| # Running browser_tests |
| |
| Make sure you have updated to the latest Flutter master. |
| |
| 1. Check what version of Chrome is running on the machine you're running tests on. |
| |
| 2. Download and install driver for that version from here: |
| * <https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads> |
| |
| 3. Start the driver using `chromedriver --port=4444` |
| |
| 4. Change into the `test` directory of your clone. |
| |
| 5. Run tests: `flutter drive -d web-server --browser-name=chrome --target=test_driver/TEST_NAME_integration.dart`, or (in Linux): |
| |
| * Single: `./run_test test_driver/TEST_NAME_integration.dart` |
| * All: `./run_test` |