tree: b407a7319cccd737e52d1e93e76b069b410dc373 [path history] [tgz]
  1. scripts/
  2. .gitignore
  3. package-lock.json
  4. package.json

JS Facade generator

This npm script takes the network-information-types npm package, and runs it through Dart's dart_js_facade_gen to auto-generate (most) of the JS facades used by this plugin.

The process is not completely automated yet, but it should be pretty close.

To generate the facades, and after installing npm, do:

npm install
npm run build

The above will fetch the required dependencies, and generate a dist/network_information_types.dart file that you can use with the plugin.

cp dist/*.dart ../lib/src/generated

This script should come handy once the Network Information Web API changes, or becomes stable, so the JS-interop part of this plugin can be regenerated more easily.

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