[camera_windows] Support camera on windows desktop platform (#4641)
This PR adds a Windows Desktop implementation of [camera plugin](https://pub.dev/packages/camera) using Media Foundation and CaptureEngine interface.
The implementation supports multiple cameras, video preview, and capturing photos and videos. Works with camera plugin and [camera example](https://pub.dev/packages/camera/example).
The current implementation uses FlutterDesktopPixelBuffer, but could be switched to use shared textures or Platform views after those are supported.
Unit tests are partially done; for the CaptureControllerImpl class all falilure code paths are not yet covered.
Still missing some features, like exposure and focus controls. These can be done later with interfaces IAMCameraControl and IAMVideoProcAmp,
Resolves flutter/flutter#41709: [camera] Add Windows support
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+# Camera Windows Plugin
+The Windows implementation of [`camera`][camera].
+*Note*: This plugin is under development.
+See [missing implementations and limitations](#missing-features-on-the-windows-platform).
+## Usage
+### Depend on the package
+This package is not an [endorsed][endorsed-federated-plugin]
+implementation of the [`camera`][camera] plugin, so you'll need to
+[add it explicitly][install].
+## Missing features on the Windows platform
+### Device orientation
+Device orientation detection
+is not yet implemented: [issue #97540][device-orientation-issue].
+### Pause and Resume video recording
+Pausing and resuming the video recording
+is not supported due to Windows API limitations.
+### Exposure mode, point and offset
+Support for explosure mode and offset
+is not yet implemented: [issue #97537][camera-control-issue].
+Exposure points are not supported due to
+limitations of the Windows API.
+### Focus mode and point
+Support for explosure mode and offset
+is not yet implemented: [issue #97537][camera-control-issue].
+### Flash mode
+Support for flash mode is not yet implemented: [issue #97537][camera-control-issue].
+Focus points are not supported due to
+current limitations of the Windows API.
+### Streaming of frames
+Support for image streaming is not yet implemented: [issue #97542][image-streams-issue].
+## Error handling
+Camera errors can be listened using the platform's `onCameraError` method.
+Listening to errors is important, and in certain situations,
+disposing of the camera is the only way to reset the situation.
+<!-- Links -->
+[camera]: https://pub.dev/packages/camera
+[endorsed-federated-plugin]: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/packages-and-plugins/developing-packages#endorsed-federated-plugin
+[install]: https://pub.dev/packages/camera_windows/install
+[camera-control-issue]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/97537
+[device-orientation-issue]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/97540
+[image-streams-issue]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/97542
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