Fix and update version checks (#3792)

Currently our version update checks aren't actually working; the script doesn't work correctly if no explicit --base-sha is passed, but that's always how CI is calling it.

Fixes (and version checks in general)

This makes a number of changes:
- Fixes it to work without --base-sha
- Adds tests that it works in that mode
  - And tightens existing tests to require ToolExit, not just any error, to reduce false-positive test success
- Adds verbose logging of the checks being done, to make it easier to debug this kind of issue in the future
- Tightens the exception handling for missing previous versions to just the line that's expected to fail in that case
- Only allows missing versions when "publish_to: none" is set
  - Adds that everywhere it's missing
  - Standardize the format in the repo to "none" (instead of also having "'none'").
- Allows the use of NEXT in CHANGELOG as a way of gathering changes that are worth noting, but not
  doing a publish cycle for. (Replaces the plan of using -dev versions, since that's actually harder to implement,
  and more confusing.)
  - Ensures that we don't forget to clean up NEXT entries when bumping versions
46 files changed
tree: 3e9e61357222017ed7c9e3eaf385818ac7967fb4
  1. .ci/
  2. .github/
  3. .opensource/
  4. packages/
  5. script/
  6. .cirrus.yml
  7. .clang-format
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. analysis_options.yaml
  11. analysis_options_legacy.yaml

Flutter plugins

Build Status

This repo is a companion repo to the main flutter repo. It contains the source code for Flutter first-party plugins (i.e., plugins developed by the core Flutter team). Check the packages directory for all plugins.

Flutter plugins enable access to platform-specific APIs. For more information about plugins, and how to use them, see

These plugins are also available on pub.


Please file any issues, bugs, or feature requests in the main flutter repo.

Issues pertaining to this repository are labeled “plugin”.


If you wish to contribute a new plugin to the Flutter ecosystem, please see the documentation for developing packages and platform channels. You can store your plugin source code in any GitHub repository (the present repo is only intended for plugins developed by the core Flutter team). Once your plugin is ready you can publish to the pub repository.

If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing plugins in this repo, please review our contribution guide, and send a pull request.


These are the available plugins in this repository.

android_alarm_managerpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
android_intentpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
batterypub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
camerapub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
connectivitypub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
device_infopub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
espressopub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
flutter_plugin_android_lifecyclepub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
google_maps_flutterpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
google_sign_inpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
image_pickerpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
integration_test (discontinued)pub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
in_app_purchasepub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
ios_platform_imagespub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
local_authpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
package_infopub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
path_providerpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
plugin_platform_interfacepub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
quick_actionspub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
sensorspub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
sharepub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
shared_preferencespub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
url_launcherpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
video_playerpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes
webview_flutterpub packagepub pointspopularitylikes