Wraps platform-specific persistent storage for simple data (NSUserDefaults on iOS and macOS, SharedPreferences on Android, etc.). Data may be persisted to disk asynchronously, and there is no guarantee that writes will be persisted to disk after returning, so this plugin must not be used for storing critical data.
Supported data types are int
, double
, bool
, String
and List<String>
To use this plugin, add shared_preferences
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Here are small examples that show you how to use the API.
// Obtain shared preferences. final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); // Save an integer value to 'counter' key. await prefs.setInt('counter', 10); // Save an boolean value to 'repeat' key. await prefs.setBool('repeat', true); // Save an double value to 'decimal' key. await prefs.setDouble('decimal', 1.5); // Save an String value to 'action' key. await prefs.setString('action', 'Start'); // Save an list of strings to 'items' key. await prefs.setStringList('items', <String>['Earth', 'Moon', 'Sun']);
// Try reading data from the 'counter' key. If it doesn't exist, returns null. final int? counter = prefs.getInt('counter'); // Try reading data from the 'repeat' key. If it doesn't exist, returns null. final bool? repeat = prefs.getBool('repeat'); // Try reading data from the 'decimal' key. If it doesn't exist, returns null. final double? decimal = prefs.getDouble('decimal'); // Try reading data from the 'action' key. If it doesn't exist, returns null. final String? action = prefs.getString('action'); // Try reading data from the 'items' key. If it doesn't exist, returns null. final List<String>? items = prefs.getStringList('items');
// Remove data for the 'counter' key. final success = await prefs.remove('counter');
You can populate SharedPreferences
with initial values in your tests by running this code:
Map<String, Object> values = <String, Object>{'counter': 1}; SharedPreferences.setMockInitialValues(values);
Platform | Location |
Android | SharedPreferences |
iOS | NSUserDefaults |
Linux | In the XDG_DATA_HOME directory |
macOS | NSUserDefaults |
Web | LocalStorage |
Windows | In the roaming AppData directory |