type.
+cd <repository root>
+# Run just unit tests for iOS and Android:
+dart run ./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart native-test --ios --android --no-integration --packages plugin_name
+# Run all tests for macOS:
+dart run ./script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart native-test --macos --packages plugin_name
 ### Publish a Release
diff --git a/script/tool/lib/src/common/package_looping_command.dart b/script/tool/lib/src/common/package_looping_command.dart
index 9f4039e..0bcde6d 100644
--- a/script/tool/lib/src/common/package_looping_command.dart
+++ b/script/tool/lib/src/common/package_looping_command.dart
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@
     final List<String> components = p.posix.split(packageName);
     // For the common federated plugin pattern of `foo/foo_subpackage`, drop
     // the first part since it's not useful.
-    if (components.length == 2 &&
+    if (components.length >= 2 &&
         components[1].startsWith('${components[0]}_')) {
-      packageName = components[1];
+      packageName = p.posix.joinAll(components.sublist(1));
     return packageName;
diff --git a/script/tool/lib/src/java_test_command.dart b/script/tool/lib/src/java_test_command.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b36d110..0000000
--- a/script/tool/lib/src/java_test_command.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:file/file.dart';
-import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
-import 'common/core.dart';
-import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
-import 'common/process_runner.dart';
-/// A command to run the Java tests of Android plugins.
-class JavaTestCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
-  /// Creates an instance of the test runner.
-  JavaTestCommand(
-    Directory packagesDir, {
-    ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
-    Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
-  }) : super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner, platform: platform);
-  static const String _gradleWrapper = 'gradlew';
-  @override
-  final String name = 'java-test';
-  @override
-  final String description = 'Runs the Java tests of the example apps.\n\n'
-      'Building the apks of the example apps is required before executing this'
-      'command.';
-  @override
-  Future<PackageResult> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
-    final Iterable<Directory> examplesWithTests = getExamplesForPlugin(package)
-        .where((Directory d) =>
-            isFlutterPackage(d) &&
-            (d
-                    .childDirectory('android')
-                    .childDirectory('app')
-                    .childDirectory('src')
-                    .childDirectory('test')
-                    .existsSync() ||
-                d.parent
-                    .childDirectory('android')
-                    .childDirectory('src')
-                    .childDirectory('test')
-                    .existsSync()));
-    if (examplesWithTests.isEmpty) {
-      return PackageResult.skip('No Java unit tests.');
-    }
-    final List<String> errors = <String>[];
-    for (final Directory example in examplesWithTests) {
-      final String exampleName = getRelativePosixPath(example, from: package);
-      print('\nRUNNING JAVA TESTS for $exampleName');
-      final Directory androidDirectory = example.childDirectory('android');
-      final File gradleFile = androidDirectory.childFile(_gradleWrapper);
-      if (!gradleFile.existsSync()) {
-        printError('ERROR: Run "flutter build apk" on $exampleName, or run '
-            'this tool\'s "build-examples --apk" command, '
-            'before executing tests.');
-        errors.add('$exampleName has not been built.');
-        continue;
-      }
-      final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
-          gradleFile.path, <String>['testDebugUnitTest', '--info'],
-          workingDir: androidDirectory);
-      if (exitCode != 0) {
-        errors.add('$exampleName tests failed.');
-      }
-    }
-    return errors.isEmpty
-        ? PackageResult.success()
-        : PackageResult.fail(errors);
-  }
diff --git a/script/tool/lib/src/main.dart b/script/tool/lib/src/main.dart
index ef1a18a..6001c5d 100644
--- a/script/tool/lib/src/main.dart
+++ b/script/tool/lib/src/main.dart
@@ -15,17 +15,16 @@
 import 'drive_examples_command.dart';
 import 'firebase_test_lab_command.dart';
 import 'format_command.dart';
-import 'java_test_command.dart';
 import 'license_check_command.dart';
 import 'lint_podspecs_command.dart';
 import 'list_command.dart';
+import 'native_test_command.dart';
 import 'publish_check_command.dart';
 import 'publish_plugin_command.dart';
 import 'pubspec_check_command.dart';
 import 'test_command.dart';
 import 'version_check_command.dart';
 import 'xcode_analyze_command.dart';
-import 'xctest_command.dart';
 void main(List<String> args) {
   const FileSystem fileSystem = LocalFileSystem();
@@ -51,17 +50,16 @@
-    ..addCommand(JavaTestCommand(packagesDir))
+    ..addCommand(NativeTestCommand(packagesDir))
-    ..addCommand(XcodeAnalyzeCommand(packagesDir))
-    ..addCommand(XCTestCommand(packagesDir));
+    ..addCommand(XcodeAnalyzeCommand(packagesDir));
   commandRunner.run(args).catchError((Object e) {
     final ToolExit toolExit = e as ToolExit;
diff --git a/script/tool/lib/src/native_test_command.dart b/script/tool/lib/src/native_test_command.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a435d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/tool/lib/src/native_test_command.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:file/file.dart';
+import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
+import 'common/core.dart';
+import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
+import 'common/plugin_utils.dart';
+import 'common/process_runner.dart';
+import 'common/xcode.dart';
+const String _unitTestFlag = 'unit';
+const String _integrationTestFlag = 'integration';
+const String _iosDestinationFlag = 'ios-destination';
+const int _exitNoIosSimulators = 3;
+/// The command to run native tests for plugins:
+/// - iOS and macOS: XCTests (XCUnitTest and XCUITest) in plugins.
+class NativeTestCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
+  /// Creates an instance of the test command.
+  NativeTestCommand(
+    Directory packagesDir, {
+    ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
+    Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
+  })  : _xcode = Xcode(processRunner: processRunner, log: true),
+        super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner, platform: platform) {
+    argParser.addOption(
+      _iosDestinationFlag,
+      help: 'Specify the destination when running iOS tests.\n'
+          'This is passed to the `-destination` argument in the xcodebuild command.\n'
+          'See https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2339/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40014588-CH1-UNIT '
+          'for details on how to specify the destination.',
+    );
+    argParser.addFlag(kPlatformAndroid, help: 'Runs Android tests');
+    argParser.addFlag(kPlatformIos, help: 'Runs iOS tests');
+    argParser.addFlag(kPlatformMacos, help: 'Runs macOS tests');
+    // By default, both unit tests and integration tests are run, but provide
+    // flags to disable one or the other.
+    argParser.addFlag(_unitTestFlag,
+        help: 'Runs native unit tests', defaultsTo: true);
+    argParser.addFlag(_integrationTestFlag,
+        help: 'Runs native integration (UI) tests', defaultsTo: true);
+  }
+  static const String _gradleWrapper = 'gradlew';
+  // The device destination flags for iOS tests.
+  List<String> _iosDestinationFlags = <String>[];
+  final Xcode _xcode;
+  @override
+  final String name = 'native-test';
+  @override
+  final String description = '''
+Runs native unit tests and native integration tests.
+Currently supported platforms:
+- Android (unit tests only)
+- iOS: requires 'xcrun' to be in your path.
+- macOS: requires 'xcrun' to be in your path.
+The example app(s) must be built for all targeted platforms before running
+this command.
+  Map<String, _PlatformDetails> _platforms = <String, _PlatformDetails>{};
+  List<String> _requestedPlatforms = <String>[];
+  @override
+  Future<void> initializeRun() async {
+    _platforms = <String, _PlatformDetails>{
+      kPlatformAndroid: _PlatformDetails('Android', _testAndroid),
+      kPlatformIos: _PlatformDetails('iOS', _testIos),
+      kPlatformMacos: _PlatformDetails('macOS', _testMacOS),
+    };
+    _requestedPlatforms = _platforms.keys
+        .where((String platform) => getBoolArg(platform))
+        .toList();
+    _requestedPlatforms.sort();
+    if (_requestedPlatforms.isEmpty) {
+      printError('At least one platform flag must be provided.');
+      throw ToolExit(exitInvalidArguments);
+    }
+    if (!(getBoolArg(_unitTestFlag) || getBoolArg(_integrationTestFlag))) {
+      printError('At least one test type must be enabled.');
+      throw ToolExit(exitInvalidArguments);
+    }
+    if (getBoolArg(kPlatformAndroid) && getBoolArg(_integrationTestFlag)) {
+      logWarning('This command currently only supports unit tests for Android. '
+          'See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/86490.');
+    }
+    // iOS-specific run-level state.
+    if (_requestedPlatforms.contains('ios')) {
+      String destination = getStringArg(_iosDestinationFlag);
+      if (destination.isEmpty) {
+        final String? simulatorId =
+            await _xcode.findBestAvailableIphoneSimulator();
+        if (simulatorId == null) {
+          printError('Cannot find any available iOS simulators.');
+          throw ToolExit(_exitNoIosSimulators);
+        }
+        destination = 'id=$simulatorId';
+      }
+      _iosDestinationFlags = <String>[
+        '-destination',
+        destination,
+      ];
+    }
+  }
+  @override
+  Future<PackageResult> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
+    final List<String> testPlatforms = <String>[];
+    for (final String platform in _requestedPlatforms) {
+      if (pluginSupportsPlatform(platform, package,
+          requiredMode: PlatformSupport.inline)) {
+        testPlatforms.add(platform);
+      } else {
+        print('No implementation for ${_platforms[platform]!.label}.');
+      }
+    }
+    if (testPlatforms.isEmpty) {
+      return PackageResult.skip('Not implemented for target platform(s).');
+    }
+    final _TestMode mode = _TestMode(
+      unit: getBoolArg(_unitTestFlag),
+      integration: getBoolArg(_integrationTestFlag),
+    );
+    bool ranTests = false;
+    bool failed = false;
+    final List<String> failureMessages = <String>[];
+    for (final String platform in testPlatforms) {
+      final _PlatformDetails platformInfo = _platforms[platform]!;
+      print('Running tests for ${platformInfo.label}...');
+      print('----------------------------------------');
+      final _PlatformResult result =
+          await platformInfo.testFunction(package, mode);
+      ranTests |= result.state != RunState.skipped;
+      if (result.state == RunState.failed) {
+        failed = true;
+        final String? error = result.error;
+        // Only provide the failing platforms in the failure details if testing
+        // multiple platforms, otherwise it's just noise.
+        if (_requestedPlatforms.length > 1) {
+          failureMessages.add(error != null
+              ? '${platformInfo.label}: $error'
+              : platformInfo.label);
+        } else if (error != null) {
+          // If there's only one platform, only provide error details in the
+          // summary if the platform returned a message.
+          failureMessages.add(error);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!ranTests) {
+      return PackageResult.skip('No tests found.');
+    }
+    return failed
+        ? PackageResult.fail(failureMessages)
+        : PackageResult.success();
+  }
+  Future<_PlatformResult> _testAndroid(Directory plugin, _TestMode mode) async {
+    final List<Directory> examplesWithTests = <Directory>[];
+    for (final Directory example in getExamplesForPlugin(plugin)) {
+      if (!isFlutterPackage(example)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (example
+              .childDirectory('android')
+              .childDirectory('app')
+              .childDirectory('src')
+              .childDirectory('test')
+              .existsSync() ||
+          example.parent
+              .childDirectory('android')
+              .childDirectory('src')
+              .childDirectory('test')
+              .existsSync()) {
+        examplesWithTests.add(example);
+      } else {
+        _printNoExampleTestsMessage(example, 'Android');
+      }
+    }
+    if (examplesWithTests.isEmpty) {
+      return _PlatformResult(RunState.skipped);
+    }
+    bool failed = false;
+    bool hasMissingBuild = false;
+    for (final Directory example in examplesWithTests) {
+      final String exampleName = getPackageDescription(example);
+      _printRunningExampleTestsMessage(example, 'Android');
+      final Directory androidDirectory = example.childDirectory('android');
+      final File gradleFile = androidDirectory.childFile(_gradleWrapper);
+      if (!gradleFile.existsSync()) {
+        printError('ERROR: Run "flutter build apk" on $exampleName, or run '
+            'this tool\'s "build-examples --apk" command, '
+            'before executing tests.');
+        failed = true;
+        hasMissingBuild = true;
+        continue;
+      }
+      final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
+          gradleFile.path, <String>['testDebugUnitTest', '--info'],
+          workingDir: androidDirectory);
+      if (exitCode != 0) {
+        printError('$exampleName tests failed.');
+        failed = true;
+      }
+    }
+    return _PlatformResult(failed ? RunState.failed : RunState.succeeded,
+        error:
+            hasMissingBuild ? 'Examples must be built before testing.' : null);
+  }
+  Future<_PlatformResult> _testIos(Directory plugin, _TestMode mode) {
+    return _runXcodeTests(plugin, 'iOS', mode,
+        extraFlags: _iosDestinationFlags);
+  }
+  Future<_PlatformResult> _testMacOS(Directory plugin, _TestMode mode) {
+    return _runXcodeTests(plugin, 'macOS', mode);
+  }
+  /// Runs all applicable tests for [plugin], printing status and returning
+  /// the test result.
+  ///
+  /// The tests targets must be added to the Xcode project of the example app,
+  /// usually at "example/{ios,macos}/Runner.xcworkspace".
+  Future<_PlatformResult> _runXcodeTests(
+    Directory plugin,
+    String platform,
+    _TestMode mode, {
+    List<String> extraFlags = const <String>[],
+  }) async {
+    String? testTarget;
+    if (mode.unitOnly) {
+      testTarget = 'RunnerTests';
+    } else if (mode.integrationOnly) {
+      testTarget = 'RunnerUITests';
+    }
+    // Assume skipped until at least one test has run.
+    RunState overallResult = RunState.skipped;
+    for (final Directory example in getExamplesForPlugin(plugin)) {
+      final String exampleName = getPackageDescription(example);
+      if (testTarget != null) {
+        final Directory project = example
+            .childDirectory(platform.toLowerCase())
+            .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj');
+        final bool? hasTarget =
+            await _xcode.projectHasTarget(project, testTarget);
+        if (hasTarget == null) {
+          printError('Unable to check targets for $exampleName.');
+          overallResult = RunState.failed;
+          continue;
+        } else if (!hasTarget) {
+          print('No "$testTarget" target in $exampleName; skipping.');
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+      _printRunningExampleTestsMessage(example, platform);
+      final int exitCode = await _xcode.runXcodeBuild(
+        example,
+        actions: <String>['test'],
+        workspace: '${platform.toLowerCase()}/Runner.xcworkspace',
+        scheme: 'Runner',
+        configuration: 'Debug',
+        extraFlags: <String>[
+          if (testTarget != null) '-only-testing:$testTarget',
+          ...extraFlags,
+        ],
+      );
+      // The exit code from 'xcodebuild test' when there are no tests.
+      const int _xcodebuildNoTestExitCode = 66;
+      switch (exitCode) {
+        case _xcodebuildNoTestExitCode:
+          _printNoExampleTestsMessage(example, platform);
+          continue;
+        case 0:
+          printSuccess('Successfully ran $platform xctest for $exampleName');
+          // If this is the first test, assume success until something fails.
+          if (overallResult == RunState.skipped) {
+            overallResult = RunState.succeeded;
+          }
+          break;
+        default:
+          // Any failure means a failure overall.
+          overallResult = RunState.failed;
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    return _PlatformResult(overallResult);
+  }
+  /// Prints a standard format message indicating that [platform] tests for
+  /// [plugin]'s [example] are about to be run.
+  void _printRunningExampleTestsMessage(Directory example, String platform) {
+    print('Running $platform tests for ${getPackageDescription(example)}...');
+  }
+  /// Prints a standard format message indicating that no tests were found for
+  /// [plugin]'s [example] for [platform].
+  void _printNoExampleTestsMessage(Directory example, String platform) {
+    print('No $platform tests found for ${getPackageDescription(example)}');
+  }
+// The type for a function that takes a plugin directory and runs its native
+// tests for a specific platform.
+typedef _TestFunction = Future<_PlatformResult> Function(Directory, _TestMode);
+/// A collection of information related to a specific platform.
+class _PlatformDetails {
+  const _PlatformDetails(
+    this.label,
+    this.testFunction,
+  );
+  /// The name to use in output.
+  final String label;
+  /// The function to call to run tests.
+  final _TestFunction testFunction;
+/// Enabled state for different test types.
+class _TestMode {
+  const _TestMode({required this.unit, required this.integration});
+  final bool unit;
+  final bool integration;
+  bool get integrationOnly => integration && !unit;
+  bool get unitOnly => unit && !integration;
+/// The result of running a single platform's tests.
+class _PlatformResult {
+  _PlatformResult(this.state, {this.error});
+  /// The overall state of the platform's tests. This should be:
+  /// - failed if any tests failed.
+  /// - succeeded if at least one test ran, and all tests passed.
+  /// - skipped if no tests ran.
+  final RunState state;
+  /// An optional error string to include in the summary for this platform.
+  ///
+  /// Ignored unless [state] is `failed`.
+  final String? error;
diff --git a/script/tool/lib/src/xctest_command.dart b/script/tool/lib/src/xctest_command.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 44fc3a8..0000000
--- a/script/tool/lib/src/xctest_command.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:file/file.dart';
-import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
-import 'common/core.dart';
-import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
-import 'common/plugin_utils.dart';
-import 'common/process_runner.dart';
-import 'common/xcode.dart';
-const String _iosDestinationFlag = 'ios-destination';
-const String _testTargetFlag = 'test-target';
-// The exit code from 'xcodebuild test' when there are no tests.
-const int _xcodebuildNoTestExitCode = 66;
-const int _exitNoSimulators = 3;
-/// The command to run XCTests (XCUnitTest and XCUITest) in plugins.
-/// The tests target have to be added to the Xcode project of the example app,
-/// usually at "example/{ios,macos}/Runner.xcworkspace".
-class XCTestCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
-  /// Creates an instance of the test command.
-  XCTestCommand(
-    Directory packagesDir, {
-    ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
-    Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
-  })  : _xcode = Xcode(processRunner: processRunner, log: true),
-        super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner, platform: platform) {
-    argParser.addOption(
-      _iosDestinationFlag,
-      help:
-          'Specify the destination when running the test, used for -destination flag for xcodebuild command.\n'
-          'this is passed to the `-destination` argument in xcodebuild command.\n'
-          'See https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2339/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40014588-CH1-UNIT for details on how to specify the destination.',
-    );
-    argParser.addOption(
-      _testTargetFlag,
-      help:
-          'Limits the tests to a specific target (e.g., RunnerTests or RunnerUITests)',
-    );
-    argParser.addFlag(kPlatformIos, help: 'Runs the iOS tests');
-    argParser.addFlag(kPlatformMacos, help: 'Runs the macOS tests');
-  }
-  // The device destination flags for iOS tests.
-  List<String> _iosDestinationFlags = <String>[];
-  final Xcode _xcode;
-  @override
-  final String name = 'xctest';
-  @override
-  final String description =
-      'Runs the xctests in the iOS and/or macOS example apps.\n\n'
-      'This command requires "flutter" and "xcrun" to be in your path.';
-  @override
-  Future<void> initializeRun() async {
-    final bool shouldTestIos = getBoolArg(kPlatformIos);
-    final bool shouldTestMacos = getBoolArg(kPlatformMacos);
-    if (!(shouldTestIos || shouldTestMacos)) {
-      printError('At least one platform flag must be provided.');
-      throw ToolExit(exitInvalidArguments);
-    }
-    if (shouldTestIos) {
-      String destination = getStringArg(_iosDestinationFlag);
-      if (destination.isEmpty) {
-        final String? simulatorId =
-            await _xcode.findBestAvailableIphoneSimulator();
-        if (simulatorId == null) {
-          printError('Cannot find any available simulators, tests failed');
-          throw ToolExit(_exitNoSimulators);
-        }
-        destination = 'id=$simulatorId';
-      }
-      _iosDestinationFlags = <String>[
-        '-destination',
-        destination,
-      ];
-    }
-  }
-  @override
-  Future<PackageResult> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
-    final bool testIos = getBoolArg(kPlatformIos) &&
-        pluginSupportsPlatform(kPlatformIos, package,
-            requiredMode: PlatformSupport.inline);
-    final bool testMacos = getBoolArg(kPlatformMacos) &&
-        pluginSupportsPlatform(kPlatformMacos, package,
-            requiredMode: PlatformSupport.inline);
-    final bool multiplePlatformsRequested =
-        getBoolArg(kPlatformIos) && getBoolArg(kPlatformMacos);
-    if (!(testIos || testMacos)) {
-      String description;
-      if (multiplePlatformsRequested) {
-        description = 'Neither iOS nor macOS is';
-      } else if (getBoolArg(kPlatformIos)) {
-        description = 'iOS is not';
-      } else {
-        description = 'macOS is not';
-      }
-      return PackageResult.skip(
-          '$description implemented by this plugin package.');
-    }
-    if (multiplePlatformsRequested && (!testIos || !testMacos)) {
-      print('Only running for ${testIos ? 'iOS' : 'macOS'}\n');
-    }
-    final List<String> failures = <String>[];
-    bool ranTests = false;
-    if (testIos) {
-      final RunState result = await _testPlugin(package, 'iOS',
-          extraXcrunFlags: _iosDestinationFlags);
-      ranTests |= result != RunState.skipped;
-      if (result == RunState.failed) {
-        failures.add('iOS');
-      }
-    }
-    if (testMacos) {
-      final RunState result = await _testPlugin(package, 'macOS');
-      ranTests |= result != RunState.skipped;
-      if (result == RunState.failed) {
-        failures.add('macOS');
-      }
-    }
-    if (!ranTests) {
-      return PackageResult.skip('No tests found.');
-    }
-    // Only provide the failing platform in the failure details if testing
-    // multiple platforms, otherwise it's just noise.
-    return failures.isEmpty
-        ? PackageResult.success()
-        : PackageResult.fail(
-            multiplePlatformsRequested ? failures : <String>[]);
-  }
-  /// Runs all applicable tests for [plugin], printing status and returning
-  /// the test result.
-  Future<RunState> _testPlugin(
-    Directory plugin,
-    String platform, {
-    List<String> extraXcrunFlags = const <String>[],
-  }) async {
-    final String testTarget = getStringArg(_testTargetFlag);
-    // Assume skipped until at least one test has run.
-    RunState overallResult = RunState.skipped;
-    for (final Directory example in getExamplesForPlugin(plugin)) {
-      final String examplePath =
-          getRelativePosixPath(example, from: plugin.parent);
-      if (testTarget.isNotEmpty) {
-        final Directory project = example
-            .childDirectory(platform.toLowerCase())
-            .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj');
-        final bool? hasTarget =
-            await _xcode.projectHasTarget(project, testTarget);
-        if (hasTarget == null) {
-          printError('Unable to check targets for $examplePath.');
-          overallResult = RunState.failed;
-          continue;
-        } else if (!hasTarget) {
-          print('No "$testTarget" target in $examplePath; skipping.');
-          continue;
-        }
-      }
-      print('Running $platform tests for $examplePath...');
-      final int exitCode = await _xcode.runXcodeBuild(
-        example,
-        actions: <String>['test'],
-        workspace: '${platform.toLowerCase()}/Runner.xcworkspace',
-        scheme: 'Runner',
-        configuration: 'Debug',
-        extraFlags: <String>[
-          if (testTarget.isNotEmpty) '-only-testing:$testTarget',
-          ...extraXcrunFlags,
-        ],
-      );
-      switch (exitCode) {
-        case _xcodebuildNoTestExitCode:
-          print('No tests found for $examplePath');
-          continue;
-        case 0:
-          printSuccess('Successfully ran $platform xctest for $examplePath');
-          // If this is the first test, assume success until something fails.
-          if (overallResult == RunState.skipped) {
-            overallResult = RunState.succeeded;
-          }
-          break;
-        default:
-          // Any failure means a failure overall.
-          overallResult = RunState.failed;
-          break;
-      }
-    }
-    return overallResult;
-  }
diff --git a/script/tool/test/java_test_command_test.dart b/script/tool/test/java_test_command_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 13e0e7f..0000000
--- a/script/tool/test/java_test_command_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:io' as io;
-import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
-import 'package:file/file.dart';
-import 'package:file/memory.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common/core.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common/plugin_utils.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/java_test_command.dart';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import 'mocks.dart';
-import 'util.dart';
-void main() {
-  group('$JavaTestCommand', () {
-    late FileSystem fileSystem;
-    late MockPlatform mockPlatform;
-    late Directory packagesDir;
-    late CommandRunner<void> runner;
-    late RecordingProcessRunner processRunner;
-    setUp(() {
-      fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem();
-      mockPlatform = MockPlatform();
-      packagesDir = createPackagesDirectory(fileSystem: fileSystem);
-      processRunner = RecordingProcessRunner();
-      final JavaTestCommand command = JavaTestCommand(
-        packagesDir,
-        processRunner: processRunner,
-        platform: mockPlatform,
-      );
-      runner =
-          CommandRunner<void>('java_test_test', 'Test for $JavaTestCommand');
-      runner.addCommand(command);
-    });
-    test('Should run Java tests in Android implementation folder', () async {
-      final Directory plugin = createFakePlugin(
-        'plugin1',
-        packagesDir,
-        platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-          kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
-        },
-        extraFiles: <String>[
-          'example/android/gradlew',
-          'android/src/test/example_test.java',
-        ],
-      );
-      await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['java-test']);
-      final Directory androidFolder =
-          plugin.childDirectory('example').childDirectory('android');
-      expect(
-        processRunner.recordedCalls,
-        orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-          ProcessCall(
-            androidFolder.childFile('gradlew').path,
-            const <String>['testDebugUnitTest', '--info'],
-            androidFolder.path,
-          ),
-        ]),
-      );
-    });
-    test('Should run Java tests in example folder', () async {
-      final Directory plugin = createFakePlugin(
-        'plugin1',
-        packagesDir,
-        platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-          kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
-        },
-        extraFiles: <String>[
-          'example/android/gradlew',
-          'example/android/app/src/test/example_test.java',
-        ],
-      );
-      await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['java-test']);
-      final Directory androidFolder =
-          plugin.childDirectory('example').childDirectory('android');
-      expect(
-        processRunner.recordedCalls,
-        orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-          ProcessCall(
-            androidFolder.childFile('gradlew').path,
-            const <String>['testDebugUnitTest', '--info'],
-            androidFolder.path,
-          ),
-        ]),
-      );
-    });
-    test('fails when the app needs to be built', () async {
-      createFakePlugin(
-        'plugin1',
-        packagesDir,
-        platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-          kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
-        },
-        extraFiles: <String>[
-          'example/android/app/src/test/example_test.java',
-        ],
-      );
-      Error? commandError;
-      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
-          runner, <String>['java-test'], errorHandler: (Error e) {
-        commandError = e;
-      });
-      expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
-      expect(
-        output,
-        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-          contains('ERROR: Run "flutter build apk" on example'),
-          contains('plugin1:\n'
-              '    example has not been built.')
-        ]),
-      );
-    });
-    test('fails when a test fails', () async {
-      final Directory pluginDir = createFakePlugin(
-        'plugin1',
-        packagesDir,
-        platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-          kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
-        },
-        extraFiles: <String>[
-          'example/android/gradlew',
-          'example/android/app/src/test/example_test.java',
-        ],
-      );
-      final String gradlewPath = pluginDir
-          .childDirectory('example')
-          .childDirectory('android')
-          .childFile('gradlew')
-          .path;
-      processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable[gradlewPath] = <io.Process>[
-        MockProcess.failing()
-      ];
-      Error? commandError;
-      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
-          runner, <String>['java-test'], errorHandler: (Error e) {
-        commandError = e;
-      });
-      expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
-      expect(
-        output,
-        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-          contains('plugin1:\n'
-              '    example tests failed.')
-        ]),
-      );
-    });
-    test('Skips when running no tests', () async {
-      createFakePlugin(
-        'plugin1',
-        packagesDir,
-      );
-      final List<String> output =
-          await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['java-test']);
-      expect(
-        output,
-        containsAllInOrder(
-            <Matcher>[contains('SKIPPING: No Java unit tests.')]),
-      );
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/script/tool/test/native_test_command_test.dart b/script/tool/test/native_test_command_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca28a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/tool/test/native_test_command_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:convert';
+import 'dart:io' as io;
+import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
+import 'package:file/file.dart';
+import 'package:file/memory.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common/core.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common/plugin_utils.dart';
+import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/native_test_command.dart';
+import 'package:test/test.dart';
+import 'mocks.dart';
+import 'util.dart';
+final Map<String, dynamic> _kDeviceListMap = <String, dynamic>{
+  'runtimes': <Map<String, dynamic>>[
+    <String, dynamic>{
+      'bundlePath':
+          '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 13.4.simruntime',
+      'buildversion': '17L255',
+      'runtimeRoot':
+          '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 13.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot',
+      'identifier': 'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-13-4',
+      'version': '13.4',
+      'isAvailable': true,
+      'name': 'iOS 13.4'
+    },
+  ],
+  'devices': <String, dynamic>{
+    'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-13-4': <Map<String, dynamic>>[
+      <String, dynamic>{
+        'dataPath':
+            '/Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/1E76A0FD-38AC-4537-A989-EA639D7D012A/data',
+        'logPath':
+            '/Users/xxx/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/1E76A0FD-38AC-4537-A989-EA639D7D012A',
+        'udid': '1E76A0FD-38AC-4537-A989-EA639D7D012A',
+        'isAvailable': true,
+        'deviceTypeIdentifier':
+            'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-8-Plus',
+        'state': 'Shutdown',
+        'name': 'iPhone 8 Plus'
+      }
+    ]
+  }
+// TODO(stuartmorgan): Rework these tests to use a mock Xcode instead of
+// doing all the process mocking and validation.
+void main() {
+  const String _kDestination = '--ios-destination';
+  group('test native_test_command', () {
+    late FileSystem fileSystem;
+    late MockPlatform mockPlatform;
+    late Directory packagesDir;
+    late CommandRunner<void> runner;
+    late RecordingProcessRunner processRunner;
+    setUp(() {
+      fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem();
+      mockPlatform = MockPlatform(isMacOS: true);
+      packagesDir = createPackagesDirectory(fileSystem: fileSystem);
+      processRunner = RecordingProcessRunner();
+      final NativeTestCommand command = NativeTestCommand(packagesDir,
+          processRunner: processRunner, platform: mockPlatform);
+      runner = CommandRunner<void>(
+          'native_test_command', 'Test for native_test_command');
+      runner.addCommand(command);
+    });
+    test('fails if no platforms are provided', () async {
+      Error? commandError;
+      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
+          runner, <String>['native-test'], errorHandler: (Error e) {
+        commandError = e;
+      });
+      expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
+      expect(
+        output,
+        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+          contains('At least one platform flag must be provided.'),
+        ]),
+      );
+    });
+    test('fails if all test types are disabled', () async {
+      Error? commandError;
+      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+        'native-test',
+        '--macos',
+        '--no-unit',
+        '--no-integration',
+      ], errorHandler: (Error e) {
+        commandError = e;
+      });
+      expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
+      expect(
+        output,
+        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+          contains('At least one test type must be enabled.'),
+        ]),
+      );
+    });
+    test('reports skips with no tests', () async {
+      final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+          });
+      final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+          pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
+      // Exit code 66 from testing indicates no tests.
+      final MockProcess noTestsProcessResult = MockProcess();
+      noTestsProcessResult.exitCodeCompleter.complete(66);
+      processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['xcrun'] = <io.Process>[
+        noTestsProcessResult,
+      ];
+      final List<String> output =
+          await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['native-test', '--macos']);
+      expect(output, contains(contains('No tests found.')));
+      expect(
+          processRunner.recordedCalls,
+          orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+            ProcessCall(
+                'xcrun',
+                const <String>[
+                  'xcodebuild',
+                  'test',
+                  '-workspace',
+                  'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                  '-scheme',
+                  'Runner',
+                  '-configuration',
+                  'Debug',
+                  'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                ],
+                pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+          ]));
+    });
+    group('iOS', () {
+      test('skip if iOS is not supported', () async {
+        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            });
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner,
+            <String>['native-test', '--ios', _kDestination, 'foo_destination']);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains('No implementation for iOS.'),
+              contains('SKIPPING: Not implemented for target platform(s).'),
+            ]));
+        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
+      });
+      test('skip if iOS is implemented in a federated package', () async {
+        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.federated
+            });
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner,
+            <String>['native-test', '--ios', _kDestination, 'foo_destination']);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains('No implementation for iOS.'),
+              contains('SKIPPING: Not implemented for target platform(s).'),
+            ]));
+        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
+      });
+      test('running with correct destination', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir, platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+          kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline
+        });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example');
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--ios',
+          _kDestination,
+          'foo_destination',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains('Running for plugin'),
+              contains('Successfully ran iOS xctest for plugin/example')
+            ]));
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'ios/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    '-destination',
+                    'foo_destination',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+            ]));
+      });
+      test('Not specifying --ios-destination assigns an available simulator',
+          () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir, platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+          kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline
+        });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example');
+        processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.succeeding();
+        processRunner.resultStdout = jsonEncode(_kDeviceListMap);
+        await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['native-test', '--ios']);
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              const ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  <String>[
+                    'simctl',
+                    'list',
+                    'devices',
+                    'runtimes',
+                    'available',
+                    '--json',
+                  ],
+                  null),
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'ios/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    '-destination',
+                    'id=1E76A0FD-38AC-4537-A989-EA639D7D012A',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+            ]));
+      });
+    });
+    group('macOS', () {
+      test('skip if macOS is not supported', () async {
+        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir);
+        final List<String> output =
+            await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['native-test', '--macos']);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains('No implementation for macOS.'),
+              contains('SKIPPING: Not implemented for target platform(s).'),
+            ]));
+        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
+      });
+      test('skip if macOS is implemented in a federated package', () async {
+        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.federated,
+            });
+        final List<String> output =
+            await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['native-test', '--macos']);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains('No implementation for macOS.'),
+              contains('SKIPPING: Not implemented for target platform(s).'),
+            ]));
+        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
+      });
+      test('runs for macOS plugin', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--macos',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            contains(
+                contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example')));
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+            ]));
+      });
+    });
+    group('Android', () {
+      test('runs Java tests in Android implementation folder', () async {
+        final Directory plugin = createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
+          },
+          extraFiles: <String>[
+            'example/android/gradlew',
+            'android/src/test/example_test.java',
+          ],
+        );
+        await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['native-test', '--android']);
+        final Directory androidFolder =
+            plugin.childDirectory('example').childDirectory('android');
+        expect(
+          processRunner.recordedCalls,
+          orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+            ProcessCall(
+              androidFolder.childFile('gradlew').path,
+              const <String>['testDebugUnitTest', '--info'],
+              androidFolder.path,
+            ),
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+      test('runs Java tests in example folder', () async {
+        final Directory plugin = createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
+          },
+          extraFiles: <String>[
+            'example/android/gradlew',
+            'example/android/app/src/test/example_test.java',
+          ],
+        );
+        await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['native-test', '--android']);
+        final Directory androidFolder =
+            plugin.childDirectory('example').childDirectory('android');
+        expect(
+          processRunner.recordedCalls,
+          orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+            ProcessCall(
+              androidFolder.childFile('gradlew').path,
+              const <String>['testDebugUnitTest', '--info'],
+              androidFolder.path,
+            ),
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+      test('fails when the app needs to be built', () async {
+        createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
+          },
+          extraFiles: <String>[
+            'example/android/app/src/test/example_test.java',
+          ],
+        );
+        Error? commandError;
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
+            runner, <String>['native-test', '--android'],
+            errorHandler: (Error e) {
+          commandError = e;
+        });
+        expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
+        expect(
+          output,
+          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+            contains('ERROR: Run "flutter build apk" on plugin/example'),
+            contains('plugin:\n'
+                '    Examples must be built before testing.')
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+      test('fails when a test fails', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDir = createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
+          },
+          extraFiles: <String>[
+            'example/android/gradlew',
+            'example/android/app/src/test/example_test.java',
+          ],
+        );
+        final String gradlewPath = pluginDir
+            .childDirectory('example')
+            .childDirectory('android')
+            .childFile('gradlew')
+            .path;
+        processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable[gradlewPath] = <io.Process>[
+          MockProcess.failing()
+        ];
+        Error? commandError;
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
+            runner, <String>['native-test', '--android'],
+            errorHandler: (Error e) {
+          commandError = e;
+        });
+        expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
+        expect(
+          output,
+          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+            contains('plugin/example tests failed.'),
+            contains('The following packages had errors:'),
+            contains('plugin')
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+      test('skips if Android is not supported', () async {
+        createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+        );
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
+            runner, <String>['native-test', '--android']);
+        expect(
+          output,
+          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+            contains('No implementation for Android.'),
+            contains('SKIPPING: Not implemented for target platform(s).'),
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+      test('skips when running no tests', () async {
+        createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline
+          },
+        );
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
+            runner, <String>['native-test', '--android']);
+        expect(
+          output,
+          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+            contains('No Android tests found for plugin/example'),
+            contains('SKIPPING: No tests found.'),
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+    });
+    // Tests behaviors of implementation that is shared between iOS and macOS.
+    group('iOS/macOS', () {
+      test('fails if xcrun fails', () async {
+        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            });
+        processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['xcrun'] = <io.Process>[
+          MockProcess.failing()
+        ];
+        Error? commandError;
+        final List<String> output =
+            await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['native-test', '--macos'],
+                errorHandler: (Error e) {
+          commandError = e;
+        });
+        expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
+        expect(
+          output,
+          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+            contains('The following packages had errors:'),
+            contains('  plugin'),
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+      test('honors unit-only', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
+        processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.succeeding();
+        processRunner.resultStdout =
+            '{"project":{"targets":["RunnerTests", "RunnerUITests"]}}';
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--macos',
+          '--no-integration',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            contains(
+                contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example')));
+        // --no-integration should translate to '-only-testing:RunnerTests'.
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    '-list',
+                    '-json',
+                    '-project',
+                    pluginExampleDirectory
+                        .childDirectory('macos')
+                        .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj')
+                        .path,
+                  ],
+                  null),
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    '-only-testing:RunnerTests',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+            ]));
+      });
+      test('honors integration-only', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
+        processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.succeeding();
+        processRunner.resultStdout =
+            '{"project":{"targets":["RunnerTests", "RunnerUITests"]}}';
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--macos',
+          '--no-unit',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            contains(
+                contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example')));
+        // --no-unit should translate to '-only-testing:RunnerUITests'.
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    '-list',
+                    '-json',
+                    '-project',
+                    pluginExampleDirectory
+                        .childDirectory('macos')
+                        .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj')
+                        .path,
+                  ],
+                  null),
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    '-only-testing:RunnerUITests',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+            ]));
+      });
+      test('skips when the requested target is not present', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
+        processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.succeeding();
+        // Simulate a project with unit tests but no integration tests...
+        processRunner.resultStdout = '{"project":{"targets":["RunnerTests"]}}';
+        // ... then try to run only integration tests.
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--macos',
+          '--no-unit',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains(
+                  'No "RunnerUITests" target in plugin/example; skipping.'),
+            ]));
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    '-list',
+                    '-json',
+                    '-project',
+                    pluginExampleDirectory
+                        .childDirectory('macos')
+                        .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj')
+                        .path,
+                  ],
+                  null),
+            ]));
+      });
+      test('fails if unable to check for requested target', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
+        processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.failing();
+        Error? commandError;
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--macos',
+          '--no-integration',
+        ], errorHandler: (Error e) {
+          commandError = e;
+        });
+        expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
+        expect(
+          output,
+          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+            contains('Unable to check targets for plugin/example.'),
+          ]),
+        );
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    '-list',
+                    '-json',
+                    '-project',
+                    pluginExampleDirectory
+                        .childDirectory('macos')
+                        .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj')
+                        .path,
+                  ],
+                  null),
+            ]));
+      });
+    });
+    group('multiplatform', () {
+      test('runs all platfroms when supported', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory = createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+          extraFiles: <String>[
+            'example/android/gradlew',
+            'android/src/test/example_test.java',
+          ],
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+          },
+        );
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example');
+        final Directory androidFolder =
+            pluginExampleDirectory.childDirectory('android');
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--android',
+          '--ios',
+          '--macos',
+          _kDestination,
+          'foo_destination',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAll(<Matcher>[
+              contains('Running Android tests for plugin/example'),
+              contains('Successfully ran iOS xctest for plugin/example'),
+              contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example'),
+            ]));
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  androidFolder.childFile('gradlew').path,
+                  const <String>['testDebugUnitTest', '--info'],
+                  androidFolder.path),
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'ios/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    '-destination',
+                    'foo_destination',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+            ]));
+      });
+      test('runs only macOS for a macOS plugin', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir,
+            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--ios',
+          '--macos',
+          _kDestination,
+          'foo_destination',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains('No implementation for iOS.'),
+              contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example'),
+            ]));
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+            ]));
+      });
+      test('runs only iOS for a iOS plugin', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDirectory = createFakePlugin(
+            'plugin', packagesDir, platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+          kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline
+        });
+        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
+            pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example');
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--ios',
+          '--macos',
+          _kDestination,
+          'foo_destination',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains('No implementation for macOS.'),
+              contains('Successfully ran iOS xctest for plugin/example')
+            ]));
+        expect(
+            processRunner.recordedCalls,
+            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
+              ProcessCall(
+                  'xcrun',
+                  const <String>[
+                    'xcodebuild',
+                    'test',
+                    '-workspace',
+                    'ios/Runner.xcworkspace',
+                    '-scheme',
+                    'Runner',
+                    '-configuration',
+                    'Debug',
+                    '-destination',
+                    'foo_destination',
+                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
+                  ],
+                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
+            ]));
+      });
+      test('skips when nothing is supported', () async {
+        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir);
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--android',
+          '--ios',
+          '--macos',
+          _kDestination,
+          'foo_destination',
+        ]);
+        expect(
+            output,
+            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+              contains('No implementation for Android.'),
+              contains('No implementation for iOS.'),
+              contains('No implementation for macOS.'),
+              contains('SKIPPING: Not implemented for target platform(s).'),
+            ]));
+        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
+      });
+      test('failing one platform does not stop the tests', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDir = createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+          },
+          extraFiles: <String>[
+            'example/android/gradlew',
+            'example/android/app/src/test/example_test.java',
+          ],
+        );
+        // Simulate failing Android, but not iOS.
+        final String gradlewPath = pluginDir
+            .childDirectory('example')
+            .childDirectory('android')
+            .childFile('gradlew')
+            .path;
+        processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable[gradlewPath] = <io.Process>[
+          MockProcess.failing()
+        ];
+        Error? commandError;
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--android',
+          '--ios',
+          '--ios-destination',
+          'foo_destination',
+        ], errorHandler: (Error e) {
+          commandError = e;
+        });
+        expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
+        expect(
+          output,
+          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+            contains('Running tests for Android...'),
+            contains('plugin/example tests failed.'),
+            contains('Running tests for iOS...'),
+            contains('Successfully ran iOS xctest for plugin/example'),
+            contains('The following packages had errors:'),
+            contains('plugin:\n'
+                '    Android')
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+      test('failing multiple platforms reports multiple failures', () async {
+        final Directory pluginDir = createFakePlugin(
+          'plugin',
+          packagesDir,
+          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
+            kPlatformAndroid: PlatformSupport.inline,
+            kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline,
+          },
+          extraFiles: <String>[
+            'example/android/gradlew',
+            'example/android/app/src/test/example_test.java',
+          ],
+        );
+        // Simulate failing Android.
+        final String gradlewPath = pluginDir
+            .childDirectory('example')
+            .childDirectory('android')
+            .childFile('gradlew')
+            .path;
+        processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable[gradlewPath] = <io.Process>[
+          MockProcess.failing()
+        ];
+        // Simulate failing Android.
+        processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['xcrun'] = <io.Process>[
+          MockProcess.failing()
+        ];
+        Error? commandError;
+        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
+          'native-test',
+          '--android',
+          '--ios',
+          '--ios-destination',
+          'foo_destination',
+        ], errorHandler: (Error e) {
+          commandError = e;
+        });
+        expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
+        expect(
+          output,
+          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
+            contains('Running tests for Android...'),
+            contains('Running tests for iOS...'),
+            contains('The following packages had errors:'),
+            contains('plugin:\n'
+                '    Android\n'
+                '    iOS')
+          ]),
+        );
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/script/tool/test/xctest_command_test.dart b/script/tool/test/xctest_command_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 324dea0..0000000
--- a/script/tool/test/xctest_command_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:io' as io;
-import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
-import 'package:file/file.dart';
-import 'package:file/memory.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common/core.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/common/plugin_utils.dart';
-import 'package:flutter_plugin_tools/src/xctest_command.dart';
-import 'package:test/test.dart';
-import 'mocks.dart';
-import 'util.dart';
-final Map<String, dynamic> _kDeviceListMap = <String, dynamic>{
-  'runtimes': <Map<String, dynamic>>[
-    <String, dynamic>{
-      'bundlePath':
-          '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 13.4.simruntime',
-      'buildversion': '17L255',
-      'runtimeRoot':
-          '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 13.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot',
-      'identifier': 'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-13-4',
-      'version': '13.4',
-      'isAvailable': true,
-      'name': 'iOS 13.4'
-    },
-  ],
-  'devices': <String, dynamic>{
-    'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-13-4': <Map<String, dynamic>>[
-      <String, dynamic>{
-        'dataPath':
-            '/Users/xxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/1E76A0FD-38AC-4537-A989-EA639D7D012A/data',
-        'logPath':
-            '/Users/xxx/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/1E76A0FD-38AC-4537-A989-EA639D7D012A',
-        'udid': '1E76A0FD-38AC-4537-A989-EA639D7D012A',
-        'isAvailable': true,
-        'deviceTypeIdentifier':
-            'com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-8-Plus',
-        'state': 'Shutdown',
-        'name': 'iPhone 8 Plus'
-      }
-    ]
-  }
-// TODO(stuartmorgan): Rework these tests to use a mock Xcode instead of
-// doing all the process mocking and validation.
-void main() {
-  const String _kDestination = '--ios-destination';
-  group('test xctest_command', () {
-    late FileSystem fileSystem;
-    late MockPlatform mockPlatform;
-    late Directory packagesDir;
-    late CommandRunner<void> runner;
-    late RecordingProcessRunner processRunner;
-    setUp(() {
-      fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem();
-      mockPlatform = MockPlatform(isMacOS: true);
-      packagesDir = createPackagesDirectory(fileSystem: fileSystem);
-      processRunner = RecordingProcessRunner();
-      final XCTestCommand command = XCTestCommand(packagesDir,
-          processRunner: processRunner, platform: mockPlatform);
-      runner = CommandRunner<void>('xctest_command', 'Test for xctest_command');
-      runner.addCommand(command);
-    });
-    test('Fails if no platforms are provided', () async {
-      Error? commandError;
-      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
-          runner, <String>['xctest'], errorHandler: (Error e) {
-        commandError = e;
-      });
-      expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
-      expect(
-        output,
-        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-          contains('At least one platform flag must be provided'),
-        ]),
-      );
-    });
-    test('allows target filtering', () async {
-      final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-            kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-          });
-      final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-          pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
-      processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.succeeding();
-      processRunner.resultStdout = '{"project":{"targets":["RunnerTests"]}}';
-      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-        'xctest',
-        '--macos',
-        '--test-target=RunnerTests',
-      ]);
-      expect(
-          output,
-          contains(
-              contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example')));
-      expect(
-          processRunner.recordedCalls,
-          orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-            ProcessCall(
-                'xcrun',
-                <String>[
-                  'xcodebuild',
-                  '-list',
-                  '-json',
-                  '-project',
-                  pluginExampleDirectory
-                      .childDirectory('macos')
-                      .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj')
-                      .path,
-                ],
-                null),
-            ProcessCall(
-                'xcrun',
-                const <String>[
-                  'xcodebuild',
-                  'test',
-                  '-workspace',
-                  'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                  '-scheme',
-                  'Runner',
-                  '-configuration',
-                  'Debug',
-                  '-only-testing:RunnerTests',
-                  'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                ],
-                pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-          ]));
-    });
-    test('skips when the requested target is not present', () async {
-      final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-            kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-          });
-      final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-          pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
-      processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.succeeding();
-      processRunner.resultStdout = '{"project":{"targets":["Runner"]}}';
-      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-        'xctest',
-        '--macos',
-        '--test-target=RunnerTests',
-      ]);
-      expect(
-          output,
-          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-            contains('No "RunnerTests" target in plugin/example; skipping.'),
-          ]));
-      expect(
-          processRunner.recordedCalls,
-          orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-            ProcessCall(
-                'xcrun',
-                <String>[
-                  'xcodebuild',
-                  '-list',
-                  '-json',
-                  '-project',
-                  pluginExampleDirectory
-                      .childDirectory('macos')
-                      .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj')
-                      .path,
-                ],
-                null),
-          ]));
-    });
-    test('fails if unable to check for requested target', () async {
-      final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-            kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-          });
-      final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-          pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
-      processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.failing();
-      Error? commandError;
-      final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-        'xctest',
-        '--macos',
-        '--test-target=RunnerTests',
-      ], errorHandler: (Error e) {
-        commandError = e;
-      });
-      expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
-      expect(
-        output,
-        containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-          contains('Unable to check targets for plugin/example.'),
-        ]),
-      );
-      expect(
-          processRunner.recordedCalls,
-          orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-            ProcessCall(
-                'xcrun',
-                <String>[
-                  'xcodebuild',
-                  '-list',
-                  '-json',
-                  '-project',
-                  pluginExampleDirectory
-                      .childDirectory('macos')
-                      .childDirectory('Runner.xcodeproj')
-                      .path,
-                ],
-                null),
-          ]));
-    });
-    test('reports skips with no tests', () async {
-      final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-          platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-            kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-          });
-      final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-          pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
-      // Exit code 66 from testing indicates no tests.
-      final MockProcess noTestsProcessResult = MockProcess();
-      noTestsProcessResult.exitCodeCompleter.complete(66);
-      processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['xcrun'] = <io.Process>[
-        noTestsProcessResult,
-      ];
-      final List<String> output =
-          await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['xctest', '--macos']);
-      expect(output, contains(contains('No tests found.')));
-      expect(
-          processRunner.recordedCalls,
-          orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-            ProcessCall(
-                'xcrun',
-                const <String>[
-                  'xcodebuild',
-                  'test',
-                  '-workspace',
-                  'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                  '-scheme',
-                  'Runner',
-                  '-configuration',
-                  'Debug',
-                  'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                ],
-                pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-          ]));
-    });
-    group('iOS', () {
-      test('skip if iOS is not supported', () async {
-        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-            });
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner,
-            <String>['xctest', '--ios', _kDestination, 'foo_destination']);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            contains(
-                contains('iOS is not implemented by this plugin package.')));
-        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
-      });
-      test('skip if iOS is implemented in a federated package', () async {
-        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-              kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.federated
-            });
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner,
-            <String>['xctest', '--ios', _kDestination, 'foo_destination']);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            contains(
-                contains('iOS is not implemented by this plugin package.')));
-        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
-      });
-      test('running with correct destination', () async {
-        final Directory pluginDirectory = createFakePlugin(
-            'plugin', packagesDir, platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-          kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline
-        });
-        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-            pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example');
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-          'xctest',
-          '--ios',
-          _kDestination,
-          'foo_destination',
-        ]);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-              contains('Running for plugin'),
-              contains('Successfully ran iOS xctest for plugin/example')
-            ]));
-        expect(
-            processRunner.recordedCalls,
-            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-              ProcessCall(
-                  'xcrun',
-                  const <String>[
-                    'xcodebuild',
-                    'test',
-                    '-workspace',
-                    'ios/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                    '-scheme',
-                    'Runner',
-                    '-configuration',
-                    'Debug',
-                    '-destination',
-                    'foo_destination',
-                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                  ],
-                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-            ]));
-      });
-      test('Not specifying --ios-destination assigns an available simulator',
-          () async {
-        final Directory pluginDirectory = createFakePlugin(
-            'plugin', packagesDir, platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-          kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline
-        });
-        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-            pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example');
-        processRunner.processToReturn = MockProcess.succeeding();
-        processRunner.resultStdout = jsonEncode(_kDeviceListMap);
-        await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['xctest', '--ios']);
-        expect(
-            processRunner.recordedCalls,
-            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-              const ProcessCall(
-                  'xcrun',
-                  <String>[
-                    'simctl',
-                    'list',
-                    'devices',
-                    'runtimes',
-                    'available',
-                    '--json',
-                  ],
-                  null),
-              ProcessCall(
-                  'xcrun',
-                  const <String>[
-                    'xcodebuild',
-                    'test',
-                    '-workspace',
-                    'ios/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                    '-scheme',
-                    'Runner',
-                    '-configuration',
-                    'Debug',
-                    '-destination',
-                    'id=1E76A0FD-38AC-4537-A989-EA639D7D012A',
-                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                  ],
-                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-            ]));
-      });
-      test('fails if xcrun fails', () async {
-        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-              kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline
-            });
-        processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['xcrun'] = <io.Process>[
-          MockProcess.failing()
-        ];
-        Error? commandError;
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
-          runner,
-          <String>[
-            'xctest',
-            '--ios',
-            _kDestination,
-            'foo_destination',
-          ],
-          errorHandler: (Error e) {
-            commandError = e;
-          },
-        );
-        expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
-        expect(
-            output,
-            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-              contains('The following packages had errors:'),
-              contains('  plugin'),
-            ]));
-      });
-    });
-    group('macOS', () {
-      test('skip if macOS is not supported', () async {
-        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir);
-        final List<String> output =
-            await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['xctest', '--macos']);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            contains(
-                contains('macOS is not implemented by this plugin package.')));
-        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
-      });
-      test('skip if macOS is implemented in a federated package', () async {
-        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.federated,
-            });
-        final List<String> output =
-            await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>['xctest', '--macos']);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            contains(
-                contains('macOS is not implemented by this plugin package.')));
-        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
-      });
-      test('runs for macOS plugin', () async {
-        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
-            'plugin', packagesDir,
-            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-            });
-        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-          'xctest',
-          '--macos',
-        ]);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            contains(
-                contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example')));
-        expect(
-            processRunner.recordedCalls,
-            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-              ProcessCall(
-                  'xcrun',
-                  const <String>[
-                    'xcodebuild',
-                    'test',
-                    '-workspace',
-                    'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                    '-scheme',
-                    'Runner',
-                    '-configuration',
-                    'Debug',
-                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                  ],
-                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-            ]));
-      });
-      test('fails if xcrun fails', () async {
-        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir,
-            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-            });
-        processRunner.mockProcessesForExecutable['xcrun'] = <io.Process>[
-          MockProcess.failing()
-        ];
-        Error? commandError;
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(
-            runner, <String>['xctest', '--macos'], errorHandler: (Error e) {
-          commandError = e;
-        });
-        expect(commandError, isA<ToolExit>());
-        expect(
-          output,
-          containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-            contains('The following packages had errors:'),
-            contains('  plugin'),
-          ]),
-        );
-      });
-    });
-    group('combined', () {
-      test('runs both iOS and macOS when supported', () async {
-        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
-            'plugin', packagesDir,
-            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-              kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-            });
-        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-          'xctest',
-          '--ios',
-          '--macos',
-          _kDestination,
-          'foo_destination',
-        ]);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            containsAll(<Matcher>[
-              contains('Successfully ran iOS xctest for plugin/example'),
-              contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example'),
-            ]));
-        expect(
-            processRunner.recordedCalls,
-            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-              ProcessCall(
-                  'xcrun',
-                  const <String>[
-                    'xcodebuild',
-                    'test',
-                    '-workspace',
-                    'ios/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                    '-scheme',
-                    'Runner',
-                    '-configuration',
-                    'Debug',
-                    '-destination',
-                    'foo_destination',
-                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                  ],
-                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-              ProcessCall(
-                  'xcrun',
-                  const <String>[
-                    'xcodebuild',
-                    'test',
-                    '-workspace',
-                    'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                    '-scheme',
-                    'Runner',
-                    '-configuration',
-                    'Debug',
-                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                  ],
-                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-            ]));
-      });
-      test('runs only macOS for a macOS plugin', () async {
-        final Directory pluginDirectory1 = createFakePlugin(
-            'plugin', packagesDir,
-            platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-              kPlatformMacos: PlatformSupport.inline,
-            });
-        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-            pluginDirectory1.childDirectory('example');
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-          'xctest',
-          '--ios',
-          '--macos',
-          _kDestination,
-          'foo_destination',
-        ]);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-              contains('Only running for macOS'),
-              contains('Successfully ran macOS xctest for plugin/example'),
-            ]));
-        expect(
-            processRunner.recordedCalls,
-            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-              ProcessCall(
-                  'xcrun',
-                  const <String>[
-                    'xcodebuild',
-                    'test',
-                    '-workspace',
-                    'macos/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                    '-scheme',
-                    'Runner',
-                    '-configuration',
-                    'Debug',
-                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                  ],
-                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-            ]));
-      });
-      test('runs only iOS for a iOS plugin', () async {
-        final Directory pluginDirectory = createFakePlugin(
-            'plugin', packagesDir, platformSupport: <String, PlatformSupport>{
-          kPlatformIos: PlatformSupport.inline
-        });
-        final Directory pluginExampleDirectory =
-            pluginDirectory.childDirectory('example');
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-          'xctest',
-          '--ios',
-          '--macos',
-          _kDestination,
-          'foo_destination',
-        ]);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-              contains('Only running for iOS'),
-              contains('Successfully ran iOS xctest for plugin/example')
-            ]));
-        expect(
-            processRunner.recordedCalls,
-            orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[
-              ProcessCall(
-                  'xcrun',
-                  const <String>[
-                    'xcodebuild',
-                    'test',
-                    '-workspace',
-                    'ios/Runner.xcworkspace',
-                    '-scheme',
-                    'Runner',
-                    '-configuration',
-                    'Debug',
-                    '-destination',
-                    'foo_destination',
-                    'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=YES',
-                  ],
-                  pluginExampleDirectory.path),
-            ]));
-      });
-      test('skips when neither are supported', () async {
-        createFakePlugin('plugin', packagesDir);
-        final List<String> output = await runCapturingPrint(runner, <String>[
-          'xctest',
-          '--ios',
-          '--macos',
-          _kDestination,
-          'foo_destination',
-        ]);
-        expect(
-            output,
-            containsAllInOrder(<Matcher>[
-              contains(
-                  'SKIPPING: Neither iOS nor macOS is implemented by this plugin package.'),
-            ]));
-        expect(processRunner.recordedCalls, orderedEquals(<ProcessCall>[]));
-      });
-    });
-  });