blob: ec9a3a37dbe508183d6e02821cbd99ae0c3255c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import attr
import json
import collections
from google.protobuf import duration_pb2
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
from recipe_engine import engine_types
from import common as common_pb2
from import build as build_pb2
from RECIPE_MODULES.fuchsia.utils import pluralize
# Builder names use full platform name instead of short names. We need to
# map short names to full platform names to be able to identify the drone
# used to run the subshards.
PLATFORM_TO_NAME = {'os=win': 'Windows', 'os=lin': 'Linux', 'os=mac': 'Mac'}
# Characters to use from the build configuration os dimension.
# Monorepo builder names use short names
NAME_TO_PLATFORM = {'Windows': 'win', 'Linux': 'linux', 'Mac': 'mac'}
# Internal properties that should be set for builds running on BuildBucket.
'$recipe_engine/buildbucket', 'buildername', '$recipe_engine/runtime',
# Environments map to calculate the environment from the bucket.
'try': '',
'staging': 'Staging ',
'flutter': 'Production ',
'prod': 'Production '
# Name of the build property to store the orchestrator parent commit.
# This is used to keep the engine commit even when running framework
# global tests.
PARENT_COMMIT = 'parent_commit'
# Name of the property to store the buildbucket identifier.
# used to namespace the engine artifacts gcs upload location.
BUILD_IDENTIFIER = 'build_identifier'
class SubbuildResult(object):
"""Subbuild result metadata."""
# Task name for led and "<Platform> <Environment> Drone" for buildbucket.
builder = attr.ib(type=str)
build_id = attr.ib(type=str)
# Task name for both led and buildbucket.
build_name = attr.ib(type=str)
url = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
build_proto = attr.ib(type=build_pb2.Build, default=None)
class ShardUtilApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""Utilities to shard tasks."""
def unfreeze_dict(self, dictionary):
"""Creates a mutable dictionary out of a FrozenDict.
FrozenDict example:
FrozenDict([('dependency', 'open_jdk'), ('version', 'version:11')])
, which is not a default python type.
This refactors it to regular dict:
{'dependency': 'open_jdk', 'version': 'version:11'}
result = collections.OrderedDict()
for k, v in sorted(dictionary.items()):
if isinstance(v, engine_types.FrozenDict):
result[k] = self.unfreeze_dict(v)
elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
result[k] = [
if isinstance(i, engine_types.FrozenDict) else i for i in v
result[k] = v
return result
def get_base_bucket_name(self):
"""Gets the base bucket name current build is running against.
Subbuilds triggered by an orchestrator build are appending `.shadow` to the
bucket. Trim the suffix to make the bucket name consistent for LED runs.
bucket =
return bucket.replace('.shadow', '')
def pre_process_properties(self, target):
"""Converts json properties to dicts or lists.
Dict or lists in ci_yaml are passed as json string to recipes and they
need to be converted back to dict or lists before passing them to subbuilds.
target: A target dictionary as read from the yaml file.
A copy of the original dictionary with the json properties decoded.
if target.get('properties'):
properties = target.get('properties')
new_props = {}
for k, v in properties.items():
if isinstance(v, str) and (v.startswith('[') or v.startswith('{')):
new_props[k] = json.loads(v)
new_props[k] = v
target['properties'] = new_props
return target
def struct_to_dict(self, struct):
"""Transforms a proto structure to a dictionary.
struct: A proto structure.
A dictionary representation of the proto structure.
This is because the proto structures can not be passed to the BuildBucket or led
return collections.OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in struct.items())
def schedule_builds(self, builds, presentation, branch='main'):
"""Schedule builds using the builds configurations.
builds(dict): The build configurations to be passed to BuildBucket or led.
presentation(StepPresentation): The step object used to add links and/or logs.
branch(String): The current branch name.
A dictionary with a long build_id as key and SubbuildResult as value.
# Update build with default recipe.
updated_builds = []
for b in builds:
build = self.unfreeze_dict(b)
build['recipe'] = build.get('recipe') or 'engine_v2/builder'
return self.schedule(updated_builds, presentation, branch=branch)
def schedule_tests(self, tests, build_results, presentation):
"""Schedule tests using build_results for dependencies.
tests(dict): The test configurations to be passed to BuildBucket or led.
build_results: A dictionary with a long build_id as key and SubbuildResult as value.
presentation(StepPresentation): The step object used to add links and/or logs.
A dictionary with a long build_id as key and SubbuildResult as value.
# Expand tests with result archives for dependencies.
results_map = {b.build_name: b for k, b in build_results.items()}
# build_results to map of builder name
updated_tests = []
for t in tests:
test = self.unfreeze_dict(t)
test['resolved_deps'] = []
test['recipe'] = test.get('recipe') or 'engine_v2/tester'
for dep in test.get('dependencies', []):
dep_dict = self.struct_to_dict(
return self.schedule(updated_tests, presentation)
def schedule(self, builds, presentation, branch='main'):
"""Schedules one subbuild per build configuration.
builds(dict): The build/test configurations to be passed to BuildBucket or led.
presentation(StepPresentation): The step object used to add links and/or logs.
branch(String): The current branch name.
A dictionary with a long build_id as key and SubbuildResult as value.
build_list = [self.unfreeze_dict(b) for b in builds]
if self.m.led.launched_by_led:
builds = self._schedule_with_led(build_list)
builds = self._schedule_with_bb(build_list, branch=branch)
return builds
def _schedule_with_led(self, builds):
"""Schedules one subbuild per build using led.
builds(dict): The build/test configurations to be passed to BuildBucket or led.
A dictionary with a long build_id as key and SubbuildResult as value.
# Dependencies get here as a frozen dict we need to force them back
# to list of dicts.
results = {}
for build in builds:
task_name = build.get('name')
drone_properties =
# Do not propagate main build deps.
drone_properties.pop('dependencies', None)
drone_properties.update(build.get('properties', []))
drone_properties['build'] = build
drone_properties['gclient_variables'] = build.get('gclient_variables', {})
drone_properties['task_name'] = task_name
# Delete builds property if it exists.
drone_properties.pop('builds', None)
# Copy parent bot dimensions.
drone_dimensions = build.get('drone_dimensions', [])
# ci.yaml provided dimensions.
ci_yaml_dimensions = build.get('dimensions', {})
platform_name = build.get('platform') or PLATFORM_TO_NAME.get(
drone_properties[PARENT_COMMIT] = build.get(PARENT_COMMIT, '')
# Buildbucket properties are not propagated to sub-builds when running with
# led. Copy the properties bb gitiles_commit to git_ref and git_url if not
# set already. Try jobs from a Gerrit CL have an empty gitiles_commit, they
# are handled in a later 'led edit-cr-cl' step.
if not (drone_properties.get('git_ref') or
host =
project = self.m.buildbucket.gitiles_commit.project
if host:
drone_properties['git_url'] = f'https://{host}/{project}'
drone_properties['git_ref'] =
# Override recipe.
drone_properties['recipe'] = build['recipe']
# Always pass build identifier to subbuilds
drone_properties[BUILD_IDENTIFIER] = self.m.monorepo.build_identifier
builder_name, bucket = self._drone_name(build)
parent =
led_data = self.m.led(
'%s/%s/%s' % (parent.builder.project, bucket, builder_name),
edit_args = []
for k, v in sorted(drone_properties.items()):
edit_args.extend(['-p', '%s=%s' % (k, self.m.json.dumps(v))])
# led reduces the priority of tasks by 10 from their values in
# buildbucket which we do not want.
# TODO( Add an option to led to handle this.[
'priority'] -= 20
led_data = led_data.then('edit', *edit_args)
led_data = led_data.then('edit', '-name', task_name)
led_data = led_data.then('edit', '-r', build['recipe'])
# Create a single dict of dimensions giving priority to drone dimensions
# and removing duplicates.
final_dimensions = {}
for k, v in ci_yaml_dimensions.items():
final_dimensions[k] = v
for d in drone_dimensions:
k, v = d.split('=')
final_dimensions[k] = v
for k, v in final_dimensions.items():
led_data = led_data.then('edit', '-d', '%s=%s' % (k, v))
led_data = self.m.led.inject_input_recipes(led_data)
if parent.input.gerrit_changes:
change = parent.input.gerrit_changes[0]
project_url = f'https://{}/c/{change.project}'
change_url = f'{project_url}/+/{change.change}/{change.patchset}'
led_data = led_data.then('edit-cr-cl', change_url)
launch_res = led_data.then('launch', '-modernize', '-real-build')
# real-build is being used and only build_id is being populated
task_id = launch_res.launch_result.task_id or launch_res.launch_result.build_id
build_url_swarming = '' % (
build_url_bb = 'https://%s/build/%s' % (
launch_res.launch_result.buildbucket_hostname, task_id
build_url = build_url_swarming if launch_res.launch_result.task_id else build_url_bb
results[task_name] = SubbuildResult(
return results
def _drone_name(self, build):
"""Calculates the drone name to use for a build.
build: A build configuration dictionary.
dimensions = build.get('drone_dimensions', [])
task_name = build.get('name')
platform_name = ''
for d in dimensions:
if d.startswith('os='):
platform_name = PLATFORM_TO_NAME.get((d[:OS_DIM_CHAR_SIZE]).lower())
platform_name = build.get('platform') or platform_name
platform = NAME_TO_PLATFORM.get(platform_name)
if self.m.monorepo.is_monorepo_ci_build:
bucket = 'ci.sandbox'
builder_name = f'flutter-{platform}-{task_name}'
elif self.m.monorepo.is_monorepo_try_build:
bucket = 'try.monorepo'
builder_name = f'flutter-{platform}-{task_name}-try'
# If this is an led real build, then the bucket will be the shadow bucket
# and getting a builder from the shadow bucket doesn't work, so get the
# builder from the shadowed bucket
bucket = (
self.m.led.shadowed_bucket or
environment = ENVIRONMENTS_MAP.get(bucket, '')
builder_name = f'{platform_name} {environment}Engine Drone'
return builder_name, bucket
def _schedule_with_bb(self, builds, branch='main'):
"""Schedules builds using builbbucket.
builds(dict): The build/test configurations to be passed to BuildBucket or led.
branch(String): The current branch name.
A dictionary with a long build_id as key and SubbuildResult as value.
swarming_parent_run_id = self.m.swarming.task_id
reqs = []
task_names = []
for build in builds:
task_name = build.get('name')
drone_properties =
# Do not propagate main build deps.
drone_properties.pop('dependencies', None)
drone_properties.update(build.get('properties', []))
drone_properties['build'] = build
drone_properties['gclient_variables'] = build.get('gclient_variables', {})
# Copy parent bot dimensions.
drone_dimensions = build.get('drone_dimensions', [])
# ci.yaml provided dimensions.
ci_yaml_dimensions = build.get('dimensions', {})
task_dimensions = []
builder_name, bucket = self._drone_name(build)
# Delete builds property if it exists.
drone_properties.pop('builds', None)
# Create a single dict of dimensions giving priority to drone dimensions
# and removing duplicates.
final_dimensions = {}
for k, v in ci_yaml_dimensions.items():
final_dimensions[k] = v
for d in drone_dimensions:
k, v = d.split('=')
final_dimensions[k] = v
for k, v in final_dimensions.items():
task_dimensions.append(common_pb2.RequestedDimension(key=k, value=v))
# Override recipe.
drone_properties['recipe'] = build['recipe']
drone_properties[PARENT_COMMIT] = build.get(PARENT_COMMIT, '')
# Always pass build identifier to subbuilds
drone_properties[BUILD_IDENTIFIER] = self.m.monorepo.build_identifier
properties = collections.OrderedDict(
(key, val)
for key, val in sorted(drone_properties.items())
req = self.m.buildbucket.schedule_request(
dimensions=task_dimensions or None,
# Having main build and subbuilds with the same priority can lead
# to a deadlock situation when there are limited resources. For example
# if we have only 7 mac bots and we get more than 7 new build requests the
# within minutes of each other then the 7 bots will be used by main tasks
# and they will all timeout waiting for resources to run subbuilds.
# Increasing priority won't fix the problem but will make the deadlock
# situation less unlikely.
# Set priority to be same of main build temporily to help triage
'exe_cipd_version', 'refs/heads/%s' % branch
timeout_in_minutes = build.get('timeout', None)
if timeout_in_minutes is not None:
req.execution_timeout.FromSeconds(timeout_in_minutes * 60)
elif drone_properties.get("no_goma", False):
# Increase timeout if no_goma, since the runtime is going to
# be much longer.
req.execution_timeout.FromSeconds(60 * 60 * 4)
scheduled_builds = self.m.buildbucket.schedule(reqs, step_name="schedule")
results = {}
for build, task_name in zip(scheduled_builds, task_names):
build_url = "" %
results[] = SubbuildResult(
return results
def collect(self, tasks):
"""Collects builds from build bucket services using the provided tasks.
tasks (dict(int, SubbuildResult)): A dictionary with the subbuild
results and the build id as key.
Returns: A list of SubBuildResult, one per task.
build_ids = [build.build_id for build in tasks.values()]
build_id_to_name = {
int(build.build_id): build.build_name for build in tasks.values()
bb_fields = self.m.buildbucket.DEFAULT_FIELDS.union({
# As of 2019-11-18, timeout defaults to something too short.
# We never want this step to time out. We'd rather the whole build time out.
builds = self.m.buildbucket.collect_builds(
[int(build_id) for build_id in build_ids],
interval=20, # Lower from default of 60 b/c we're impatient.
timeout=24 * 60 * 60,
# Setting mirror status to False allows to pass the error processing
# to the subbuild presentation step.
failed_builds = [
b for b in builds.values() if b.status != common_pb2.SUCCESS
if failed_builds:
task_ids = [
if b.infra.swarming.task_id else
for b in failed_builds
# Make sure task IDs are non-empty.
assert all(task_ids), task_ids
# Wait for the underlying Swarming tasks to complete. The Swarming
# task for a Buildbucket build can take significantly longer to
# complete than the build itself due to post-processing outside the
# scope of the build's recipe (e.g. cache pruning). If the parent
# build and its Swarming task both complete before the subbuild's
# Swarming task finishes post-processing, then the subbuild's
# Swarming task will be killed by Swarming due to the parent being
# complete.
# That is actually working as intended. However, it's confusing for
# a subbuild to be marked as killed when the recipe actually exited
# normally; "killed" usually only happens for CQ builds, when a
# build is canceled by CQ because a new patchset of the triggering
# CL is uploaded. So it's convenient to have dashboards and queries
# ignore "killed" tasks. We use this workaround to ensure that
# failed subbuilds with long post-processing steps have time to
# complete and exit cleanly with a plain old "COMPLETED (FAILURE)"
# status.
# We only do this if the subbuild failed as a latency optimization.
# If all subbuilds passed, the parent will go on to do some more
# steps using the results of the subbuilds, leaving time for the
# subbuilds' tasks to complete asynchronously, so we don't want to
# block here while the tasks complete.
"wait for %s to complete" % pluralize("task", task_ids), task_ids
for build_id, build in sorted(builds.items()):
builds[build_id] = SubbuildResult(
return builds
def download_full_builds(self, build_results, out_build_paths):
"""Downloads intermediate builds from CAS.
build_results (dict(int, SubbuildResult)): A dictionary with the subbuild
result and the build id as key.
Mac and fuchsia use artifacts from different sub-builds to generate the final artifacts.
Calls to this API will happen most likely after all the subbuilds have been completed and
only if global generators will be executed.
for build_id in build_results:
build_props = build_results[build_id]
if 'cas_output_hash' in build_props:
cas_out_dict = build_props['cas_output_hash']
build_name = build_results[build_id].build_name
if 'full_build' in cas_out_dict:
'Download for build %s and cas key %s' % (build_id, build_name),
cas_out_dict['full_build'], out_build_paths
def archive_full_build(self, build_dir, target):
"""Archives a full build in cas.
build_dir: The path to the build output folder.
target(str): The name of the build we are archiving.
A string with the hash of the cas archive.
cas_dir = self.m.path.mkdtemp('out-cas-directory')
cas_engine = cas_dir.join(target)
self.m.file.copytree('Copy %s' % target, build_dir, cas_engine)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def _upload(timeout=None):
return self.m.cas_util.upload(
cas_dir, step_name='Archive full build for %s' % target
# Windows CAS upload is flaky, hashes are calculated before files are fully synced to disk.
return self.m.retry.basic_wrap(
step_name='Archive full build',