[local_auth] Convert Windows to Pigeon (#7012)

Updates `local_auth_windows` to use Pigeon, and moves to a more platform-tailored and Dart-centric implementation (rather than keeping the previous cross-platform method channel interface that the current implementation was duplicated from):
- Eliminates `deviceSupportsBiometrics` from the platform interface, since it's always the same as `isDeviceSupported`, in favor of doing that mapping in Dart.
- Eliminates `getEnrolledBiometrics` from the platform interface, since it was the same implementation as `isDeviceSupported` just with a different return value, in favor of doing that logic in Dart.
- Moves throwing for the `biometricOnly` option to the Dart side, simplifying the native logic.

Related changes:
- Adds a significant amount of previously-missing Dart unit test coverage.
- Removes the `biometricOnly` UI from the example app, since it will always fail.

Part of https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/117912
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/CHANGELOG.md
index b4f2061..d7bc77d 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+## 1.0.5
+* Switches internal implementation to Pigeon.
 ## 1.0.4
 * Updates imports for `prefer_relative_imports`.
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/example/lib/main.dart b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/example/lib/main.dart
index 546b635..b173e54 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/example/lib/main.dart
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/example/lib/main.dart
@@ -108,44 +108,6 @@
         () => _authorized = authenticated ? 'Authorized' : 'Not Authorized');
-  Future<void> _authenticateWithBiometrics() async {
-    bool authenticated = false;
-    try {
-      setState(() {
-        _isAuthenticating = true;
-        _authorized = 'Authenticating';
-      });
-      authenticated = await LocalAuthPlatform.instance.authenticate(
-        localizedReason:
-            'Scan your fingerprint (or face or whatever) to authenticate',
-        authMessages: <AuthMessages>[const WindowsAuthMessages()],
-        options: const AuthenticationOptions(
-          stickyAuth: true,
-          biometricOnly: true,
-        ),
-      );
-      setState(() {
-        _isAuthenticating = false;
-        _authorized = 'Authenticating';
-      });
-    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
-      print(e);
-      setState(() {
-        _isAuthenticating = false;
-        _authorized = 'Error - ${e.message}';
-      });
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!mounted) {
-      return;
-    }
-    final String message = authenticated ? 'Authorized' : 'Not Authorized';
-    setState(() {
-      _authorized = message;
-    });
-  }
   Future<void> _cancelAuthentication() async {
     await LocalAuthPlatform.instance.stopAuthentication();
     setState(() => _isAuthenticating = false);
@@ -209,18 +171,6 @@
-                      ElevatedButton(
-                        onPressed: _authenticateWithBiometrics,
-                        child: Row(
-                          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
-                          children: <Widget>[
-                            Text(_isAuthenticating
-                                ? 'Cancel'
-                                : 'Authenticate: biometrics only'),
-                            const Icon(Icons.fingerprint),
-                          ],
-                        ),
-                      ),
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/lib/local_auth_windows.dart b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/lib/local_auth_windows.dart
index b373782..9f918aa 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/lib/local_auth_windows.dart
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/lib/local_auth_windows.dart
@@ -2,20 +2,25 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 // found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
 import 'package:local_auth_platform_interface/local_auth_platform_interface.dart';
-import 'types/auth_messages_windows.dart';
+import 'src/messages.g.dart';
 export 'package:local_auth_platform_interface/types/auth_messages.dart';
 export 'package:local_auth_platform_interface/types/auth_options.dart';
 export 'package:local_auth_platform_interface/types/biometric_type.dart';
 export 'package:local_auth_windows/types/auth_messages_windows.dart';
-const MethodChannel _channel =
-    MethodChannel('plugins.flutter.io/local_auth_windows');
 /// The implementation of [LocalAuthPlatform] for Windows.
 class LocalAuthWindows extends LocalAuthPlatform {
+  /// Creates a new plugin implementation instance.
+  LocalAuthWindows({
+    @visibleForTesting LocalAuthApi? api,
+  }) : _api = api ?? LocalAuthApi();
+  final LocalAuthApi _api;
   /// Registers this class as the default instance of [LocalAuthPlatform].
   static void registerWith() {
     LocalAuthPlatform.instance = LocalAuthWindows();
@@ -28,55 +33,36 @@
     AuthenticationOptions options = const AuthenticationOptions(),
   }) async {
-    final Map<String, Object> args = <String, Object>{
-      'localizedReason': localizedReason,
-      'useErrorDialogs': options.useErrorDialogs,
-      'stickyAuth': options.stickyAuth,
-      'sensitiveTransaction': options.sensitiveTransaction,
-      'biometricOnly': options.biometricOnly,
-    };
-    args.addAll(const WindowsAuthMessages().args);
-    for (final AuthMessages messages in authMessages) {
-      if (messages is WindowsAuthMessages) {
-        args.addAll(messages.args);
-      }
+    if (options.biometricOnly) {
+      throw UnsupportedError(
+          "Windows doesn't support the biometricOnly parameter.");
-    return (await _channel.invokeMethod<bool>('authenticate', args)) ?? false;
+    return _api.authenticate(localizedReason);
   Future<bool> deviceSupportsBiometrics() async {
-    return (await _channel.invokeMethod<bool>('deviceSupportsBiometrics')) ??
-        false;
+    // Biometrics are supported on any supported device.
+    return isDeviceSupported();
   Future<List<BiometricType>> getEnrolledBiometrics() async {
-    final List<String> result = (await _channel.invokeListMethod<String>(
-          'getEnrolledBiometrics',
-        )) ??
-        <String>[];
-    final List<BiometricType> biometrics = <BiometricType>[];
-    for (final String value in result) {
-      switch (value) {
-        case 'weak':
-          biometrics.add(BiometricType.weak);
-          break;
-        case 'strong':
-          biometrics.add(BiometricType.strong);
-          break;
-      }
+    // Windows doesn't support querying specific biometric types. Since the
+    // OS considers this a strong authentication API, return weak+strong on
+    // any supported device.
+    if (await isDeviceSupported()) {
+      return <BiometricType>[BiometricType.weak, BiometricType.strong];
-    return biometrics;
+    return <BiometricType>[];
-  Future<bool> isDeviceSupported() async =>
-      (await _channel.invokeMethod<bool>('isDeviceSupported')) ?? false;
+  Future<bool> isDeviceSupported() async => _api.isDeviceSupported();
   /// Always returns false as this method is not supported on Windows.
-  Future<bool> stopAuthentication() async {
-    return false;
-  }
+  Future<bool> stopAuthentication() async => false;
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/lib/src/messages.g.dart b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/lib/src/messages.g.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..312d1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/lib/src/messages.g.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Autogenerated from Pigeon (v5.0.1), do not edit directly.
+// See also: https://pub.dev/packages/pigeon
+// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs, non_constant_identifier_names, avoid_as, unused_import, unnecessary_parenthesis, prefer_null_aware_operators, omit_local_variable_types, unused_shown_name, unnecessary_import
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'dart:typed_data' show Float64List, Int32List, Int64List, Uint8List;
+import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show ReadBuffer, WriteBuffer;
+import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
+class LocalAuthApi {
+  /// Constructor for [LocalAuthApi].  The [binaryMessenger] named argument is
+  /// available for dependency injection.  If it is left null, the default
+  /// BinaryMessenger will be used which routes to the host platform.
+  LocalAuthApi({BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger})
+      : _binaryMessenger = binaryMessenger;
+  final BinaryMessenger? _binaryMessenger;
+  static const MessageCodec<Object?> codec = StandardMessageCodec();
+  /// Returns true if this device supports authentication.
+  Future<bool> isDeviceSupported() async {
+    final BasicMessageChannel<Object?> channel = BasicMessageChannel<Object?>(
+        'dev.flutter.pigeon.LocalAuthApi.isDeviceSupported', codec,
+        binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger);
+    final List<Object?>? replyList = await channel.send(null) as List<Object?>?;
+    if (replyList == null) {
+      throw PlatformException(
+        code: 'channel-error',
+        message: 'Unable to establish connection on channel.',
+      );
+    } else if (replyList.length > 1) {
+      throw PlatformException(
+        code: replyList[0]! as String,
+        message: replyList[1] as String?,
+        details: replyList[2],
+      );
+    } else if (replyList[0] == null) {
+      throw PlatformException(
+        code: 'null-error',
+        message: 'Host platform returned null value for non-null return value.',
+      );
+    } else {
+      return (replyList[0] as bool?)!;
+    }
+  }
+  /// Attempts to authenticate the user with the provided [localizedReason] as
+  /// the user-facing explanation for the authorization request.
+  ///
+  /// Returns true if authorization succeeds, false if it is attempted but is
+  /// not successful, and an error if authorization could not be attempted.
+  Future<bool> authenticate(String arg_localizedReason) async {
+    final BasicMessageChannel<Object?> channel = BasicMessageChannel<Object?>(
+        'dev.flutter.pigeon.LocalAuthApi.authenticate', codec,
+        binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger);
+    final List<Object?>? replyList =
+        await channel.send(<Object?>[arg_localizedReason]) as List<Object?>?;
+    if (replyList == null) {
+      throw PlatformException(
+        code: 'channel-error',
+        message: 'Unable to establish connection on channel.',
+      );
+    } else if (replyList.length > 1) {
+      throw PlatformException(
+        code: replyList[0]! as String,
+        message: replyList[1] as String?,
+        details: replyList[2],
+      );
+    } else if (replyList[0] == null) {
+      throw PlatformException(
+        code: 'null-error',
+        message: 'Host platform returned null value for non-null return value.',
+      );
+    } else {
+      return (replyList[0] as bool?)!;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pigeons/copyright.txt b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pigeons/copyright.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1236b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pigeons/copyright.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pigeons/messages.dart b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pigeons/messages.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..683becd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pigeons/messages.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
+  dartOut: 'lib/src/messages.g.dart',
+  cppOptions: CppOptions(namespace: 'local_auth_windows'),
+  cppHeaderOut: 'windows/messages.g.h',
+  cppSourceOut: 'windows/messages.g.cpp',
+  copyrightHeader: 'pigeons/copyright.txt',
+abstract class LocalAuthApi {
+  /// Returns true if this device supports authentication.
+  @async
+  bool isDeviceSupported();
+  /// Attempts to authenticate the user with the provided [localizedReason] as
+  /// the user-facing explanation for the authorization request.
+  ///
+  /// Returns true if authorization succeeds, false if it is attempted but is
+  /// not successful, and an error if authorization could not be attempted.
+  @async
+  bool authenticate(String localizedReason);
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pubspec.yaml b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pubspec.yaml
index 9a2effe..45671e1 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/pubspec.yaml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 description: Windows implementation of the local_auth plugin.
 repository: https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/main/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows
 issue_tracker: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22p%3A+local_auth%22
-version: 1.0.4
+version: 1.0.5
   sdk: ">=2.14.0 <3.0.0"
@@ -24,3 +24,4 @@
     sdk: flutter
+  pigeon: ^5.0.1
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/test/local_auth_test.dart b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/test/local_auth_test.dart
index b11c19e..917e7b1 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/test/local_auth_test.dart
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/test/local_auth_test.dart
@@ -2,78 +2,123 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 // found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
 import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
 import 'package:local_auth_windows/local_auth_windows.dart';
+import 'package:local_auth_windows/src/messages.g.dart';
 void main() {
-  TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
   group('authenticate', () {
-    const MethodChannel channel = MethodChannel(
-      'plugins.flutter.io/local_auth_windows',
-    );
-    final List<MethodCall> log = <MethodCall>[];
-    late LocalAuthWindows localAuthentication;
+    late _FakeLocalAuthApi api;
+    late LocalAuthWindows plugin;
     setUp(() {
-      channel.setMockMethodCallHandler((MethodCall methodCall) {
-        log.add(methodCall);
-        switch (methodCall.method) {
-          case 'getEnrolledBiometrics':
-            return Future<List<String>>.value(<String>['weak', 'strong']);
-          default:
-            return Future<dynamic>.value(true);
-        }
-      });
-      localAuthentication = LocalAuthWindows();
-      log.clear();
+      api = _FakeLocalAuthApi();
+      plugin = LocalAuthWindows(api: api);
-    test('authenticate with no arguments passes expected defaults', () async {
-      await localAuthentication.authenticate(
+    test('authenticate handles success', () async {
+      api.returnValue = true;
+      final bool result = await plugin.authenticate(
           authMessages: <AuthMessages>[const WindowsAuthMessages()],
           localizedReason: 'My localized reason');
-      expect(
-        log,
-        <Matcher>[
-          isMethodCall('authenticate',
-              arguments: <String, dynamic>{
-                'localizedReason': 'My localized reason',
-                'useErrorDialogs': true,
-                'stickyAuth': false,
-                'sensitiveTransaction': true,
-                'biometricOnly': false,
-              }..addAll(const WindowsAuthMessages().args)),
-        ],
-      );
+      expect(result, true);
+      expect(api.passedReason, 'My localized reason');
-    test('authenticate passes all options.', () async {
-      await localAuthentication.authenticate(
-        authMessages: <AuthMessages>[const WindowsAuthMessages()],
-        localizedReason: 'My localized reason',
-        options: const AuthenticationOptions(
-          useErrorDialogs: false,
-          stickyAuth: true,
-          sensitiveTransaction: false,
-          biometricOnly: true,
-        ),
-      );
+    test('authenticate handles failure', () async {
+      api.returnValue = false;
+      final bool result = await plugin.authenticate(
+          authMessages: <AuthMessages>[const WindowsAuthMessages()],
+          localizedReason: 'My localized reason');
+      expect(result, false);
+      expect(api.passedReason, 'My localized reason');
+    });
+    test('authenticate throws for biometricOnly', () async {
-        log,
-        <Matcher>[
-          isMethodCall('authenticate',
-              arguments: <String, dynamic>{
-                'localizedReason': 'My localized reason',
-                'useErrorDialogs': false,
-                'stickyAuth': true,
-                'sensitiveTransaction': false,
-                'biometricOnly': true,
-              }..addAll(const WindowsAuthMessages().args)),
-        ],
-      );
+          plugin.authenticate(
+              authMessages: <AuthMessages>[const WindowsAuthMessages()],
+              localizedReason: 'My localized reason',
+              options: const AuthenticationOptions(biometricOnly: true)),
+          throwsA(isUnsupportedError));
+    });
+    test('isDeviceSupported handles supported', () async {
+      api.returnValue = true;
+      final bool result = await plugin.isDeviceSupported();
+      expect(result, true);
+    });
+    test('isDeviceSupported handles unsupported', () async {
+      api.returnValue = false;
+      final bool result = await plugin.isDeviceSupported();
+      expect(result, false);
+    });
+    test('deviceSupportsBiometrics handles supported', () async {
+      api.returnValue = true;
+      final bool result = await plugin.deviceSupportsBiometrics();
+      expect(result, true);
+    });
+    test('deviceSupportsBiometrics handles unsupported', () async {
+      api.returnValue = false;
+      final bool result = await plugin.deviceSupportsBiometrics();
+      expect(result, false);
+    });
+    test('getEnrolledBiometrics returns expected values when supported',
+        () async {
+      api.returnValue = true;
+      final List<BiometricType> result = await plugin.getEnrolledBiometrics();
+      expect(result, <BiometricType>[BiometricType.weak, BiometricType.strong]);
+    });
+    test('getEnrolledBiometrics returns nothing when unsupported', () async {
+      api.returnValue = false;
+      final List<BiometricType> result = await plugin.getEnrolledBiometrics();
+      expect(result, isEmpty);
+    });
+    test('stopAuthentication returns false', () async {
+      final bool result = await plugin.stopAuthentication();
+      expect(result, false);
+class _FakeLocalAuthApi implements LocalAuthApi {
+  /// The return value for [isDeviceSupported] and [authenticate].
+  bool returnValue = false;
+  /// The argument that was passed to [authenticate].
+  String? passedReason;
+  @override
+  Future<bool> authenticate(String localizedReason) async {
+    passedReason = localizedReason;
+    return returnValue;
+  }
+  @override
+  Future<bool> isDeviceSupported() async {
+    return returnValue;
+  }
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/CMakeLists.txt b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/CMakeLists.txt
index bcf59bb..9784aa5 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -49,12 +49,14 @@
+  "local_auth.h"
+  "messages.g.cpp"
+  "messages.g.h"
 add_library(${PLUGIN_NAME} SHARED
-  "local_auth.h"
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/local_auth.h b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/local_auth.h
index 94b91f8..9cdc6ef 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/local_auth.h
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/local_auth.h
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
 #include <pplawait.h>
 #include <ppltasks.h>
-#include "include/local_auth_windows/local_auth_plugin.h"
 // Include prior to C++/WinRT Headers
 #include <wil/cppwinrt.h>
 #include <wil/win32_helpers.h>
@@ -23,6 +21,8 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <sstream>
+#include "messages.g.h"
 namespace local_auth_windows {
 // Abstract class that is used to determine whether a user
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   UserConsentVerifier& operator=(const UserConsentVerifier&) = delete;
-class LocalAuthPlugin : public flutter::Plugin {
+class LocalAuthPlugin : public flutter::Plugin, public LocalAuthApi {
   static void RegisterWithRegistrar(flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows* registrar);
@@ -62,28 +62,25 @@
   // Exists for unit testing with mock implementations.
   LocalAuthPlugin(std::unique_ptr<UserConsentVerifier> user_consent_verifier);
-  // Handles method calls from Dart on this plugin's channel.
-  void HandleMethodCall(
-      const flutter::MethodCall<flutter::EncodableValue>& method_call,
-      std::unique_ptr<flutter::MethodResult<flutter::EncodableValue>> result);
   virtual ~LocalAuthPlugin();
+  // LocalAuthApi:
+  void IsDeviceSupported(
+      std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result) override;
+  void Authenticate(const std::string& localized_reason,
+                    std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result) override;
   std::unique_ptr<UserConsentVerifier> user_consent_verifier_;
   // Starts authentication process.
-  winrt::fire_and_forget Authenticate(
-      const flutter::MethodCall<flutter::EncodableValue>& method_call,
-      std::unique_ptr<flutter::MethodResult<flutter::EncodableValue>> result);
-  // Returns enrolled biometric types available on device.
-  winrt::fire_and_forget GetEnrolledBiometrics(
-      std::unique_ptr<flutter::MethodResult<flutter::EncodableValue>> result);
+  winrt::fire_and_forget AuthenticateCoroutine(
+      const std::string& localized_reason,
+      std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result);
   // Returns whether the system supports Windows Hello.
-  winrt::fire_and_forget IsDeviceSupported(
-      std::unique_ptr<flutter::MethodResult<flutter::EncodableValue>> result);
+  winrt::fire_and_forget IsDeviceSupportedCoroutine(
+      std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result);
-}  // namespace local_auth_windows
\ No newline at end of file
+}  // namespace local_auth_windows
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/local_auth_plugin.cpp b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/local_auth_plugin.cpp
index 7a25abb..80fab37 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/local_auth_plugin.cpp
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/local_auth_plugin.cpp
@@ -4,24 +4,10 @@
 #include <winstring.h>
 #include "local_auth.h"
+#include "messages.g.h"
 namespace {
-template <typename T>
-// Helper method for getting an argument from an EncodableValue.
-T GetArgument(const std::string arg, const flutter::EncodableValue* args,
-              T fallback) {
-  T result{fallback};
-  const auto* arguments = std::get_if<flutter::EncodableMap>(args);
-  if (arguments) {
-    auto result_it = arguments->find(flutter::EncodableValue(arg));
-    if (result_it != arguments->end()) {
-      result = std::get<T>(result_it->second);
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
 // Returns the window's HWND for a given FlutterView.
 HWND GetRootWindow(flutter::FlutterView* view) {
   return ::GetAncestor(view->GetNativeWindow(), GA_ROOT);
@@ -110,19 +96,9 @@
 // static
 void LocalAuthPlugin::RegisterWithRegistrar(
     flutter::PluginRegistrarWindows* registrar) {
-  auto channel =
-      std::make_unique<flutter::MethodChannel<flutter::EncodableValue>>(
-          registrar->messenger(), "plugins.flutter.io/local_auth_windows",
-          &flutter::StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance());
   auto plugin = std::make_unique<LocalAuthPlugin>(
       [registrar]() { return GetRootWindow(registrar->GetView()); });
-  channel->SetMethodCallHandler(
-      [plugin_pointer = plugin.get()](const auto& call, auto result) {
-        plugin_pointer->HandleMethodCall(call, std::move(result));
-      });
+  LocalAuthApi::SetUp(registrar->messenger(), plugin.get());
@@ -137,36 +113,22 @@
 LocalAuthPlugin::~LocalAuthPlugin() {}
-void LocalAuthPlugin::HandleMethodCall(
-    const flutter::MethodCall<flutter::EncodableValue>& method_call,
-    std::unique_ptr<flutter::MethodResult<flutter::EncodableValue>> result) {
-  if (method_call.method_name().compare("authenticate") == 0) {
-    Authenticate(method_call, std::move(result));
-  } else if (method_call.method_name().compare("getEnrolledBiometrics") == 0) {
-    GetEnrolledBiometrics(std::move(result));
-  } else if (method_call.method_name().compare("isDeviceSupported") == 0 ||
-             method_call.method_name().compare("deviceSupportsBiometrics") ==
-                 0) {
-    IsDeviceSupported(std::move(result));
-  } else {
-    result->NotImplemented();
-  }
+void LocalAuthPlugin::IsDeviceSupported(
+    std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result) {
+  IsDeviceSupportedCoroutine(std::move(result));
+void LocalAuthPlugin::Authenticate(
+    const std::string& localized_reason,
+    std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result) {
+  AuthenticateCoroutine(localized_reason, std::move(result));
 // Starts authentication process.
-winrt::fire_and_forget LocalAuthPlugin::Authenticate(
-    const flutter::MethodCall<flutter::EncodableValue>& method_call,
-    std::unique_ptr<flutter::MethodResult<flutter::EncodableValue>> result) {
-  std::wstring reason = Utf16FromUtf8(GetArgument<std::string>(
-      "localizedReason", method_call.arguments(), std::string()));
-  bool biometric_only =
-      GetArgument<bool>("biometricOnly", method_call.arguments(), false);
-  if (biometric_only) {
-    result->Error("biometricOnlyNotSupported",
-                  "Windows doesn't support the biometricOnly parameter.");
-    co_return;
-  }
+winrt::fire_and_forget LocalAuthPlugin::AuthenticateCoroutine(
+    const std::string& localized_reason,
+    std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result) {
+  std::wstring reason = Utf16FromUtf8(localized_reason);
       ucv_availability =
@@ -175,17 +137,19 @@
   if (ucv_availability ==
           UserConsentVerifierAvailability::DeviceNotPresent) {
-    result->Error("NoHardware", "No biometric hardware found");
+    result(FlutterError("NoHardware", "No biometric hardware found"));
   } else if (ucv_availability ==
                  UserConsentVerifierAvailability::NotConfiguredForUser) {
-    result->Error("NotEnrolled", "No biometrics enrolled on this device.");
+    result(
+        FlutterError("NotEnrolled", "No biometrics enrolled on this device."));
   } else if (ucv_availability !=
                  UserConsentVerifierAvailability::Available) {
-    result->Error("NotAvailable", "Required security features not enabled");
+    result(
+        FlutterError("NotAvailable", "Required security features not enabled"));
@@ -195,42 +159,21 @@
             co_await user_consent_verifier_->RequestVerificationForWindowAsync(
-    result->Success(flutter::EncodableValue(
-        consent_result == winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
-                              UserConsentVerificationResult::Verified));
+    result(consent_result == winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
+                                 UserConsentVerificationResult::Verified);
   } catch (...) {
-    result->Success(flutter::EncodableValue(false));
-  }
-// Returns biometric types available on device.
-winrt::fire_and_forget LocalAuthPlugin::GetEnrolledBiometrics(
-    std::unique_ptr<flutter::MethodResult<flutter::EncodableValue>> result) {
-  try {
-    flutter::EncodableList biometrics;
-    winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::UserConsentVerifierAvailability
-        ucv_availability =
-            co_await user_consent_verifier_->CheckAvailabilityAsync();
-    if (ucv_availability == winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
-                                UserConsentVerifierAvailability::Available) {
-      biometrics.push_back(flutter::EncodableValue("weak"));
-      biometrics.push_back(flutter::EncodableValue("strong"));
-    }
-    result->Success(biometrics);
-  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
-    result->Error("no_biometrics_available", e.what());
+    result(false);
 // Returns whether the device supports Windows Hello or not.
-winrt::fire_and_forget LocalAuthPlugin::IsDeviceSupported(
-    std::unique_ptr<flutter::MethodResult<flutter::EncodableValue>> result) {
+winrt::fire_and_forget LocalAuthPlugin::IsDeviceSupportedCoroutine(
+    std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result) {
       ucv_availability =
           co_await user_consent_verifier_->CheckAvailabilityAsync();
-  result->Success(flutter::EncodableValue(
-      ucv_availability == winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
-                              UserConsentVerifierAvailability::Available));
+  result(ucv_availability == winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
+                                 UserConsentVerifierAvailability::Available);
 }  // namespace local_auth_windows
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/messages.g.cpp b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/messages.g.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e44b17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/messages.g.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Autogenerated from Pigeon (v5.0.1), do not edit directly.
+// See also: https://pub.dev/packages/pigeon
+#include "messages.g.h"
+#include <flutter/basic_message_channel.h>
+#include <flutter/binary_messenger.h>
+#include <flutter/encodable_value.h>
+#include <flutter/standard_message_codec.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <optional>
+#include <string>
+namespace local_auth_windows {
+/// The codec used by LocalAuthApi.
+const flutter::StandardMessageCodec& LocalAuthApi::GetCodec() {
+  return flutter::StandardMessageCodec::GetInstance(
+      &flutter::StandardCodecSerializer::GetInstance());
+// Sets up an instance of `LocalAuthApi` to handle messages through the
+// `binary_messenger`.
+void LocalAuthApi::SetUp(flutter::BinaryMessenger* binary_messenger,
+                         LocalAuthApi* api) {
+  {
+    auto channel =
+        std::make_unique<flutter::BasicMessageChannel<flutter::EncodableValue>>(
+            binary_messenger,
+            "dev.flutter.pigeon.LocalAuthApi.isDeviceSupported", &GetCodec());
+    if (api != nullptr) {
+      channel->SetMessageHandler(
+          [api](const flutter::EncodableValue& message,
+                const flutter::MessageReply<flutter::EncodableValue>& reply) {
+            try {
+              api->IsDeviceSupported([reply](ErrorOr<bool>&& output) {
+                if (output.has_error()) {
+                  reply(WrapError(output.error()));
+                  return;
+                }
+                flutter::EncodableList wrapped;
+                wrapped.push_back(
+                    flutter::EncodableValue(std::move(output).TakeValue()));
+                reply(flutter::EncodableValue(std::move(wrapped)));
+              });
+            } catch (const std::exception& exception) {
+              reply(WrapError(exception.what()));
+            }
+          });
+    } else {
+      channel->SetMessageHandler(nullptr);
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    auto channel =
+        std::make_unique<flutter::BasicMessageChannel<flutter::EncodableValue>>(
+            binary_messenger, "dev.flutter.pigeon.LocalAuthApi.authenticate",
+            &GetCodec());
+    if (api != nullptr) {
+      channel->SetMessageHandler(
+          [api](const flutter::EncodableValue& message,
+                const flutter::MessageReply<flutter::EncodableValue>& reply) {
+            try {
+              const auto& args = std::get<flutter::EncodableList>(message);
+              const auto& encodable_localized_reason_arg = args.at(0);
+              if (encodable_localized_reason_arg.IsNull()) {
+                reply(WrapError("localized_reason_arg unexpectedly null."));
+                return;
+              }
+              const auto& localized_reason_arg =
+                  std::get<std::string>(encodable_localized_reason_arg);
+              api->Authenticate(
+                  localized_reason_arg, [reply](ErrorOr<bool>&& output) {
+                    if (output.has_error()) {
+                      reply(WrapError(output.error()));
+                      return;
+                    }
+                    flutter::EncodableList wrapped;
+                    wrapped.push_back(
+                        flutter::EncodableValue(std::move(output).TakeValue()));
+                    reply(flutter::EncodableValue(std::move(wrapped)));
+                  });
+            } catch (const std::exception& exception) {
+              reply(WrapError(exception.what()));
+            }
+          });
+    } else {
+      channel->SetMessageHandler(nullptr);
+    }
+  }
+flutter::EncodableValue LocalAuthApi::WrapError(
+    std::string_view error_message) {
+  return flutter::EncodableValue(flutter::EncodableList{
+      flutter::EncodableValue(std::string(error_message)),
+      flutter::EncodableValue("Error"), flutter::EncodableValue()});
+flutter::EncodableValue LocalAuthApi::WrapError(const FlutterError& error) {
+  return flutter::EncodableValue(flutter::EncodableList{
+      flutter::EncodableValue(error.message()),
+      flutter::EncodableValue(error.code()), error.details()});
+}  // namespace local_auth_windows
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/messages.g.h b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/messages.g.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ceff77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/messages.g.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Autogenerated from Pigeon (v5.0.1), do not edit directly.
+// See also: https://pub.dev/packages/pigeon
+#include <flutter/basic_message_channel.h>
+#include <flutter/binary_messenger.h>
+#include <flutter/encodable_value.h>
+#include <flutter/standard_message_codec.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <optional>
+#include <string>
+namespace local_auth_windows {
+// Generated class from Pigeon.
+class FlutterError {
+ public:
+  explicit FlutterError(const std::string& code) : code_(code) {}
+  explicit FlutterError(const std::string& code, const std::string& message)
+      : code_(code), message_(message) {}
+  explicit FlutterError(const std::string& code, const std::string& message,
+                        const flutter::EncodableValue& details)
+      : code_(code), message_(message), details_(details) {}
+  const std::string& code() const { return code_; }
+  const std::string& message() const { return message_; }
+  const flutter::EncodableValue& details() const { return details_; }
+ private:
+  std::string code_;
+  std::string message_;
+  flutter::EncodableValue details_;
+template <class T>
+class ErrorOr {
+ public:
+  ErrorOr(const T& rhs) { new (&v_) T(rhs); }
+  ErrorOr(const T&& rhs) { v_ = std::move(rhs); }
+  ErrorOr(const FlutterError& rhs) { new (&v_) FlutterError(rhs); }
+  ErrorOr(const FlutterError&& rhs) { v_ = std::move(rhs); }
+  bool has_error() const { return std::holds_alternative<FlutterError>(v_); }
+  const T& value() const { return std::get<T>(v_); };
+  const FlutterError& error() const { return std::get<FlutterError>(v_); };
+ private:
+  friend class LocalAuthApi;
+  ErrorOr() = default;
+  T TakeValue() && { return std::get<T>(std::move(v_)); }
+  std::variant<T, FlutterError> v_;
+// Generated interface from Pigeon that represents a handler of messages from
+// Flutter.
+class LocalAuthApi {
+ public:
+  LocalAuthApi(const LocalAuthApi&) = delete;
+  LocalAuthApi& operator=(const LocalAuthApi&) = delete;
+  virtual ~LocalAuthApi(){};
+  // Returns true if this device supports authentication.
+  virtual void IsDeviceSupported(
+      std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result) = 0;
+  // Attempts to authenticate the user with the provided [localizedReason] as
+  // the user-facing explanation for the authorization request.
+  //
+  // Returns true if authorization succeeds, false if it is attempted but is
+  // not successful, and an error if authorization could not be attempted.
+  virtual void Authenticate(
+      const std::string& localized_reason,
+      std::function<void(ErrorOr<bool> reply)> result) = 0;
+  // The codec used by LocalAuthApi.
+  static const flutter::StandardMessageCodec& GetCodec();
+  // Sets up an instance of `LocalAuthApi` to handle messages through the
+  // `binary_messenger`.
+  static void SetUp(flutter::BinaryMessenger* binary_messenger,
+                    LocalAuthApi* api);
+  static flutter::EncodableValue WrapError(std::string_view error_message);
+  static flutter::EncodableValue WrapError(const FlutterError& error);
+ protected:
+  LocalAuthApi() = default;
+}  // namespace local_auth_windows
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/test/local_auth_plugin_test.cpp b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/test/local_auth_plugin_test.cpp
index 3828b05..6b1b0ed 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/test/local_auth_plugin_test.cpp
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/test/local_auth_plugin_test.cpp
@@ -4,10 +4,6 @@
 #include "include/local_auth_windows/local_auth_plugin.h"
-#include <flutter/method_call.h>
-#include <flutter/method_result_functions.h>
-#include <flutter/standard_method_codec.h>
-#include <flutter/texture_registrar.h>
 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include <windows.h>
@@ -32,9 +28,6 @@
 using ::testing::Return;
 TEST(LocalAuthPlugin, IsDeviceSupportedHandlerSuccessIfVerifierAvailable) {
-  std::unique_ptr<MockMethodResult> result =
-      std::make_unique<MockMethodResult>();
   std::unique_ptr<MockUserConsentVerifier> mockConsentVerifier =
@@ -48,20 +41,14 @@
   LocalAuthPlugin plugin(std::move(mockConsentVerifier));
+  ErrorOr<bool> result(false);
+  plugin.IsDeviceSupported([&result](ErrorOr<bool> reply) { result = reply; });
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, ErrorInternal).Times(0);
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, SuccessInternal(Pointee(EncodableValue(true))));
-  plugin.HandleMethodCall(
-      flutter::MethodCall("isDeviceSupported",
-                          std::make_unique<EncodableValue>()),
-      std::move(result));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_error());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(result.value());
 TEST(LocalAuthPlugin, IsDeviceSupportedHandlerSuccessIfVerifierNotAvailable) {
-  std::unique_ptr<MockMethodResult> result =
-      std::make_unique<MockMethodResult>();
   std::unique_ptr<MockUserConsentVerifier> mockConsentVerifier =
@@ -75,100 +62,14 @@
   LocalAuthPlugin plugin(std::move(mockConsentVerifier));
+  ErrorOr<bool> result(true);
+  plugin.IsDeviceSupported([&result](ErrorOr<bool> reply) { result = reply; });
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, ErrorInternal).Times(0);
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, SuccessInternal(Pointee(EncodableValue(false))));
-  plugin.HandleMethodCall(
-      flutter::MethodCall("isDeviceSupported",
-                          std::make_unique<EncodableValue>()),
-      std::move(result));
-     GetEnrolledBiometricsHandlerReturnEmptyListIfVerifierNotAvailable) {
-  std::unique_ptr<MockMethodResult> result =
-      std::make_unique<MockMethodResult>();
-  std::unique_ptr<MockUserConsentVerifier> mockConsentVerifier =
-      std::make_unique<MockUserConsentVerifier>();
-  EXPECT_CALL(*mockConsentVerifier, CheckAvailabilityAsync)
-      .Times(1)
-      .WillOnce([]() -> winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<
-                         winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
-                             UserConsentVerifierAvailability> {
-        co_return winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
-            UserConsentVerifierAvailability::DeviceNotPresent;
-      });
-  LocalAuthPlugin plugin(std::move(mockConsentVerifier));
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, ErrorInternal).Times(0);
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, SuccessInternal(Pointee(EncodableList())));
-  plugin.HandleMethodCall(
-      flutter::MethodCall("getEnrolledBiometrics",
-                          std::make_unique<EncodableValue>()),
-      std::move(result));
-     GetEnrolledBiometricsHandlerReturnNonEmptyListIfVerifierAvailable) {
-  std::unique_ptr<MockMethodResult> result =
-      std::make_unique<MockMethodResult>();
-  std::unique_ptr<MockUserConsentVerifier> mockConsentVerifier =
-      std::make_unique<MockUserConsentVerifier>();
-  EXPECT_CALL(*mockConsentVerifier, CheckAvailabilityAsync)
-      .Times(1)
-      .WillOnce([]() -> winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<
-                         winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
-                             UserConsentVerifierAvailability> {
-        co_return winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::
-            UserConsentVerifierAvailability::Available;
-      });
-  LocalAuthPlugin plugin(std::move(mockConsentVerifier));
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, ErrorInternal).Times(0);
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result,
-              SuccessInternal(Pointee(EncodableList(
-                  {EncodableValue("weak"), EncodableValue("strong")}))));
-  plugin.HandleMethodCall(
-      flutter::MethodCall("getEnrolledBiometrics",
-                          std::make_unique<EncodableValue>()),
-      std::move(result));
-TEST(LocalAuthPlugin, AuthenticateHandlerDoesNotSupportBiometricOnly) {
-  std::unique_ptr<MockMethodResult> result =
-      std::make_unique<MockMethodResult>();
-  std::unique_ptr<MockUserConsentVerifier> mockConsentVerifier =
-      std::make_unique<MockUserConsentVerifier>();
-  LocalAuthPlugin plugin(std::move(mockConsentVerifier));
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, ErrorInternal).Times(1);
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, SuccessInternal).Times(0);
-  std::unique_ptr<EncodableValue> args =
-      std::make_unique<EncodableValue>(EncodableMap({
-          {"localizedReason", EncodableValue("My Reason")},
-          {"biometricOnly", EncodableValue(true)},
-      }));
-  plugin.HandleMethodCall(flutter::MethodCall("authenticate", std::move(args)),
-                          std::move(result));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_error());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(result.value());
 TEST(LocalAuthPlugin, AuthenticateHandlerWorksWhenAuthorized) {
-  std::unique_ptr<MockMethodResult> result =
-      std::make_unique<MockMethodResult>();
   std::unique_ptr<MockUserConsentVerifier> mockConsentVerifier =
@@ -193,24 +94,15 @@
   LocalAuthPlugin plugin(std::move(mockConsentVerifier));
+  ErrorOr<bool> result(false);
+  plugin.Authenticate("My Reason",
+                      [&result](ErrorOr<bool> reply) { result = reply; });
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, ErrorInternal).Times(0);
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, SuccessInternal(Pointee(EncodableValue(true))));
-  std::unique_ptr<EncodableValue> args =
-      std::make_unique<EncodableValue>(EncodableMap({
-          {"localizedReason", EncodableValue("My Reason")},
-          {"biometricOnly", EncodableValue(false)},
-      }));
-  plugin.HandleMethodCall(flutter::MethodCall("authenticate", std::move(args)),
-                          std::move(result));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_error());
+  EXPECT_TRUE(result.value());
 TEST(LocalAuthPlugin, AuthenticateHandlerWorksWhenNotAuthorized) {
-  std::unique_ptr<MockMethodResult> result =
-      std::make_unique<MockMethodResult>();
   std::unique_ptr<MockUserConsentVerifier> mockConsentVerifier =
@@ -235,18 +127,12 @@
   LocalAuthPlugin plugin(std::move(mockConsentVerifier));
+  ErrorOr<bool> result(true);
+  plugin.Authenticate("My Reason",
+                      [&result](ErrorOr<bool> reply) { result = reply; });
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, ErrorInternal).Times(0);
-  EXPECT_CALL(*result, SuccessInternal(Pointee(EncodableValue(false))));
-  std::unique_ptr<EncodableValue> args =
-      std::make_unique<EncodableValue>(EncodableMap({
-          {"localizedReason", EncodableValue("My Reason")},
-          {"biometricOnly", EncodableValue(false)},
-      }));
-  plugin.HandleMethodCall(flutter::MethodCall("authenticate", std::move(args)),
-                          std::move(result));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(result.has_error());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(result.value());
 }  // namespace test
diff --git a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/test/mocks.h b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/test/mocks.h
index d82ae80..a31eb98 100644
--- a/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/test/mocks.h
+++ b/packages/local_auth/local_auth_windows/windows/test/mocks.h
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
-#include <flutter/method_call.h>
-#include <flutter/method_result_functions.h>
-#include <flutter/standard_method_codec.h>
-#include <flutter/texture_registrar.h>
 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
@@ -19,23 +15,8 @@
 namespace {
-using flutter::EncodableMap;
-using flutter::EncodableValue;
 using ::testing::_;
-class MockMethodResult : public flutter::MethodResult<> {
- public:
-  ~MockMethodResult() = default;
-  MOCK_METHOD(void, SuccessInternal, (const EncodableValue* result),
-              (override));
-  MOCK_METHOD(void, ErrorInternal,
-              (const std::string& error_code, const std::string& error_message,
-               const EncodableValue* details),
-              (override));
-  MOCK_METHOD(void, NotImplementedInternal, (), (override));
 class MockUserConsentVerifier : public UserConsentVerifier {
   explicit MockUserConsentVerifier(){};