
This is an implementation of the webview_flutter plugin for web.

It is currently severely limited and doesn't implement most of the available functionality. The following functionality is currently available:

  • loadRequest
  • loadHtmlString (Without baseUrl)

Nothing else is currently supported.


This package is not an endorsed implementation of the webview_flutter plugin yet, so it currently requires extra setup to use:

  • Add this package as an explicit dependency of your project, in addition to depending on webview_flutter.
  • Register WebWebViewPlatform as the WebViewPlatform.instance before creating a WebView. See below for examples.

Once those steps below are complete, the APIs from webview_flutter listed above can be used as normal on web.

Registering the implementation

Before creating a WebView (for instance, at the start of main), you will need to register the web implementation.

Web-only project example

import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter_web/webview_flutter_web.dart';

main() {
  WebViewPlatform.instance = WebWebViewPlatform();

Multi-platform project example

If your project supports platforms other than web, you will need to use a conditional import to avoid directly including webview_flutter_web.dart on non-web platforms. For example:


import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter_web/webview_flutter_web.dart';

void registerWebViewWebImplementation() {
  WebViewPlatform.instance = WebWebViewPlatform();


void registerWebViewWebImplementation() {
  // No-op.


import 'register_web_webview_stub.dart'
    if (dart.library.html) 'register_web.dart';

main() {